Jane Hersey
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 23:07:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
Hi! Well, the timing didn't work out quite as planned. :-)
Our first expert (and maybe you saw her introductory post already) is Jane
Hersey, National Director of the Feingold Association. I did everything I
could to try to get a representative of the Feingold Association to visit
because the Association has a long history of successfully helping many,
many perons with ADD and other behavioral disorders. It is wonderful that
Jane Hersey was kind enough to take the time to share the Feingold Program
with us and offer to answer questions.
Jane Hersey has worked with families of chemically-sensitive children for
22 years. Using the findings of pediatrician/allergist, Ben F. Feingold,
MD, she first helped her family and went on to volunteer in the parent
support group called the Feingold Association.
She worked closely with Dr. Feingold until his death in 1982, and served
the Association in many capacities: first vice president, president,
executive director, and editor of the Association's newsletter Pure
Facts. She is currently the national director and author of the book
"Why Can't My Child Behave?"
Ms. Hersey has twice testified before the National Institutes of Health
and has represented the Association on radio and television.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
Subject: ADD The Feingold Program
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 20:50:04 EDT
Hell-o. In 1975 our family was having many problems. My 5 year old
daughter, who had always been a handful, was getting much worse. Her
behavior was fine some of the time, and at other times she was very
difficult to deal with. Much of the time she seemed to be in another
world, so distracted that it was very hard to even communicate with her.
There were no obvious physical problems and she was very bright in many
ways, but clearly, something was wrong.
Meanwhile, my husband's migraine headaches were growing more and
more severe, and seemed to be coming more frequently than ever. Add to
this scene, a baby to take care of ... my life wasn't great, and neither
were the prospects for my family. Fortunately, we stumbled upon Dr.
Feingold's book, "Why Your Child is Hyperactive" and began to learn about
the many effects of certain foods and food additives. As a result, we
were able to dramatically help my daughter and my husband. This led to
our involvement in the nonprofit "Feingold Associations" which were
forming during the mid 1970s.
I speak with many parents who are facing various difficult issues
with their child or -- in some cases they themsleves have problems. The
people who call us typically are dealing with learning or behavior
problems; in some cases the major issue might be a physical problem such
as asthma, hives or ear infections. It is not possible to predict which
person will benefit from the Feingold Program, but once a caller
understands what the program really involves, most conclude that it
seems silly not to at least consider it.
Why would it be silly not to seriously consider using the Feingold
Program? Because the synthetic food additives that we remove are pretty
gross chemicals. Many of them are manufactured from petroleum (synthetic
food dyes and the 3 preservatives we remove). The artificial flavorings
we remove can be made from anything -- literally, including
petrochemicals, pesticides, toxic waste products, etc.
If the food labels were required to list their ingredients with total
accuracy, few of us would buy those foods anyway.
Another category we remove at the outset of the Program are what we
call "natural salicylates." These chemicals occur naturally in some
very wholesome foods, but (for reasons not really understood) they are
not tolerated by some people. We show people how to conduct their own
test, removing natural salicylates for a few weeks, to see if there is a
change in symptoms. It's a nuisance to do without wholesome foods like
apples, grapes, berries, etc., but there are other fruits that are well
tolerated, and those are used instead (pears, pineapple, melons).
If there is an improvement in symptoms as a result of this trial,
then the next step is to continue to stay away from the synthetic stuff
and to begin reintroducing the natural salicylates one at a time, to see
if there is any reaction to them. The role of the Association is to help
families do this with as little hassel as is necessary, and to show them
which of the foods they like are free of the unwanted additives.
Feingold families can eat many familiar foods, and can pig out on the
likes of Haagen Dazs or Ben & Jerry's (as well as the natural versions of
Breyer's ice cream).
The Association researches brand name foods with the manufacturer to
identify those which are acceptable to use, and publishes books listing
all of the products which are free of the above additives. We identify
the naturally occurring salicylates so that if you know you are sensitive
to cherries, for example, the book will tell you if they are present in a
product. There are 7 Regional foodlists for the United States and a very
small book for Canada. It is very important that a family have accurate
information about foods, since ingredient labels are often incomplete and
sometimes downright fraudulent.
We find that most of the families who have up-to-date information
and use the Feingold Program correctly report a significant -- often
dramatic -- improvement in the child or adult in question. We have 22
years of good results, and some very good double-blind studies which
support our work, but I don't think we can really explain exactly why it
works as well and as often as it does.
Most of the people who do this work are parents like myself, who
have seen such a huge benefit. We don't have any reason to volunteer,
other than the fact that it is so satisfying to be able to help so many
other people, just as we've been helped. While we don't keep precise
statistics of the percentage of children who respond, the studies have
shown that the majority of children do respond to dietary management --
despite what the food/chemical/pharmaceutical lobbies claim. If the
Program was not so effective, I doubt my colleagues and I would have
continued to do this work for so many years.
The Association is glad to provide complimentary information and
help. You can obtain it via our number (800) 321-3287. There is also a
lot of information on our web site: http://www.feingold.org. Next month we
will be hosting a national conference on ADD and autism at the George
Mason University in Fairfax, VA (near Washington DC). I would be glad to
send you a brochure describing the conference and can be reached via this
site or at my office in Virginia (703) 768-3287. At this conference, and
in our materials, we offer suggestions as to the next step a family may
want to take in helping their child. Some children only need to use the
Feingold Program, but for others it is just a part of the answer. For
many families I often compare it to 1st and 2nd grade; they aren't all
you will need, but you'll have a hard time getting along if you skip
them. We network with other nonprofits who are also doing great work
helping families. There's a lot of help out there, but it is being
carried out by good people with very little in the way of money and
resources, thus is often not easy to find.
I will be glad to try to answer your questions; there's a lot I
don't know, but I do know how to help my family and might be able to show
you how to help yours.
From: Olivia822@aol.com
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 22:48:47 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
Thanks so much for The Feingold Program info. I'm looking forward to reading
more about it.
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 10:13:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
Thank you for the excellent information you provided. I like the idea of
starting with fairly simple changes. Even though additional changes or
different changes *may* be necessary or prudent (as far as ADD or
long-term health goes), it is usually a good idea to start with relatively
small, but important changes.
I was hoping that you can answer a few questions.
- Are there any strategies that have been used successfully to
work with older children who may not be too cooperative in
making the dietetic change?
- What about school lunches and restaurants? How is that handled
as far as ingredients go? If this issue discussed in the
Regional Food List booklets?
- What kind of results have been seen in adults that follow the
Feingold Program?
- What is the time frame that one should expect to see improvements
on the Feingold Program.
- For persons that follow the Program exactly as outlined and
notice some improvement or only minor improvement, what kind
of suggestions are made? I suppose that it is always important
to make sure that major mistakes aren't being made in following
the Program.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
From: Flifer@aol.com
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 10:27:48 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
My family, too, has seen great benefit in using the Feingold diet. My son,now
an adult, continues to follow and benefit from it. He did have a trial of
meds, but this worked the best.
Check out the website of the Feingold Association. There is a lot of good info
there. Feingold Association
Dietary Connection to B...
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 10:53:26 -0400
From: George von Hilsheimer
Subject: ADD FEINGOLD should be named LOCKEY/MAYO
The recent info re salycilates and the Feingold Foundation will be well
pursued by perhaps as many as 25% of the families with children who have ADD
and ADHD and everyone who has urticaria.
Unfortunately Dr. Feingold was not an attractive human being, and did not
pay his dues to Dr. Lockey who first widely published the salycilate
hypothesis in the US. This was back in the days when no ethical doctor
would allow his name to be used in public ways, so Lockey called the diet
the Mayo diet, where he was working when he first publicized it.
However, this ancient history notwithstanding, anyone with ANY peculiar
problem will do well to exclude salycilates from their diet. this is
particularly true for dyes, perfumes, artificial flavors etc.
For similar reasons I have posted diets which exclude purines, oxalic acid,
salycilates, fructose, and one which is just an empirical listing of foods
which frequently cause problems.
Please note, these are not 'allergies' but biochemical hypersensitivities.
Food allergies are another enormous subject.
The best tool for any parent of an ADD child is a good daily journal rating
symptoms and listing every food, and every environmental exposure.
Dr. Von
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Peter Breggin & Talking Back to Ritalin
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:17:32 EDT
Some of our members use Ritalin or other medicines in addition to the
Feingold Program. Interestingly, some report that the Ritalin is not as
effective when the child consumes synthetic additives. We don't think
any (reasonable) technique should be counted out, including stimulants.
We do wish all of the versions of Ritalin, as well as Dex., etc were made
free of the dyes that can trigger problems. (The 20 mg SR Ritalin is
free of the prohibited dyes, and is included in our list of acceptable
Our complaint is that parents are often not given complete, accurate
information on all of the alternatives, and some are led to believe that
medicine alone is the only way to go. We feel, however, that it makes
more sense to try an approach that has no risk of side effects as the
first option, and then move on to more dramatic approaches only if
Having said that, we recognize not everyone will opt for diet, and that
should be their choice. We believe that parents who want a treatment
such as the Feingold Program should not be discouraged from considering
One of the nice benefits of the Feingold Program is that at least one
parent generally notices a reduction of their symptoms when they join
their child on the Program.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:17:32 EDT
On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 10:13:29 -0400 (EDT) Mark Gold
>1. Are there any strategies that have been used successfully to
> work with older children who may not be too cooperative in
> making the dietetic change?
Yes, we have a number of suggestions that are based on some good results
parents have had in the past. One of the things I recommend is that the
parent "ignore" their teen, and simply stock the house with the good
food. If the teenager is a boy, he will probably inhale the food in
large quantity, and may begin to see that it tastes pretty good.
Many teens get pretty "grossed out" when they learn what the additives
are made of, which makes it fairly easy to catch their interest. I have
a whole chapter on suggestions for gaining cooperation in my book...too
many points to go into here.
Also, I'll be giving a workshop at our conference on how to teach people
about what's really in our foods...it has worked well to get the interest
of pre-teens.
>2. What about school lunches and restaurants? How is that handled
> as far as ingredients go? If this issue discussed in the
> Regional Food List booklets?
These are covered in the Feingold Handbook and in my book. We help the
parents to find out which of the foods at school are OK and to let the
child eat those. For the child who has been on the program for awhile,
they get good at identifying what's ok, and often lose some of the
sensitivity they had early on. If the child really wants to eat the
school lunch, they decide for themself if it's worth the effects they
will experience. They might decide to go off the diet on Fridays when
they won't have school the next day. It generally is not a very big
problem for the kids, and if the parents follow our suggestions, the kids
usually prefer to stick to the diet.
As for restaurant food, the member gets a guide to what's OK at the major
fast food chains, and there's a lot of information in my book on how to
make educated choices. One simple rule in restaurants: "skip dessert."
>3. What kind of results have been seen in adults that follow the
> Feingold Program?
It appears to be as effective for adults, though the change is generally
in their ability to focus and in physical symptoms. Behavioral changes
are usually not the major ones...though there are some adults who stop
throwing temper tanturms!!!
>4. What is the time frame that one should expect to see improvements
> on the Feingold Program.
It varies a lot with the individual. If a family has current literature
(including our Foodlist and updates) it is fairly typical to see a clear
change in a young child in 3 days to a week. We like people to give it a
good 6 weeks trial. One woman in the area (who works at the post office
and recently began the program) told me after about 2 weeks she hadn't
noticed anything. Then the last time I saw her (perhaps 2 weeks later)
her comment was "wow"! It had really kicked in.
>5. For persons that follow the Program exactly as outlined and
> notice some improvement or only minor improvement, what kind
> of suggestions are made? I suppose that it is always important
> to make sure that major mistakes aren't being made in following
> the Program.
Yes, first we like to talk with them to be sure they haven't been using
the wrong kind of toothpaste, vitamins, etc. If all looks good in that
area, then we ask more questions. I look for "peaks" and "valleys" -- if
the child has some very good days and some very bad days, that's
encouraging as there is probably something setting him off. It really
isn't too hard to come up with some probable culprits. If I run out of
ideas, I might consult with a colleage or two or ask one of our medical
advisors for advice. We also provide a lengthy listing of other
nonprofits that might be able to help take the child on to the next level
of improvement. We do not like to see a child fail to be helped, and do
what we can to try and prevent any failures.
Of course, we do not ever attempt to offer what might be construed as
medical advice.
From: Hetwoman@aol.com
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:57:15 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
In a message dated 98-06-23 21:22:06 EDT, you write:
> 4. What is the time frame that one should expect to see improvements
> on the Feingold Program.
My son is on the Feingold Program and we are also seeing an allergist for
testing. Since he started and switched from Pepsi to Sprite - ALL of his
rashes disappeared! We believe he has an allergy to caffeine. He is also in
a much better mood. Not as quick tempered or moody - since beginning the diet.
He asked me "What do I get out of this diet". I told him a better mood,
better concentration and hopefully no more rashes. Guess that was enough for
Tomorrow we see the PhD to discuss the findings of the QEEG and begin a course
of action with Neurofeedback. Top it off my son 16yo is excited about doing
all of this. Just thought I'd share.
From: Flifer@aol.com
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 23:20:05 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Peter Breggin & Talking Back to Ritalin
The most important thing is that the person receive the APPROPRIATE treatment.
It may be the Feingold Program ..... or......it may be meds (the appropriate
one (s)) or may be something else or a combination. It depends on what the
individual needs based on his health and the cause of his symptoms. All
treatments must be considered and the parent (if the patient is a child)
should be apprised of those treatments
In a message dated 6/23/98 10:56:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
SMILE@compuserve.com writes:
> That's the way I feel. Breggin is all the way on the extreme, just as there
> are so many docs who say that
> anyone with ADD should immediately be put on Ritalin. I have heard that
> recommended over and over again.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Peter Breggin & Talking Back to Ritalin
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 07:57:30 EDT
Agreed! There is such a polarity being created by the two opposing
sides: "Who's to blame? Is it the parent's fault? Is it the 'fault'
of the child (meaning a brain defect of some sort)?"
I take real offense when people claim it's all bad parenting. I really
tried -- very hard -- to do the right things. Teachers are also getting
a bum rap, I believe. I was there too, and remember how tough it could
It's amazing that so few people have looked at the epidemiology of the
whole issue.
When journalists write about the drastic increase in the rate of
childhood asthma, at least they ask about things other than bad schools
and bad parents. And the concept of the child having some mysterious
physical defect is not resonable since the increase is so sudden. They
know that polluted air can affect our lungs; a few even suggest that food
allergies could trigger a problem. (Of course you seldom hear about the
connection between food additives and asthma -- a topic which has been
reported in allergy journals for decades.)
If polluted air can affect our lungs, is it so hard to see how eating
petroleum derivatives can affect our brains??
One of our MD advisors presented a terrific workshop to explain how foods
and additives affect the brain. It's available as a reprint from the
Feingold Assoc office.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 07:57:29 EDT
On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:57:15 EDT Hetwoman@aol.com writes:
>In a message dated 98-06-23 21:22:06 EDT, you write:
>My son is on the Feingold Program and we are also seeing an allergist for
>testing. Since he started and switched from Pepsi to Sprite - ALL of his
>rashes disappeared! We believe he has an allergy to caffeine. He is also in
>a much better mood. Not as quick tempered or moody - since beginning the diet.
>He asked me "What do I get out of this diet". I told him a better mood,
>better concentration and hopefully no more rashes. Guess that was enough for him.
>Tomorrow we see the PhD to discuss the findings of the QEEG and begin a course
>of action with Neurofeedback. Top it off my son 16yo is excited about doing
>all of this. Just thought I'd share.
Thank you for sharing; it's good to hear that your child is being
helped. I would suggest that, if possible, you switch from Sprite to
regular 7 UP. The Sprite contains sodium benzoate and the 7 UP does not.
Sodium benzoate does not seem to be a major offender, but definitely
does bother some of our members.
I don't mean to be picky, but I consider "being on the Feingold diet" to
mean that you have an up-to-date Foodlist plus all of the other
information published by the Feingold Association, and are getting Pure
Facts. Food processing is not a simple matter, and you cannot really
avoid the additives by simply reading labels. There are many additives
in foods which are not listed on the label. The fact that your child
feels restless makes me wonder if you have our information...perhaps
you've cut out more of his favorites than you need to (???)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD FEINGOLD should be named LOCKEY/MAYO
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 07:57:30 EDT
On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 10:53:26 -0400 George von Hilsheimer
>The recent info re salycilates and the Feingold Foundation will be well
>pursued by perhaps as many as 25% of the families with children who have ADD
>and ADHD and everyone who has urticaria.
>Unfortunately Dr. Feingold was not an attractive human being, and did not
>pay his dues to Dr. Lockey who first widely published the salycilate
>hypothesis in the US. This was back in the days when no ethical doctor
>would allow his name to be used in public ways, so Lockey called the diet
>the Mayo diet, where he was working when he first publicized it.
Thanks for your note. I'd like to add my "spin."
Dr. Feingold was a very complex man, and I'm sorry I never thought to ask
him about Dr. Lockey's contribution. When I write about the history of
salicylates, I try to give credit to those who first brought it to our
Many people believe that Dr. Feingold promoted himself because it is
called the Feingold diet, but the name he chose was the K-P Diet -- both
because he worked at Kaiser Permanente and because it used to involve a
lot of 'kitchen duty.' It was the media who called it the "Feingold
diet," and it was the parent group who chose the name "Feingold
He had many strengths but diplomacy was not one of them. My take on it
was that he expected other doctors to adhere to the same high standards
he set for himself, and had the reputation for being very outspoken when
he felt others were falling short of this.
But when it came to his patients, he never lost his compassion for them,
and passion to help people, especially the children.
It would have been out of character for him to promote himself and to
schmooze with other doctors in order to advance any personal agenda. He
was the recipient of a lot of flack for his work. It would have been
easy and comfortable for him to have just enjoyed a pleasant retirement,
and basked in the outstanding reputation he had earned as one of the
pioneers in allergy and immunology. But he knew he had vital
information, and most certainly shortened his life in his determination
to reach as many parents as possible.
>However, this ancient history notwithstanding, anyone with ANY peculiar
>problem will do well to exclude salycilates from their diet. this is
>particularly true for dyes, perfumes, artificial flavors etc.
>For similar reasons I have posted diets which exclude purines, oxalic acid,
>salycilates, fructose, and one which is just an empirical listing of foods
>which frequently cause problems.
>Please note, these are not 'allergies' but biochemical hypersensitivities.
>Food allergies are another enormous subject.
>The best tool for any parent of an ADD child is a good daily journal rating
>symptoms and listing every food, and every environmental exposure.
We try to make it easier for parents to implement this. We research
brand name foods to indentify which are free of the unwanted additives.
We've found this is essential since many additives can be present in
foods, but not be labeled.
Also, we like to focus on all the things a parent can buy and enjoy, not
on the things they must avoid. We even research Mc Donald's! With most
moms working outside the home, we try to show them how they can use
processed foods, without having a reaction as a result.
From: Hetwoman@aol.com
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 08:13:24 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
In a message dated 98-06-24 08:00:31 EDT, you write:
> The fact that your child
> feels restless makes me wonder if you have our information...perhaps
> you've cut out more of his favorites than you need to (???)
Thanks Jane. I have gotten all of the Feingold information. Got a nice
notebook of information. Sprite is listed in your food guide though, so I'm a
little confused. He is more calm following the advice of Feingold. For
example, he went and had a frozen pizza after following the program and boy -
what a difference in mood. He definitely is sensitive to the additives and
preservatives. Thanks. It's been very helpful to us.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 10:04:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
>To: add-holistic@mLists.net
>Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
>From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
>Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 07:57:29 EDT
>Facts. Food processing is not a simple matter, and you cannot really
>avoid the additives by simply reading labels. There are many additives
>in foods which are not listed on the label. The fact that your child
>feels restless makes me wonder if you have our information...perhaps
>you've cut out more of his favorites than you need to (???)
Thanks for the info! I work with an organization which helps people
who have severe reactions to MSG (monosodium glutamate). The
labeling laws allow manufacturers, in many situations, to hide MSG
in foods without listing it correctly on the label. In some cases,
the manufactuers have been known label a product as "No MSG" when it
actually contains MSG hidden under another name. Some people to go
International Food Technologists conventions and other conventions to
try to get some accurate information on particular products.
It is great to see that the Feingold Association goes beyond what is
listed on the labels! Even though the labels seem to be accurate in
many cases, I think it can be very important to have the additional
information. One thing that I found helpful when shopping for myself
or for children is to purchase foods at large natural foods
supermarkets / health food stores when possible. Such stores now
have more foods/drinks that kids will like. Also, I think it makes
the selection a little easier when 99% of the foods have little or no
additives or preservatives.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 13:42:43 -0400
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Feingold Program
Where do I get information on the "Feingold" Program?
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 00:08:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Peter Breggin & Talking Back to Ritalin
>One of the nice benefits of the Feingold Program is that at least one
>parent generally notices a reduction of their symptoms when they join
>their child on the Program.
If you have a chance, can you talk a bit about your book and about some of
the other resources available from the Feingold Association? Also, does
the Feingold Association sponsor research? Does the Feingold Association
have Regional and local groups and meetings? Thank you for being here to
help out and provide information and resources!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Gluten Intoleraence & Opiod Peptides
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 13:02:37 EDT
Hi Mark
Several of our members are working on helping with the gluten and casein
intolerance issues. I am not the best person to address this issue,
other than to say that we are in the process of developing materials that
will offer direction to those who must avoid these food components. This
will include specific food advice, mail order resources for special diets
and, eventually, a listing of acceptable brand name products for these
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Peter Breggin & Talking Back to Ritalin
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 14:36:44 EDT
My book "Why Can't My Child Behave?" reflects the basic philosophy I
share with my colleagues.
I think that the approach we take is based, in large part, on the
experiences we had as we searched for some person or some way to help our
children. Most of us spent a lot of time, effort and money trying to
help our children, and we were very disappointed with what we received in
After attempting to follow some fairly complicated behavior mod
strategies, I was amazed and delighted that the answer for my daughter
was so simple and straightforward. I changed the food I gave her and
quickly saw a dramatic improvement in her behavior and ability to
attend to what was going on around her.
For many families a relatively small change in diet can yield very big
results. For other families, it might take a bit longer, or the results
might be good rather than great. There is a lot of variation.
But the bottom line for us is this: Let's try some simple changes and
see if they yield results. This can be a hard concept to accept -- the
idea that an easy change could result in a significant improvement in a
child who has what appears to be a serious problem. We tend to think
that "heavy duty" problems need "heavy duty" solutions, but that isn't
always the case. We feel very comfortable suggesting the Feingold
Program because there's no down side to it -- no harmful side effects.
Mary Callahan is a nurse who found that when her son drank milk he acted
autistic and when he stayed away from milk he behaved normally. She
wrote about it in her book "Fighting for Tony." The frustrating thing
was that despite the fact that she was able to produce a very normal
child, her doctor would not believe what was clearly obvious. It didn't
fit his world as he saw it.
It isn't my desire to try and change someone's mindset, but rather to
offer information to those who are interested in knowing about the
subject. One of the things that most intrigues me about the Feingold
Program is that we enjoy and very best of both worlds, and enjoy such
benefits as a result.
I want to be able to tell another mom (sorry guys, I don't mean to be
sexist) how she can:
- find the food she wants easily
- give her child the treats he likes
- get the best taste, quality, and value for her money
- and end up with a child who is happy, healthy, excells in school, and
is a pleasure to be with.
I love the fact that I can buy excellent foods at good prices, and know
that they are wholesome and free of harmful additives. I want my
chocolate ice cream, but without the vanillin. I want steak or soda, or
a restaurant meal to remember, but with no negative effects.
The question now is generally: "Why should I give up synthetic
My question is: "Why on Earth should I eat them?"
My book and the work we do are all focused on solving problems. It's
nice to understand about neurotransmitter reuptake, but that's an area
for others to address. What I want to know is what my kid can have when
she stops by the 7-Eleven for a snack. I want to be able to provide
something she will enjoy, and not have to pay for it with a day or more
of bouncy behaviors.
I enjoy being a part of a group that shows parents how they can obtain a
cookie that is a dead ringer for Oreos, but tastes much better, or how
they can find the natural coloring so they can bring orange frosted
cupcakes in for the class Halloween party, and not have the children eat
toxic dyes.
This is the type of research we conduct. Since our funds are so limited
(we charge only $49 for the big member packet/newsletter subscription) we
have to allocate them carefully. There is plenty of academic research
needed, and it should be conducted by the government agencies and
universities that have these resources.
You asked about local meetings. Most of our work is centralized, so we
don't hold regular meetings in very many areas, though we do have parent
volunteers who go out and speak to clubs, groups, PTAs, etc . The major
reason we have discontinued most meetings is that once we had our
printed materials refined to the point where they are now, many people
found that they didn't need to go to a meeting; they are able to get all
the information they need through the newsletter, Handbook, my book, etc.
Support groups generally are for people who are still having problems;
once the information became available the number of people still having
problems dropped sharply.
Today, when people have questions/problems, they generally contact us via
phone or via our web site (www.feingold.org) where we can provide extra
We will be holding our national conference in a few weeks (July 17 & 18
in Fairfax, VA). This a great opportunity for people to learn more about
the program and to share information. Interested people can call me at
the VA office (703) 768-3287.
Many thanks for your interest and for inviting me to share this with you
Jane Hersey
Steve Waldstein
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 22:34:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
Hi! Before introducing the next Visiting Expert to the group, I would
like to take a moment to thank Jane Hersey for taking the time to visit
and provide very helpful information and resources. I was very impressed
with the practical advice and tools that are offered by the Feingold
Association. Thank you!
I am very happy to introduce our next Visiting Expert, Steve Waldstein.
He is one of the most knowledgable and respected practitioners in his
field. I have learned alot from reading his posts to Internet discussion
groups and regularly direct people to his web page for information and
referrals. I am grateful that he has offered to share his knowledge and
experience with us.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA) is a classical homeopath with 20 years
experience. He is the author of "How to Choose the Diet That's Right
for You," a book on individuality in nutrition. He is the President of
the Colorado Homeopathic Association and an officer and director of the
North American Society fo Homeopaths (NASH). He is certified as a
classical homeopaths by NASH. He has treated successfully hundreds of
childrean and adults diagnosed as ADD or ADHD.
Please join me in welcoming Steve to the group! [clap, clap, clap]
- Mark
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 21:46:09 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Paula Lee
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
Welcome Steve.
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 11:56:59 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Thanks for the introduction Mark.
As Mark stated I am a classical homeopath with extensive experience in
treating children with ADD or ADHD. I have treated a few adults also,
but much less then children.
First let me give you a case study to see what homeopathy looks like in
Robert was a 14 year old boy, who got into lots of trouble in school.
His teachers said he was always goofing off and not listening to them
and were very angry with him. He could not concentrate in schoolwork.
When he was younger (from preschool on) he had been extremely
hyperactive, he would literally bounce off walls, constantly moving.
About two years ago the hyperactivity went away and instead the not
focusing in school replaced it. He has now been diagnosed as ADD and
Ritalin was prescribed , but he had such bad reactions to it that his
parents took him off it. Before the change from hyperactivity to ADD
his grade point average was 3.1, now it is down to 2.2. He gets angry
easily over minor irritations, He is very restless in his sleep and
wakes his his covers all twisted up.
This is a short summary of what was actually 25 pages of notes taken
over a 3 hour initial appointment talking at times to bothe he and his
parents together, and at other times to each seperately.
Based upon the exact symptoms he suffered from (not the disease name
ADD) I choose to give him one dose of the homeopathic remedy Calcarea
Phosphorica 50M. NOTE: Do not give this on your own to someone, this
was the right remedy for this child but will not be the right remedy for
99.9% of children diagnosed as ADD.
The next day he became very angry- more so than usual. Immediately
after this he became a different child. His mother said the difference
was like day and night.
By one month he was able to focus on schoolwork much better but still
had some problem focusing. Instead of having to call his name five times
to get his attention, one time sufficed. His irirtability and anger
became much better. His sleep was much calmer.
By 3 months after the remedy his ability to concentrate remains similar
to at the one month level. His irritability and anger are even less.
His sleep is much calmer. His Grade point average has gone up to 3.2 ,
the best ever.
By 4 months he relapsed slightly and needed another dose of the same
By 6 months he is totally able to concentrate. All the oroginal problems
are gone and we closed his case.
Look at the difference between what happened here and what happens when
someone takes Ritalin or similar drugs. With homeopathy he moved step by
step toward cure with no additional homeopathic remedies needed. With
Ritalin some symptoms are suppressed but nothing deeper is improved and
the drug is always needed.
These results were achieved with homeopathy. Homeopathy is a 200 year
old system of medicine based upon the LAw of Similars. This states that
a medicine which will prodice symptoms in a healthy person cures a
person with similar symptoms. Homeopaths have tested large numbers of
mostly natural substances on healthy people to see precisely what
symptoms they produce in healthy people. Then when we see a patient we
choose the homeopathic remedy which is capable of producing similar
symptoms to those of the patient.
Homeopathys works on achieving cure not suppression (driving symptoms
There are many people who use homeopathic remedies without understanding
homeopathy. To get the type of results I have described you need to see
a real homeopath- which is usually called a classical homeopath. To
make the search for real homeopaths easier I have a web page which
refers people in the US and Canada to good homeopaths. The web address
I would be glad to answer any questions you have on ADD or ADHD or other
childrens behavioral problems on this list for the next 2 weeks. To
learn more about homeopathy and ADD, I recommend an excellent book,
"Ritalin Free Kids" by Judith Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman.
My web site listed above also has additional information on homeopathy,
other good books to read, good homeopathy websites and information on
our practice in Denver.
Thanks Mark for inviting me to temporarily join your list. If I can help
in any way let me know.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
From: Scofamily@aol.com
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 17:11:39 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Hi Steve,
I am curious about Homeopathy in treating develomental delays since attending
a dinner recently (sponsored by the Developmental Delay Registry in
Washington, DC) in which a testimonial was given by a mother whose child was
treated with Homeovitics for exposure to xenobiotics - environmental
To summarize, my son, 12 years, is diagnosed with a nonverbal learning
disability manifesting itself as immature behavior and impulsivity. His
overall cognitive functioning appears to be developing slower than others his
age. He is currently taking 30 mg Dex and 1,000 mg Tegretol per day. In
addition, he takes nutritional supplements prescribed by the HRI Pfeifer
Institute (Vit B's, C,E,Mg,Mn, Zn, DMAE, folic acid)
In your introduction you mentioned that you ask many questions and take
copious notes when interviewing a patient. What kinds of questions do you ask
and what information do you need to come up with suggestions for therapy? A
few examples would be nice. I realize the interview process takes a long
Thank you,
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 17:35:45 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
> To summarize, my son, 12 years, is diagnosed with a nonverbal learning
> disability manifesting itself as immature behavior and impulsivity. His
> overall cognitive functioning appears to be developing slower than others his
> age.
I have treated about 30-40 children with delayed development. Usually
they can be helped significantly. Actually I really like seeing
patients like this as so often the results are so satisfying.
The difficulty is finding the right remedy. There are over 2000
homeopathic remedies and only one is the perfect one for him and a few
others are close enough to help. A homeopath needs to look not at
delayed development but who your son to find precisely the right
remedy. One issue here is patience, whether you would have patience to
wait thru a number of wrong tries, if neccessary. I have been in
practice for 20 years and at this point I average getting the remedy
right 70% of the time, the first try, 20% of the time it takes 2-4 tries
to get it right with 1-2 months bewteen each try and 10% of the time I
can't find the right one. This is after lots of experience. A less
experienced homeopath will tend to take longer to find the right remedy.
Tremendous improvement can be found, if you have the patience to wait
for it.
> In your introduction you mentioned that you ask many questions and take
> copious notes when interviewing a patient. What kinds of questions do you ask
> and what information do you need to come up with suggestions for therapy? A
> few examples would be nice.
We start off by asking each of you to describe what the problems are -
not in diagnostic labels, not in generaliites but in very precise terms.
We ask about his personality, his likes, his dislikes. What every
physical symptoms is in great detail. About any significant events in
his life. ANd all the while we are observing- we get even more data
from observation then from what we are told. Each appointment goes in
different directions depending upon what the limitations are. But really
we are trying to find out, on all levels, who is this person in front of
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
From: YCaryl@aol.com
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 21:57:57 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
I'm 59, very smart but also very unfocused, and obese at more than 350 pounds.
I have severe sleep apnea, which, together with the obesity, causes breathing
problems if I walk much, so I use a motorized scooter a lot of the time. I
have gone to all sorts of holistic practitioners over the years, including one
of the homeopaths on your list (one of the ones in boldface even!), but I've
never met any holistic person who had any insight into why I should be so very
My own theory is that it has something to do with thyroid (was always on the
low end of basal metabolism tests as a kid) and also something to do with the
fact that I took amphetamines by prescription from about age 12-20 for weight
control even though in those days I was only about 20 percent overweight at
most. I was once in a group of very large women all over 250, and the one
thing we had in common was dexedrine prescriptions as kids.
Now that I know a little about ADHD and ritalin, I wonder, too, about the
effectsof dexedrine on my brain. I do remember that it didn't calm me down --
on the contrary, it made me feel speedy and sometimes good and sometimes
So -- any thoughts on all this?
Thank you.
Caryl in Minneapolis
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ADD Individuality & Diet
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 23:37:25 -0700
Hi Steve,
I'm very interested in the title of your book - "How to Choose the Diet
That's Right for You." For years I have tried following various diets
recommended by "authorities" who all contradict each other; and I now have
a strong hunch that the right diet is different for each person. Yet there
must be some sort of "cluster effect" of body types that react similarly to
similar foods. Yet after all my layperson's research into nutrition, I
find good-quality information very difficult to come by.
I've never seen your book, what is its basis?
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:34:30 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
> I'm very interested in the title of your book - "How to Choose the Diet
> That's Right for You." For years I have tried following various diets
> recommended by "authorities" who all contradict each other; and I now have
> a strong hunch that the right diet is different for each person. Yet there
> must be some sort of "cluster effect" of body types that react similarly to
> similar foods. Yet after all my layperson's research into nutrition, I
> find good-quality information very difficult to come by.
> I've never seen your book, what is its basis?
This book was published in 1984 and is now out of print (though We are
privately reprinting it and will have it available in approximately 2
The basis is that everyone has very different nutritional needs, and
that even sub-dividing into body types does not work well. Instead you
need to learn 1. what is a general good diet to try offering your body
and 2. learn to listen to your bodies responses to what it likes and
what it does not. So part look at things like listening to your
cravings and learning which ones are real and need to be listened to and
which ones are from pathology and should be ignored. Another part
examines lots of the controversial areas in nutrition and tries to makes
sense of all the conflicting information available.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:44:07 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
> I'm 59, very smart but also very unfocused, and obese at more than 350 pounds.
> I have severe sleep apnea, which, together with the obesity, causes breathing
> problems if I walk much, so I use a motorized scooter a lot of the time. I
> have gone to all sorts of holistic practitioners over the years, including one
> of the homeopaths on your list (one of the ones in boldface even!), but I've
> never met any holistic person who had any insight into why I should be so very
> large.
Why is something I don't know. Could the amphetamines have had an effect
- yes. Did they- I don't know. But we usually can help make an obese
person a healthier obese person- and sometimes they also lose alot of
weight but not always. With the homeopath you saw- did they feel that
they found the right remedy or were they still searching. As I mentioned
yesterday, you don't always find the remedy the first try- sometimes it
takes a number of tries. Once the right remedy is found, it will start
moving things in the right direction. Sometiems the progress is quite
fast and sometimes slow- and patience is needed.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 16:26:41 EDT
Sender: owner-add-holistic@mLists.net
On Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:34:30 -0600 Steve Waldstein
>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I'm very interested in the title of your book - "How to Choose the Diet
>> That's Right for You." For years I have tried following various diets
>> recommended by "authorities" who all contradict each other; and I now have
>> a strong hunch that the right diet is different for each person.
As someone new to this list and fairly new to recognizing and coping with
ADD, I am excited by the possibilities offered by holistic approaches. I
would certainly appreciate information on _How to Choose the Diet That's
Right for You_ when it becomes available again.
I have read a variety of things lately that emphasize the importance of
listening to one's various body signals--and PAYING ATTENTION to them--in
order to address issues as diverse as weight loss, mood swings,
concentration . . . it's amazing, and a bit scary, that something so
fundamental is so overlooked these days.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 16:31:14 -0700
emcklvee@juno.com wrote:
>I have read a variety of things lately that emphasize the importance of
>listening to one's various body signals--and PAYING ATTENTION to them--in
>order to address issues as diverse as weight loss, mood swings,
>concentration . . . it's amazing, and a bit scary, that something so
>fundamental is so overlooked these days.
Can you suggest any reading material?
Also - I would love to read Steven's book. When will it be available?
I still haven't figured out what to eat, after years of trying. As an ADD
person, I've always had a hard time keeping good food journals. And there
are so many variables - ingredients, food combinations, outside factors,
etc... I am desparate for help in this area.
From: YCaryl@aol.com
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 20:15:02 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
Thank you for your reply, Steve.
How can we on this list be sure we know when your book is available? Exactly
what I do not know is how to listen to my body's cravings, to know which are
healthy and which are not.
From: emcklvee@juno.com
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 21:20:45 EDT
On Tue, 30 Jun 1998 16:31:14 -0700 xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Can you suggest any reading material?
>Also - I would love to read Steven's book. When will it be available?
>I still haven't figured out what to eat, after years of trying. As an ADD
>person, I've always had a hard time keeping good food journals. And there
>are so many variables - ingredients, food combinations, outside factors,
>etc... I am desparate for help in this area.
Regarding general principles on how and when to eat, I'd recommend books
by Jean Antonello, a registered nurse and dietician. She really comes
down hard on the things in our culture that have trained people to ignore
the body's wisdom. She is specifically concerned with weight loss and
maintenance, but her call for common sense applies in other areas of life
as well.
For instance, I have found that ignoring the body's signals for water can
sometimes exacerbate my ADDness as much as lack of good nutrition or lack
of sleep. Poorly hydrated brain cells don't contribute to mental clarity
and a sense of well-being.
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 06:25:00 -0500
From: "Patti"
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Dear Steve...
I took my son to a homeopathic "doctor" and she prescribed and gave him one
dose of stramonium... I think that is the spelling, but you would know for
sure. The difference was remarkable, but considering he went to his dad's
house for visitation, the remedy did not last. She has given him another
dose, that lasted for several days as well. Maybe she did not "get" the
right remedy??? I had really hoped this might do the trick... What is your
experience with this? I really don't have endless resources to continue
going each and every time he flares up , as visits with a remedy are around
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 08:32:46 -0400
From: George von Hilsheimer
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
In most cases the homeopathic 'remedy' is not a remedy but a palliative, and
you have to learn and get kits of medicines and manage yourself. Remember
that alternative medicine is an alternative way to make money.
Dr. Von
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 09:53:28 -0500 (CDT)
From: Pam Myers
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Hi all,
Homeopathy is a well respected system of treatment.
For more information see:
Pam Myers: pmyers@mail.coin.missouri.edu
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 17:11:53 -0400
From: "Lisa Graham"
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Not so. Homeopathic remedies assist in the restoration of "balance" to the
body. And you don't have to buy "kits". Homeopathy is very cost effective
for our family. As for learning to manage oneself, hopefully that is
something we all do everyday. Not just in our health, but every facet of
our lives requires management to some degree. And your comment about money?
ha ha You seem biased, and lack knowledge about homeopathy and apparently
other forms of "complementary" medicine as well. Lisa
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 14:37:31 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Can you suggest any reading material?
> Also - I would love to read Steven's book. When will it be available?
I will advise the group when my book is reprinted.
A good book is "Diet and Nutrition" by Rudolf Ballentine.
It is funny that we are going off in a nutrition direction so much,
though I feel that for ADD and ADHD, nutrition, though important, will
not solve the problem, while homeopathy can cure, in the majority of
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 14:58:43 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
George von Hilsheimer wrote:
> In most cases the homeopathic 'remedy' is not a remedy but a palliative, and
> you have to learn and get kits of medicines and manage yourself. Remember
> that alternative medicine is an alternative way to make money.
> Dr. Von
I am sorry but I don't agree. A large amount of homeopathic training
goes into the differences between suppression, palliation and cure. On
follow-up visits homeopaths are constantly evaluating to make sure that
there is a curative reaction. I have treated a large number of people
who no longer have their original problems and are no longer taking
homeopathic remedies because they are cured.
Self treating with a home kit is fine for first aid problems and
reasonable for acute disease but for chronic disease like ADD/ADHD you
can't self treat or treat your family very effectively. Homeopathy is
very difficult and takes many years of training.
As far as the slur about we are in it for the money, I would find it
hard to think of another career that provides so little financial
compensation relative to the number of years of study.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 15:23:18 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: YCaryl ADD ADHD and homeopathy
Richard Geller wrote:
> Sounds like a problem with carbohydrates/wheat/corn etc. You might want
> to try the Atkins diet. Many report their minds become clearer and life
> becomes a lot better within a few weeks from starting Atkins or similar
> low carb diet. Basically you cut out potatoes, bread, pasta, sugar,
> wheat, corn products, and stick to meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and low
> carb veggies such as salads, greens, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage.
> --Richard from Tarzana
I would not recommend this as a long term diet for most people. But one
can experiment and see what works well for them.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 17:54:34 -0400
From: George von Hilsheimer
Subject: ADD Steve's Overdefensive response
Steve, people in alternative medicine all get paid. Pay always shapes what
happens. I did NOT slur you or your fellows. I merely pointed out a truth.
You get paid, M.D.s get paid. I get paid. I didn't even say "its ONLY an
alternative way to make money." However, in my book, competent,
compassionate, caring healers always urge their clients, patients, pupils to
learn, care for themselves and to be aware, and wary. I tell my patients,
NEVER trust me, I make mistakes, and I have an ego and I have unconscious
drives too. Trust what I teach you which is solid, good, deep, useful, true
for you.
The homeopath who saw this child should have outlined a path, made a
prediction re time, and told what outcomes to expect. And should have
started the process of education.
It would be useful if you, yourself, would post a good case history of an
ADHD child who is now no longer ADHD so that we can see the path by which
this occured. You might even refer us to published studies of homeopathic
cures of ADHD. My own case histories and those of people who work as I do
are always readable at www.eegspectrum.com.
Me, I'm very wary. However, Sam Corson did CURE hyperactive dogs by simple
interventions. We CURE hyperactive and ADD children by a simple
intervention - and I always advise parents to buy their own machine and
learn to train their own child - buy one as a group. If its that simple,
its that simple.
Moreover, if I spend time with you I give you a bill, but I'm always
teaching and liberating. If a patient still needs me after 3 months then it
was either a very difficult case, or I screwed up (or the parent didn't
follow the plan). If he gets hit by a truck, maybe he'll need me again, but
I will already have taught Mommy what to do.
It never hurts to remind our clients that we are human and fail.
Dr. Von
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 18:26:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Thank you for sharing your expertise. Being the inquisitive sort of
fellow, I have a few questions. If it is too many for one sitting, please
feel free to split it up and answer the one or two that seem most
- I have heard through friends that it is common for symptoms
to worsen or change for a brief period after being given a
homeopathic remedy. Is that true? And if so, what percentage
of time does it occur and generally how long does this period
- One of the under-utilized aspects of Holistic Medicine is the
patient interview. Learning details about a patient, his/her
diet, lifestyles, emotional issues, etc. Given that, by
defination, experienced Classical Homeopaths such as yourself
learn quite a bit about a patient before prescribing a
homeopathic remedy, based on what you learn, do you ever
suggest diet or lifestyle adjustments to complement the
I understand that the primary curative treatment is to
provide the *correct* homeopathic remedy. I am just
interested in what you and most other Classical Homeopaths
usually do in the diet and lifestyle area -- whether to
supplement the homeopathic treatment or as a preventive
medicine suggestion.
- You mentioned that there are ~2,000 homeopathic remedies.
Is it possible that there will be cases of behavioral disorders
where none of the remedies are a "perfect match", but a
couple are "pretty close"? If that happens, what can the
Homeopath do?
- I know that adults and some children can sometimes be "guarded"
about what they reveal about themselves emotionally (or perhaps
even physically). Do you ever find that this significantly
hinders your ability to find the correct remedy?
- I have heard that homeopathy is very popular in Europe.
Are the practitioners primarily Classical Homeopaths
or is it a mixture of Classical Homeopaths with lots of
training and others with perhaps just a few workshops?
For our non-North American list members, are there any
organizations which compile a list of experienced Classical
Homeopaths? If not, is it best then to contact certain
types of Homeopathy colleges for a referral?
I know that you mentioned the book, "Ritalin Free Kids" by Judith
Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman for information on homeopathy
and ADD. Feel free to let me (us) know if the answers to these
types of questions are in this book.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 14:52:00 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Patti wrote:
> I took my son to a homeopathic "doctor" and she prescribed and gave him one
> dose of stramonium... I think that is the spelling, but you would know for
> sure. The difference was remarkable, but considering he went to his dad's
> house for visitation, the remedy did not last. She has given him another
> dose, that lasted for several days as well. Maybe she did not "get" the
> right remedy??? I had really hoped this might do the trick... What is your
> experience with this? I really don't have endless resources to continue
> going each and every time he flares up , as visits with a remedy are around
> $100.,
It depends- if these were liquid doses, then they may just need frequent
repitition- ask the homeopath. If these were dry pills- it may be the
wrong strength or it may be a close to right prescription but not the
perfect one. You need to ask your homeopath. Homeopathy is very hard to
practice, finding the perfect remedy and dose is sometimes very
difficult, but the results when it is found are amazing.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 17:22:08 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Defensiveness
George von Hilsheimer wrote:
> If you are telling me that we should not encourage patients to learn, to be
> self responsible, to know all they can about themselves and their children,
> and to be as responsible as possible for themselves, make your own self clear.
Any good homeopath teachs their patients all they are willing to learn
about homeopathy and has many books available to read. And they
encourage them to take control of their life as much as possible.
But despite this, chronic disease is not something that you can
self-treat with homeopathy. Also you can't treat yourself for chronic
problems. I can't treat myself as I do not have the perspective to see
my problems, I only know my experience of them.
The long term goal in homeopathy is curing a person so they don;t need
treatment anymore, In some patients that takes the long initial
appointment and 1 or 2 monthly follow-ups. In other more serious cases
it is year after year of step by step removing of layers of problems.
But the visits start monthly and tend to get less and less often over
> That's the way I prefer my patients to be
> - I've sent two mommies home this week with a biofeedback machine, its a lot
> easier for them in that manner, and any practitioner who doesn't want her
> patients to learn and to evaluate for themselves is just out of step with
> humane medicine, in my unhumble opinion.
I am glad that this works with your approach. With homeopathy the
equivalent is that after we find the right remedy, and as the patient
understands the process, with liquid remedies they can learn to take the
remedy themself when needed to move the cure along. And eventually they
don't need it at all.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 17:30:35 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
Mark Gold wrote:
> 1. I have heard through friends that it is common for symptoms
> to worsen or change for a brief period after being given a
> homeopathic remedy. Is that true? And if so, what percentage
> of time does it occur and generally how long does this period
> last?
Often a person gets worse before they get better, This is not a side
effect but the person getting stronger and the body throwing off old
problems. It is a good sign. It usually starts within the first week,
it usually doesnt last long, and it usually is not a big deal. If the
dose of the remedy is chosen perfectly, adjusting it to the sensitivity
of the patient, then it wont happen at all.
> 2. One of the under-utilized aspects of Holistic Medicine is the
> patient interview. Learning details about a patient, his/her
> diet, lifestyles, emotional issues, etc. Given that, by
> defination, experienced Classical Homeopaths such as yourself
> learn quite a bit about a patient before prescribing a
> homeopathic remedy, based on what you learn, do you ever
> suggest diet or lifestyle adjustments to complement the
> treatment.
Every homeopath approaches this differently. If there are major
obstacles to cure, that keep them from getting well- these need to be
addressed immediately. Otherwise I wait until after the right remedy is
found and they start to improve. At some point after the right remedy,
maybe a month, maybe a year, but at some point, a change happens inside
the person and from within them they start changing ther lifestyle. This
is when I start talking diet and lifestyle issues with them, because
they can hear it now, where before it would have been inside one ear out
the other.
I have to leave for the day and will answer the other questions
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 11:34:23 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD or ADHD and Homeopathy
I am continuing to answer Mark's questions.
> 3. You mentioned that there are ~2,000 homeopathic remedies.
> Is it possible that there will be cases of behavioral disorders
> where none of the remedies are a "perfect match", but a
> couple are "pretty close"? If that happens, what can the
There is a concept in homeopathy called the simillimum- which is the
remedy which is the closest match with the symptoms of the patient. The
simillimum will tend to totally transform the life of the patient,
raising them to a high level of health in the shortest time possible.
Sometimes the simillimum for a patient is not one that we have tested as
a homeopathic remedy- so the best we can do is find a close similar.
This similar will still cure a person but not as fast and not as deep
and other remedies may be needed to complete the cure. Think of it as
the difference between a hole in one in golf versus a series of shots
all moving in somewhat the right direction and eventually reaching the
> 4. I know that adults and some children can sometimes be "guarded"
> about what they reveal about themselves emotionally (or perhaps
> even physically). Do you ever find that this significantly
> hinders your ability to find the correct remedy?
Yes we need to look real deeply at what is going on in the patient. But
the fact that they are guarded and the way they are guarded and what
areas they are guarded about are pieces of the puzzle that we can use in
choosing the remedy. But in general men are sometimes harder to treat
then women because they are more guarded as a rule.
> 5. I have heard that homeopathy is very popular in Europe.
> Are the practitioners primarily Classical Homeopaths
> or is it a mixture of Classical Homeopaths with lots of
> training and others with perhaps just a few workshops?
> For our non-North American list members, are there any
> organizations which compile a list of experienced Classical
> Homeopaths? If not, is it best then to contact certain
> types of Homeopathy colleges for a referral?
There are many people who call themselves homeopaths who know almost
nothing about it. One way to tell real homeopaths is to see if they are
certfied as a homeopath. The following applies to the US and Canada
For a MD homeopath they should have DHt after there name
For a Naturopath (ND) they should have DHANP
For a professional homeopath they should have RSHom (NA)
For any they should have a CCH.
Or you can look at my website listed below which shows most of the good
homeopaths in the US and Canada.
For elswhere check with the classical homeopathic society in your
country for referrals.
> I know that you mentioned the book, "Ritalin Free Kids" by Judith
> Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman for information on homeopathy
> and ADD. Feel free to let me (us) know if the answers to these
> types of questions are in this book.
What this books does well is show a large number of case histories of
people with ADD or ADHD cured with homeopathy.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 16:49:44 -0700
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
What is the relationship between homeopathy and nutrition? If a patient
comes to see you with chronic digetive problems, will homeopathy alone
often cure them? Or do they generally need to make dietary modifications
as well? And if so how do they know what to do about their diets?
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 1998 01:49:37 -0400
From: Feingold Association
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
At 02:37 PM 7/1/98 -0600, you wrote:
>It is funny that we are going off in a nutrition direction so much,
>though I feel that for ADD and ADHD, nutrition, though important, will
>not solve the problem, while homeopathy can cure, in the majority of
Steve, it's not at all "funny" to discuss nutrition relating to ADHD
....... since in over 50% of people who try the Feingold diet (NOT strictly
"nutrition," because even junk-food freaks can do it), the person is
sufficiently better on the diet so that NO other intervention is necessary.
That includes homeopathy, supplements, EEG, meds, all the stuff that must
be bought and bought and bought ........ truly a remarkable savings in
money since membership in the Feingold Association is all it takes.
The Feingold diet is not as hard as keeping Kosher or being a vegetarian
.........and no-one feels sorry for the kids who keep Kosher or become
vegetarian -- it is expected that they will appreciate the benefits of
doing so. How do I know? Because my own kids have kept Kosher, are on the
Feingold diet, and have friends who are vegetarians. We also have friends
whose children are diabetics -- now THERE is a tough diet to learn and
keep. Feingold? It is voted the easiest of them all by the kids who have
had to DO it. My son had been on Ritalin and Cylert and would have also
been on Tegretol because the docs were sure the hallucinations (on Cylert)
were really seizures .......... all meds were cancelled when he developed
Tourette Syndrome ........ a year later I tried the Feingold diet because
nothing else had helped him, I didn't expect that to help either; but in 4
days he was a different child. He still needed someone to write for him in
school for the next year (he was dysgraphic) and untimed tests ........ but
he was no longer off-the-wall emotionally and was able to learn. He is now
a college senior majoring in Chemistry, and doing just fine. This kid who
had been almost kicked out of day camp, had no friends & had been refused
entrance in the local Hebrew school because of his behavior, after becoming
a Feingold kid was voted "most popular CIT" at a day camp, has been a life
guard, is president of the university fencing club (and won the title of
unclassified champion of the city in fencing after only 1 semester of
fencing), was fencing master at the Renaissance Festival, had a lead part
in his high school play as the prince in the Princess & the Pea. He did
not need homeopathy or anything else. It pays to try it, because rather
than medicating the child you simply refrain from poisoning him with stuff
he does not tolerate. The child who is used to it does not feel it as a
hardship; in fact, since I myself have been on the diet with them for years
now, I am absolutely unable to eat fluorescent-yellow rolls or red punch
drinks. As my daughter would say, "I don't eat things that color." When I
look at ingredients and see a list of petroleum-based items, that food is
simply not edible in my book.
Remember, the food dyes and synthetic flavorings are generally made from
petroleum; same with BHT, BHA, TBHQ ........... these are not foods. The
salicylate fruits contain chemicals whose relationship to these things is
complex, but they can usually be returned to the diet after a while, at
least to some extent. And why do companies put petroleum products in your
food, anyway? Because it is CHEAPER than real food products, and it saves
them money. And they will continue to do so until we the people demand
I repeat: the diet approach should always be first; the other
interventions -- if still needed -- should be next, with the least invasive
being the first, of course. And, by the way, we have had numerous reports
that use of the diet together with meds results in success with a much
smaller than expected level of meds. There has not yet been any research
to show why this is so, but a pilot study I myself did this year as a
senior psychology student supports it and points the way to some
interesting research I hope to do in the future. Therefore, even if the
dietary intervention itself does not "work," it may pay to continue to use
the diet while trying the other interventions.
Sorry this was more long-winded than I expected.
Come visit the Feingold web site at
http://www.feingold.org for more
information & drop me a line (I'm the webmaster).
Best wishes,
Shula Edelkind, webmaster
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 11:20:23 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
Feingold Association wrote:
> Steve, it's not at all "funny" to discuss nutrition relating to ADHD
> ....... since in over 50% of people who try the Feingold diet (NOT strictly
> "nutrition," because even junk-food freaks can do it), the person is
> sufficiently better on the diet so that NO other intervention is necessary.
What I thought was funny as that I was talking almost exclusively about
my nutrition book and not about homeopathy. The Feingold approach is to
my mind not really nutritional so much as avoiding poisons, which is
something we all should do. If the Feingold approach is enough to
elimate all out of balance problems in a person then great.
I have no problem at all with your approach of Feingold first, and if
that does not eliminate all problems then consider other approaches
That said, As a homeopath I look at some things a little differently
then you. We look at why of 100 people eating the same diet, some have
problems and some don't. It is because some people have strong
constitutions and some have weak ones. Yes eating a poor diet and
eating poisonous food additives, adds to peoples problems. But a
persone with a strong constitution can be exposed to many stresses
without breaking down. What homeopathy does is increase a person's
constitutional strength so they can handle any reasonable stress they
are exposed to. But still it is important to avoid posions.
PS : I will be on line to answer questions thru Thursday morning.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 11:27:10 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Individuality & Diet
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> What is the relationship between homeopathy and nutrition? If a patient
> comes to see you with chronic digetive problems, will homeopathy alone
> often cure them? Or do they generally need to make dietary modifications
> as well? And if so how do they know what to do about their diets?
I will answer this in a slightly different form. Say a person has
massive food allergies. They find that if they avoid a long list of
foods then they have less symptoms. I tell them to continue avoiding
the foods. Then I work on finding the homeopathic remedy which will cure
them. Then after finding the right remedy and seeing that they are
getting better on every level, I then ask them to start slowly
reintroducing foods and see if they can handle them now. I ask them to
first try introducing the foods that they had the least problem with and
when they see then can handle them, slowly add back the rest. If they
still have problems with the foods, I say wait a few months and try
again. The goal is that a person can eat a normal (but good) diet
without having any problems.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 12:29:52 -0700
From: xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ADD Thanks
Thank you, Steven, for your reply. While the fields are often divided,
this is exactly the kind of thing that should be discussed among people
interested in holistic health.
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 09:19:07 -0500
From: "Linda E. Love"
Subject: ADD Question for the doctors
On behalf of my grandson, my daughter would like to ask the following questions:
My 5 year old son was diagnosed with mild ADHD. Is there a "mild" form?
His ADHD seems to only affect his ability to stay focused. He isn't running
around a lot, but does fidget some. Is this typical of some ADHD children?
We put him on a dosage of 5mg of Ritalin, but the school said that there
wasn't much (if any) improvement, so we took him off. Should we try again at
a higher dosage?
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 11:14:04 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
Linda E. Love wrote:
> On behalf of my grandson, my daughter would like to ask the following questions:
> My 5 year old son was diagnosed with mild ADHD. Is there a "mild" form?
> His ADHD seems to only affect his ability to stay focused. He isn't running
> around a lot, but does fidget some. Is this typical of some ADHD children?
The name ADHD is just a label. Your son has the issues he has. Like all
children labeled ADD or ADHD he has his own unique symptoms. Of the
hundreds of ADD kids I have treated, each has their own unique symptoms
and the differences between them is much more than the commonalities.
That is why homeopathy usess different remedies for each of these
To understand more read "Ritalin Free Kids"
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 21:48:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Homeopathy Question
I have a few more very short questions I was hoping you could answer and
it may be of interest to the group as well.
A person who visits a Classical Homeopath might (before the visit) be
taking a numbers of possible substances:
- Herbs
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Amino Acids
- Pharmaceuticals
- Other Supplements (e.g., green drinks, vandyl sulfate, etc.)
I have heard that it is better to avoid other treatments (unless
absolutely necessary) while taking homeopathic remedies. My questions
- Is the practice relating to this issue consistent between Classical
Homeopaths, or is there some variation between practitioners?
- Which of the items do you generally recommend not taking when using
homeopathic remedies?
- When you have had success treating children with ADD, have some of
them been on ritalin or similar drugs? And if so, when do they
eliminate the drug? Before, during or after homeopathic treatment?
Thank you again for all of your help!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:30:10 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Homeopathy Question
In a message dated 98-07-08 21:53:05 EDT, you write:
> A person who visits a Classical Homeopath might (before the visit) be
> taking a numbers of possible substances:
> 1. Herbs
> 2. Vitamins
> 3. Minerals
> 4. Amino Acids
> 5. Pharmaceuticals
> 6. Other Supplements (e.g., green drinks, vandyl sulfate, etc.)
> I have heard that it is better to avoid other treatments (unless
> absolutely necessary) while taking homeopathic remedies. My questions
> are:
> 1. Is the practice relating to this issue consistent between Classical
> Homeopaths, or is there some variation between practitioners?
> 2. Which of the items do you generally recommend not taking when using
> homeopathic remedies?
> 3. When you have had success treating children with ADD, have some of
> them been on ritalin or similar drugs? And if so, when do they
> eliminate the drug? Before, during or after homeopathic treatment?
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 11:41:00 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Homeopathy Question
> 1. Is the practice relating to this issue consistent between Classical
> Homeopaths, or is there some variation between practitioners?
Most experienced classical homeopaths would agree. The problems are
that taking drugs and other treatments can supress the symptoms. They
also can impose symptoms of their own (side -effects). So instead of
seeing a clear picture of the patients symptoms we seee the patient
minus some supressed symptoms plus added on symptoms. This makes finding
the right remedy much more difficult. Then after we do find the right
remedy the drugs and treatments can interfere, stopping the remedy from
working well. Also the interpretation of the action of the homeopathic
remedy is more difficult as a result.
Now we often don't have the luxury of treating people without any drugs.
Somoene with lupus may die if you take them off steroids, someone with
asthhma may die without their drugs and with ADD or ADHD children
especially may not function very well without Ritalin or similar drugs.
So the first thing we need to do is clear the field of every drug and
treatment that is not absolutely necessary and reduce drugging as much
as possible. Less experienced homeopaths are not capable of working
around drugs so they can;t treta people who must stay on them, and they
should refer these patients to more experienced homeopaths.
Then you prescribe despite the drugs and as the patient gets better you
start withdrawing the drugs. The short term goal is to get them
reasonable without drugs. The long term goal is cure.
> 2. Which of the items do you generally recommend not taking when using
> homeopathic remedies?
All drugs if possible- see above and also certain other things can
interfere with the patient. These vary from person to person. But most
homeopaths have patients avoid coffee, other treatments, drugs,
anti-perspirants , electric blankets and depending upon the remedy other
things also.
PS. I leave the list today. Any further questions should be sent to me
personally. And Mark I cant find the going off the list instructions -
please send them to me.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 11:55:17 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Homeopathy Question
DrRappMD@aol.com wrote:
Any homeopath only uses one remedy never a mixture. But there are many
people who use potentized remedies (what are called homeopathic
remedies) without prescribing based upon homeopathic principles and
these often use a mixture.
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 12:01:09 -0600
From: Steve Waldstein
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
DrRappMD@aol.com wrote:
>> The name ADHD is just a label. Your son has the issues he has. Like all
>> children labeled ADD or ADHD he has his own unique symptoms. Of the
>> hundreds of ADD kids I have treated, each has their own unique symptoms
>> and the differences between them is much more than the commonalities.
>> That is why homeopathy usess different remedies for each of these
>> people.
The difference in our views is understandable. You are trained as an
allopath. Allopaths diagnoses by putting people into diagnostic boxes,
then chooses treatments depening to some degree on the diagnoses.
Homeoopaths do not use these diagnostic labels at all, in determining
the prescription. The reductionist system of diagnoses gives allopathy
some strengthes, but also some weaknesses. A good book to understand
more is Science of Homeopathy by George Vithoulkas.
I did not say anything disparaging about your approach. Mine is just
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA)
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
2600 S. Parker Road #1-313
Aurora, CO 80014 USA
Phone: 303-338-1776
E-mail: stevew@dimensional.com
Web Page:
Doris Rapp, MD
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 21:28:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: Introducing next week's ADD-Holistic Expert
Hi! I want to thank Steve Waldstein, RSHom (NA) for visiting the
ADD-Holistic list and providing important information about the treatment
of ADD with Classical Homeopathy. I think that we were very fortunate to
have such an experienced practitioner help us out (at least I feel that
way!). I hope that many of you will consider using Classical Homeopathy
for ADD and/or other conditions. (See Steve's web page for a list of
practitioners.) I believe that Steve is planning to stay with us for a
little while longer to answer questions. I look forward to hearing any
experiences from list members regarding the Feingold Program, Classical
Homeopathy, or the other important ideas posted to the list by George,
Ron, and others.
Perhaps you saw the first post from our next list expert. If not, here is
some introductory information:
Doris J. Rapp, MD., F.A.A.A., F.A.A.P., is a board-certified environmental
medical specialist and pediatric allergist. She is clinical assistant
professor of pediatrics at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
She is the founder of the Practical Allergy Foundation in Buffalo and is a
past president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. She the
the author of "Is This Your Child's World?", a comprehensive book for
identifying substances which causes illness and behavioral changes in
children and for providing treatment ideas.
Dr. Rapp was one of the honored speakers at the THE FIRST WORLD CONFERENCE
month. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Rapp to the discussion group!
[clap, clap, clap, clap, clap]. :-)
I expect that Dr. Rapp's first post will be tomorrow (Monday) sometime.
Dr. Rapp is new to the Internet and AOL, so please be patient if
posts don't go exactly as planned. :-)
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 10:55:29 -0600
From: Ron Hoggan
Subject: ADD Dr. Rapp
Hi Dr. Rapp,
It is, indeed, an honour to have you contribute to this list. Mark's
introduction failed to include mention your many publications in the peer
reviewed literature, but the introduction of a person with so many
achievements makes such oversights understandable.
I am, as you may have gathered by now, a big fan of yours. I think Mark is
to be congratulated on getting you to agree to visit this forum, and I'm
sure we are all grateful. I'm also sure we will learn a great deal from
your comments.
I have taken the liberty of appending a list from Medline of Dr. Rapp's
publications. It is an impressive list.
Welcome, Dr. Rapp.
best wishes,
Ron Hoggan
Hajewski C, et al. [See Related Articles]
Implementation and evaluation of Nursing Interventions Classification and
Nursing Outcomes Classification in a patient education plan.
J Nurs Care Qual. 1998 Jun; 12(5): 30-40.
PMID: 9610012; UI: 98272932.
Hsiao KK, et al. [See Related Articles]
Serial transmission in rodents of neurodegeneration from transgenic mice
expressing mutant prion protein.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1994 Sep 13; 91(19): 9126-9130.
PMID: 7916462; UI: 94377505.
Sun T, et al. [See Related Articles]
T-cell receptor expression in lymphoid neoplasms. A comparison of
phenotypic expression and genotyping.
Ann Clin Lab Sci. 1993 Nov; 23(6): 423-432.
PMID: 8291897; UI: 94121480.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Diagnostic testing and immunotherapy for allergy.
JAMA. 1988 Jul 15; 260(3): 341-342. No abstract available.
PMID: 3379740; UI: 88245496.
Rapp D. [See Related Articles]
The reception of Freud by the British press: general interest and literary
magazines, 1920-1925.
J Hist Behav Sci. 1988 Apr; 24(2): 191-201.
PMID: 3286754; UI: 88229045.
Glines D, et al. [See Related Articles]
Allergies and problem students.
Health Educ. 1988 Apr; 19(2): 34-38. No abstract available.
PMID: 3152219; UI: 90153423.
Rapp D. [See Related Articles]
Management of drooling.
Dev Med Child Neurol. 1988 Feb; 30(1): 128-129. No abstract available.
PMID: 3371566; UI: 88225818.
Rapp RP, et al. [See Related Articles]
Comparative accuracy of five intravenous-fluid controllers.
Am J Hosp Pharm. 1984 Dec; 41(12): 2634-2641.
PMID: 6517087; UI: 85094296.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Management of allergy-related serous otitis.
Am J Otol. 1984 Oct; 5(6): 463-467.
PMID: 6542753; UI: 85094517.
Weiss L, et al. [See Related Articles]
Metastatic inefficiency in mice bearing B16 melanomas.
Br J Cancer. 1982 Jan; 45(1): 44-53.
PMID: 7059464; UI: 82135271.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Diet and hyperactivity.
Pediatrics. 1981 Jun; 67(6): 937-938. No abstract available.
PMID: 7232062; UI: 81198711.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Sublingual provocative food testing.
Ann Allergy. 1981 Jan; 46(1): 44. No abstract available.
PMID: 7006470; UI: 81107653.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Abdominal pain.
Am J Dis Child. 1980 Oct; 134(10): 998. No abstract available.
PMID: 7424865; UI: 81036726.
Rapp D. [See Related Articles]
Drool control: long-term follow-up.
Dev Med Child Neurol. 1980 Aug; 22(4): 448-453.
PMID: 7409336; UI: 81004875.
Rowe JA, et al. [See Related Articles]
Tantrums: remediation through communication.
Child Care Health Dev. 1980 Jul; 6(4): 197-208.
PMID: 6447551; UI: 81002237.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Food allergy treatment for hyperkinesis.
J Learn Disabil. 1979 Nov; 12(9): 608-616. No abstract available.
PMID: 541570; UI: 80161509.
Rapp DL, et al. [See Related Articles]
Meldreth dribble-control project.
Child Care Health Dev. 1979 Mar; 5(2): 143-149.
PMID: 455589; UI: 79211593.
Rapp D, et al. [See Related Articles]
Kinetics of milk lipoprotein lipase. Studies with tributyrin.
Eur J Biochem. 1978 Nov 15; 91(2): 379-385. No abstract available.
PMID: 32030; UI: 79085684.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Food allergy.
Med J Aust. 1978 Jul 29; 2(3): 119. No abstract available.
PMID: 362140; UI: 79052683.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Does diet affect hyperactivity?
J Learn Disabil. 1978 Jun; 11(6): 383-389. No abstract available.
PMID: 670829; UI: 78219462.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Double-blind confirmation and treatment of milk sensitivity.
Med J Aust. 1978 May 20; 1(10): 571-572.
PMID: 355807; UI: 78246428.
Rapp DL, et al. [See Related Articles]
The effects of d-amphetamine on temporal discrimination in the rat.
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1976 Dec 21; 51(1): 91-100.
PMID: 827781; UI: 77103283.
Rapp DJ, et al. [See Related Articles]
Allergy and chronic secretory otitis media.
Pediatr Clin North Am. 1975 Feb; 22(1): 259-264. Review. No abstract
PMID: 1096055; UI: 75195569.
Keaten JH, et al. [See Related Articles]
Medical staff bylaws.
J Med Assoc Ga. 1973 Dec; 62(12): 423-426. No abstract available.
PMID: 4773607; UI: 74085134.
Rapp DJ, et al. [See Related Articles]
Review of chronic secretory otitis and allergy.
J Asthma Res. 1973 Jun; 10(4): 193-218. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 4598112; UI: 74169483.
Rapp DJ, et al. [See Related Articles]
Review of chronic secretory otitis and allergy.
J Asthma Res. 1973 Jun; 10(4): 193-218. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 4583068; UI: 74010058.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Water as a cause of angio-edema and urticaria.
JAMA. 1972 Jul 17; 221(3): 305. No abstract available.
PMID: 5067806; UI: 72208243.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Quality or quantity allergy.
Ann Allergy. 1972 Jun; 30(6): 364. No abstract available.
PMID: 5029835; UI: 72193335.
Rapp DJ. [See Related Articles]
Management of the child with allergic asthma and rhinitis.
Pediatr Clin North Am. 1969 Feb; 16(1): 257-269. No abstract available.
PMID: 4387959; UI: 69118299.
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 11:23:00 -0600
From: Ron Hoggan
Subject: ADD Re: add-holistic-digest V1 #28
Hi Dr. Rapp,
I have recently completed a thesis in which I have postulated that
increased intestinal permeability, in combination with digestive enzyme
deficiencies, can result in ADHD. This process involves the absorption of
certain peptides into the blood. Since some of these peptides have been
shown to have opioid activity, while others have been shown to be
psychoactive, both hyperactivity and its absence, in the context of ADD,
may thus be explained. Additionally, the reduced arousal of some parts of
the brain, perhaps leading to reduced attentional capacity, may also find
explanation in the opioid function of these peptides. I have gone on to
postulate that chemical and food additives may find their way across the
intestinal barrier because of this food-induced increased intestinal
While I have not read all of your publications, my hypothesis would appear
to be consistent, although parallel, to your work. (I am not a clinician. I
am a school teacher, so my work is primarilly theoretical.)
- Have you looked into the possibility of intestinal permeability? Are
you aware of any other work in this area?
- I know you have looked at issues surrounding dairy products and
behaviour. Do you also consider the possibility of gluten intolerance among
your patients?
- If so, because reactions to gluten may be delayed by 6 to 72 hours, how
do you explore this possibility?
- Are you aware of any tests related to digestive enzyme deficiencies in
ADD? (I have been unable to find any reports on this issue.)
- Are you aware of any work with ADD subjects where opioid blockers, such
as Naloxone, have been tried? (I am aware of the work in autism, but can
find no reports of such work in the context of ADD.)
I have many more questions, but will limit them as others will, no doubt,
also have many questions for you.
Thank you for visiting this list.
best wishes,
Ron Hoggan
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 15:01:45 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: ADD Doris J. Rapp, M.D., FAAA, FAAP, FREM
I wish to thank Mark for his nice introduction. During this e-mail
discussion, my hope is that the information will help each of you. This is for
you or for someone you love. As much as I can, I will try to show you how to
find safer, easier, and faster ways to possibly relieve your child's
inability to pay attention or concentrate, his/her tendency to be impulsive
and possibly to be hyperactive. Yes, these characteristics, also, are a part
of the lives of many adults; so this is written to help ALL ages. If this
medical shoe fits, by all means, wear it!
These are the symptoms that are characteristic of ADD and ADHD: They are
presently "in vogue" diagnoses that are often recognized by parents and a
child's teacher at school. It is not unusual for someone to suggest that an
affected child be seen by a physician so that Ritalin (an activity modifying
drug and Class 2 narcotic) can be used to quiet the youngster. Many parents
are looking presently for non-drug answers to effectively relieve their
child's problems.
I practiced typical pediatric allergy for over 20 years and environmental
medicine for another 20-some years. During that period of time, I saw many,
many children and some adults who had ADD or ADHD. There are many things that
parents can do to recognize the full scope of such problems; and there are a
number of fast, easy, effective methods that might resolve such problems
without the use of drugs, such as Class II narcotics or other behavior-
modifying drugs.
How can you recognize if your child or you, as an adult, have ADD or ADHD?
In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, most ADD-affected individuals
have a long list of other complaints. These may happen all the time or only at
certain times for no apparent reason. But, let's start at the beginning:
Who is apt to have an allergic component to his/her ADD, and what are some of
the common causes?
If you yourself have allergies or there are allergies in your family (hay
fever, asthma, eczema, or hives), the cause of any ADD in related loved ones
might be due to an allergy. I hope to discuss this aspect of this topic to
show you how you can figure out the cause and often eliminate it, preferably
without the use of drugs.
The most common causes can be your favorite foods, dust, molds, pollen, pets,
and/or chemicals.
How can you possibly tell if ADD is due to an allergy by just looking at a
child or adult?
There are some telltale clues related to the appearance:
- Look for red earlobes and wiggly legs just prior to a sudden burst of
- Look for a spaced-out look or a distant look or glassy, glazed eyes. At
times, almost a demonic look is evident in the eyes.
- Look for abnormally red cheeks, dark eye circles and bags under the eyes.
These clues are often, but not necessarily associated with the typical signs
of characteristic hay fever, asthma, throat clearing, or itchy skin.
Affected individuals tend to complain of headaches, muscle aches, weak legs,
aching joints, not wanting to be touched, fatigue, irritability, bedwetting
(after the age of five years), feelings of aggression or hostility, or an
inability to think clearly or to sit quietly. Although some of these symptoms
are not commonly thought of as being related to allergies, they certainly are
evident in many affected children and adults. These symptoms can often be
easily treated with some of the newer methods to diagnose and treat allergies.
The physicians who recognize the fuller picture are called "environmental
medical specialists." Call the AAEM (American Academy of Environmental
Medicine) for the environmental medical specialist nearest to you:
1-800-LET-HEAL (or 1-800-538-4325).
How can you find the cause of ADD or ADHD, quickly and inexpensively?
It is easy! Do the recommended diet found in either of my books, entitled Is
This Your Child? or Is This your Child's World? (Call 1-888- 895-7277.) The
diet excludes the highly allergic foods, such as milk, wheat, eggs, chocolate,
corn, sugar, orange juice, food coloring, preservatives and additives. Don't
be alarmed! There are many fruits, vegetables, meats and grains that you can
eat! Where else can you find an answer so easily and quickly? Adults,
however, are also very, very frequently sensitive to coffee, cola, tea,
alcohol, and tobacco. Adults, therefore, must also exclude these from their
diet. If the diet is tried on the whole family, several family members may
find the root cause of certain chronic medical problems!
During the first few days, those who have a food sensitivity may feel much
worse. Then, in three to seven days, about 66% of hyperactive children will
become quiet; and, in addition, many of the other complaints listed above will
also disappear or be improved.
Then, during the second week, you add each food--one at a time--back into the
diet, until you find the specific food that causes each individual symptom.
It is different foods for different children, but the same foods tend to cause
problems in the same family.
Let me explain: Milk might cause asthma in a father, nose congestion in a
mother, bedwetting in one child, constipation in another and hyperactivity or
ADHD in another.
If you will stop everything and not read another word until you do something,
I can promise you some possible answers right away! Make a list of your
child's (and your own) very favorite foods and beverages. What would you or
your child have difficulty living without for a week? Do it, and at the end of
the next page, I will discuss it. If you simply want a fast fix with a drug
covered by your insurance, don't read anymore. This discussion is created to
help you find answers so drugs can possibly be eliminated from your mode of
What else can you do?
Well, foods have been shown in medical studies to cause up to 66% of
hyperactivity. Dust, molds, pollen and chemical odors definitely are also 'a
piece of the ADD or ADHD pie'. Sure, emotional problems need attention; but
these are often secondary to being told repeatedly that 'you did something
wrong', that 'you are dumb, lazy' or 'enjoy being sick and getting attention'.
The aim is to find out the reasons why you are the way you are and to
eliminate or avoid the cause, if that is possible, so no symptoms exist and no
medicine is required.
So what can you do, other than a diet, that is fast, easy and practical? Will
anything possibly help right away?
The answer is YES!
A quality air-purifier can certainly help to diminish some of these problems.
(Call 1-888-895-7277).
Remember: The key is to find the cause of the ADD or ADHD and eliminate it.
How can that be done?
Learn to check each of the following:
- Check inside each room, at home or work or school. Where does the change
occur in the way someone feels, acts, looks? If it occurs mainly inside some
building, this would suggest that dust, molds or something else inside
buildings was the cause.
- Do the same, and compare the inside with the outside. If the change occurs
mainly outside buildings, think of pollen, molds (if it is damp and rainy),
factory or construction pollution.
- Do the same before and after meals to see if the cause is a food or a
beverage. If worse before meals, think of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar; if
worse after meals or within 10 to 60 minutes, think of what you just put in
your mouth.
- Also, check before and after the exposure to chemical odors; but this time,
look for changes within just seconds to a few minutes, because chemicals
produce their bad, deleterious effects quickly. Keep asking if the smell of
something is causing the changes mentioned above and below.
Now, the location of a change provides important clues; but there are some
other factors that specifically help to pinpoint exactly what is causing ADD
or ADHD or the other symptoms so characteristic of allergies.
I refer to this as, "The Big 5." Learn to check for these, and you will
definitely find out the cause of many illnesses in yourself and your loved
ones. Your body will provide answers, but you must pay attention to the clues
and tap into the system! Here is how to do this:
If you want the answers, just keep checking, as indicated below. It takes
time, but it costs next to nothing in money. Get a pad and paper, and keep
them handy. You need some record-keeping.
- FIRST: Check how your child or you look before and 30 to 60 minutes after
being inside.
- SECOND: Check to see if you feel or behave or act differently under any of
the above circumstances.
- THIRD: Check your child's writing, as well as your own. If any type of
change takes place, it means the brain has been affected; and it might well
account for some of a child's or adult's learning or memory problems.
- FOURTH: Check your pulse to see if it increases more than 20 points or
becomes irregular after eating or one of the above exposures. If there is a
significant change, be assured your whole body and heart circulation have gone
into the alarm mode. The smoke alarm has gone off. The body is saying,
something is not quite right.
- FIFTH: If you have asthma, check the breathing with the use of a Peak Flow
Meter. This is nothing but a hollow tube of plastic with a gauge on it. Merely
put your lips tightly around the mouthpiece, and blow as hard and fast as you
can. If there is a drop over 15% (200 to 165), you might very well have
located the cause of your asthma. If the cause can be eliminated, you may no
longer need medications. If your child does not have asthma or problems
breathing air from the lungs (or wheezing, coughing with exercise and
laughter, shortness of breath or reversible airway disease), there is no need
to check your child's breathing. You can sometimes find the answers that
everyone has missed for years by simply doing just this. Call 1-888-895-7277
to buy a Peak Flow Meter in either the adult or child size ($24.95).
The answers for environmentally-related illnesses, such as ADD and ADHD, are
often found by simply paying attention to the "Big 5" discussed above in
relation to the location or time when certain changes occur. Keep asking if
the problems are most evident:
- inside
- outside
- after eating
- after smelling something.
In the next few days, more practical information will be provided. I hope you
will have some answers by the end of this week. If you do what I suggest and
you have allergies, you WILL find answers!
Before closing, I offer the following example from my book IS THIS YOUR CHILD?
of an aggressive ten-year-old boy who had uncontrollable tantrums and
increased activity related to his ADHD.
Donald first saw us when he was ten years old. He had many allergic relatives
and obvious typical allergies. His parents were particularly concerned
because he had episodes when he spit and bit himself and other people. He had
temper tantrums as often as five times a day. He could not sit through a meal,
a television show, or a game. His teachers noted that he could sit still in
the morning, but that after lunch, his school performance and behavior
Four months before we saw Donald, his other tried the Multiple Food
Elimination Diet. Within a week, he was 75 percent better, and during the
second week, his parents found that wheat, chocolate, and sugar made him
hyperactive and disagreeable. After avoiding these foods for three months his
mother called to tell us he was "a joy." Friends could not believe he was the
same child. His teachers were delighted and very pleased. His Conner's
Hyperactivity Score decreased from an abnormal high of 23 to a normal 13
within one week! Shortly after treatment, he went to a state fair with his
family; and they said that it was the first time in Donald's entire life that
they had ever had a good time with him.
When given a Provocation allergy test for mold in our office, he suddenly
became extremely violent. He kicked and was ready to hit anyone who came
within range. He was negative, uncooperative, and inordinately angry. After
a tiny drop of the correct dilution of mold allergy extract was placed in his
arm, he returned to the pleasant child that he had been during the many
previous hours of allergy testing. Most children act normal in the office
until they are tested for some item to which they are exceedingly sensitive.
Then, the change becomes obvious to anyone.
Typical of many families with an allergic child, his parents soon became
expert in the detection of the major foods that caused him difficulty. After
they learned how to watch for early clues of allergy, they noted that ten
minutes after he ate a bowl of cereal, he would become bouncy, unable to
concentrate, irritable, and hyperactive.
His most remarkable response occurred when we used Provocation/Neutralization
allergy testing for wheat. He scribbled when asked to write. Then, he tore
the paper up after attacking it vigorously with the pencil. He crumpled what
was left of the paper and began to cry. Then, in exasperation, he pounded
the table with his fist. He was so angry at one point that he even punched
the air. As the reaction to the test subsided, he held his head with his
hands and complained of a headache. A few minutes after one drop of the
correct wheat allergy Neutralization extract was given, he acted perfectly
calm and entirely normal. He said he'd felt "mad" when he was being tested
for wheat.
Two months after his treatment, his mother wrote to tell us that their lives
had changed. Donald was responding very well to his allergy extract therapy,
and they could "live" with their son again. His muscle aches, joint pains,
headaches, and leg aches had subsided. His intestinal symptoms and associated
red earlobes made it very easy for them to tell that he was reacting to a food
or some other allergenic substance. His dark eye circles and sleep problems
disappeared. They were all delighted that his previous physicians' diagnoses
had been wrong. His problems were not emotional.
Five years later this boy continues to be 95 percent better. On one
occasion, he stopped all his treatments for several months because he had been
so well for several years. His original symptoms slowly recurred. He resumed
his allergy therapy and quickly and dramatically improved again.
Dr. Rapp's web site is http://www.drrapp.com/.
Dr. Rapp's e-mail address is
Dr. Rapp is available for out-of-town, comprehensive phone consultations. The
Arizona phone number is: (602) 905-9195. Call for more information.
Dr. Rapp has available at a very low cost the following:
*The cost for these is extremely low (and even lower in quantities of 10,
which could be provided to the local schools and libraries!) because Dr. Rapp
wants to "get the word to the world" that allergies can be the cause of
certain behaviors and/or learning problems. She wants the parents and medical
professionals to take an active role in determining the causes of
environmental illness
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:16:13 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Re: add-holistic-digest V1 #28
For Ron Hoggan:
Answers for Queries:
1. Intestinal permeability is a big factor in all allergic individuals whohave
food sensitivities. I have not reviewed the work in this area. Brostoff from
England has a large book in which he discusses this. It may be in his smaller
book for the public which you can call Ciny and get. Call 716-875-0398 The
new work in autism is most intriguing and in a few months we should have a few
answers. No doubt that the brain and the gut are connected, to a much greater
degree than we thought.
2. Dairy products are a problem for many, many individuals. Gluten intolerance
can';t be helped, but grain allergies surely can be. Dr Jean Munro is a
authority on this. Here is her fax # for England.
3. Those who know about food allergy or sensitivities always tell everyone to
watch for at least 72 hours. Many of the intestinal complaints take that long
to show their ugly heads- colitis- Crohn's etc
4.I personally have not reviewed the work with opioid blockers but I am aware
of it. I have not tried naloxone. I know about the autism resarch and know of
no similar work with the ADD children. I do know that simple digestive enzymes
and correcting the candida overgrowth certainly is a piece of the ADD pie.
Wish I knew more but I don't. If I find any more info, I"'ll let you know.
Thanks for writing.
Doris Rapp
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:22:17 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Rapp
Thanks for the resource info. Some of the scientific referecnes for many of
the symptoms are listed in my books which anyone can get -- at a great
discount-- by wrcalling 1 888 895 0398 . It certainly will give many insight
about ways to help problems, even epilepsy and nephritis, for example.
Thank for your help,
Doris J Rapp, MD
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 98 18:30:54 PDT
From: "David E. Birren"
Subject: ADD Reply to DrRapp
I have been lurking on this list for a few weeks, having been invited by
Mark Gold to participate. My particular interest related to ADD is how to
overcome the mental chaos that interferes with mindfulness meditation. The
condition called "monkey mind" is commonly encountered in meditation, but
with practice most people are able to subdue, at least to some extent, the
monkeys. In my experience this has been impossible without the aid of
Ritalin. I have more to offer on this subject, but I'm fairly busy and
won't be prepared to speak up much for perhaps another several weeks.
Right now I'd like to reply to Dr. Rapp.
I'm a 48-year-old white male with two teen-aged children, a post-graduate
education and a professional consulting career. I was diagnosed as having
ADD about two years ago and have been taking Ritalin in several forms since
then. To put it simply, that medication has changed my life. For the
first time in my memory, I am able to pay attention the way "normal" people
seem to.
However, I'm interested in non-drug alternatives that will predictably
enable me to live with a fairly clear mind. I have a number of questions
for Dr. Rapp. But before I comment on her post, I'd like to offer the
disclaimer that, although some of my comments may appear contentious, they
are in the spirit of inquiry - the sort of scientific approach that seeks
to disprove hypotheses on the road to building a credible theory that
explains empirical reality.
Dr. Rapp said:
>Who is apt to have an allergic component to his/her ADD, and what
>are some of the common causes?
>If you yourself have allergies or there are allergies in your family (hay
>fever, asthma, eczema, or hives), the cause of any ADD in related
>loved ones might be due to an allergy....
>The most common causes can be your favorite foods, dust, molds,
>pollen, pets, and/or chemicals.
I have two allergies: to penicillin and to cats. Both of these are quite
recent, with the cat allergy developing after several years of not having a
cat, after having had cats for most of my life. Over all the years I can
remember, I have never noticed any change in my mental chaos other than
that caused by Ritalin. So in my experience, neither food nor allergy nor
cleaning products has any relation to it. This is not to dispute Dr. Rapp,
but to say that I can't relate to the above statement, nor to the many
related statements that follow.
>How can you possibly tell if ADD is due to an allergy by just looking
>at a child or adult?
>There are some telltale clues related to the appearance:
>+ Look for red earlobes and wiggly legs just prior to a sudden burst
>of activity.
My earlobes get red when I'm excited, and my legs wiggle in response to an
increase in adrenalin - provided that my impulse to burst out in activity
is frustrated. If I can act, my earlobes don't get red, and my legs don't
>+ Look for a spaced-out look or a distant look or glassy, glazed eyes.
>At times, almost a demonic look is evident in the eyes.
I was spaced out during most of grammar school and high school. I spent
many a happy hour in a world of my own. I doubt it was allergy-related. I
don't know about demonic looks.
>How can you find the cause of ADD or ADHD, quickly and
>It is easy! Do the recommended diet found in either of my books,
>entitled Is This Your Child? or Is This your Child's World?
I'm tempted to call this statement self-motivated and simply bad advice.
I've read quite a bit on the subject of ADD (including books, articles, and
web pages of all sorts). The consensus among doctors and researchers seems
to point toward several possible causes, several of which involve
imbalances in the brain's chemistry that cannot be measured directly. Is
Dr. Rapp saying that following a diet (of her own recommendation) will
provide a diagnosis that has eluded mainstream science? Or am I missing
I'm not saying there's nothing to this. I *am* saying that it is too easy,
and perhaps even irresponsible, to provide such a glib response on such a
complex issue. The diet may in fact be the Holy Grail of ADDers, but - as
I advise my children - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
>This discussion is created to help you find answers so drugs can
>possibly be eliminated from your mode of therapy.
And for this reason I'm interested. I might just try it myself!
I look forward to further explanations of HOW diet works to clarify the
mind and regulate the behavior caused by what is considered to be a problem
with neurotransmitters.
Respectfully and with curiosity,
Dave Birren
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 23:58:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: Re: ADD Reply to DrRapp
>To: "add"
>From: "David E. Birren"
>Subject: ADD Reply to DrRapp
>Date: Tue, 07 Jul 98 18:30:54 PDT
>>It is easy! Do the recommended diet found in either of my books,
>>entitled Is This Your Child? or Is This your Child's World?
>I'm tempted to call this statement self-motivated and simply bad advice.
>I've read quite a bit on the subject of ADD (including books, articles,
>and web pages of all sorts). The consensus among doctors and researchers
>seems to point toward several possible causes, several of which involve
>imbalances in the brain's chemistry that cannot be measured directly. Is
>Dr. Rapp saying that following a diet (of her own recommendation) will
>provide a diagnosis that has eluded mainstream science? Or am I missing
Thanks for posting! I look forward to hearing more about your
experiences. I will try not to be too contentious myself :-) Here's how I
look at the issue:
I believe that mainstream science tends to miss the simple solutions that
can help a large percentage of people. There was a recent study in
Germany showing that a *very* high percentage of childhood migraines and
cluster headaches can be eliminated by removal of food additives and
certain other foods. A very simple and permanent solution for many who
suffered tremendously or who had been given pain relieving drugs. I
believe there has been similar research related to behavior and diet (and
ADD), but I'll let our scientific experts speak to this.
I do not think that changes in diet and exposure to certain toxic
chemicals will cure *everyone's* ADD symptoms. But Dr. Rapp has many years
of clinical success in treating ADD and other behavioral disorders (and
her techniques are being adopted by many practitioners). I think that
the documented successes (including video documentation of some of the
treatments) of Dr. Rapp and others using her techniques are
strong evidence that the techniques help many people.
It may be difficult for Dr. Rapp to distill her extensive resource book
(which I highly recommend by the way) into a few posts. If you take the
time to read through the book, "Is This Your Child's World?", there is a
section which tries to simplify diagnosis of factors that cause ADD
symptoms and other behavioral disorders. But there is also alot more
information which could be very useful for more complex cases and for
preventive medicine.
My experience with Holistic Medicine leads me to hypothesize that
childhood ADD can be treated more successfully with a single technique
such as Classical Homeopathy, Feingold Program, Dr. Rapp's program,
Neurofeedback, etc., but adult onset ADD may be complicated (at least in
some cases) by other factors and that one or more of these techniques (or
other techniques I discuss on my web page) may lead to significant
improvements, but other types of treatments or changes may be needed as
well. Hopefully, as more and more ideas and techniques are discussed,
more of us will find *and post about* success with either one technique or
bits and pieces of several techniques.
By the way, I have an appointment with a Classical Homeopath (from Steve's
web page) for Friday. I'm excited! :-)
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 01:37:05 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Reply to DrRapp
It is difficult for most people to quiet their mind for meditation.
Concentrating on the breath helps. I never tried to use Ritalin so I
don't`know but I just am not too happy about Class II narcotics. Never
meditate when tired. Try early AM before the worries of the day get to you. If
your mind is worried or stressed it is tough to meditate.
Sorry I can't tell yu more. Things that cause allergy can make your mind most
unsettled. Get one of my books, es[pecially Chapter 3 in the book Is This Your
Child's World (It is the same for adullts. That will provide some answers as
to whether some of the monkey mind is related to an allergy or not. Thanks for
writing, Doris J Rapp
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 09:19:07 -0500
From: "Linda E. Love"
Subject: ADD Question for the doctors
On behalf of my grandson, my daughter would like to ask the following questions:
My 5 year old son was diagnosed with mild ADHD. Is there a "mild" form?
His ADHD seems to only affect his ability to stay focused. He isn't running
around a lot, but does fidget some. Is this typical of some ADHD children?
We put him on a dosage of 5mg of Ritalin, but the school said that there
wasn't much (if any) improvement, so we took him off. Should we try again at
a higher dosage?
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 09:02:08 -0700
From: Fran/Perry Atkinson
Subject: ADD Re: add-holistic-digest V1 #30
Dr. Rapp, I have an 11 year old daughter who began having wild behavior
changes similiar to the ones on your video tapes as a toddler. I was
criticized by family and others who thought my parenting skills were
lacking. I couldn't understand why such a sweet child would become so nasty
and out of control. I charted everything she did and discovered that her
episodes occurred only when she had not eaten for about 3 hours. I had
often wondered why we had such problems at family gatherings. It turned out
that we adults were not paying too much attention to what the kids were
eating. Since there was so much food around, I thought she was eating. In
the excitement of cousins and activity she was really just grabbing a cookie
now and then.
What I have learned about my daughter is that if she eats about every
two-three hours her behavior is normal. It doesn't seem to matter what she
eats. Even sugar doesn't seem to bother her unless she is running close to
the time limit and if I can get some other food in her along with the sugar
or within a short (about 20 minutes) period of time. In fact, ugar can "buy
some time" until we can get to food. On car trips, if there is no food in
the car and she starts to "crash" I can give her a stick of gum which will
hold her over until we can stop for a snack. Although my child has
allergies, there doesn't seem to be a connection between the allergies and
the emotional swings.
As she has matured she does have more control over her actions. Now when
she goes beyond the limits she may cry or tremble. She frequently believes,
during these times, that others are picking on her and that she has no
friends. Whatever she perceives during this time she believes is reality
even after she has eaten and leveled out. She is finally learning to
recognize for herself what is happening and know that she needs to eat.
Because I was lucky enough and persistant enough to "Make the Connection"
she is an honor student in the gifted program who is loved by teachers and
peers. She knows how important eating is to her and rarely misses her
When I have talked with doctors about this, their only response is, "Well,
if it works, it won't hurt anything."
What is happening to my daughter? I can't seem to find anything written on
this. I think I don't know what to look for. Of course, it seems like it
must be related to hypoglycemia, but I can't find anything there that
relates to violent behavior.
There must be many other children who suffer this same way but whose parents
have not found the cause. As a special education teacher turned school
counselor I'm very frustrated that when parents need help they are given
something to control the symptoms rather than looking for the cause. In the
last year I have found two other children who respond to food or the lack of
food in the same way. Can you point me toward the research in this area?
I am in a position to help parents find solutions. I share your information
with them as well as my own, but it would be helpful to me to know if there
is research about my daughter's situation.
Thank you for the great work you do. You're one of my heros. Fran
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 15:13:56 -0400
From: George von Hilsheimer
Subject: ADD Dr. Rapp and Diet
Dr. Rapp is only repeating what environmentalists taught her (she signed my
copy of her book, To Dr Von "who knew all of this years ago") actually she
said "centuries", but....
Dr. Rapp has offered a PRINCIPAL of investigation in diet. Generally, the
principal is known as the scientific method. You collect data and you record
events. She has helped organize food so that the process isn't (as I've
seen some doctors try to get patients to do) just apricots bananas
cauliflower doughnuts echinacieae flour grapes hyacynths i, j, k ...
I learned today that the Vulvodynia Foundation has found SALYCILATES. No
mention of Dr. Lockey, not even of Dr. Feingold; of course, no mention of
the German biochemists who first taught us that salycilates were dangerous.
Well, foundations are not in the business of writing history, but my
experience is that it is well to recount the roots, people are more likely
to take the 'new' to you knowledge seriously.
Dr. Rapp's method is provocation, experimentation, proving, trial and error,
empirical science. Unfortunately, all the hot shot lab tests, skin tests,
etc fail to measure up to eating the food and finding out.
By the way, David Birren, if you had been in my class in school you would have
been kept late and forced to learn some manners. All that hoity toity stuff
is ok in college seminars, but this is the real world and you will find that you
get better answers with a bit more kindness and courtesy. Of course, I date
myself by this concern; but Dr. Rapp is no more self motivated that any of
the rest of
us. Her principals arise from a deep fountain of environmental science and she
doesn't pretend to have discovered a hot shot new secret. Sniff!!!
Dr. von Hilsheimer
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 19:39:21 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Re: add-holistic-digest V1 #30
In a message dated 98-07-08 12:00:17 EDT, you write:
> Dr. Rapp, I have an 11 year old daughter who began having wild behavior
> changes similiar to the ones on your video tapes as a toddler. I was
> criticized by family and others who thought my parenting skills were
> lacking.
> I couldn't understand why such a sweet child would
>become so nastyand out of control. I charted everything she did and
>discovered that her episodes occurred only when she had not eaten for about
> I had often wondered why we had such problems at family gatherings. It
>turned out
> that we adults were not paying too much attention to what the kids were
> eating. Since there was so much food around, I thought she was eating. In
> the excitement of cousins and activity she was really just grabbing a cookie
> now and then.
> What I have learned about my daughter is that if she eats about every
> two-three hours her behavior is normal.
> It doesn't seem to matter what she
> eats. Even sugar doesn't seem to bother her unless she is running close to
> the time limit and if I can get some other food in her along with the sugar
> or within a short (about 20 minutes) period of time. In fact, ugar can "buy
> some time" until we can get to food. On car trips, if there is no food in
> the car and she starts to "crash" I can give her a stick of gum which will
> hold her over until we can stop for a snack. Although my child has
> allergies, there doesn't seem to be a connection between the allergies and
> the emotional swings.
Maybe it is simply hypoglycemia and not an allergy.
> As she has matured she does have more control over her actions. Now when
> she goes beyond the limits she may cry or tremble. She frequently believes,
> during these times, that others are picking on her and that she has no
> friends. Whatever she perceives during this time she believes is reality
> even after she has eaten and leveled out. She is finally learning to
> recognize for herself what is happening and know that she needs to eat.
Give her vegetables and proteins- not sugar snacks every 1-2 hours.
> Because I was lucky enough and persistant enough to "Make the Connection"
> she is an honor student in the gifted program who is loved by teachers and
> peers. She knows how important eating is to her and rarely misses her
> snacktime.
She will be that way again.
> When I have talked with doctors about this, their only response is, "Well,
> if it works, it won't hurt anything."
> What is happening to my daughter? I can't seem to find anything written on
> this. I think I don't know what to look for. Of course, it seems like it
> must be related to hypoglycemia, but I can't find anything there that
> relates to violent behavior.
Read my book on hypoglycemia and get Carlton Frederick's book.
> There must be many other children who suffer this same way but whose parents
> have not found the cause. As a special education teacher turned school
> counselor I'm very frustrated that when parents need help they are given
> something to control the symptoms rather than looking for the cause. In the
> last year I have found two other children who respond to food or the lack of
> food in the same way. Can you point me toward the research in this area?
Children who are worse after eating often have allergies, if before its
hypoglycemia and if it is both times, they often have both. Treat the
allergies and both tend to disappear. read references in my book on this topic
> I am in a position to help parents find solutions. I share your information
> with them as well as my own, but it would be helpful to me to know if there
> is research about my daughter's situation.
> Thank you for the great work you do. You're one of my heros. Fran
thanks- Dr D.
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 19:45:07 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
In a message dated 98-07-08 13:21:50 EDT, you write:
<< Linda E. Love wrote:
>> On behalf of my grandson, my daughter would like to ask the following
>> questions:
>> My 5 year old son was diagnosed with mild ADHD. Is there a "mild" form?
>> His ADHD seems to only affect his ability to stay focused. He isn't running
>> around a lot, but does fidget some. Is this typical of some ADHD children?
> The name ADHD is just a label. Your son has the issues he has. Like all
> children labeled ADD or ADHD he has his own unique symptoms. Of the
> hundreds of ADD kids I have treated, each has their own unique symptoms
> and the differences between them is much more than the commonalities.
> That is why homeopathy usess different remedies for each of these
> people.
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 19:50:44 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Rapp and Diet
In a message dated 98-07-08 15:13:00 EDT, you write:
> Dr. Rapp's method is provocation, experimentation, proving, trial and error,
> empirical science. Unfortunately, all the hot shot lab tests, skin tests,
> etc fail to measure up to eating the food and finding out.
> By the way, David Birren, if you had been in my class in school you would have
> been kept late and forced to learn some manners. All that hoity toity stuff
> is ok in college seminars, but this is the real world and you will find that you
> get better answers with a bit more kindness and courtesy. Of course, I date
> myself by this concern; but Dr. Rapp is no more self motivated that any of
> the rest of us. Her principals arise from a deep fountain of environmenta
> science and she doesn't pretend to have discovered a hot shot new secret
> Sniff!!!
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 21:50:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Questions for Dr. Rapp
Dr. Rapp,
Thank you for your posts. I have a question that I was hoping you could
In some cases, a child or adult may have noticable ADD symptoms or
behavioral disorders such as hyperactivity on infrequent to fairly
frequent basis. In such cases, it seems that the observational techniques
that you mentioned could be extremely helpful in locating the
allergy/intolerance/toxicity factor(s) which lead to the symptoms.
However, how would you suggest a person address the following situations:
- The behavior, inability to focus, lack of attention, etc. is pretty
much constant. If the problem doesn't change much, but is there, how
does one locate the allergy/intolerance/toxicity factor(s)?
- I realize that in many cases, the offending items may be easily
discovered by observational method. But how does one go about
recognizing the more offending items which are:
- ubiquitous -- found in a large number of products and therefore
the person is rarely *not* ingesting them to see a difference.
- causing chronic toxicity such that it is not so much an allergic
reaction, but medium-term or long-term exposure is causing
symptoms and health damage.
Do these types of situations suggest the need to visit an Environmental
Medicine Specialist? If so, how does one locate a quality practitioner?
Thanks again for taking the time to learn AOL Mail and posting to the
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:30:10 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Homeopathy Question
In a message dated 98-07-08 21:53:05 EDT, you write:
> A person who visits a Classical Homeopath might (before the visit) be
> taking a numbers of possible substances:
> 1. Herbs
> 2. Vitamins
> 3. Minerals
> 4. Amino Acids
> 5. Pharmaceuticals
> 6. Other Supplements (e.g., green drinks, vandyl sulfate, etc.)
> I have heard that it is better to avoid other treatments (unless
> absolutely necessary) while taking homeopathic remedies. My questions
> are:
> 1. Is the practice relating to this issue consistent between Classical
> Homeopaths, or is there some variation between practitioners?
> 2. Which of the items do you generally recommend not taking when using
> homeopathic remedies?
> 3. When you have had success treating children with ADD, have some of
> them been on ritalin or similar drugs? And if so, when do they
> eliminate the drug? Before, during or after homeopathic treatment?
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 12:59:06 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Questions for Dr. Rapp
In a message dated 98-07-08 21:53:17 EDT, you write:
> 1. The behavior, inability to focus, lack of attention, etc. is pretty
> much constant. If the problem doesn't change much, but is there, how
> does one locate the allergy/intolerance/toxicity factor(s)?
> 2. I realize that in many cases, the offending items may be easily
> discovered by observational method. But how does one go about
> recognizing the more offending items which are:
> a) ubiquitous -- found in a large number of products and therefore
> the person is rarely *not* ingesting them to see a difference.
> b) causing chronic toxicity such that it is not so much an allergic
> reaction, but medium-term or long-term exposure is causing
> symptoms and health damage.
Do these types of situations suggest the need to visit an Environmental
Medicine Specialist? If so, how does one locate a quality practitioner?
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:17:24 EDT
From: Hetwoman@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
In a message dated 98-07-08 15:21:05 EDT, you write:
<< The gold standard for objectifying ADD is a continuous performance test -
the most widely sold one is the TOVA, Test of Variables of Attention. >>
My son recently had the TOVA tests. One was audio and one was visual. He
didn't complete the visual one because he was too impulsive, but he did do
well on the audio, still should some impulsivity but not as bad. He began his
neurofeedback training yesterday and I am really nervous about it. He is said
to have "mild to moderate abnormal QEEG. It is all so complicated to me that
I am really nervous. He seemed more relaxed today - they are starting on the
right side and doing some relaxation work. Then they will move on to the left
side of the brian where his troubles lie. He seems to be weak in the visual
areas. If anyone can explain anymore, I would be most grateful. I have more
info from the reports if you need. Thanks.
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 13:15:28 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
> My son recently had the TOVA tests. One was audio and one was visual. He
> didn't complete the visual one because he was too impulsive, but he did do
> well on the audio, still should some impulsivity but not as bad. He began his
> neurofeedback training yesterday and I am really nervous about it. He is said
> to have "mild to moderate abnormal QEEG. It is all so complicated to me that
> I am really nervous. He seemed more relaxed today - they are starting on the
> right side and doing some relaxation work. Then they will move on to the left
> side of the brian where his troubles lie. He seems to be weak in the visual
> areas. If anyone can explain anymore, I would be most grateful. I have more
> info from the reports if you need. Thanks.
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 22:03:48 EDT
From: PEllis8107@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
Dear Dr Rapp:
I am a clinician who is somewhat familiar with the research supporting and not
supporting treatments effective in addressing ADD/ADHD. When you said that
"66%" respond to dietary changes, you captured my interest. How did you come
to this finding?
I draw your attention to one research project using what I would call
respectable methodology. Dr Bonnie Kaplan at the Univ of Calgary supported the
idea that there is a link between dietary improvements and behavior
improvements in ADHD children. She conducted a double-blind study in which
ADHD preschoolers with known allergies were placed on diets without additives,
chocolate, MSG, caffiene, and other substances known to cause allergic
reactions for the children. As a result of the diet, 10 of the 24 students
improved by 25% as rated by established behavior rating scales. The results
are promising, but are far short of 66%. This study also picked children who
were known to have allergies, already a subset of the total population of ADHD
children. Improvements of 25% are also encouraging but far short of a "cure".
Do you know of any peer reviewed, well designed (with reasonable controls)
research that improves on this percentage?
P. Ellis
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 12:34:07 -0600
From: Ron Hoggan
Subject: ADD Re: add-holistic-digest V1 #32
Hi Dr. Ellis,
Dr. Rapp, I'm sure, will offer a more complete response to your post.
However, there are a couple of your comments that were of particular
interest to me:
> I am a clinician who is somewhat familiar with the research supporting and not
> supporting treatments effective in addressing ADD/ADHD. When you said that
> "66%" respond to dietary changes, you captured my interest. How did you come
> to this finding?
> I draw your attention to one research project using what I would call
> respectable methodology. Dr Bonnie Kaplan at the Univ of Calgary supported the
> idea that there is a link between dietary improvements and behavior
> improvements in ADHD children.
I presume you are referring to:
Kaplan, B., McNicol, J., Conte, R., Moghadam, H. (1989). Dietary
Replacement in Preschool-Aged Hyperactive Boys. Pediatrics. 83(1), 7-17.
Kaplan et al. clearly state that they did not include gluten containing
grains as test substances. They do so in recognition that this may
constitute a deficiency in their methodology.
In subsequent work:
Crawford, S., Kaplan, B., Kinsbourne, M., (1994). Cortex. 30 (2), 281-292.
Kaplan and her co-workers report evidence of a familial association between
autoimmunity and ADHD, as well as learning disabilities. They also report a
familial association between Crohn's disease and ADHD.
> She conducted a double-blind study in which
> ADHD preschoolers with known allergies were placed on diets without additives,
> chocolate, MSG, caffiene, and other substances known to cause allergic
> reactions for the children.
But gluten and, if memory serves, some other common allergenic substances
were not considered in their exclusions. If intestinal permeability is a
factor in food allergies, then the failure to examine these entities
impugns their results, as elevated IgA and IgG gliadin serum antibodies
have been reported in from 2.5% (Catassi et al.(1994). Coeliac disease in
the year 2000: exploring the iceberg. Lancet 343(8891), 200-203. )to 15%
(Arnason et al.(1992)Do Adults with high gliadin antibody concentrations
have subclinical gluten intolerance? Gut . 33(2), 194-197.) of random
As I remember the Kaplan et al. report, they excluded dietary substances on
the basis of the parents' sense of what would exacerbate behaviour. I do
not remember the basis on which allergies were determined, but I do
remember that when I read that report, I questioned the validity of their
approach. I will try to find a copy of that paper again, and provide
further comment on this issue.
> As a result of the diet, 10 of the 24 students
> improved by 25% as rated by established behavior rating scales. The results
> are promising, but are far short of 66%. This study also picked children who
> were known to have allergies, already a subset of the total population of ADHD
> children. Improvements of 25% are also encouraging but far short of a "cure".
Of course, the application of a pharmacological paradigm is often
problematic in dietary interventions. For example, symptoms of Omega 3
deficiency can be very slow developing, and equally slow to respond to
supplementation. In such a case, a double-blind/cross-over is more likely
to confuse the issue than shed light upon it.
> Do you know of any peer reviewed, well designed (with reasonable controls)
> research that improves on this percentage?
Perhaps Dr. Rapp is aware of some such work. I am not.
best wishes,
Ron Hoggan
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 16:41:20 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Reply to DrRapp
I am new at this E mail stuff and cannot find letter to respond.I keep losing
the cursor!
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 13:20:52 EDT
From: Cpperwmn@aol.com
Subject: ADD Question for the doctors
Writers have claimed cures for AD/HD, and that has left me feeling a little
confused. I was under the impression that AD/HD is a disorder as opposed to a
My understanding of a disorder is it is a (for descriptive brevity) genetic
malfunction, such as the Trisomy disorders, or cerebral palsy, which I
understand to be incurable (though both can be greatly aided). Whereas, I
understand disease to be an attack on the (a) systems by a foreign body, such
as bacteria or virus, which are (potentially) curable.
Could someone please explain where AD/HD fits in to all this? Or, if I'm way
off base with my 'understandings', please clue me, too.
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 16:50:30 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
I hope this is your letter Copper. I am new at this E mail and cna't find
cursor. As for question. I don't care if you classify it as a disease or a
disorder. You can definitely help ADHD with diet, with nutrients, with
homeopathics, with chriopractic, with allergy extract. You can take your pick.
It is "curable" in many, quickly- sometimes not so easiy but it sure can be
helped. Get my book is This Your Child lr Is This Your Child's (or your own)
bWorld- call 716 875 0398. Get the Sick Schools Video. Get ready to be
pleasantly surprised.
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 16:56:33 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
Read the referencesin my book. I just took children on Ritalin, not
preselectged for anything else and found that 66^ had allergy, 66% responded
to diet in one week. OShea found the same. J of learning Disability. My
hyperactivity book goes over the literature. The studies quoted in my book by
Soothill and Eggar found the same. A BIG PIECE of the add pie is
Thanks, Doris Rapp
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 17:01:23 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
There are obviously many ways to help ADD and ADHD without drugs. One merely
needs to keep looking and seeing what is easiest- fast. safe and best. If i
can get a medical center iin Phoenix we will evaluate the various techniques
and line them up as to cost and efficacy- but til then- everyone must read and
study. Dr Rapp
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 14:20:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: an588@freenet.carleton.ca (Catherine Woodgold)
Subject: ADD Hypoclycemia and Chromium Deficiency
atkinson@theriver.com (Fran & Perry) asked about ADD and hypoglycemia.
An excellent treatment for hypoglycemia is supplementation with
chromium in an organic form, in reasonable, RDA-like amounts.
Chromium is needed by the body to move sugar around. It is used
by the body to make a molecule called Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF),
which works with insulin to move sugar from the blood into cells,
and I think is used generally to move sugar into and out of storage
in the body, etc. This chromium-containing molecule is like a wagon
that the body uses to move sugar around. I think plants use it
in a similar way, because chromium is usually found in natural
sources of sugar such as honey, raisins, etc.
To work properly, the brain needs enough sugar, and also the
raw materials to make neurotransmitters; vitamin C is important,
for example.
Many people's diets are deficient in chromium. In one study it was
the one mineral people were most likely to be low on. "Studies by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture have shown that 9 out of 10 Americans
may not be getting enough chromium." A typical supplementation for an
adult is 200 mcg of chromium, which is not a megadose.
Eating refined sugar depletes the body of chromium. Although sugar cane
contains chromium, it is removed during the refining process. Molasses
might contain chromium, but some brown sugar and molasses is mostly refined.
When you eat refined sugar, the body releases chromium out of storage (in
the liver?) into the blood in order to handle the sugar. Inevitably, some
of this chromium is then lost in the urine. So eating sugar leaves you with
a little less chromium than you had before, and therefore a little less
ability to process sugar in the future.
Supplementation with chromium elevates and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
Chromium chloride is just about useless as a supplement: hardly any is
absorbed. The organic molecule GTF itself is found in brewer's yeast and
in some nutritional supplements, and works very well. Chromium picolinate
also works very well: picolinic acid (picolinate) is normally used by the body to
transport minerals, so it's in a ready-to-use form. Honey, raisins, grapes,
brewer's yeast, natural sugar cane, and unrefined molasses (?) are food
sources of chromium.
My own experience: I became depleted of chromium during my first pregnancy.
For a couple of months I would become ravenous a couple of hours after eating.
Of course, I was breastfeeding, but the lack of chromium was a major factor.
I began chromium supplements and within a couple of weeks I felt quite different.
A few hours after eating I would be simply hungry, not desperately hungry.
I used to get migraine headaches if I didn't eat for about 4 hours in a row.
I still like to snack frequently, but I can get along without eating for 5
hours now and just feel hungry, and not get a headache. I used to be irritable
just before dinner; that was prime time for fights with my husband. OK, I still
have a bit of a low before dinner and my husband and I have an agreement not
to discuss anything until after eating, but the chromium supplements made a
big difference too.
Fran & Perry, you said that sugar doesn't seem to make your boy's behaviour worse.
It may not in the short run: but over the course of a few weeks it depletes him
of chromium. He needs the chromium or he will crash if he doesn't eat for a few
hours. I suggest using raisins, honey etc. instead of refined sugar for treats and
emergency snacks. (Brush teeth frequently and/or end each meal or snack with a piece
of fresh fruit other than bananna, to cleanse the teeth.)
You may see no difference in his immediate behaviour as compared
to giving him sugar, but after a few weeks I think you will see an overall improvement.
Since refined sugar is everywhere it may be hard to get enough chromium into him
via food; I think chromium supplementation is a good idea, though I don't know
the correct amount for a child. I would think you would take the adult dose
and divide it by a ratio of body weights. That is, divide his body weight by the
weight of a typical adult, and make his dose smaller than 200 mcg by that ratio.
You could cut 200 mcg pills into quarters, for example. Chromium is an essential
nutrient; everyone needs it to stay alive. Generally with essential nutrients
taking a bit more than you need almost never does any harm; they're pretty safe
because our bodies are used to them.
Cathy Woodgold TISSATAAFL Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
One car takes people to a place; hundreds of cars make the places
no longer worth going to. Are your favourite places car-free?
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 17:08:16 EDT
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Hypoclycemia and Chromium Deficiency
What you said about chromium is of caourse very important. I recommend stevia
from the health food stores as a substitute. It tastes much better than the
usual substitutes. Augar is definitely a piece of the pie. Thank, Dr rapp
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 17:23:14 -0400
From: George von Hilsheimer
Subject: ADD Disorder, disease, dysfunction
Mark rewarded me for being silent. Excellent explanation.
The disease, diabetes, includes the disorders hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia,
and a host of others. A disorder is the reverse of order, a usually
homeostatic or self regulating process is dysfunctional. A dysfunction is a
small part of a disorder.
Doris Rapp's Sixty Six (66) per cent is probably conservative. I am almost 70,
I've been seeing ADD kids professionally since I was in my 20s and I almost
never found one who did not have some hypersensitivity; all us old pahzers
were taught that "atopy" came from the word "wierd" and that "allergy" was
an atopic illness, viz. a wierd illness. These days with many MD's insisting
that the only allergy is an IgE allergy then meanings slip.
So lets use hypersensitivity. The ADD brain is vulnerable because is has
very high amplitude slow wave activity which deranges, brakes, many
otherwise well
functioning brain systems. Get rid of the over braking and you get rid of
many derangements. Pavlov taught us this more than 80 years ago.
If you want to see ADD fly out the window for good (unless you hit the child
in the head fairly hard) then do EEG biofeedback. I do NOTHING else these
days. I'm old, tired, and love to be efficient. So EEG biofeedback. Plus
good diet, allergy management, and at the very least vitamins C, B-6 and
magnesium. ADD,
Dr. Von
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 98 19:34:03 PDT
From: "David E. Birren"
Subject: Re: ADD Reply to DrRapp
DrRappMD replied to me:
>IIt is difficult for most people to quiet their mind for meditation.
Indeed, it is. It's probably the most challenging aspect of the practice,
at least for the first several lifetimes (as I've heard it said, generally
with some humor).
>Concentrating on the breath helps.
That's the primary technique.
> I never tried to use Ritalin so I don't`know but I just am not too happy
> about Class II narcotics.
I have to agree with you about using drugs. But my feeling is - as I
implied in my earlier post - I'm happy to have something that enables me to
organize the chaos, because I've never found anything else that does it.
The key, to me, is using the substance intelligently, which means treating
it as a teaching tool, something that enables a person to free up enough
inner resources to build the kinds of mental mechanisms that "normal"
people take for granted.
>Never meditate when tired. Try early AM before the worries of the day get
>to you. If your mind is worried or stressed it is tough to meditate.
I think most meditation teachers would say that tiredness is just something
else one deals with. Morning is the best time for many people, myself
included, but "sitting" while tired or upset or worried or stressed often
provides deeper and more useful insights than when one is feeling calm.
Not fun, necessarily, but that's not the point.
>Things that cause allergy can make your mind most unsettled.
I wonder about the predictability and reliability of the relationship
between allergies and ADD. I never had a single allergy until about five
years ago (age 43) when I reacted to penicillin with mild hives. When I
moved and was no longer around cats, I discovered an allergy to them. Yet
I have always had the symptoms of ADD - impulsivity, restlessness, and
difficulty organizing mental processes. Considering that until recently
I've never had allergic symptoms of any kind, would you suggest that there
are allergies that manifest only through ADD symptoms?
The same is true for my son, one of my sisters and one of her sons. None
of them has any allergies that anyone knows of, yet they have the same set
of ADD symptoms - no obvious hyperactivity, but a consistent pattern of
mental disorganization and impulsivity.
It certainly is hard to sort through the variables, isn't it?
Best regards,
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 22:18:46 EDT
From: YCaryl@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: ADD Reply to DrRapp
In a message dated 7/12/98 1:31:39 AM, Dave said:
Especially, since we have, as you also wrote so succinctly,
[[a consistent pattern of mental disorganization and impulsivity]]
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 22:49:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
>From: PEllis8107@aol.com
>Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 22:03:48 EDT
>To: add-holistic@mLists.net
>Subject: Re: ADD Question for the doctors
>I draw your attention to one research project using what I would call
>respectable methodology. Dr Bonnie Kaplan at the Univ of Calgary
>supported the idea that there is a link between dietary improvements and
>behavior improvements in ADHD children. She conducted a double-blind
>study in which ADHD preschoolers with known allergies were placed on
>diets without additives, chocolate, MSG, caffiene, and other substances
>known to cause allergic reactions for the children. As a result of the
>diet, 10 of the 24 students improved by 25% as rated by established
>behavior rating scales. The results are promising, but are far short of
>66%. This study also picked children who were known to have allergies,
>already a subset of the total population of ADHD children.
Dr. Ellis,
Unless I'm mis-reading the results from the Kaplan, et al. study, I think
the improvement is greater:
"Approximately 42% (n=10) of the children exhibited approximatey 50%
improvement in behavior as a result of the ACH diet (Fig 2); an
additional 16% (n=4) exhibited a 12% improvement with no placebo
I didn't see anything about the subjects being included because they had
allergies. But it's a long publication and I could have missed it.
I thought it was interesting that the researchers pointed out that:
"After the current research was already underway, one report appeared
in which behavioral changes were demonstrated with challenges of a
wide variety of foods which were not excluded in our ACH diet: oats,
peanuts, wheat, grapes, and bananas, etc."
This statement may be one example of where the Kaplan, et al. protocol
diverges from Dr. Rapp's techniques. If I understand it correctly, Dr.
Rapp has some suggested foods to eliminate which differ from those
eliminated by Dr. Kaplan. In addition, specific observational techniques
are used by Dr. Rapp and the parents to help identify foods and
environmental chemicals that cause problems. Provication/neutralization
techniques are used by Dr. Rapp when necessary. Dr. Rapp's techniques
seems to be geared towards identifying and eliminating the problem
exposures. Dr. Kaplan picked some substances known to cause allergy and
intolerance reactions, but they may have missed many substances because
they didn't use Dr. Rapp's techniques to identify offending foods/
Here are some abstracts I found that may be relevant:
AUTHOR: Boris M; Mandel FS
TITLE: Foods and additives are common causes of the attention
deficit hyperactive disorder in children.
SOURCE: Ann Allergy (4XC), 1994 May; 72 (5): 462-8
ABSTRACT: The attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a
neurophysiologic problem that is detrimental to children and
their parents. Despite previous studies on the role of
foods, preservatives and artificial colorings in ADHD this
issue remains controversial. This investigation evaluated 26
children who meet the criteria for ADHD. Treatment with a
multiple item elimination diet showed 19 children (73%)
responded favorably, P < .001. On open challenge, all 19
children reacted to many foods, dyes, and/or preservatives.
A double-blind placebo controlled food challenge (DBPCFC)
was completed in 16 children. There was a significant
improvement on placebo days compared with challenge days (P
= .003). Atopic children with ADHD had a significantly
higher response rate than the nonatopic group. This study
demonstrates a beneficial effect of eliminating reactive
foods and artificial colors in children with ADHD. Dietary
factors may play a significant role in the etiology of the
majority of children with ADHD.
[This is interesting because if shows how food can affect the brain.]
AUTHOR: Uhlig T; Merkenschlager A; Brandmaier R; Egger J
TITLE: Topographic mapping of brain electrical activity in children
with food-induced attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder.
SOURCE: Eur J Pediatr (END), 1997 Jul; 156 (7): 557-61
ABSTRACT: In 15 children suffering from food induced attention deficit
hyperkinetic syndrome, topographic EEG mapping of brain
electrical activity was carried out following avoidance and
ingestion of previously identified provoking foods. A
crossover design was used and recordings were interpreted
independently by two investigators, one of whom was blind to
the order of testing. During consumption of provoking foods
there was a significant increase in betal activity in the
frontotemporal areas of the brain. This investigation is the
first one to show an association between brain electrical
activity and intake of provoking foods in children with food-
induced attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
CONCLUSIONS: These data support the hypothesis that in a
subgroup of children with attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder certain foods may not only influence clinical
symptoms but may also alter brain electrical activity.
AUTHOR: Carter CM; Urbanowicz M; Hemsley R; Mantilla L; Strobel S;
Graham PJ; Taylor E
TITLE: Effects of a few food diet in attention deficit disorder.
SOURCE: Arch Dis Child (6XG), 1993 Nov; 69 (5): 564-8
ABSTRACT: Seventy-eight children, referred to a diet clinic because of
hyperactive behaviour, were placed on a 'few foods'
elimination diet. Fifty nine improved in behaviour during
this open trial. For 19 of these children it was possible to
disguise foods or additives, or both, that reliably provoked
behavioural problems by mixing them with other tolerated
foods and to test their effect in a placebo controlled
double blind challenge protocol. The results of a crossover
trial on these 19 children showed a significant effect for
the provoking foods to worsen ratings of behaviour and to
impair psychological test performance. This study shows that
observations of change in behaviour associated with diet
made by parents and other people with a role in the child's
care can be reproduced using double blind methodology and
objective assessments. Clinicians should give weight to the
accounts of parents and consider this treatment in selected
children with a suggestive medical history.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 00:47:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD-Holistic Visiting Experts
Dr. Rapp,
I want to thank you for taking the time to visit the group to share your
clinical experience and answer questions! I hope that you can stay around
and answer and followup questions and participate in the discussion as you
have time. I think that your book, "Is This Your Child's World?" is not
only a great book for those with ADD/ADHD, but is an excellent resource
book for anyone raising children or treating children.
For anyone interested in finding out more about the resource Dr. Rapp
has to offer, please visit her web page at:
Also, Dr. Rapp has provided phone numbers in previous posts for ordering
books & videos, and finding a specialist to help test for and eliminate
behavioral disorders caused by allergies/intolerances/toxic exposures.
The next Visiting Expert is...well, this will have to wait 'till tomorrow
(Monday) until I can clear up a few things. I'm excited and hope it works
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Arthur E. Munyer, CMT
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 08:43:07 -0400
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Dave Rietz (www.dorway.com)"
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert, Arthur E. Munyer, CMT
The ADD-Holistic mailing list is very fortunate to have our next
honored Visiting Expert, Arthur E. Munyer, CMT. Mr. Munyer is truly
a world-renowned bodywork instructor, teaching various modalities in
Europe, South America, and the United States. He returned from South
America only a few days ago and I am very appreciative that he has
agreed to share his expertise with the group.
Mr. Munyer was a Manager and Teacher at the School for Infants and
Toddlers of the Esalen Institute. In addition, he was an Instructor
and Administrator in Early Childhood Development at the school.
(The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California is one of the most
well-known and respected centers for "holistic" education in the
Mr. Munyer has education and training in Cranial-Sacral work, Trigger
Point Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Radix, Aikido,
Fedenkrais, Polarity Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Rolfing, Emotional
Release Work (based on the work of Dr. Stan Grof), Deep Tissue
Therapy, Meditation, and other modalities.
From my own experience, I know that body-oriented and breath-oriented
modalities have had a powerful effect on my emotions and behavior. I
used Bioenergetics, the work of Dr. Stan Grof, and Heller Work
"massage" to help cure a low-level depressive state. While it wasn't
ADD/ADHD, I believe that bodywork and related modalities may be
equally useful in many cases. Therefore, I am very excited to
welcome Mr. Munyer to the ADD-Holistic discussion group! (Even
though I'm on vacation, I will read the archives when I return. :-)
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Munyer to the discussion group.
[clap, clap, clap!]
Take care!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 18:19:28 +0000
From: Arthur Munyer
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Arthur E. Munyer, CMT opening post
Hello Everyone,
I'm very knew at this form of communication and I am willing to make a go
of it, Okay??
My approach to working with ADD is doing bodywork and helping children
and adults in finding safe ways to release their unwanted emotional
energies, that society find hard to adjust to.
I believe and have experienced that people really change this so called
ADD into productive excepted living, once they understand more about how
energy moves in the "HUMAN BODY"
arthur munyer
Thank you Mark for being in this world, with all that positive supportive
energy, that you so openly show.
Arthur Munyer,CMT - Certified Bodywork Therapist & Spiritual, Emotional
P.O. Box 222356 Carmel, California 93923
Bus (831) 625-0337 E-Mail arthur@triggerpointrelease.com
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 21:02:17 +0700
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Berkompas
Subject: ADD Releasing energies
>My approach to working with ADD is doing bodywork and helping children
>and adults in finding safe ways to release their unwanted emotional
>energies, that society find hard to adjust to.
Dr. Munyer, welcome!
I have become quite interested in some of your methods over the last couple
of years. I have noticed benefits from cranial-sacral and trigger point
(combined in reflexology and Thai massage) treatments.
What method would you advise an ADD person begin with? How do you decide
which to use?
My 20-year-old ADD son is in college, and I think bodywork of some sort
might be an alternative for him.
Is there some special way of knowing whether someone who advertises
themself as doing bodywork is properly trained? Any special initials?
Do you have a network or associates? Any near Cedar Rapids, Iowa?
Do you advise any sort of supplements in conjunction with your treatments?
Thanks for joining the list, and I hope to glean some helpful info from you
and the discussion that might ensue.
Joette in Bangkok
kompas@ksc15.th.com or berkompas@usa.net
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 08:08:49 +0000
From: Arthur Munyer
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Releasing energies
Hello Joette
> What method would you advise an ADD person begin with? How do you decide
> which to use?
First I would establish which feeling they are currently dealing with: there
are basically 5 feeling; which are Love, Joy, Anger, Sadness & Fear.
Then I would start with Massage and see what energies emerged, ( the 5 feeling
). Giving lots of support for what ever is happening, and staying away from
judging anything.
Then I would move to deep work and later some from of Sacral work.
> My 20-year-old ADD son is in college, and I think bodywork of some sort
> might be an alternative for him.
> Is there some special way of knowing whether someone who advertises
> themself as doing bodywork is properly trained? Any special initials?
Its important to work with some who excepts working with feelings and not
analyzing them.
> Do you have a network or associates? Any near Cedar Rapids, Iowa?
> Do you advise any sort of supplements in conjunction with your treatments?
Sometimes seeing a Homopathic Doctor can be extremely helpful.
> Thank you for your questions, I hope it will be helpful
Arthur Munyer,CMT - Certified Bodywork Therapist & Spiritual, Emotional
P.O. Box 222356 Carmel, California 93923
Bus (408) 625-0337 Fax (408)-625-9307 E-Mail amunyer@pacbell.net
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:14:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Arthur E. Munyer, CMT opening post
> My approach to working with ADD is doing bodywork and helping children
> and adults in finding safe ways to release their unwanted emotional
> energies, that society find hard to adjust to.
Thank you for being the list expert! I just got back online. If you have
a chance, I have a few questions which are of interest to me and may be of
significant interest to some of the list members.
- With the various bodywork and emotional release modalities, I imagine
it can be difficult to choose one. Are there a few modalities that,
by their design, help create a safe space to release of unwanted
emotional energies? Or is it preferable to talk to a bunch of
practitioners looking for those who allow the child/adult to safely
express the emotional energies? There is such an variety of
practitioners that choosing the type of practitioner might be very
- Beyond a potential reduction of ADD symptoms with the work you
describe, are there other short- or long-term benefits that you have
seen on a regular basis?
- For persons in or travelling to California (your location), are there
resources that you can suggest?
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:28:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Arthur E. Munyer, CMT opening post
Hi List! I would like to share my own non-ADD related experiences as far
as bodywork and emotional energies. I suffered from depression, serious
immune system disorders, and various emotional-related disorders. While
some of these situations were helped significantly with nutrition, yoga,
etc., I eventually came to realize that by getting in touch with the
emotional energy in the body and allowing it to release in a safe manner
that my depression disappeared and my physical health was improved
significantly. For me, anger, shame, and sadness were almost "locked" in
my body so that there was a very deep, seemingly permanent tension in
certain areas of my body (esp. upper back). This may have been because
there wasn't any chance for me as a child for a safe release of emotions
that I experienced.
Anyway, certain types of bodywork and emotional techniques proved (and are
proving) very helpful to me in curing the conditions I had and improving
my life. I can see that such techniques might be enormously helpful to
those with ADD.
Arthur, thank you again for being on the list!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 21:06:07 +0700
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Berkompas
Subject: Re: ADD Releasing energies
Dr. Munyer, I forgot to say thanks for your response.
Joette in Bangkok
kompas@ksc15.th.com or berkompas@usa.net
Russell L. Blaylock, MD
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 22:57:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
It is an honor to introduce our next Visiting Expert, Russell L. Blaylock,
MD. He is both an very experienced clinician and one of the world's most
knowledgable experts on one of the categories of toxic substances I
referred to in my last post. Here is Dr. Blaylock's bio:
I am a board certified neurosurgeon engaged in a private neurosurgical
practice for the past 21 years. During this time I have had a strong
interest in nutritional treatment of neurological disorders and in the
biochemical basis of diseases of the nervous system. ADD and ADHD have been
a part of my interest because of the relationship to the excitotoxic
process. In 1994 I wrote a book on this subject, Excitotoxins, The Taste
That Kills, and revised and updated it in 1998. I have written and
illustrated three chapters in medical textbooks and a patient care booklet
on multiple sclerosis. In addition I have published several papers in peer
reviewed journals on a variety of subjects from the pathology and treatment
of pituitary tumors to immunothearpy of brain tumors. I have appeared on
the 700 Club approximately 7 times, Life Style Magazine once, and 30 plus
syndicated radio programs discussing the book. While I do not treat ADD in
my practice, I have given advice to a number of mothers and have found that
a significant number improve and some quite dramatically.
I want to add that Dr. Blaylock's book, "Excitotoxins, The Taste That
Kills" is one of the best and most-readable sources of information (for
the public and practitioners) on excitotoxins (which play a large role in
many neurological disorders). I learned quite a bit from his book as well
as from his articles on the nutritional treatment of such disorders.
Dr. Blaylock's opening post should be sometimes on Monday.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 18:36:30 -0500
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: Post
My interest in ADD and ADHD arose from my studies on the process of
excitotoxicity. Excitotoxicity is a neurological phenomenon associated with
certain amino acids that produce a delayed degeneration of particular
neurons when exposure occurs outside the cell. This process has been
proposed as the central event in many neurological disorders, including
strokes, head injury, migraines, hypoglycemia, ischemia/hypoxia as well as
causing toxicity directly. We know that several of these excitotoxins play
a vital role in brain development, primarily glutamate and aspartate. It
must be appreciated that glutamate is the most abundant neurotransmitter in
the brain. But, elaborate steps are taken to assure that extracellular
concentrations of this substance remain only for a very short time (
milliseconds) and in very low concentrations.
During brain development, there are wide physiological fluctuation in
glutamate brain levels. This series of events plays a vital role in brain
development. Too much or too little glutamate can result in abnormal
development of the brain. For example, high concentration of glutamate in
utero can cause neuron death in special brain areas and even abnormal
formation of brain pathways. That is, the brain is mis-wired. This can
result in anything from mild learning difficulties to severe
neuroendocrine, behavioral and learning deficits. There is some evidence,
for example, that abnormally low concentrations of glutamate at critical
times can result in schizophrenia. Some neuroscientist are suggesting that
such conditions as ADD, ADHD and autism may be cause by such glutamate
Clinically, we know that many such children will significantly improve when
taken off foods containing excitotoxins, such as MSG ( and its many
disguised forms) and aspartame. It appears that several neurotransmitters
are abnormally functioning in ADD, such as dopamine, norepinephrine,
serotonin, histamine, and acetylcholine. Almost a decade ago, it was found
that feeding pregnant animals MSG produced a form of learning difficulty
similar to ADD. The offspring had normal simple learning but showed
profound defects in complex learning. In a followup study of these
offspring, it was found that they had an 80% reduction in frontal lobe
acetylcholine levels and a 50% reduction in norepinephrine. The latter
plays a vital role in attention and ability to focus. We also know that
dopamine plays a vital role in performance and memory. Serotonin deficiency
appears to play a vital role in violent and antisocial behavior.
It is also of interest that a significant number of these children are
reactive hypoglycemics. We know that hypoglycemia not only precipitates the
release of glutamate in the brain, but that magnifies the toxic effect of
all excitotoxins. Unfortunately, many food have excitotoxins added to them
as taste enhancers.
The approach to this disorder requires first, the removal of all food borne
excitotoxins. This must be done as early as possible. The longer and more
intense the exposure the more likely permanent damage will develop.
Manipulating the various neurotransmitters by nutritional means is the next
step. This involves several avenues of approach. Each step requires
patience. Other methods, such as biofeedback, can be helpful during this
period. Remember, biofeedback can alter brain chemistry. We still have much
to learn about this disorder. You should also be aware that every child is
different. Treatment has to be tailored to each individual case.
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 22:44:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Question for Dr. Blaylock
Dr. Blaylock,
Thank you very much for your opening post! I have a couple of questions.
- You mention ischemia/hypoxia as causing excitotoxicity. Besides
the fetus being exposed to to food-borne excitotoxins, are there
any other events that can lead to the fetus being exposed to high
levels of excitotoxins? One lady recently mentioned that the cord
was wrapped around the fetus' neck. Would that cause hypoxia and
potentially lead to excitotoxicity?
- Are there certain nutrients/supplements that you recommend for persons
who have suffered from traumatic brain injury, hypoxia, and other
events that lead to excitotoxicty? I believe you said that your
suggestions are individualized. But are there any important nutrients
or supplements that are common to these cases?
- If someone (a child for example) is exposed to an excitotoxin, will
they have some immediate symptom which signifies that it is causing
I believe that Dr. Blaylock lists various forms of food-borne excitotoxins
in his book (for those who are interested).
Best Wishes,
- Mark
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 16:11:07 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Dr. Russell Blaylock
In a message dated 98-09-02 22:49:17 EDT, you write:
<< The approach to this disorder requires first, the removal of all food borne
excitotoxins. This must be done as early as possible. >>
Dr. Blaylock
If possible , could you list a more indepth list of food borne excitotoxins
for us viewers in the list ?, thanks ...
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 19:39:02 -0500
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: ADD excitotoxins
Thanks for the questions.
- Concerning the person who inquired about the baby having the unbilical
cord wrapped around its neck, and the relationship to hypoxia induced
excitotoxicity. If the cord was indeed compressing the carotid arteries or
interfering with breathing then sufficient hypoxia/ischemia to the baby's
brain could occur and produce a rise in brain glutamate and aspartate
levels. This is a natural response to low oxygen levels (hypoxia) and
reduced blood supply ( ischemia). The degree of damage would depend on the
severity of the hypoxia/ischemia episode and its duration. We know that the
fetal brain is especially sensitive to excitotoxic injury. And, as I stated
in the post, excitotoxin excess during these critical developmental stages
can result in destruction of groups of brain cells ( called nuclei) and
alter how the brain's pathways would form.
The former would cause damage to such critical areas as the arcuate nuclei
( most sensitive), supraoptic nuclei and paraventricular nuclei of the
hypothalamus. This can result in endocrine problems later in life. It is
interesting that thyroid problems have been seen in cases of ADD with
increased frequency. In fact, hypothalamic axis disorders are seen in 50%
of such children. This could present as problems with reproduction later in
life, thyroid problems, adrenal problems, or weight problems, as well as
behavioral difficulties. Obesity is one of the most common defects seen
with excitotoxin hypothalamic damage. It is ironic that we are seeing a
significant rise in childhood obesity and ADD.
Abnormal pathway development means that the connections ( that number in
the trillions) between neurons would be altered. Minor alterations may
cause little problems, but major alterations could result in severe
learning difficulty, episodic outburst of violence, emotional dyscontrol
and attention problems. In my book I have a whole chapter on the effects of
excitotoxins on brain development. As I stated in my post, experimentally
it has been shown that fetal exposure to maternal glutamate ( as MSG)
resulted in profound changes in brain neurotransmitters that persisted
until adulthood. It has also been shown that early postnatal exposure to
glutamate can result in a 56% rise in brain free radical levels over
several years.
- As for nutritional ways to prevent excitotoxicity, there are several
principles that have shown benefit. We know, for example, that low energy
supply to neurons greatly magnifies excitotoxicity. An example of this
would be hypoglycemia, which can be very common in newborns and toddlers.
For example, poor dietary intake during illness, or with prolonged
diarrhea, aspirin consumption, and sensitivity to certain amino acids, such
as leucine sensitivity, can all cause hypoglycemia. This can not only
magnify excitotoxicity but can cause the brain to release its stores of
glutamate as well.
Second, low magnesium also magnifies excitotoxicity. This can occur with
vomiting, poor dietary intake of prolong diarrhoea. Magnesium
supplementation protects the brain from excitotoxic damage.
Here is a short list of supplements shown to protect against excitotoxicity:
- acetyl- L- carnitine
- Phosphotidylserine
- Vitamin C, E, and the carotonoids ( beta carotene, lycopene, alpha
carotene, etc)
- Coenzyme Q10
- N-acetyl-l-cysteine ( NAC)
- magnesium
- methylcobalamin ( Vitamin B12)
- pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, niacinamide
- grape seed extract ( and other flavonoids)
- Zinc
- Juice plus+ is a well compounded formula with high concentrations of
flavonoids, vitamins and minerals.
The dose depends on size and weight of the child or age of adult.
Supplements to avoid:
- cysteine
- glutathione (converted to cysteine in brain )
- glycine
- aspartate
- aspartame
N-acetyl-L-cysteine is safe because it is converted to cysteine within the
neuron, where it is then converted to glutathione. Cystine is also safe.
- As for a list of excitotoxin names in food, the major ones are:
- hydrolyzed vegetable protein
- vegetable protein
- textured protein
- hydrolyzed soy protein ( or any other processed protein)
- natural flavoring
- sodium or calcium caseinate
- yeast extract ( autolyzed yeast extract)
- monosodium glutamate ( or potasium glutamate)
- aspartame, NutraSweet, equal
- accent
- malt flavoring or extract
- broth
- bouillon
- stock
There are more, so see book. The food industry changes the names all the time.
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 23:41:18 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD excitotoxins
In a message dated 98-09-03 21:39:20 EDT, you write:
<< As for a list of excitotoxin names in food, the major ones are:
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
vegetable protein
textured protein
hydrolyzed soy protein ( or any other processed protein)>>>>>>
Hi i am not sure why protein is listed as excitotoxins...
I take up to 40 grams a day Organic Brown Rice protein (processed with
enzymes) and i find that i have good assimulation of it with no adverse
stimulation of my condition, in fact , it really does the opposite ... but
,whey , Soy and a milk and egg protein give me the undesired effect .. could
you elaborate more on Proteins and processed and their effects .....
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 13:29:37 -0500
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: ADD Processed proteins
Concerning the question about hydrolyzed protein products. First, you must
keep in mind that in most cases the food processing companies are adding
processed proteins for the specific purpose of taste enhancement, not
nutrition. Therefore, they choose sources that are known to have high
contents of taste enhancing excitatory amino acids- such as glutamate,
aspartate, and cysteine. Soy, whey, and milk proteins meet those criteria.
By hydrolyzing them or treating them with protease enzymes, they can
concentrate these amino acids.
Organic brown rice, probably has rather low concentrations of these three
excitotoxins, and this is why you are able to tolerate it better than soy,
whey or milk protein. But, you should also be aware that
" feeling" better is a rather poor way to judge toxicity. Amphetamines,
cocaine and other neurostimulant drugs can also produce a sense of euphoria
or well being, yet they are quite neurotoxic. Also, many of the toxic
effects of excitotoxins are quite subtle, so that those being affected may
notice little outward effects for years. But, this subtle damage can, over
a long period of time, produce serious neurological disorders. Take for
example thyroid deficits induced by glutamate exposure. One may feel tired,
cold intolerant and develop many subtle symptoms that they, as well as
their physicians, would never connect to excitotoxin exposure. The same is
true of behavioral problems, learning difficulties, episodic violence, etc.
Yet, throughout this period of development they may feel " fine".
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein is the most dangerous of the protein products
because it contain three powerful excitotoxins as well as carcinogenic
substances. Its use is growing every day. Chicken is painted with it and
even injected with it. A new program is calling for the spraying of
vegetable crops with MSG. So, the use of excitotoxins is growing very
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 18:37:37 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Processed proteins
What would be suggested for protein nourishment? lets say for a developing 7
month old ( genetically predispositioned to ADHD )that isnt able to breast
feed (momie is dried up) and Similac is full of sugar and whey....
also what choices do we have to avoid these excitotoxins in diet for protein
Thanks for you answers
Aloha Frank
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 18:43:08 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Processed proteins
In a message dated 98-09-04 15:27:35 EDT, you write:
<< Organic brown rice, probably has rather low concentrations of these three
excitotoxins, and this is why you are able to tolerate it better than soy,
whey or milk protein. >>
where would you suggest that i get my protein from ?
The Organic Brown rice protein has notheing added to it for flavor , it is
very bland ..
From: Cpperwmn@aol.com
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 19:45:22 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Processed proteins
In a message dated 9/4/98 12:27:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
russell@mail.misnet.com writes:
<< Its use is growing every day. Chicken is painted with it and
even injected with it. A new program is calling for the spraying of
vegetable crops with MSG. So, the use of excitotoxins is growing very
I don't doubt this for a moment! But, what is the purpose of painting a
chicken, or spraying the crops with MSG? (Is that how the giant gets 'tender'
young peas?) How does it enhance (?) the chicken? Does the MSG double as a bug
repellant, or such?
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 19:00:06 -0700
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Amy
Subject: ADD Processed proteins
At 01:29 PM 9/4/98 -0500, Blaylock wrote:
>Hydrolyzed vegetable protein is the most dangerous of the protein products
>because it contain three powerful excitotoxins as well as carcinogenic
>substances. Its use is growing every day. Chicken is painted with it and
>even injected with it. A new program is calling for the spraying of
>vegetable crops with MSG. So, the use of excitotoxins is growing very rapidly.
What? Why? How? How can we be going backwards? Who is behind all these
additions to our foods? ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 16:42:08 -0500
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: ADD excitotoxins and proteins
Several questions addressed the topic of processed proteins. It appears
that many do not quite understand the process. First, it is well known that
certain amino acids ( the building blocks of proteins) act by stimulating
certain neurons to the point that they will die ( excitotoxicity). It has
been observed that these amino acids ( primarily glutamate, aspartate and
cysteine) can greatly magnify the pleasant taste of foods. Following a
conference in 1945, involving most of the major food processors, glutamate,
in the form MSG, was added to numerous foods, especially soups and packaged
food products. Since that time many other forms of high glutamate additives
have been discovered, including casinate and hydrolyzed vegetable protein.
Some foods, including toddler foods, will contain two or even four such
taste enhancing excitotoxic amino acids.
Recently, several of the poultry processing houses, have either dipped,
painted or injected such excitotoxin taste additives in their chicken meat
and turkey meat products. You can read it on the package yourself if you
are in doubt. The purpose is to enhance the taste of the chicken, etc.
It has been demonstrated over and over in numerous neuroscientific studies
that infants are significantly more sensitive to such food borne
excitotoxins than are adults. In fact, babies are 4X more sensitive than
adults. Why they have decided to begin spraying vegetable crops with MSG is
beyond me, but it too is a fact.
We also know that the toxic effects of excitotoxins are dose dependent, and
that subtoxic doses, given over a course of time, are additive to the
point of being fully toxic as would be a single dose. What this means is,
that over the course of a day, one is exposed to multiple sources of
excitotoxin food additives and that these are fully toxic to the nervous
system, especially in the fetus and newborn.
As far as who is behind these practices - The food processors ( Campbell's,
Libby, Oscar Mayer, etc) and the company who sells these additives, the
Ajinomoto company. We are talking about billions of dollars. Campbell's
Soup Company adds multiple forms of excitotoxin additives to each can of
their soup. Check the label.
I get the impression that several of you are skeptic to the point of anger.
That is unfortunate, since you are denying reality. In my book, I list all
references documenting what I am saying. Since writing the book, mountains
of new evidence confirms what I, and neuroscientists, have been saying.
These referenced articles are all from peer reviewed articles.
For those of you who are still interested. It becomes obvious that the
Feingold diet has two properties that make it perfect for improving
children with ADD. First, it is a diet that would be used to correct
reactive hypoglycemia. Second, it removes "junk" food , which also happens
to be very high in excitotoxin food additives. There is no question that
several of the food dyes are also neurotoxic. But, I feel that the former
two reasons given are why the diet has such a high degree of success.
As for episodic violence and emotional dyscontrol, we know that first, it
is the limbic system that plays such a vital role in emotional elaboration.
Second, it has been demonstrated that excitatory amino acids are the major
neurotransmitters in this system and that microinjection of MSG into the
hypothalamus can result is explosive violence. Further, it is known that
excitotoxin excess can alter other neurotransmitters, as stated earlier,
and that one of these is serotonin, a neurotransmitter suspected to be
deficient in ADD cases exhibiting emotional dyscontrol.
Finally, as for the question- What should we use as a source of protein? I
suggest whole proteins- especially those low in fats. The advantage of
using whole proteins is that when the GI tract breaks them down, it does so
slowly, so that the glutamate and other excitatory amino acids are released
slowly, allowing them to be metabolized by the liver and muscles. Free
excitatory amino acids, on the other hand, flood the system, causing
drastic rises in blood glutamate levels. This is especially so with liquid
forms of amino acids, or when excitotoxins are added to liquid foods (e.g.
Gravies). Enzymes, or the hydrolyzation process, releases the free amino
acids- concentrating the taste enhancing excitotoxic amino acids. This is
the only reason they are added to foods. But, the same process occurs if
you consume free amino acids or hydrolyzed vegetable protein, or enzyme
treated protein.
NutraSweet contains two amino acids and a neurotoxin- methanol. One of the
amino acids is an excitotoxin- aspartate, and the other is a recognized
neurotoxin ( phenylalanine). With time, especially when exposed to heat,
aspartame breaks down into a substance called diketopiperzine. This class
of substances are known to be significantly carcinogenic. Experimental
studies have shown that aspartame feeding, at all dose levels, increased
tumor formation in multiple organs, including brain, ovaries, testies,
uterus, breast, and pancreas. Also, separate studies have shown that
aspartame is a moderately powerful genotoxin ( gene toxin).
Fat type is also vital for brain development. It has been shown that the
fatty acids DHA and arachidonic acid play a critical role in brain
development. Human breast milk is higher in DHA than is cow's milk, and
formula, until recently, contained no DHA. The mother's diet plays a
critical role in DHA levels in her breast milk. Dieting, poor nutrition or
poor selection of fats can lead to significant lowering of DHA and
arachidonic acid in breast milk, as well as in the placental fat transfer.
Formula is also deficient in taurine, which is necessary to reduce the
toxicity of the excitotoxin- cysteine.
Most have now heard that prenatal vitamins containing vitamins B6, folate
and B12 can reduce neural defects in newborns drastically. It is now known
that it is homocysteine that is the culprit, the same chemical connected to
heart attacks and strokes. Interestingly, homocysteine is an excitotoxin.
This group of vitamins lower homocysteine levels.
Exposure to caffeine during pregnancy, even in relatively small doses, can
have a significant deleterious effects on brain development. Certain metals
can also affect brain function and development, such as mercury, lead, and
manganese. Much research is being done in this area.
For a more complete discussion of all of these areas I suggest you read my
book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. And finally, what would I
suggest for a 7 month old who cannot get mother's milk? I would suggest
either commercial human breast milk or goats milk. Human milk has
significantly lower glutamic acid levels than cow's milk.
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 20:05:27 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD excitotoxins and proteins
In a message dated 98-09-05 18:40:03 EDT, you write:
<< I get the impression that several of you are skeptic to the point of anger.
That is unfortunate, since you are denying reality. In my book, I list all
references documenting what I am saying. Since writing the book, mountains
of new evidence confirms what I, and neuroscientist, have been saying.
These referenced articles are all from peer reviewed articles. >>
I have no anger in my post , just curiousity to learning more about
Excitotoxins and what they are in my diet ..and others (Who dont participate
on this list yet ) who are curious to know more about it ...Please continue on
, dont take an offensive position we are here to share ..... Excitotoxins is
information that is new to most of us here and we are very curious about
analysing what we now eat to see how to eliminate and maximise our health
optimaly ...
aloha from Hawaii
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 20:08:56 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD excitotoxins and proteins
In a message dated 98-09-05 18:40:03 EDT, you write:
<< commercial human breast milk >>
anyone know where to get a commercial human breast milk ?, they havent heard
of it out here in Hawaii ( kind of behind the times in isolation )
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 20:20:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re ADD excitotoxins
Dr. Blaylock,
Thank you very much for your detailed and comprehensive answers. I'm
learning alot. I have a couple of short questions about one of your
> Here is a short list of supplements shown to protect against
> excitotoxicity:
> 1. acetyl- L- carnitine
> 2. Phosphotidylserine
> 3. Vitamin C, E, and the carotonoids ( beta carotene, lycopene, alpha
> carotene, etc)
> 4. Coenzyme Q10
> 5. N-acetyl-l-cysteine ( NAC)
> 6. magnesium
> 7. methylcobalamin ( Vitamin B12)
> 8. pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, niacinamide
> 9. grape seed extract ( and other flavonoids)
> 10. Zinc
> 11. Juice plus+ is a well compounded formula with high concentrations of
> flavonoids, vitamins and minerals.
> The dose depends on size and weight of the child or age of adult.
- Are you saying that Juice plus+ provides most (or all?) of the
nutrients mentioned in 1-10 above? Where is Juice plus+ sold, at
health food stores or through mail order?
- For persons with ADD, do you usually recommend all of the supplements
mentioned above? Or are there one or two of them that you feel are
particularly important and recommend starting with them?
Thanks again!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
From: randy1@ibm.net
Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 20:23:21 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD excitotoxins and proteins
Dr. Blaylock, isn't phenylalanine one of the precursors of dopamine (via
hydroxylation to tyrosine) and norepinephrine (via dopamine and DOPA -
"dihydroxyphenylalanine"), which are also neurotransmitters thought to be
deficient (by some including Hallowell and Ratey) in ADD?
I understand that phenylalanine is certainly toxic in some cases, such as
phenylketonuria, but is it truly toxic to all people?
Russell Blaylock, M.D. wrote:
> Several questions addressed the topic of processed proteins. It appears
> that many do not quite understand the process. First, it is well known that
> certain amino acids ( the building blocks of proteins) act by stimulating
> certain neurons to the point that they will die ( excitotoxicity)...
> ...Further, it is known that excitotoxin excess can alter other
> neurotransmitters, as stated earlier, and that one of these is serotonin, a
> neurotransmitter suspected to be
> deficient in ADD cases exhibiting emotional dyscontrol.
> ...
> ...NutraSweet contains two amino acids and a neurotoxin- methanol. One of the
> amino acids is an excitotoxin- aspartate, and the other is a recognized
> neurotoxin ( phenylalanine).
Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 10:29:00 -0600
From: John Dommisse
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD excitotoxins and proteins
Dear Dr Blaylock,
I thank you for
participating in this mailing-list: I believe you have made a very valuable
contribution to world awareness of excitotoxins, and I think this knowledge is
especially applicable to ADHD. However, I think you go a bit overboard on
occasion. 'Randy' has already asked you about your statements on
phenylalanine, an important amino-acid precursor of dopamine and noradrenaline
in the brain. I have founf the combination of DL-PA and 5H-Tryptophan, both in
high doses, to be as effective as any antidepressant medication and usually w/o
any side-effects. Except for mild over-stimulation in a small minority of
patients who were anxious to begin with, i have not seen any negative effects
of phenylalanine.
The other element you mentioned in a negative context that I would
take issue with is 'manganese' in fetal brain development. Everyone knows that
anything in excess, especially minerals, is harmful but what evidence do you
have that manganese, in which far more patients are deficient than toxic - I do
blood-levels of all these substances on every patient - has ever caused a
problem in fetal development, and how would anyone know if it did, in the
absence of accurate measuremnt of this mineral in any fluid or tissue in the
pregnant woman or developing fetus?
I look forward to your response, and I hope you are having a
pleasant long weekend.
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 13:55:37 -0500
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: ADD answers to questions
Thanks for the interesting questions:
To Randy, concerning his questions about phenylalanine as a precursor of
the catecholamines- dopamine, epinephrine and nor-epinephrine. It is true
that dopamine( an integral neurotransmitter of the mesocortical
dopaminergic system) and norepinephrine ( vital to the locus
ceruleus-cortical system) are reduced in ADD. But, the danger of aspartame
goes beyond this. Remember, its two other constituents, methanol and
aspartate. Aspartate and the other exicitotoxins may be the cause of the
decreased norepinephrine and dopamine in the first place. The real danger
is the consumption of these products before the baby is born - while in
utero. This is a very vulnerable period because of the rapid growth and
internal development of the baby's brain.
I have known numerous mothers and fathers, who have noticed consistently
that their children, especially with ADHD, are considerably worse when they
are exposed to NutraSweet or MSG products. Conversely, they get much better
when they avoid them. It is also known that phenylanine can not only
precipitate seizures, but also that it can produce long-lasting behavioral
abnormalities in experimental animals
( Schlock RL and Kloper FD. 168: 147-151, 1967) It has also been shown that
high concentrations of aspartame can cause delay in developmental
milestones and decreased brain weights.( Brunner RL, et al. Neurobehavioral
Toxicology 1: 79-86, 1979)
Interestingly, phenylalanine has been shown to be a unique amino acid in
that it is actually concentrated by the placenta on the fetal side. This
means that when the mother consumes phenylalanine ( as in NutraSweet) the
phenylalanine levels are significantly higher in the fetus than in the
mother. This can have toxic effects on neurodevelopment. You must remember,
just because the brain utilizes a particular substance as a
neurotransmitter, it is not safe in all concentrations. Dopamine, for
example, is carefully regulated by the striatal brain system. When levels
are too high, it is degraded into 6-hydroxydopamine, an excitotoxin that is
6X more potent than glutamate. In this state it undergoes autoxidation,
producing H202, which then, in the presence of free iron, generates the
very powerful hydroxyl free radical.
One of the ways stress damages the nervous system is via this system. (
Stress can dramatically increase free radical production within the brain.)
It plays a vital role in neurodegeneration and subsequent development of
Parkinson's disease. Many of these neurodegenerative diseases appear to
begin their development long before their clinical presentation, perhaps
even childhood or young adulthood.
As for the question about manganese, yes it has been shown to effect
neurodevelopment. Manganese toxicity ( very high levels) in adults are
known to produce a disorder very similar to Parkinson's disease. There is
some evidence that in some cases of ADD there is an excess of tissue
manganese. Studies are very early, but I would avoid over- supplementing
with manganese. As for the other neurotransmitters, as you will remember
from my original post, I mentioned serotonin as one of the deficient
transmitters in ADD associated with violent outburst. And, there is some
indication that supplementation with its precursor, 5-HTP can ameliorate
some of this violent dyscontrol. The same is true of adults as well. But,
you should be aware that one of the metabolic breakdown products of
serotonin is quinolinic acid, a powerful excitotoxin. In fact, accumulation
of this excitotoxin is associated with AIDS dementia as well as other
serious neurological disorders. Also, as I stated, excitotoxins can also
trigger intense violent outburst. With low serotonin levels, one would
expect an exaggerated violent outburst effect. Can, phenylalamine
supplementation improve the symptoms of ADD? It's possible, but the dosage
should be carefully titrated.
As to FJBCIII's question on tuna fish and tofu, Tuna has two drawbacks.
Most canned tuna has HVP
( hydrolyzed vegetable protein) added, and tuna is notorious for its high
mercury levels. Tofu has elevated glutamate levels, so I wouldn't get in
the habit of eating it regularly or in large quantities.
In closing, excitotoxins are occupying center stage in many neurological
disorders and I am convinced that the dramatic increases in many of these
neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's, ALS and
neurodevelopmental disorders are related to the massive amounts of
excitotoxins being added to foods.
I thank you for your very interesting questions and for inviting me to
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
From: YCaryl@aol.com
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 20:27:45 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: Re: ADD excitotoxins and proteins
Dr. Blaylock, you have really stretched my understanding. I knew nothing
about excitotoxins. I am finding wonderful relief from depression with l-
tyrosene. The kind I bought (TwinLabs) has B6 and C in it. Does l-tyrosene
help reverse the effects of excitotoxins?
Caryl Wattman
From: MarkDGold@aol.com
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 23:38:19 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD and Excitotoxins
I'm at a different email address today. But I thought I would
provide add a little bit of information to Dr. Blaylock's comments
about the neurotoxicity of phenylalanine in pregnency. This is
from a draft review I wrote several years ago.
- Mark
Here are the thoughts of two experts who testified before
the U.S. Congress in 1987 (Elsas 1987; Pardridge 1987):
Louis J. Elsas, II, M.D., Director,
Division of Medical Genetics
"I have no previous contact with this type of
hearing. But that is probably appropriate because
I am a pediatrician, a Professor of Pediatrics at
Emory, and have spent 25 years in the biomedical
sciences, trying to prevent mental retardation and
birth defects caused by excess phenylalanine
"First of all, in the developing fetus -- a
situation not considered previously -- the mother
is supplying that fetus with nutrients. And if she
were dieting, let's say, and increasing her blood
phenylalanine uniquely by taking Crystal Lite or
Kool Aid, or any of the various diet foods now, to
maintain her weight, and increased her blood
phenylalanine from its normal 50 to 150
umoles/liter by chronic ingestion at 35
milligrames of aspartame per kilo per day -- which
everyone agrees could be reached -- the placenta
will concentrate her blood phenylalanine two-fold.
So the fetal blood circulation to her baby in
utero, is now 300 umole per liter of
phenylalanine. The fetal brain then, as Dr.
Pardridge will tell you, will increase further
that concentration into the brain cells of that
baby two- to four-fold. Those are neurotoxic
levels in tissue culture and in many other
William M. Pardridge, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
"I am a Professor of Medicine at the University of
California, a practicing endocrinologist, and I
have been doing neuroscience research on the blood-
brain barrier transport of phenylalanine and other
substances since 1970
"...the third question that must now be addressed
is, are there any untoward effects on the human
brain that are associated with a four-fold
increase in phenylalanine, bearing in mind that
this molecule is a know neurotoxin? And three
studies come to mind. One study shows that when
blood phenylalanine in pregnant mothers is
increased five-fold [to ~250 umole/l], there is a
10-point drop inthe I.Q. of the baby born of that
"A second study shows that if you measure choice
reaction time, a test of higher cognitive function
in humans, that when their blood phenylalanine is
increased six-fold, there is a 10 percent shift in
your ability to make a key decision before a video
"And a more recent study by Dr. Elsas has shown
that there are quantitative changes in the human
electroencephalogram when the blood phenylalanine
is raised three-fold [to ~150-200 umole/l] --
something that clearly will happen in children who
consume near 5 servings per 50-pound body weight."
Levy (1994) found that plasma phenylalanine levels of around
400 umol/L in patients with mild hyperphenylalaninaemia were
associated with a slightly lower birth measurements and
offspring IQ than lower plasma phenylalanine measurements.
However, Levy (1994) did not found any additional fetal
loss, congenital heart disease or severe non-cardiac
anomalies when compared to the control group. Smith (1995)
pointed out that for every 100 umol/L
rise in plasma phenylalanine levels, there is a clinically
important change. Levy (1995) concurred that there is not a
threshold level at 400 umol/L plasma phenylalanine.
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 11:06:11 -0600
From: John Dommisse
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD answers to Mn & PA questions
Dr Blaylock,
I agreed that any mineral in
excess can be toxic but I found it strange that you singled out manganese
together with mercury and lead as particularly prone to cause toxicity. I do
manganese - and other mineral, vitamin, amino-acid, multiple hormone, and other
levels - on virtually every patient I see, repeatedly, and have thus measured
manganese levels in the blood literally thousands of times. I am aware that
parkinsonism is supposed to be the effect of this toxicity. Yet, among all
these levels, I can count the high ones on one or two hands, while the
deficiencies - of which the effects are depression, anxity, fatigue,
memory-problems and glucose-intolerance - can be counted in the hundreds or
thousands. So just wanted to balance your statement with what I think is a
much-more-prevalent problem with manganese - its deficiency. Similarly, I
believe the talk of iron-overload is greatly overblown and there are still far
more people with iron deficiency than its excess. If one measures both the
serum iron and the ferritin level, and realises that a high ferritin level can
be caused by conditions other than excessive iron storage, one doesn't diagnose
too many cases of iron-overload and they are almost all in men, not women.
On phenylalanine: Could you clarify whether you are against the
use of aspartame (including its phenylalanine content) or are you against the
use of phenylalanine (on its own) as a prescription for depression, ADHD,
etc.? I prescribe 500-1500mg (depending on size of pt, and other factors) of
DL-PA after brkfst and lunch daily in these conditions - if their PA level is
low in a blood-test. I then re-test. The PA level has never gone above the
normal range in these patients, on these doses.
Thanks for your input.
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 11:40:13 -0500
To: mgold@holisticmed.com
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: answers
As far as the supplements found to be most useful:
in general, the most often used with success include:
- DMAE ( increases brain acetylcholine levels)
- phosphotidylserine ( a glutamate blocker)
- DHA ( Very critical role in brain development)
- zinc ( plays a critical role in brain development)
- magnesium ( Most important neuroprotectant known)
- multi-"B" vitamins
- methylcobalamin ( also glutamate blocker)
As for Juice plus+, it is a product developed by NSA and sold as a
multilevel marketing product, but it is one of the best compounded products
I have seen in along time. It consist of a concentrated form of 17 fruits
and vegetables, plus enzymes. The most important usefulness for this
product is the high concentration of flavonoids. It is suspected that one
of the problems in ADD is an excess of histamine in the brain. In the
brain, histamine acts as a neurotransmitter. Several of the flavonoids act
as antihistamines, but in a way different than drugs, since there is no
drowseness. I have spoken to several mothers who have had thier childen on
juice plus+ and have reported significant improvement.
To obtain the product you will have to contact a dealer. I do handle the
product and my whole family takes it because of its powerful effect in
reducing cancer and preventing neurodegeneration. If you have someone who
is interested let me know and I can have the company either find them
someone close or I will be glad to do it for them.
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 12:54:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Excitotoxins (Alternatives)
I will have a few short posts before introducing the next honored Visiting
Expert later tonight. Here's the first one. :-)
Dr. Blaylock mentioned a number of excitotoxins found in foods. One which
he mentioned containing an excitotoxin was the artificial sweetener,
aspartame. I wanted to suggest to people who are looking to switch to a
healthier sweetener that they consider downloading the Healthier Sweetener
Resource List I put together a while ago. It lists sweeteners which are
generally safe and those to avoid because of toxicity/health concerns.
The web address is:
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
From: owner-add-holistic@mLists.net
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 09:38:15 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: Magnesium and ADD/ADHD
I forwarded that abstract about magnesium deficiency in ADHD children
and significant improvement after supplementation to Dr. Russell
Blaylock. (I also forwarded to him another abstract that he refers
to.) I thought his comments would be of interest to the list:
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 16:17:45 -0500
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: Re: Magnesium and ADD/ADHD
>Ann Acad Med Stetin 1998;44:297-314
>The aim of my work was the answer to the following questions: how often does
>the deficiency of magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium, iron occur among
>hyperactive children in comparison with healthy children, deficiency of which
Thank you for passing the paper along.
It has been something that I suspected all along. A group working out of
Covington, La that I work with asked me about excitotoxins and ADD and I
suggested that they add magnesium supplimentation to their protecol. They
have found it to be very helpful. As you know, magnesium acts by blocking
the voltage gated NMDA receptor physiologically. Magnesium deficiency is
very common because of poor diets and use of carbonated soft drinks. I have
researched most of the papers concerned with magnesium and neurological
function and have found it to be one of the most remarkable
neuroprotectants. I use it on all of my surgical cases, especially with
brain trauma, subarachnoid hemorrhages and strokes with great success.
unfortunately, most neurosurgeons do not use it.
I also appreciate the abstract you sent me concerning formaldehyde
formation from NutraSweet esposure. It was a very interesting paper, that
demonstrates that formaldehyde formation from aspartame ingestion is very
common and does indeed accumulate within the cell, reacting with cellular
proteins ( mostly enzymes) and DNA ( both mitochondrial and nuclear). The
fact that it accumulates with each dose, indicates grave consequences among
those who consume diet drinks and foodstuffs on a daily basis.
I have also discovered that MSG excitotoxicity is greatly magnified in the
presence of lead. This would have importance in children with ADD having
elevated tissue lead levels. Likewise, recent studies have shown that MSG
dramatically elevates free radical generation within all tissues, not just
brain, and that it does so for a prolonged periods of time following even a
single dose. The importance of this observation is that this would also
raise the likelihood of cancer induction in several exposed tissues,
including brain, by oncogene activation by said free radicals.
It is unfortunate that so few in the field of ADDand ADHD care giving
understand the central importance of excitotoxins. Many of the treatment
that I have seen relate back to excitotoxicity, despite other explinations
being given. For example, the Feingold diet. Close adherence to the diet
eleminates many excitotoxins from the diet. I suspect this is why it works
so well. Remember, excitotoxins interplay with many neurotransmitters,
stimulate free radical production, damage brain lipids, interact with many
trace metals, and that elevated intake of excitotoxins is associated with
eicosanoid injury to neurons, which would explain thier relationship to
omega-3-fatty acids. These are very powerful substances and not only can
they kill neurons, but they affect their physiology and even brain
development itself.
[followup comments]
With the newer studies linking excitotoxicity with free radical
generation, I think it will be very difficult for those selling these toxin
to defend them as safe much longer. I am especially concerned because the
free radical generation caused by excitotoxins is so prolonged. It must be
related to all degenerative diseases, including cancer. In the case of
aspartame, the effects of formaldehyde on cellular proteins and DNA (
oncogene activation and p53 tumor suppressor gene alteration) in
conjunction with free radical generation would certainly lead to a high
incidence of neuronal dysfunction. I think this is why I receive so many
calls from young women who have developed brain tumors ( mostly
astrocytomas) following prolonged use of NutraSweet.
Jonathon Alderson
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Autism Treatment: Multi-Treatments provide ultimate combination
Jonathan Alderson is the Founder and Director of the
Intensive Multi-Treatment Intervention
(www.IMTI.ca) program for families with
children on the autistic spectrum. Alderson offers a highly customized
solution and specializes in blending play therapy, structured learning,
sensory, and biomedical treatments in the integrated IMTI model. “The
issues underlying the challenges of children with autism are multifaceted –
so the treatment has to be multifaceted too”, Alderson explains about
his unique approach. With over 20 years of study and work in education
and autism treatment, a Masters in Education from Harvard University, a
BA in developmental and educational psychology, and 8 years of training
and work at the Son-Rise Program, including hundreds of hours of 1:1 therapy
with children, Alderson now designs and directs home-based treatment programs
for families in Toronto, Ontario. You can find more about his practice
at www.IMTI.ca.
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 11:25:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Introducing next week's Visiting Expert
I would like to introduce our next Visiting Expert, Jonathan Alderson, of
the Option Institute. I first read about the work of the Option Institute
earlier this year in a magazine published in the UK. I very much look
forward to learning more about their programs.
One concern I had is that programs and ideas which are not about diet,
herbs, and other physical manipulations are sometimes not taken as
seriously. I recently read an interview of the well-known and respected
physician, Dr. Dean Ornish. He was referring some of the same ideas that
are taught by the Option Institute when he said:
"Certainly, diet is important; I haven't changed my views
on that. But I don't know of anything in medicine, not drugs,
not diet, that has a greater impact on our health and
The Son-Rise Program is a program at the Option Institute for "helping
children and adults with special needs maximize their potential." They
work with persons with ADD, PDD, Autism, and others. Jonathan Alderson is
the Son-Rise Program Director. He oversees all aspects of Son-Rise
Program, responsible for budget planning, supervision and development of
all SRP Child Facilitator and Teacher Training, staff trainer and family
teacher, recruiting and interviewing new trainees, future planning and
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 13:00:08 -0700
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Amy
I am a Special Needs Foster Parent ... currently:
- 9 yo male Navajo Autistic ADHD Seizures Agressive
- 4 yo female PDD/NOS just taking her first steps
- 3 yo femal Rett Syndrome
and 5 cats that let me stay here if I'm good! Additionally I do Respite
for DD kids in my 'spare time'. I've been in this field since the early
70s first being introduced in a State School. I'm an Early Intervention
I'm wondering ... I've been following the Option Institute and would dearly
love to attend. However due to time restrains and costs involved I'm not
sure I'll ever get it worked out.
Have you or are you considering any 'road trip' seminars? Forgive me if
I'm ignorant and you alread do this. But it's so very difficult if not
impossible for many of us to REALLY get away.
I must say that my greatest successes I believe have been with diet
approaches. Each of our kids has wonderful stories.
Bless you for all you do. And welcome again!
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 16:42:57 -0400
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Jonathan Alderson
Subject: Re: ADD WELCOME
Hello Amy! Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm so excited to be able to
share more about what we do at the Son-Rise Program with all of you. A big
WOW! goes to you for you love and courage in choosing to "foster" so many
very special children. We continue to hold such admiration for all of the
incredible parents that we meet daily...and it is for this reason that we
feel so strongly about the importance of supporting parents as much as we
help change the lives of children. One of our fundamental principles is
the the parent is the child's best resource!
With regard to your questions-- yes, at times we do go "on the road" with
our Start-Up Program which is a very powerful one-week seminar intorducing
all of the basic concepts of the Son-Rise program with instruction on how
to set-up a home-based program, video presentations, different experiential
exercises etc. We are doing this more and more, this year already we
presented in Amsterdam, and twice in London England. We haven't done this
as yet in North America. However, we do offer this program almost every 3-4
months at the Institute in Massachusettes. We'd love you to attend and to
meet you .
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 21:40:14 -0400
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Jonathan Alderson
Subject: ADD The Son-Rise Program
Cheers!; I'm sorry this is late getting to all of you, but hopefully
still useful.; It is such an honor to be a guest on-line with you
and to be able to have this open forum of ideas in which to share more of
a program which for me has inspired professional and personal growth over
the past seven years.; My formal training, prior to the Option
Institute was in Developmental Psychology, however, it is my training and
experience with these very very special children at the Option Institute
that has led me to understand more than any text book could ever
do!; I know that if any of you choose to read the book SON-RISE :
THE MIRACLE CONTINUES, you will be touched by the heart-warming stories
and the profound impact that the concepts taught in the Son-Rise program
can make.; I invite you to do this as a first step and
introduction.; Below I have tried to outline a brief history and
synopsis of what we do.; I hope you enjoy!; And I look forward
to hearing from you.
The Son-Rise Program for families with special children serves parents
and professionals seeking a loving, humane and respectful method to help
special children maximize their potential. This unique program is based
on the work of Barry and Samahria Kaufman whorebirthed their son, Raun,
from the supposedly incurable illness of autism. Defying the odds, they
developed a program radically different than existing techniques. Based
on an attitude of love and non-judgment, they designed and implemented a
child-centered, home-based program for their son.
After their own success, the Kaufman's went on to establish The Option
Institute and Fellowship, a non-profit, charitable organization. Families
come to The Option Institute with children who face a host of
disabilities including: autism, ADD, PDD, ADHD, cerebral palsy, Rett
Syndrome, and Down Syndrome among others.
We teach from the perspective that every child is wonderful and precious,
regardless of their diagnosis or the way they are often viewed by
society. Families of children with special needs have heard "tragedy" and
"hopeless" often enough. We tell them that their child is a gift, and can
provide the entire family with an experience of growth. This perspective
is not restricted to autism or any other condition. And, because we
observe each child intensively and then design individualized programs
based on the child's cues, the diagnosis is actually not important. What
is important is the child. All children are different, regardless of the
labels we give them.
We base our program on some very simple, yet powerful concepts: The first
is that *loving* a child and expressing an accepting attitude
are more important in establishing a relationship with the child than any
specific to modify a child's behavior. The second is that the *Child is
the Teacher.*; By this we mean that; one basis of learning
is motivation.; A child will learn to the degree that they are
motivated for something.; Most of the children that we work with are
not motivated by the same things other children are such as peer
relations, social dynamics, interactions, or even toys.; Since our
aim is to establish interaction and an interest in learning with the
child, we begin by observing what the child does how do they spend their
time.; What can we learn about this particular child's motivation
that we can then use to build on?; In this way, we can still have an
agenda of what we want to teach a child, but we present the curriculum
through the child's motivation.; For example, if I want to teach
basic math.; And my son is interested in collecting baseball cards
and studies the statistics of the baseball players, I could imagine
various games, conversations, and projects involving baseball cards
through which my son and I could explore the nature of basic math
concepts.; This is of course almost evident it is so simple a
concept, yet so few of us; take the time to study the interests of
our children and then approach teaching through them.; Another
benefit to this concept is that by "joining" my child in their area of
interest I not only learn more about them and how they learn, but I build
more trust, acceptance, and love between us.;
While our continued input with a family is extremely useful; we begin by
empowering parents so that they feel confident enough to draw on their
sense of what is most effective for their childto resource their
observations and connection with their own child.; After a Son-Rise
program Training Course, parents not only have a wealth of knowledge and
techniques to use to help heal their child, but they have also gained a
new perspective that offers the opportunity for them to cope with and
embrace their situation rather than feel fearful or angry.; This
attitude shift alone brings the parents closer to the child and invites
the child to interact, communicate and participate more in their
Our way of working with special needs children is applicable to any
disability. What we are doing is motivating the children in a very
loving, passionate and enthusiastic way to actually change their brains,
their physical bodies, etc. When we work with children we are incredibly
compelling in our enthusiasm, and we completely accept whatever the child
might want to do, and we engagingly request them to do more.
Our way of working with special needs children is applicable to any
disability. One young boy came to us with a very physically disabling
condition called Anterior Horn Cell. He was unable to walk and spent his
days in a wheel chair.
He wasn't able to feed himself or assist with any of his own care. He was
deteriorating rapidly according to the doctor. He was quite capable of
conversation and was very intelligent. We tried to motivate him in all
sorts of ways to move his body, but he always came back with "Oh I can't
do that" - Oh no way I couldn't possibly do that!"
Then one of our staff members came up with a game - very specific that
this young boy loved. This boy was given the role of a very special
detective and he was on a mission to save the world. And what he had to
do was to pick up this pin and get it into the door, open the door and
that would disable the bomb and then he would save the world. The staff
member was so enthusiastic and so exciting that he was able to motivate
Abraham to pick up a pin, put it into the door and save the world. They
did this over and over as Abraham dropped the pin, the staff member
cheering "You almost did it!", come on Abraham, you can do it "Save the
World". By the end of the week Abraham was getting himself into and out
of his wheelchair in record time, brushing his teeth, and fixing all
sorts of things with screwdrivers etc. So you see the programs are
customized, but the key is our attitude and our ability to motivate the
We offer several different styles of programs each with varying levels of
intensity and customization.; The program that we offer to families
learning about the Son-Rise Program for the first time is called the
Son-Rise Program Start-Up.; This is a dynamic, powerful and
inspiring program that offers parents and professionals a chance to learn
all of the fundamentals of the program including how to create the most
supportive and effective learning environment for their child, how to
choose a more loving and accepting attitude with their child and how to
be even more creative and energized with their child.; We also
present classes on easy and powerful techniques to help parents teach
their children more language, more eye contact, longer attention span,
self-help skills etc.
Once a family has attended our Start-Up Program, they can bring their
child for a customized Son-Rise Program Intensive.; We work with
only 2 families per week in our Intensives. During the week our trained
staff work 8 hours per day in a specially designed playroom with your
child while our teaching staff work with and instruct the parents.
After the week, many families return home to set up their own home-based
program. These parents then train volunteers who work in their Son-Rise
programs. We have seen parents create incredible programs involving up to
10 volunteers who all take part in creating the miracle of helping a
child come to his/her full potential. These volunteers and parents convey
to us over and over the joy they feel in working with a child with
special needs, and how it has changed their life in some way - how it has
helped them become more loving. less judgmental -(even of themselves) and
how that has spilled over into their lives in a very profound way. These
programs are not just helping the child but the adults involved are
deeply touched by the experience.
I know that your group is mostly based on nutrition and we do definitely
recommend that parents strongly consider testing for allergies,
especially eliminating dairy and most sugars from the child's diet.;
However, since we are not doctors nor dieticians , we are careful not to
tread in areas for which we are not fully trained, eventhough we have
tons of anecdotal evidence for diet as a source of healing for many of
these children.
There is so much more that I would love to share with you about our
program, but I know this isn't supposed to be too long just enough to
tickle your brains and to stimulate some discussion.; In your
questions to me, I would like to encourage all of us to use specifics and
examples where possible so that we don't engage too much in theoretical
philosophy type debate.; We work with hundreds of families each
year.; I myself spend almost 80% of my weekly work time on the floor
playing with these children or working with the families directly;
so for us, although we have theories and concepts to teach; we are
very grounded in applying all that we know and strive for daily.; I
hope that this information can be meaningful and useful to each of you in
some way Thank you for the opportunity to be a guest with you this week.
For more information and resources check out our site at
With warm regards, Jonathan Alderson
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Son-Rise Program
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 14:03:00 EDT
I've long been impressed with the Kauffman's work and have written about
it in Pure Facts, the newsletter of the Feingold Association. But I
wanted to ask you not to be too intimidated by the concept of using
nutrition to help these children. The heart of the Feingold Program is
to eat FOOD not petroleum-based synthetic additives. It's just common
sense, and has no down side to it.
For the children with autistic symptoms or extreme allergies, they may
need to use rice milk and gluten-free baked goods, but even that is
simply a different version of plain old good food.
Anyone can follow such a plan with a little bit of help. That's what we
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 11:05:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
cc: mgold@holisticmed.com
Subject: ADD Son-Rise Program Questions
Thank you for your detailed introductory post to the group! I have a few
- In general, how successful has the Son-Rise Program been in working
with children with ADD? I know that whatever treatment techniques
are used, no guarantees can be made. However, it would be helpful to
get a sense of the kinds of improvements have been seen? Does the
book, "Son-Rise: The Miracle Continues" contain ADD cases?
- Do you work with adults with ADD? I wonder if it is much more
difficult than helping children because most children
have can have a strong support group (e.g., parents), but with
adults, the support is not necessarily available.
- You mentioned that the Son-Rise program visits the UK. What would
it take to set up visits in other parts of the U.S.? Is it simply
a matter of getting enough families interested and finding a location
for the classes?
One thing that impresses me about the Son-Rise Program is the environment
of loving and acceptance that can be created (or increased) in the child's
life. With or without the health improvement, this seems to be an
important benefit.
List Note: Here is the Amazon.com web page for "Son-Rise: The Miracle
Continues" (web address broken into two lines):
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 09:18:20 -0400
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Jonathan Alderson
Subject: Re: ADD Son-Rise Program Questions
Dear Mark, below are some answers and information , each answer following
your original question.-- thank you for your questions!
At 11:05 AM 98-09-09 -0400, you wrote:
>Thank you for your detailed introductory post to the group! I have a few
>1. In general, how successful has the Son-Rise Program been in working
> with children with ADD? I know that whatever treatment techniques
> are used, no guarantees can be made. However, it would be helpful to
> get a sense of the kinds of improvements have been seen?
since we work with each child in a specially designed palyroom -
constructed to eliminate distractions (this helps the child to focus of
course) , and to eliminate any circumstance in which the child might have
to be stopped or controlled. For example, if I don't want my child to
play with a sharp knife, then I won't put a sharp knife in the playroom.
In this way, I control the environment to my child's favor in that I am
able to let my child explore, learn and play in a "permissive" environment.
For children with ADD, since they are often ditracted, not focused and
into everything around them, their parents, teachers and supervisors will
often have to stop the child (eg. from running out in the road, or from
taking candy in a store, or to sit still in a desk) -- this constant
physical manipulation and exerting control, going against the child we
believe leads to less trust of the child toward adults, possibly avoidance
of touch (we see this when for example when an adult holds out thier hand
for the child and the child pulls away) . Since one of our main focuses is
to establish a very strong relationship based on trust and acceptance so
that we can then strongly request and encourange change in the child, we
feel that the best place to do this is in a playroom as opposed to outside
where I always have to say "no", stop and go against my child. This is
very effective with ADD children. We see much more attention span, greater
ability to focus, listening skills increase, and most importantly is eye
contact which we go for very strongly.
> Does the book, "Son-Rise: The Miracle Continues" contain ADD cases?
No, but it
does have 5 other amazing stories of children with similar challenges. We
do work with many many ADD, ADHD children.
>2. Do you work with adults with ADD?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
>I wonder if it is much more
> difficult than helping children because most children
> have can have a strong support group (e.g., parents), but with
> adults, the support is not necessarily available.
True, howerver,
since our program is focused on teaching parents/families or supporting
professionals to set up programs , we usually only worked with families as
a whole and not just individuals with ADD -- however, if an adult with ADD
was motivated enough to look at themselves, the way they operate and to
take time each day to do certain kinds of focused activity, then we could
>3. You mentioned that the Son-Rise program visits the UK. What would
> it take to set up visits in other parts of the U.S.? Is it simply
> a matter of getting enough families interested and finding a location
> for the classes?
We have just set up a new dept. within our
Institute called our Son-Rise Program World Wide Services created to handle
all of our off property Programs. We anticipat4e creating Start-Up
programs throughout the U.S. in major cities over the next two years. We
will continue to send out flyers announcing these programs to those on our
mailing list. Yes, we usually require a minimum of 100 participants to run
an off site Program as well as a local "sponsor" who helps to find a venue
>One thing that impresses me about the Son-Rise Program is the environment
>of loving and acceptance that can be created (or increased) in the child's
>life. With or without the health improvement, this seems to be an
>important benefit.
Absolutely! We feel that this is perhaps the
single most important factor in the work that we do. Combined with a good
diet and awareness of allergies etc. the Son-Rise Program is very powerful.
As a note, most children are much more open to trying new (health )
foods or special diets when the foods are presented in a fun, loving way
without forcing or pushing the child...once again, the attitude is so
important in determining the eventual actions that we all take.
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:48:15 -0400
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Jonathan Alderson
Subject: Re: ADD The Son-Rise Program
Jane, thank you for your kind support and for making this tangible by
writing about the Option Institute. Our timidity about speaking on
nutrition is less about our conviction in the importance of nutrition and
more about legal ramifications. Since our staff are not trained doctors or
nutritionists, we are careful not to make specific recommendations unless
these are solicited by the parents first. You'll be pleased to know that
we have seen many many families use the Feingold diet who have had great
success, especially when such diets are combined with a Son-Rise Program
(We believe the perfect combination.) Good luck with all of your work!
From: YCaryl@aol.com
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 11:23:35 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: Re: ADD Son-Rise Program Questions
I can't think of any questions, but I do want to say how wonderful your
program sounds for the lucky children -- and adults -- who come to you.
Caryl in Mpls.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD The Son-Rise Program
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:26:15 EDT
Thanks so much for your note and your kind words!
Phyllis J. Mullenix, Ph.D.
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 19:20:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
Hi! I would like to introduce our next honored Visiting Expert, Dr.
Phyllis J. Mullenix. But before I do so, I would like to thank Jonathan
Alderson for the detailed and exciting information about the Son-Rise
Program at the Option Institute http://www.option.org. Mr.
Alderson took time out from an extremely busy schedule to visit the
group. I hope you have had a chance to visit their web page and
perhaps get on their mailing list. I believe that Mr. Alderson
will check his email on Monday to respond to any final questions
put to the list.
[Note: This bio was adapted from what was on the 'Net. If there are any
inaccuracies, I hope Dr. Mullenix will correct them. :-)]
DR. PHYLLIS J. MULLENIX, Ph.D. is a pharmacologist and toxicologist by
training. She graduated from the Truman State University (Zoology --
magna cum laude). Her Postdoctoral Training was as a Research Fellow,
Environmental Medicine, The John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public
Health, Baltimore. In the 1980s, Dr. Mullenix was Head of the Toxicology
Department at the Forsyth Dental Center, a world renowned dental research
institution affiliated with the Harvard Medical School. She was invited
to start Forsyth's Toxicology Department because of her expertise in
neurotoxicology. She is presently a Research Associate in Psychiatry at
the Children's Hospital Medical Center in Boston. Dr. Mullenix's
academic appointments, professional positions held, teaching experience,
awards, honors and many published scientific research articles to her name
are numerous.
The first test Dr. Mullenix was asked to perform at the Forsyth
Dental Center was a test related to neurotoxicity of fluoride. The person
who asked her to perform this test was Dr. Harold C. Hodge, one of the
founders of the Society of Toxicology. Since that time, Dr. Mullenix has
conducted additional research related to fluoride including one study
which is about to be published. She is considered to be the world's
foremost expert on the neurotoxicity of fluoride compounds.
Because of her expertise, Dr. Mullenix is very busy publishing research,
presenting at conferences, and meeting a large number of other
obligations. But she has generously offered to discuss the issue of
pre-natal and post-natal fluoride neurotoxicity and its relationship to
ADD/ADHD and other neurological conditions.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Mullenix to the ADD-Holistic list!
Don't forget to post your questions after Dr. Mullenix' first post on
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:26:16 EDT
Dr. Mullenix has taken on a formidable enemy in publishing her findings
on fluroide. I applaud her courage!!!
Jane Hersey
From: PJMTOX@aol.com
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 17:41:32 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net, mgold@tiac.net, PJMTOX@aol.com
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
It was 1982 when fluoride was first brought to my attention as a
substance in need of investigation. At that time, I was in the Departments of
Psychiatry at Boston's Children's Hospital and Neuropathology at the Harvard
Medical School. My studies focused on detection procedures for neurotoxicity,
and they typically considered a variety of environmental and therapeutic
agents, i.e., radiation, lead, amphetamine, phenytoin, nitrous oxide. Dr.
John Hein, then Director of Forsyth's Dental Infirmary for Children in Boston,
was interested in neurotoxicity studies and invited me to continue this
research at Forsyth and to apply it to substances used in dentistry. Fluoride
was prominent on his list.
Five years lapsed before our investigations of fluoride began. The delay
was due to time spent on technological improvements, specifically development
of a computer pattern recognition system for the objective quantification of
behavior in an animal model. In early June of 1986, the Forsyth Dental Center
was noted for this achievement in the Wall Street Journal and the Boston
Herald, and applications of our research grew. The new technology enabled us
to study the clinically recognized neurotoxicity associated with the treatment
for childhood leukemia. Simultaneously, we started investigations of
fluoride, the "safe and effective" treatment for dental caries.
Initially, the fluoride study sparked little interest, and in fact we
were quite anxious to move on to something academically more exciting. Using
an animal model developed for the study of dental fluorosis, we expected rats
drinking fluoride-treated water would behave the same as matching controls.
They did not. The scientific literature led us to believe that rats would
easily tolerate 175 ppm fluoride in their drinking water. They did not.
Reports in the literature indicated that fluoride would not cross the blood
brain barrier. But it did. Prenatal exposure to fluoride was not supposed to
permanently alter behavioral outcome. It did. Like walking into quicksand,
our confidence that brain function was impervious to fluoride was sinking.
Our 1995 paper in Neurotoxicology and Teratology was the first laboratory
study to demonstrate in vivo that central nervous system (CNS) function was
vulnerable to fluoride, that the effects on behavior depended on the age at
exposure and that fluoride accumulated in brain tissues. The behavioral
changes common to weanling and adult exposures were different from those after
prenatal exposure. Whereas prenatal exposure dispersed many behaviors as seen
in drug-induced hyperactivity, weanling and adult exposures led to behavior-
specific changes more related to cognitive deficits. Brain histology was not
examined in this study, but we suggested that the effects on behavior were
consistent with interrupted hippocampal development (a brain region generally
linked with memory).
Establishing a threshold dose for effects on the CNS, in rats or humans,
was not the intent of this initial investigation. Yet, one fact relevant to
human exposure emerged quite clear. When rats consumed 75-125 ppm and humans
5-10 ppm fluoride in their respective drinking waters, the result was
equivalent ranges of plasma fluoride levels. This range is observed with some
treatments for osteoporosis, and it is exceeded ten times over, one hour after
children receive topical applications of some dental fluoride gels. Thus,
humans are being exposed to levels of fluoride we know alters behavior in
We concluded that the rat study flagged potential for motor dysfunction,
IQ deficits and/or learning disabilities in humans. Confident as we were, the
data were only one piece of the puzzle, the overall picture was still
emerging. Soon thereafter we learned of two epidemiological studies
(Fluoride, 1995-1996) from China showing IQ deficits in children over-exposed
to fluoride via drinking water or soot from burning coal. A recent review
(International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 1994) listed case reports of CNS
effects in humans excessively exposed to fluoride, information that spans
almost 60 years. A common theme appeared in the reported effects: impaired
memory and concentration, lethargy, headache, depression and confusion. The
same theme was echoed in once classified reports about workers from the
Manhatten Project. In all, our rat data seem to fit a consistent picture.
Information linking fluoride and CNS dysfunction continues in 1998.
- A recent study in Brain Research demonstrated that chronic exposure to
fluoride in drinking water of rats compromised neuronal (hippocampal) and
cerebrovascular integrity (blood brain barrier) and increased aluminum
concentrations in brain tissues.
- Masters and Coplan have reported (International Journal of
Environmental Studies, in press) that silicofluorides in fluoridated drinking
water increased levels of lead in children's blood, a risk factor that
predicts higher crime rates, ADD and learning disabilities.
- Luke at the International Society for Fluoride Research (ISFR) meeting
in August reported that fluoride accumulated in the human pineal gland, as
much or more so than in bones and teeth, and the pineal gland's melatonin
biosynthesis pathway is affected by fluoride.
- Also at the ISFR meeting, I reported that the fluorinated steroid
(dexamethasone) disrupts behavior in rats to a greater degree than does the
nonfluorinated steroid (prednisolone). This finding matched results just
completed in a study of children receiving steroids as a part of their
treatment for childhood leukemia. Dexamethasone, compared to prednisolone,
further reduced IQ, specifically impairing reading comprehension, arithmetic
calculation and short-term working memory.
Exposure to fluoride goes well beyond that in our drinking water,
toothpastes and mouth rinses. Fluoridation of water dictates that it is in
food and processed beverages. Pesticides such as cryolite also increase
fluoride content of foods. The trend toward fluorinating pharmaceuticals
increases fluoride exposure via medication. Fluoride, in various compounds,
plays a heavy role in occupational exposures and for people living in close
proximity to industry, i.e., aluminum, steel, brick, glass, petroleum, etc.
With exposure so common, we can no longer afford to ignore potential CNS
consequences of fluoride.
I would be happy to answer questions about any of the above material.
Phyllis J. Mullenix, Ph.D.
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:48:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Dr. Mullenix,
Thank you very much for providing an overview of the neurotoxicity of
fluoride! The new research was especially interesting. I would like
to ask a couple of questions that would clarify things for me and
perhaps for the group as well. I hope these questions aren't too
long-winded. :-)
- If I understand correctly, the findings in your original study
are equivalent to humans receiving water fluoride ion (F-)
concentration of 5-10 parts per million (ppm) (based on
equivalent blood levels).
I heard that in the following experiment which you described:
- A recent study in Brain Research demonstrated that
chronic exposure to fluoride in drinking water of
rats compromised neuronal (hippocampal) and
cerebrovascular integrity (blood brain barrier)
and increased aluminum concentrations in brain tissues.
the rats were given water with a fluoride ion concentration of
1 part per million (ppm). (2.2 ppm of NaF = 1 ppm F-) Is that
correct? It does seem like quite a low dose in animal studies
-- i.e., they gave the animals the same water F- concentration as
received by humans. Or was it the "equivalent dose" that was
1 ppm after adjusting for differences in the way rats and humans
concentrate fluoride in the blood?
- I know that there are a number of double-blind experiments
showing that fluoridated water can cause headaches, tiredness,
visual disturbances, joint pain, etc. I have also seen fluoride
reactions mentioned clinically by Dr. Doris Rapp and other.
Dr. Michael Schacter has said in part:
"[ADD] conditions are frequently improved by cleaning up
children's diets and removing fluoride. A lot of these kids are
sensitive to fluoride; they get headches, are hyperactive, have
problems with attention, and often they're on fluoride, which is not
only in heir drinking water, but is also being given to them in pills
and fluoride treatments. Some of these kids benefit from coming off
fluoride, and some from taking particular viamins and minerals, such
as magnesium."
Are these neurological reactions another sign that fluoride is
crossing the blood brain barrier? If this is the case and if
some children improve being after completely removing fluoride,
could it be the case that the effects of post-natal exposure
(or at least some of the effects) are reversible? Or is this
just a case of the above-mentioned symptoms being acute
sensitivities while your research is looking more at long-term,
silent neurotoxicity.
- Given that fluoride is in so many things: tap water, food prepared
with tap water, foods grown with pesticides that have fluoride,
occupational exposure, etc. it may be difficult to remove fluoride
exposure completely. Do you have any suggestions for practical
steps that can be taken to reduce exposure? Also, are there
particular nutrients that are helpful in reducing toxicity?
As an aside, I found the following quite interesting:
> 3) Luke at the International Society for Fluoride Research (ISFR)
> meeting in August reported that fluoride accumulated in the human
> pineal gland, as much or more so than in bones and teeth, and the
> pineal gland's melatonin biosynthesis pathway is affected by fluoride.
I once wondered if the large increase in fibromylagia cases might
be due, at least in part, to medium- or long-term fluoride exposure.
A couple of years ago, I saw a statement by a physician/researcher
about the buildup of apatite crystal in cases of fibromylagia:
"Please keep in mind that we only suspect the proximal tubular enzyme
responsible for phosphate excretion because it fits what we are seeing.
First, tartar does either clear or slow markedly,---a pure calcium
phosphate (apatite or hydroxyapatite) crystal."
This reminded me of the New Zealand studies showing a connection
between fluoride and repetative stress injury and the buildup of
apatite crystals. New Zealand Medical Journal, 98:556-557, 1985 and
New Zealand Medical Journal, 28 August, 1985, page 710.
However, fibromyalgia cases often involve sleep disorders as
well. That is why your mention of the fluoride affecting the
melatonin biosynthesis pathway is interesting. Of course, I'm just
speculating, but I do wonder if long-term fluoride exposure might be
a significant contribuatory factor in the development of
fibromyalgia. Hmmm. :-)
Sorry for sidetracking from ADD....
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 09:54:19 -0500
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: "Russell Blaylock, M.D."
Subject: ADD fluoride
Dr. Mullenix,
I found your statement on the neurotoxicity of fluoride quite interesting.
This is an area that I have intended to explore in my studies on
neurotoxicity. Your observation that humans obtain blood levels comparable
to those of rats when humans consume much smaller fluoride doses, is
comparable to what we see with glutamate consumption. Humans absorb
glutamate at a rate 5 fold that of mice and 20 fold that of non-human
As for your observation that earlier reports indicated that fluoride did
not pass through the BBB, also reflects the early statements about both
glutamate and magnesium. It is now recognized that many substances that
will not pass the BBB with acute exposures will on chronic exposure. In
fact, glutamate actually concentrates in the brain with chronic exposure.
Magnesium passes through the BBB slowly in a gradient fashion. I was
wondering if you had any evidence that the brain accumulated fluoride with
chronic exposure. Also, I would like to know if there have been any studies
demonstrating the mechanism of action of fluoride on the neuron or glia
cell? Is it a direct toxin or indirect? Your observation that fluoride
stimulates the absorption of aluminum is critical, since aluminum plays a
vital part in iron generated hydroxyl ion generation in the presence of the
superoxide ion, and especially in the presence of beta amyloid. That would
connect fluoride to excitotoxicity.
Are you aware of any studies that have demonstrated a protective role for
magnesium in fluoride toxicity, since magnesium competes with aluminum for
normal albumin carriers of magnesium past the BBB? Alpha lipoic acid may
also be a candidate for neuroprotection, since it can protect against other
metal poisoning, such as with arsenic.
Are you aware of commercial water filters that can remove fluoride from
drinking water? I know the Brita filters do not. I was not aware of the
presence of fluoride in dexamethasone. Unfortunately, it is the most common
steroid used in neurosurgery for a variety of conditions, brain tumors,
trauma, radiation necrosis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, etc. This could be
especially damaging in pediatric neurosurgical cases. Is fluoride present
in medrol?
I would appreciate it if you could send me your published papers on this
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 13:28:15 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD fluoride
In a message dated 98-09-16 11:54:13 EDT, you write:
<< Are you aware of commercial water filters that can remove fluoride from
drinking water? >>
This would be interesting to know as well , even most bottled waters are
extracted from tap waters (city treated water ) then purified (if that ) with
carbon or reverse osmosis filters ........here in Hawaii they do not floridate
the water , and it has no trace floride in it .....the pediatricians all
prescribe floride to the infants that have teeth ... i personally use a
filter on my water system .. but i am not aware of its ability to remove any
flouride ... i do know that it has a list of impurities and Or/ inorganic
carcinagins that it removes according to NSF Standard 53.... as well as
leaving in the beneficial minerals ..... since Flouride is naturaly occuring
in the water as well , do you think that it will pass through any filter like
minerals do ?
From: PJMTOX@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:43:25 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Hi Mark,
Thank you for the questions and interest in our work. The following are
responses to your questions.
- You have the dose for the Brain Research paper correct. It was
essentially 1 ppm fluoride in the drinking water for 52 weeks (not an
equivalent dose). This was indeed a very low dose, but one close (or even
lower) to that consumed by humans. Note that our study in rats included
higher doses, but for shorter periods of time (6 or 20 weeks duration). We
realized at the time that the duration of exposure was just as critical as the
dose. We proposed studies looking at much lower doses with longer durations,
but that was where our research was cut off. Hmmm, indeed.
- There is no question that fluoride crosses the blood brain barrier,
and it is also likely that some neurological effects can be reversed. The key
variables to reversibility may involve: 1) the age at exposure- the earlier in
brain development when exposed, the more likely changes will not be
reversible. 2) the dose and duration of exposure. There are more than one
mechanism by which fluoride could be causing problems for the brain. Repeated
peak exposures to fluoride for a short duration of time may be a problem if
the peaks occur during critical periods of brain development. The mechanism
to be suspicious of here is fluoride's ability to interfere with the G2 phase
of the cell cycle. In other words, it can interfere with brain development
the same way that x-irradiation does. In contrast, low steady doses of long
duration can still be a problem for the brain, even if the brain is well
developed. However, the mechanism to be suspicious of here is the
accumulation of fluoride. This situation is more likely to be reversible, but
the problem is stopping the exposure to allow the body time to rid itself of
the deposits so that the brain can recoup. Remember, there are major storage
sites for fluoride in the body (bones, teeth and the pineal gland). Every
time bones remodel, they kick out fluoride which can then be recirculated and
go back into other soft tissues, including the brain. Ridding the body of
fluoride can take years, even if you accomplished the difficult task of
stopping all sources of fluoride exposure.
- There are ways to restrict fluoride exposure:
- drink distilled water or bottled water with known low fluoride
content (i.e., Evian)
- avoid drinking processed beverages made with fluoridated water-
colas, etc.
- avoid drinking tea
- avoid foods sprayed with cryolite- used often on potatoes (outer
peel may have as much as 20 ppm fluoride)
- avoid foods that labs have confirmed as being high in fluoride-
some cereals (fruit loops, wheaties), vegetables grown next to industries-
spinach, celery
- whenever possible, switch from fluorinated to nonfluorinated
medications. Besides steroids, antibiotics, anesthetics (methoxyflurane) and
antidepressants (prosac and paxil) contain fluorine in chemical structure.
When metabolized, they may contribute to fluoride levels in blood.
- get plenty of calcium in diet (magnesium can help some too).
- The link of fluoride with fibromyalgia has not been explored in any
depth. The new data showing fluoride's impact on melatonin biosynthesis, and
the high concentrations in the human pineal gland, should be a real eye opener
for many. I am ill at ease with this enzyme poison (fluoride) being that close
to the hypothalamic-pituitary-axis functions in the body. Research is needed
immediately, but will it happen for this politically sensitive subject?
I'm sorry if these answers are long, but there is much to say and learn.
Phyllis J. Mullenix, Ph.D.
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 16:57:13 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Phyllis J. Mullenix, Ph.D.
In a message dated 98-09-17 16:14:19 EDT, you write:
> 3) There are ways to restrict fluoride exposure:
> a) drink distilled water or bottled water with known low fluoride
> content (i.e., Evian)
> c) avoid drinking tea >>
question about "A":are there any water filters that remove Flouride ? i have
researched and found that distillers do but they are expensive. please
enlighten on this
question about "C" avoid drinking TEA ? why is that ? i am confused on this
statement ... i drink a several different varieties of Green Tea from tea bags
....perhaps you are referring to ready made teas that come in a can or a glass
bottle that could have been made with flouridated water ?
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:21:42 -0500
From: Randy Fields
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
I have heard that one of the reasons China doesn't fluoridate its water supply,
in general, is because so many Chinese drink green tea daily. I suppose this
means that green tea is quite a source for fluoride! One other thought on China,
though: many of the Chinese have permanently discolored and/or malformed teeth,
not due to lack of fluoride, but due to the abundant use of tetracycline as an
Randy Fields
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 18:59:35 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
> I have heard that one of the reasons China doesn't fluoridate its water supply,
> in general, is because so many Chinese drink green tea daily. I suppose this
> means that green tea is quite a source for fluoride!
I dont know , but it sure raises my curiosity on the issue of tea and
Fluoride , anyone else have any info onb Fluoride , and Tea or green tea ?
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:07:20 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Hmmm, after doing a search for studies on green tea and fluoride , i came up
with many , here is one of interest , Notice the PPM Title
[Fluoride contents in tea and Sakura-shrimp in relation to other
inorganic constituents]
Asanami S; Tanabe Y; Koga H; Takaesu Y
Shikwa Gakuho, 89(8):1407-12 1989 Aug
The purpose of this study is to determine the fluoride contents of
shrimp and of tea samples obtained from Shizuoka prefecture which is
famous for tea products area and fishery market and to examine the
relations between fluoride and other mineral contents, such as calcium,
magunesium and phosphorus. Fluoride contents in tea produced in this
area have been reported by Matsuura and Kokubu and other investigators,
but more recent data are scarce. Samples were taken from a kind of
shrimp known as Sakura-shrimp and from 4 kinds of commercial tea (coarse
tea, 2 kinds of green tea and refined green tea). After having been
dried and powdered, 1g of each sample was reduced to ashes at 550
degrees C for 10 hours with Ca(OH)2 as a fluoride fixative. Fluoride was
distilled from each ash sample at about 140 degrees C with HClO4, and
about 200 ml of distillate was collected from each sample. Fluoride
contents were determined by means of ion-specific electrode. Calcium
and magnesium contents were determined by atomic absorption
spectrophotometry, and phosphorus contents were determined by Chen,
Toribara and Warner's method. Total fluoride contents of the samples
were as follows: 61.73ppm in shrimp, 180.16ppm in coarse tea, 72.62ppm
and 89.02ppm in the 2 kinds of green tea, and 71.11ppm in refined green
tea. More than 99% of the total fluoride was obtained from 150ml
distillate of each sample. Calcium contents were extremely high in
shrimp (21,822ppm) and 2,106-2,693ppm in tea samples. Magnesium contents
were highest in shrimp (3,088ppm) and lowest in coarse tea
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:09:41 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Studies on the leaching of fluoride in tea infusions.
Gulati P; Singh V; Gupta MK; Vaidya V; Dass S; Prakash S
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Dayalbagh Educational
Institute, Agra, India.
Sci Total Environ; VOL 138, ISS 1-3, 1993, P213-21
Secondary Source ID
In order to assess the levels of fluoride ingestion through intake of
tea, studies were conducted with four different brands of tea leaves
commonly available in the Indian market. Four most prevalent methods for
the preparation of tea with various contact times (2,4,6,8 and 10 min)
of tea leaves with water show that: (a) leaching of fluoride is least in
case of leaf tea as compared to powdered tea (F levels increasing with
decreasing grain size); (b) leaching of fluoride reaches a maximum after
a contact of about 6 min; (c) there is no difference between levels of
fluoride with or without addition of milk in the English style where tea
leaves are not boiled, while for the Indian style, addition of milk and
subsequent boiling resulted in reduction of fluoride levels and (d)
ingestion of fluoride per cup of tea ranged from 1.55 mg/l to 3.21 mg/l
amounting to an intake per day per person of fluoride between 0.3 to 1.9
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:27:52 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
> 61.73ppm in shrimp, 180.16ppm in coarse tea, 72.62ppm
> and 89.02ppm in the 2 kinds of green tea, and 71.11ppm in refined green
> tea. More than 99% of the total fluoride was obtained from 150ml
> distillate of each sample.
This seems really High , wow , guess i am gonna not drink tea anymore
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:51:52 -0700
From: Thomas Hobson
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Just one question about this floride element. Is the floride in tea and
shrimp of the same nature
as what is found or put into drinking water? Is one natural, organic and
safe and the other chemical, inorganic and harmful?
From: PJMTOX@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 20:32:04 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Regarding the different forms of fluoride:
Water treatment usually consists of fluosilicic acid and sodium
silicofluoride. Such silicofluorides are the form of fluoridation that is
being seriously questioned now for increasing lead levels in children. Most
fluoridation systems in the US use this form of fluoride. It's the cheapest.
Some use sodium fluoride instead, but not many.
"Natural" forms of fluoride usually mean calcium fluoride. Calcium fluoride
doesn't dissolve as readily as say sodium fluoride, and therefore it usually
takes a higher dose to cause health effects. Inhaled fluoride can be in the
form of fluorine (very rare) or hydrogen fluoride (which reacts with water to
form hydrofluoric acid). Caution, if the fluoride ion gets into the body,
regardless of what the source, it produces the same effects because the body
does not distinguish between them. A fluoride ion is always a fluoride ion.
Don't be fooled by the label of "natural" versus "artificial".
From: PJMTOX@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 21:40:20 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
For more information about the content of fluoride in tea, and other
foods as well, read the Journal of AOAC International, vol 78, no. 4, 1995.
"Survey of lead, cadmium, fluoride, nickel, and cobalt in food composites and
estimation of dietary intakes of these elements by Canadians in 1986-1988." On
page 899 it states: "Individual samples with the highest fluoride levels were
cooked veal (1230 ng/g), canned fish (4,570 ng/g), shellfish (3,360 ng/g),
cooked wheat cereal (1020 ng/g), and tea (4,970 ng/g) (Table 2)." For
fluoride amounts in fruit juices, check out The Journal of Clinical Pediatric
Dentistry, vol. 16, no. 1, 1991. White grape juice by Gerber contains 6.8 ppm
fluoride, the juice with the highest fluoride content.
From: FJBCIII@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 21:46:31 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
<< ng/g) >>
what is that NANO grams ?
From: PJMTOX@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 22:46:55 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD fluoride
Dr. Blaylock,
Our rat studies demonstrated that subchronic exposures (6-20 weeks
exposure in drinking water), definitely allowed brain accumulation of
fluoride. One prior study (from a different lab) concluded that fluoride did
not pass the bbb to any appreciable degree, because they gave an injection of
fluoride iv, then measured brain levels one hour later. It was inappropriate
to conclude from such an acute exposure what fluoride would do in the chronic
situation. The fluoride case sounds very much like the glutamate situation.
In regard to mechanisms, I am afraid I can only give possibilities worth
studying. For example:
- fluoride appears to inhibit the G2 phase of the cell cycle. For the
developing brain this means problems for cell proliferation, cell
differentiation and antimetabolite properties.
- fluoride increases cAMP, and interacts with Ca, Mg and Al
- fluoride has anticholinesterase activity
- fluorine (as the fluorine in dexamethasone) has "enhancing activity"
which may mean greater penetration into the brain.
In all, mechanisms are still a mystery.
With regard to magnesium, magnesium has been reported to increase the
threshold at which fluoride toxicity begins. How well this works for
neurotoxicity protection is not well defined.
I am not familiar with commercial water filters that remove fluoride.
Only reverse osmosis or distillation works as far as I know.
The news about dexamethasone is disturbing. In leukemia it is preferred
more often now because of better penetration into the brain and it adds to
cancer killing efficacy. This efficacy needs balance with toxicity studies,
however. In terms of chemical structure of dexamethasone, fluorine is added
in the 9 a position of ring B. The fluoride is created by metabolism, which
is known to occur in rats. No study has checked whether chronic treatment
with dexamethasone increases plasma fluoride levels in humans. This must be
done since the impact on behavior is greater than the nonfluorinated
prednisolone. Medrol, I believe is not fluorinated.
The dexamethasone work in animals and children has only recently been
completed. When it is in published form, I would be happy to send it to you.
Phyllis J. Mullenix, Ph.D.
From: PJMTOX@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 23:13:44 EDT
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Yes, ng/g refers to nanograms per gram (10 to -9 power)
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 11:48:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert-Fluoride
Dr. Mullenix,
Thank you very much for the detailed responses and the references!
I have a couple of followup questions, one simple one and one a bit
more complex (at least for me!).
- I assume that 4,970 ng/g for tea is 4.97 parts per million (ppm)
or nearly five times the concentration of the fluoride ion found
in most artificially fluoridated water (i.e., 1 ppm)?
- I have a question related to naturally-occuring levels of fluoride
ions in water and some food products. I hope this doesn't
confuse things, but this question comes up alot.
It is my understanding that fluoride ion concentration in
most unfluoridated water in the US is far below 1 ppm, but
that there often is some naturally-occuring fluoride. I
believe that the most common source is calcium fluoride
(CaF2). There is also a significant level of calcium ions
and magnesium ions in most water. (In fact, some of the calcium
ion would come from the breakdown of CaF2.)
I believe that it is known that calcium and magnesium ingestion
reduce acute toxicity (i.e., poisoning from fluoride). But my
questions related to chronic toxicity, including neurotoxicity:
- Would the temporary increase in blood levels of calcium or
magnesium from water reduce the effects of the relatively
small amounts of fluoride found in most *unfluoridated
water*? Perhaps these ions bond with the fluoride ion
allowing for quick elimination via the urine?
Thus, one would assume that fluoridated water with low
calcium and magnesium levels (e.g., soft water) would
be even a greater potential danger?
- Is it correct to assume that blood levels of calcium and
magnesium are important to reduce chronic toxicity? I
believe this has been seen in India? I know that many
children on this list may be sensitive to dairy, but
this might speak to the importance of having at least
some adequate intake of these nutrients.
- I have heard that fluoride intake can increase the
likelihood of calcium and magnesium deficiencies.
Is that the case?
- Are there any special concerns a person should have about
well water?
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 11:21:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Fluoride & Water Resources
I want to thank Dr. Mullenix for up-to-date details about fluoride
neurotoxicity and how it might relate to ADD and other behavioral
disorders. It is possible that she may get a chance to answer the
last couple of questions I posted.
What follows are some resources that may prove helpful to those who want
to avoid fluoride neurotoxicity:
- Here are my recommendations for water alternatives and other
Please note that there are some updates. Since I wrote this
page several years ago, FDA rules have gone into effect (at the
request of the American Bottled Water Association) to define
terms used on bottled water. If they use the term "Spring Water"
on the bottle, it has to be spring water or they are breaking
government regulations. If alot of flowery imagery is used
to describe the water (e.g., Mountain fresh water, etc.) but
no term, "Spring Water," then it is not spring water and may
be filtered tap water with a relatively high fluoride content.
- I'm not sure if the resource listed on the page still carries
a reverse osmosis filter. I know that they are becoming more
popular. One thing to keep in mind about a reverse osmosis
filter is that it does not remove chloramine from the water
which is used by some municipalities (e.g., San Francisco, I
- If you are concerned about preventing dental disease, the
Oramedics program is excellent when used without the fluoride.
It requires just the purchase of a book (not from me). Please
Hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
From: PJMTOX@aol.com
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:29:07 EDT
To: mgold@tiac.net, add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Re: Fluoride Question
Dear Mark,
- The levels of fluoride in tea that I was referring to are 4.97 ppm,
about 5 times the level of artificial fluoridation.
- Your comments regarding Ca and Mg are correct:
Ca and Mg levels of water are important. For example, Ca can bind
fluoride and reduce the amount of fluoride absorbed in the gut in the first
place. Fluoridated water with low Ca and Mg can make a bad situation even
worse. Deficiencies in Ca and Mg have frequently been reported in the
literature to reduce the threshold at which fluoride toxicity will occur.
Dietary intake of Ca definitely should not be ignored.
- Often well water contains low levels of fluoride, but not always.
It's best to have the level confirmed. Even the "natural" fluoride can cause
toxicity if enough is consumed over a long period of time.
Thanks for having me as a guest with the ADD group. Your efforts to
provide information about this perplexing problem are critical. Keep up the
good work.
Phyllis J. Mullenix, Ph.D.
Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 00:03:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Introduction of Visiting Expert!
I would like to introduce our next honored Visiting Expert, Dr. Devi S.
Nambudripad, the developer of the Namudripad Allergy Elimination Technique
I first heard about NAET a couple of years ago from a feature article in
Alternative Medicine Digest. Since that time, I have read numerous cases
from people on Internet groups which describe full recovery from or
significant improvement to allergies, asthma, ADD, other chronic immune
system disorders. I know that some well-known practitioners who treat ADD
regularly refer patients to NAET practitioners. So I am very excited that
Dr. Namudripad can visit and share her expertise!
Below is a description of the history of NAET from Dr. Nambudripad's web
page: http://www.naet.com/. This will also serve as Dr. Nambudripad's
bio. Tomorrow, I will send the initial email to the group related to
NAET was developed by, a California acupuncturist,
chiropractor, kinesiologist and a registered nurse, Dr. Devi
S. Nambudripad in an attempt to relieve herself of severe
allergic symptoms suffered since her birth in Kerala, South
While working on her Ph.D. at Samra University of Oriental
Medicine in Los Angeles, she observed that people
presenting allergic symptoms often responded favorably to
acupuncture or acupressure treatment. After recognition of
the systemic relationship between contact with an allergen
and the resulting neuro-physiological effects produced in the
body, she began to discover the key to the mystery of how
the brain may be reprogrammed in its response to what it
once took to be harmful or toxic.
Her own experience and personal interest led her to develop
the method later referred to collectively as NAET and to
specialize exclusively in the diagnosis and treatment of
allergies. She has trained over thousand medical practitioners
from all over the world (chiropractors, acupuncturists,
allopathic medical doctors, dentists, doctors of osteopathy,
doctors of veterinary medicine are some among the group).
To date, thousands of patients have been successfully
treated, with permanent and amazing results.
Various studies to prove the effectiveness of NAET are
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Namudripad to the ADD-Holistic mailing
list! [Clap, clap, clap!]
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 12:33:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: mgold@tiac.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert Dr. Devi Nambudripad
I hope you received the introduction of our honored Visiting Expert, Dr.
Devi Nambudripad, the developer of the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination
Technique (NAET). If you missed the introduction, you can see it on the
following web page: http://www.egroups.com/list/add-holistic/989.html
I have received email from people who have used this treatment modality to
successfully treat ADD/ADHD. Dr. Nambudripad has a good deal of experience
treating ADD and an understandable interest in the issue as she used NAET
to cure her son's ADHD.
What will follow is the initial post split into two parts. It is an
article that Dr. Nambudripad put together for our group based on sections
from her upcoming book on ADD/ADHD entitled, "Say Goodbye To ADD and
Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, D.C., L.Ac., R.N., O.M.D., Ph. D
Web-site: http://www.allergy-naet.com/
e-mail: naet@earthlink.net
More than one million American children take Ritalin regularly to help
them with Attention Deficit Disorder, an increase of two and a half times
since 1990. Do we have a miracle cure or over-medicated kids? (Newsweek,
March 18, 1996, cover story) ÒADHD has become America's number 1 childhood
psychiatric disorder.
What is ADHD? And where did it pop up all of a sudden? Is it another
21st Century illness?
Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD, also known as ADD is not a
new disease. In fact it is not a disease at all. ADD is a neurologically
or neuro-biologically-based environmentally dependent, developmental
disability, estimated to affect between 3-5 percent of the school age
population (Professional group for Attention Deficit Disorders, 1991).
References to attention deficit disorders like symptoms have been found in
the medical literature for almost 100 years. In fact, this syndrome is one
of the most thoroughly researched of all childhood disorders. According
to scientific experts ADD is a disability that can cause serious lifelong
problems if it is left untreated.
In recent times, ADD is officially called Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity
disorder, or ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). But to most
people the name ADD still remains a familiar term.
According to the traditional medical researchers, the actual cause of ADHD
is not known. Scientific evidence suggests that the disorder is
genetically transmitted in many cases and results from a chemical
imbalance or deficiency in certain neurotransmitters, which are chemicals
that help the brain regulate behavior. A study conducted by the National
Institute of Mental Health showed that the rate at which the brain uses
glucose ( its main energy source), is lower in subjects with ADHD than in
subjects without ADHD (Zametkin et al. 1990).
What are the signs of ADHD?
Professionals who diagnose ADHD use the diagnostic criteria set forth by
the American Psychiatric Association (1994) in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The fourth edition of this manual,
known as the DSM-1V, was released in May 1994.
According to DSM-1V the most obvious signs associated with this disorder
are inattentiveness (short attention span, failure to listen, failure to
follow instructions, inability to finish projects, and inability to stay
focused), impulsivity (act before thinking, answer before completely
listening to the question, etc.), and hyperactivity (excessive activity,
fidgets, doesn't stay in seat, runs, climbs, moving back and forth all the
time, etc.). One can have any one of these symptoms alone or in
combination with two or more or all of the above.
In addition to these problems, depending on the child's age and
developmental stage, parents and teachers may see temper tantrums,
frustration, anger, bossiness, difficulty in following rules,
disorganization, social rejection, low-self esteem, poor academic
achievement, and inadequate self-application.
A proper diagnostic evaluation by NAET includes the following:
- A thorough medical and family history, pre-natal history of the
mother (if she suffered from any strange disease or emotional
trauma during pregnancy, etc.), emotional, social and
environmental history like parental divorce, child abuse, death
of a loved one, environmental or residential disruption, a new
comer in the family, arrival of a new sibling;
- Behavior ratings completed by parents and teachers;
- A physical examination (vital signs, growth pattern, etc.);
- List of commonly eaten food and drinks, any special addictions
to toys, blanket, furniture,etc.
- Muscle Response Testing for possible allergens;
- A computerized non-invasive testing for possible allergens.
Treatment Through Traditional Approach:
Traditional medical approach for such conditions are :
- Behavior modification;
- Educational modification;
- Psychological counseling; and
- Pharmaceutical drugs.
Medication has proven effective for many children with ADHD. In most
cases, the Cental nervous system stimulants are used. They are believed to
stimulate the action of the brain's neurotransmitters, which enables the
brain to regulate attention, impulse and behavior. Short acting stimulants
like Dexedrine or Ritalin (methylphenidate) are commonly used. Ritalin
has been used successfully in the treatment of ADHD for several decades.
It has been found helpful in alleviating the symptoms in children and
adults who take the medication. In some cases where stimulants are not
suitable anti-depressant medications are used. Since the drug can help to
reduce or control most of the symptoms the child then continue to live by
learning and working, etc. It is okay to use the drugs if it is necessary,
to help the child to function in this world. It is better than letting
the child waste his life away. But it is very important to check the
allergy to the medication before administering it. If the child is
allergic to the drug, it is not going to give any expected result. . In
some children, where they have an allergy to drugs, their condition could
get worse by using these drugs. They may become hyper, violent, irritable
beyond control, or may produce unpleasant side effects like itching,
hives, eczema, indigestion, bowel and bladder incontinence, etc. In such
cases, medication should be stopped immediately and should not be used
until the allergy is removed. Now we have NAET. You can look up the
web-site allergy naet.com to find a NAET practitioner near you. He/she
will be able to remove the allergy to the drugs in a short period of time.
Some children may out-grow these symptoms and lead a normal life in their
adulthood without the use of drugs. Some others may need to continue the
use of drugs and increase the dosage steadily to get the desired effect
and continue the usage even through their adulthood, middle age and old
But one of the problems with the use of medication is that it is too often
given too quickly without investigating other ways to help a child with
ADHD. Certain schools make it mandatory that parents give Ritalin in order
for the ADD child to continue receiving an education. Doctors readily
prescribe this magic pill. And for some, it seems to work. Perhaps
ÒeasierÓ than altering the life style by behavior modification, changing
the diet, and tracking down the actual cause of the problem for the
individual child to avoid or eliminate them.
Even though, we are using thoroughly researched pharmaceutical drugs,
drugs are chemical compounds and can have allergy and few side effects in
certain individuals. The allergic reactions and side effects have created
constant fear in some people against using drugs. More and more people are
becoming conscious against using chemically produced drugs and moving
towards using products made by natural means. Long term use of chemicals
can destroy our body's garbage disposal --the Liver -- to go weak;
sometimes, damage beyond reversal!.
Alternative Treatments and therapies
Because of the experience of adverse drug reactions, more and more
practitioners and consumers are looking for natural means to control this
disorder. Out of necessity, many alternative therapies have been invented.
Now, there are many alternative therapies available for ADHD today that
produce inner calmness and serenity in the victims without using
chemically produced drugs. These commonly practiced alternative therapies
include: behavior modification in conjunction with vitamin-mineral
therapy, amino- acid therapy, various detoxification programs to remove
toxins and parasites, herbal supplementation, biofeedback, living in a
chemical-free environment, diet management by removing sugar, corn,
gluten, milk , dairy products, yeast, food additives, and carbonated water
from the diet entirely, providing regular chiropractic treatments,
acupuncture treatments, regular therapeutic massages, saunas, encouraging
Yoga and meditation practices, magnetic therapy, engaging in regular
sports and exercises programs, etc.
What is NAET?
Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques or NAET for short is an
innovative, completely natural and a drugless treatment method for
regaining perfect health by achieving freedom from allergies and diseases
arising from allergies. It is a holistic, non-invasive treatment used in
eliminating food, chemical, environmental and emotional allergies
permanently. NAET is developed for diagnosis and elimination of allergies
of all types. The best part of medical knowledge from various medical
fields are combined in developing this new technique.
We now know that most of the causes of common illnesses including ADD
and ADHD are in fact, undiagnosed allergies. Which when left untreated can
become serious health problems. An allergy is an over-reaction of the
immune system. In NAET, allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective,
based on Oriental Medical principles. An allergy is a condition of unusual
sensitivity of one person to one or more substances that may be harmless to
the majority of individuals. In the allergic person, the allergen is viewed by
the brain as a threat to the body's well-being. So, an allergy is defined in
terms of what a substance does to the energy flow in the body.
When the body, or magnetic field of the body makes a contact with an
allergen, it causes blockages in the energy pathways called meridians, or,
we can say, it disrupts the normal flow of energy through the body's
electrical circuits. This energy blockage causes interference in
communication between the brain and body via the nervous system. The
obstructed energy flow is the first step in a chain of events which can
develop into an allergic response. An allergic reaction is the result of
continuous energy imbalances in the body, leading to a diminished state of
health in one or more organ system or a disease.
The energy pathways travelling back and forth from brain to Heart, Spleen,
and Liver meridians are affected in ADHD cases. NAET uses Muscle Response
Testing (MRT) to test the allergens and to detect the blockages in the
The NAET treatment involves three steps:
Step - 1
Isolate the offending allergen using NTT (Nambudripad's Testing
Techniques: Muscle response testing, and/or non-invasive skin resistant
testing, also encourages the use of standardized laboratory testing like
RAST, Eliza act etc.);
Mild acupressure on specific pre-determined acupuncture points by the
practitioner on the specific meridians;
Complete avoidance of the treated allergen for 25 hours following the
After 25 hours practitioner needs to retest the treated allergen for the
completeness of the treatment. In most cases it takes one treatment (one
office visit) to eliminate the allergy if the treatment is administered
properly, and 25 hour - avoidance is followed. In some extreme cases it
may take more than one office visit per item.
Avoiding the allergens are not always easy or exciting. The most effective
treatment option for allergies until now has been complete avoidance of
the offending allergens. This can be difficult and in some cases
impossible. Can you imagine eating a strict diet for months after months
and years after years, especially if that diet contains no egg, soy,
fruits, vegetables, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, fats, hamburgers, French
fries, ice cream, milk, butter, oils, gluten, MSG, spices, whiten-all,
food additives, food colorings, etc.? That's where NAET comes in. NAET
will accommodate to the 21st Century lifestyle. It doesn't mean that one
should eat all junk foods available after completing NAET treatments. NAET
can remove the adverse effect of any allergic food in the body including
all the above listed food products, and create a homeostasis in the body
in the present of the offending allergen (without avoiding for life).
During the NAET treatment, your brain will create a new friendly memory
towards the allergen and will imprint and store in the memory bank.
During the process, the old memory about the allergen's adverse effect is
erased or forgotten. After completion of the NAET treatment, the allergen
becomes non-allergen and an irritant becomes non- irritant to your energy
field and the body will learn to relax naturally in the presence of the
new friendly substance. When the brain is not frightened about the
contact with the new harmless substance (previously an allergen), natural
calmness comforts the brain and body. Thus the attention deficit and
hyperactive symptoms will disappear. The child can relax and listen to
others once again without being frightened or bothered by the irritation
that particular irritant produced once. Now the calm nervous system will
co- operate with the child and allow him to relax without the help of CNS
stimulant or depressant. If they continue to maintain an allergy-free
body and live in a suitable environment, they can say goodbye to ADHD for
It sounds like a magic or too good to be true, Isn't it?
It is easier than many other treatments available now. But nothing comes
that easy. You have to work hard to find your allergens and/ or find a
doctor who is NAET practitioner. Please read the book "Say Goodbye To
Illness", by the author. This book will help you to find your child's
allergens. Please visit our web-site to locate a NAET practitioners near
Listed according to the importance to the body:
- Animal protein (egg white, egg yolk, chicken, tetracycline);
- Milk group and calcium group (breast milk, cow's milk, goat's
milk, and calcium);
- Vitamin C group (fruits, vegetables, vinegar)
- B-complex vitamins (1,2,3,,12,13,15,17,paba,choline,
- Sugar mix (cane sugar, corn sugar, maple sugar, grape sugar,
rice sugar, brown sugar, molasses, honey, dextrose, glucose,
- Iron (animal and vegetable source, beef, pork, lamb, raisin,
date, broccoli);
- Vitamin A (animal and vegetable source, beta carotene, fish,
shell fish);
- Minerals and Trace minerals (magnesium, manganese, phosphorus,
selenium, zinc, copper, cobalt, chromium, and other trace
minerals, fluoride);
- Heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic,
copper, gold, silver, vanadium);
- Salt and chloride (sodium and sodium chloride, water
filter/ salts and chemicals);
- Grain mix (wheat, gluten, corn, oats, millet, barley, rice);
- yeast mix ( brewer's yeast, bakers yeast ;
- Stomach Acid;
- Base (digestive juice from the intestinal tract contains
various digestive enzymes: amylase, protease, lipase, maltase,
peptidae, bromelain, cellulase, sucrase, papain, lactase,
gluco-amylase, alpha galactosidase.
- Candida mix (candida albican, ;
- Fat mix (animal fat, vegetable fat, butter, oils, fatty acids);
- Dried bean mix (vegetable proteins, soy bean, lecithin);
- Neuro-transmitters (amino acids, DNA, RNA, serotonin, GABA,
dopamine, epinephrine, nor-epinephrine, histamine, endorphin,
enkaphalin, acetyl-choline, acetaldehyde);
- Caffeine mix (chocolate, coffee smell and taste, caffeine,
soft drinks);
- Artificial sweeteners (sweet and low, equal, saccharine,
twin, aspartame);
- Nuts (pea nuts, wall nuts, pecan, cashew nuts, almonds, and
other nuts);
- Night shade vegetables (bell pepper, onion, egg plant, potato,
Tomato (fruits, sauces, drinks);
- Spice mix (peppers, onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg,
mint, and spices);
- Food additives (sulfates, nitrates, BHT, MSG/accent,
whiten-all, gum mix, gelatin);
- Food colors (different food colors in many sources like ice
cream, candy, cookie, gums, drinks, spices, other foods,
lipsticks, etc.);
- Refined starches (corn starch, potato starch, modified starch);
- Alcohol (candy, ice cream, liquid medication in alcohol, and alcohol);
- Baking powder/ Baking soda (in baked goods, tooth paste, detergents);
- Fabrics (daily and sleep attire; towels, bed linens, blankets,
- Chemicals (drinking water, tap water, chlorine, swimming pool
water, detergents, fabric softener, soaps, cleaning products,
shampoo, lipstick, cosmetics from mother and other family members);
- Hormones (female and male hormones, thyroid hormones, pituitary
hormone, hypothalamus, brain);
- Child-hood immunizations, and vaccinations (DPT, POLIO, MMR, small
pox, chicken pox, influenza, hepatitis);
- Any drugs given in the infancy and childhood or taken by the
mother during pregnancy (antibiotics, sedatives, laxatives,
recreational drugs);
- Any insect bites in infancy or child-hood (bee stings, spider
bites, cockroach, etc.);
- Perfume (room deodorizers, soaps, flowers, perfumes, after
shave, etc from others) ;
- Pesticides (malathion, termite control items, regular pesticides);
- Parasite mix (pin worms, tape worms, hook worms, malaia parasites
and other parasites);
- Plastics (toys, play or work materials, utensils, toiletries,
computer key boards, phone,);
- Latex products (shoe, sole of the shoe, elastic, rubber bands,
rubber bath tub toys);
- School /work materials (Crayons, coloring paper and books, inks,
pencils, crayons, glue, play dough, other arts and craft
- Paper (News Paper, Ink, reading books, colored books, colored
pictures in the books);
- Radiation (computer, Tele-Vision., microwave, X-ray, Sun);
- Bacteria mix;
- Molds;
- Inhalants (Pollens, Weeds, Grasses, Flowers, Wood mix, room air,
outside air, smog, polluted air from nearby factories);
- Body parts, tissue and secretions (DNA, RNA, brain tissue from
various lobes, hypothalamus, liver, blood, saliva, sweat);
- Allergy to people, animals and pets (mother, father, care
takers, cats, dogs);
- Emotional allergies (fear, fright, frustration, anger, low-self
esteem, rejection, etc.).
- First treat them alone, later some may need combination treatment
of different groups from the above list.
After clearing the allergy to nutrients, appropriate supplementation is
necessary. Please ask your NAET practitioner or read "The NAET guide
Book" by the same author for more details.
Books to read On NAET:
Say Goodbye To Illness, by Devi S. Nambudripad, D.C. L.Ac.,
R.N., O.M.D., Ph.D
Living Pain Free with Acupressure by Devi S. Nambudripad,D.C. L.Ac.,
R.N., O.M.D., Ph.D
The NAET Guide Book, by Devi S. Nambudripad,D.C. L.Ac., R.N.,
O.M.D., Ph.D
Say Goodbye To ADD and ADHD, , by Devi S. Nambudripad, D.C., L.Ac.,
FAX: (714) 523-3068
Price of the Books:
Say Goodbye To Illness: $21.00 plus $4.00 for shipping and handling.
Living Pain Free with Acupressure: $22,95 & $4.00 for shipping and
The Guide Book: $12.00 & $3.00 for shipping and handling.
For Calif. residents please add 7.75% sales tax.
From: "Diane/Jim B"
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Dr. Devi - Child vs Adult
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 15:19:48 -0400
I'm new to this so I hope I am doing it right. :) I have a few questions.
- I was wondering if there was any difference between an NAET treatment done on a
child with ADD and the NAET treatment done on an adult with ADD.
- Does a child with ADD respond any differently to an NAET treatment than an adult?
Is NAET easier on a child than an adult? Does NAET more effectively reduce ADD
in a child than an adult?
- Does a child require less of an avoidance time after an NAET treatment than an
BTW, I think it is great of Mark to host these experts and generous of Dr. Devi
(and the other experts) to take the time to reply to questions.
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 16:30:10 -0700
From: Devi Nambudripad
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Devi - Child vs Adult
There is no difference with NAET done on a child or an adult. If it is
done properly, both should get great results. In most cases it takes 25
hour of avoidance. Sometimes a child may take less hours. Even if some
one takes less hours to pass a treatment, it is advisable to avoid 25
hours before one resume using the product. We see fewer combinations
treatments when a person observes 25 hour avoidance.
From: "Diane/Jim B"
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Devi - Effectiveness
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 00:24:10 -0400
Dr. Devi and all,
What kind of effectiveness/success rate do you see with NAET for ADD? Is this about
the same for other illnesses/conditions? Is it more than 75%?
How much of this success rate involves getting rid of the condition and how much
involves improving the condition to some degree?
Mark mentioned studies in his intro. Have there been any studies on the
effectiveness of NAET for ADD or any other illness? What types of studies have been
done? Have any studies been published on NAET?
Thanks for your response..
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 23:01:38 -0700
From: Devi Nambudripad
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Devi - Effectiveness
Dear Diane,
The successrate with NAET is more than 75% in almost all the cases of
ADHD we have treated. In some cases it is more than 90%. They have
cleared their problems completely and able to function as a normal
person. We have many NAET doctors treating ADHD all over the country. We
have assigned a group of researchers to collect data from all the
practicing NAET practitioners. When we get all the data we will know how
many children have been treated and how many responded to the treatment
to what degree. We have not done any double blind studies on ADHD. We
have done some studies on other areas, like milk allergy elimination,
etc. but we have not published anywhere yet. Eventhough NAET is
practiced over 13 years, we have come to the light only in the last year
or so. We have begun researches in few areas, the results will not be
out for few years. I wish we had better things to offer to you on the
data. Our main source is from the patients' results. May be some of the
mothers with ADHD children who were treated with NAET would see this
sight and share their success stories with the readers.
Dr. Devi Nambudripad
From: hamfam@webtv.net (Mike Hamilton)
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 11:35:31 -0400 (EDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Re: Questions about NAET
Dear Dr. Devi,
A friend and fellow herbalist introduced me to NAET several months ago
in a talk she gave at the local Holistic Practitioner's meeting. I
wanted to believe it but It sounded too good to be true and even though
I know this lady to be of the highest character, I was suspicious of
this new method with all the little vials of water with computer
replicated substances that she had just been trained for and was so
excited about. I just couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't the latest
"New Age thing" or another way to make money for somebody.
Having been involved with ADD for about 30 years now, I feel as you do
that drugs such as ritalin are sometimes appropriate, but that they are
not little "magic" pills or the answer long term for everyone as they
are currently touted in the US. I also have read and personally
observed that allergies and blood sugar problems are almost always
present. These parts of the ADD puzzle are often just ignored as it
requires discipline,is much harder and more expensive to change one's
diet or environment than to take a little pill.
It was only about a month after my friend gave this talk about NAET that
Dr. Doris Rapp came to Orlando and gave a lecture. I was truly stunned
when she told us there that she had moved to Arizona in an effort to
build a center to study and validate a new method that she had
encountered a couple years ago. She said this method works, but that in
order for it to be endorsed or accepted by the mainstream studies are
needed to prove the reasons behind why it works. This effort was going
to be one of the areas that she was going to pursue. The method she
spoke of was NAET!
Dr. Rapp then proceeded to demonstate. She had a man hold something
that he knew he was allergic to and then she put her hands on either
side of his head and as he breathed in she put pressure on each side of
his forehead and occiput, then let go as he breathed out. She repeated
this 3 times. I have come to understand now that while it was a good
demo because it served to greatly excite and interest the group present
in NAET, it is just a small part of the whole method of which you were
the originator.
Here are my questions: Now I know this demoed procedure seems a bit
simplistic but does it really work? Could it be used first at home with
the known offenders and then could one go to a practitioner for the
unknowns? Is the power to heal oneself or one's loved ones from
allergies as simple as finding what it is they are allergic to, getting
your hands on that substance and then performing the head thing, and
then avoiding the offending substance for 25 hours? What are the
dangers, if any, of doing this to onself? Is NAET going to become as
well-known as the Heimlich manuver? a method that with minimal training
can empower anyone to perform it? I hope and pray so. Once these
offending substances are no longer exacerbating the ADD, other methods
used to treat the deficit would work so much better and more quickly,
thus less expensively which would open them up to more people. Which
leads me to- about how much have you observed (estimated average) is
required in time and money for NAET on most ADD kids?
Thank you for coming on the ADD list and sharing this "new" method with
us. I am really looking forward to reading your book on using NAET for
attention deficit, hyperactivity and autism. Fran Hamilton
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 15:31:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Questions for Dr. Nambudripad
Dr. Nambudripad,
I have a few short questions that I can't seem to find an answer for.
- The overwhelming percentage of people I have spoken to who were
treated with NAET had significant improvement after several
treatments. However, in a couple of cases, people said that
the improvement was only slight. Are there resources for
"troubleshooting" in the few cases where the initial
improvement is not large?
- There are some people on the list with gluten intolerence. How
successful (if at all) is NAET in discovering and treating gluten
- I would like to try NAET treatment, but am currently on a remedy
from a Classical Homeopath. Others on the list use Homeopathy
as well, I believe. Is there any conflicts with doing
NAET while on the remedy?
I really appreciate your new web page: http://www.allergy-naet.com/
The Sitemap section and the Doctors/Practitioner Locator are
particularly useful to me. I look forward to the release of the
ADD/ADHD book! Thanks.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
From: "Barbara Cesmat"
Subject: ADD Naet works
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 13:25:47 -0700
Hello to all,
I want to respond to the questions regarding NAET. My little girl has
had many problems since birth, and I was unable to get help for her
until a friend introduced me to Dr. Devi Nambudripad.
I am my little girls grandmother and though I have had children I did
not have any experience with the problems that she was experiencing. The
pediatrician suggested that I change her formula to soy, unfortunately
that did not help her. We were then told to try goat milk and that was
somewhat of a help. I took her to an allergist who sent her out for a
blood test that was so traumatizing that I cried with her. The allergist
then told me she did not have any allergies and when I questioned him on
dairy he gave me an emphatic NO SHE DOES NOT HAVE ANY ALLERGIES , MILK
INCLUDED. My gut told me this could not be true, I, after all was the
one who walked the floors with this child wrapped around my mid-section
[the only place that gave her comfort] day and night. The bottom line
here is that she was in fact allergic to the regular formula the soy
formula and all the other dairy products.
This child is now 8 years old lives an almost normal life I.e.: going to
birthday parties and for the most part being able to eat wants offered.
She knows what to avoid, that which has not been treated and will always
bring home a tiny sample of the goodies to treat if necessary. When a
child learns that feeling good can be as simple as bringing home some
samples they are willing participants in their well being. She has come
a long way and will recognize sometime when she is having an allergic
symptom. This treatment gave her her life and mine also.
From: "Barbara Cesmat"
Subject: ADD Fw: Dr. Devi's miraculous healing techinique
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 15:30:49 -0700
-----Original Message-----
From: Godflower@aol.com
To: barbara1@cesmat.com
Date: Sunday, October 18, 1998 3:23 PM
Subject: Dr. Devi's miraculous healing techinique
>To Whom It May Concern:
>Dr. Devi's contribution to the health of my entire family is limitless and
>awe-inspiring. For example:
>My eight-year-old son has benefited from her treatments since he turned four
>and was suddenly experiencing extreme asthma attacks requiring even 3:00 am
>trips to Kaiser hospital for breathing therapy. After his enduring a few
>hours of one of these inhalant sessions, I headed directly for Dr. Devi's
>office with him, an hour or so away. By the time we got there he was using
>his face muscles to assist him in breathing, the most extreme stage of asthma.
>After quickly determining that his asthma was being caused by drinking water
>chemicals, Dr. Devi allowed him (and me) to listen to his wheezing lungs
>through her stethoscope. It was terrifying for me -- I couldn't imagine how
>he could be breathing at all. She then treated him for the water chemicals
>and within 5 minutes his lungs were CLEAR and he was breathing comfortably,
>effortlessly. It was a year and a half before any signs of asthma showed up
>again and by then it was an easy matter to correct the symptoms.
>In the interim, besides eliminating colds, flu, and other common nuisances
>from our lives, the NAET treatments proved that my son's behavior could be
>switched from difficult to exemplary in just moments.
>Our family's list of miracles is endless. However, my husband had an
>experience as extraordinary as my son's:
>After a late night plunge into the pool, my husband couldn't get water to
>drain from his ear. Within a couple of days he was suffering from an earache
>which, during the following weeks, steadily increased in magnitude and
>intensity . He was attended by medical doctors, a variety of holistic
>practitioners, and was prescribed drugs, antibiotics, vitamins, and
>homeopathic remedies, all to no avail. Eventually, his entire right side,
>from his face to his foot, was numb. His face muscles were losing integrity
>and his mouth was "drooping" on one side, as was his right eye. His eyes
>blinked "out of sync". He was diagnosed as having had a stroke, and then as
>having "Bell's Palsy". He was told he'd soon be drooling.
>I have no idea why we didn't take the trip out to Dr. Devi's when he first
>experienced alarming symptoms, but I suppose it just was easier to try
>everything in our immediate neighborhood, first. You probably can guess the
>outcome based on my little boy's results.
>Dr. Devi treated him for bacteria and he immediately felt better. By the time
>we were driving home he was 75% better. By the next day he was 100%. It was
>nothing less than astonishing! And boy, is HE a believer!
>Vone Deporter (e-mail: godflower@aol.com)
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 18:42:59 -0700
From: Devi Nambudripad
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Re: Questions about NAET
Dear Fran,
NAET is a simple technique for a practitioner. It cannot be taught to a
lay person like H.manuver. If you do not perform NAET right, then it may
not work. If you fail the treatment, patient can get worse until treated
correctly again. Because of these possible adverse reactions, lay person
without proper knowledge should not try to treat using this technique.
We only train licensed medical practitioners on naet. We have seen
extreme reactions on few people. So, we take precaution. Practitioners
have been taught how to revive the patients successfully without calling
paramedics to their offices. But anyone can learn NAET- muscle tesing
techniques and avoid the allergens until treated. Number of treatments
depends on many factors like the severity of the disease, age of the
children (the younger they are better they are for the treatment), level
of understanding about the treatment and follow up instructions for 25
hours following the treatments. We have treated some children for 8-10
groups of items and got well completely. But some other children have
taken 40-50 office visits in 2-3 years time to complete all the known
allergies. There is no specific number of visits one can define for
allergy treatments especially in this type of cases.
I hope I answered some of your questions,
Best wishes,
Dr. Nambudripad
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 19:19:07 -0700
From: Devi Nambudripad
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Questions for Dr. Nambudripad
Dear Mark,
If NAET is done right, it works well on any body. If it is not done
right, it doesn't work. Some people may be allergic to few items. and
some others may be allergic to the whole list I posted on the site. If
one is allergic to many items, then, it is for their advantage to limit
their food only to the allergy cleared items, even if they have to eat
just one or two food items. In people with good discipline, NAET works
like magic. Most of my ADD children are back to regular school within
10-12 visits.
We treat gluten allergy with excellant results. Our success rate is
between 80-95%.in any allergies and allergy-related conditions. The only
essential element is "right NAET treatment". Few practitioners I have
heard that they are modifyng the original NAET treatment. Probably thats
where people are receiving poor results. I can only train them. I cannot
be with them in their offices to supervise the. They will learn
NAET does not conflict with any other treatments or remedies one is
taking. Please read the NAET GUIDE BOOK by DEVI S. NAMBUDRIPAD. I have
answered all these questions in that book. It will answer all your
Best Wishes,
Sonia Sumar
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:26:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
I am excited to introduce our next honored Visiting Expert, Sonia Sumar.
Ms. Sumar uses a special type of yoga therapy to help transform the lives
of children with ADD/ADHD, Down's Syndrome and other disorders. She is the
author of "Yoga for the Special Child."
Sonia Sumar has taught yoga in Brazil for more than twenty years and is
internationally renowned for her pioneering work with special children.
She began experimenting with yoga as an early intervention therapy shortly
after the birth of her second daughter, Roberta, in 1972. Roberta was
born with Down Syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by mental
retardation and other developmental delays. Sonia's teaching work expanded
to include infants and children with Cerebral Palsy, Attention Deficit
Disorder, and various other syndromes and disorders.
Her life dream is to help the world's special children to achieve their
full potential and become active and productive members of society.
Nothing can better express her success than the letters from the parents
of her students.
Ms. Sumar holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education and has taught at the
elementary school level. She has conducted workshops and has addressed
special education programs and symposia in Portugal, Brazil, and
throughout South America. In 1980 she founded the Integral Yoga Center of
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where she continues to teach yoga to both children
and adults and offers specialized training courses to yoga teachers and
other professionals who wish to learn her methods.
In recent years she has expanded her teaching and mentoring in the United
States. She is assisted by her 27-year-old daughter, Renata, who has a
degree in Speech Pathology. Sonia's programs are coordinated by Jeffrey
Volk, who also supervised the English translation of her book.
Most persons I have seen who began practicing yoga experienced health
improvements or a health transformation. The program that Ms. Sumar has
put together to work with parents and children/adolescents to extend
yoga's benefits to special needs children is very exciting. It is an honor
to have Ms. Sumar visit our discussion group and share details about her
Please join me in welcoming Sonia Sumar! [clap, clap, clap!]
Please feel free to ask followup questions after her initial post on
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 00:28:02 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Sonia Sumar
Subject: Yoga for children with ADD
Thank you for the beautiful introduction, Mark.
My work with children with ADD began in 1975, at a special education institute
in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Children with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy and
other developmental disabilities also attended this school, so I had the
opportunity to observe how yoga worked as a therapy with children at varying
ages and levels of development. In almost all cases, yoga stimulated the
children's development--the crucial factor most often being the parent's
involvement with and support of their child.
Children with developmental disabilities often posses many ADD/ADHD
characteristics. One of the participants at our September, 1998 Ten-Day
Certification Program in Central Virginia brought his three-year-old daughter,
Madeline, along with him. Madeline was born a "blue baby" and was
described as
being "globally developmentally delayed." She was extremely distractible, and
it was almost impossible to get her to focus long enough to follow any of my
instructions. My opportunity came on the seventh day of our program when I put
on a piece of music that seemed to capture her attention for a moment.
Immediately I began to sing along with the music and to clap her hands together
and swing her arms to the rhythm. An entire yoga routine flowed out of this
single piece, posture by posture, as she swayed to the rhythm of the song. All
of the participants were amazed to see what this little child could do when her
mind was focused.
Yoga is a scientific system of physical postures, breathing exercises and deep
relaxation techniques designed to balance the body's energies and to promote
mental, physical and spiritual health. Yoga's benefits extend to persons of all
faiths, ages and abilities. Because it is gentle and non-competitive, even
persons with chronic diseases and degenerative conditions can practice it. In
applying the yoga modality to infants and children with special needs, I have
created a system of progressive yoga programs, each one corresponding to a
successive level of childhood development.
To be a yoga teacher of special children, you have to love your work. I feel
like every child I work with is my own child--this is the foundation of our
practice. Yoga means "union," and through the bond that develops out of this
union, you can accomplish seeming miracles. So the techniques are the tools;
but the foundation is love and a firm, unwavering belief in you child's innate
Before getting into our case history, I would like to say a few words about our
book and our programs. "Yoga for the Special Child" can be purchased at local
bookstores, as well as through our website at
http://www.specialyoga.com. The book contains case
histories, including the biography of my daughter, and a workbook section that
explains the principles and practical applications of yoga as a therapy for
special children. All our programs and special events are posted on our
website. We're still working on our 1999 schedule; as soon as these dates are
confirmed, they will be posted.
I look forward to your questions.
Best Wishes,
Sonia Sumar
I first met Luisa in 1992, when she was six years old. Her mother Nair had
read about my work in a local newspaper and wondered if yoga might be able to
improve her daughter's condition. At that time, Luisa was diagnosed with
Prader-Willi Syndrome. According to Borland's Medical Dictionary,
Prader-Willi Syndrome is a congenital disorder characterized by a rounded face,
almond-shaped eyes, strabismus, low forehead, hypotonia, insatiable appetite,
failure to thrive and mental retardation. In my opinion, she also exhibited
many of the characteristics of ADHD: When I attempted to teach her, she became
easily agitated; she was also extremely hyperactive and distractable. Due to
her lack of balance, she was unable to walk up and down stairs without
assistance. She suffered from daily convulsions and sometimes went into
multiple seizures so severe that she needed to remain in the hospital under
observation for a week at a time. To help control her seizures, Luisa took
various anti-seizure medications. However, none of these medications was
adequate in controlling her seizures, no matter how often they were adjusted.
Our first yoga sessions were spent in creating a strong bond of trust and
friendship-- between Luisa and myself and her mother. Once this bond of trust
was established, we were able to open up new channels of communication and
proceed with our work. At this early stage of Luisa's yoga practice, I had to
guide her body through all of the yoga postures (asanas) because she did not
have balance, motor control, or physical strength to imitate my movements. One
of the paradoxes of Luisa's condition was that she experienced stiffness in her
joints and a resulting lack of flexibility, even though her muscle tone was
very low. Children with hypotonia usually have a greater degree of
After several months of yoga therapy, twice a week, the intensity of Luisa's
seizures began to diminish. Although her school class performance was not up to
par, I noticed that she was quite intelligent. This apparent contradiction was
due to her extreme distractibility and impulsivity. Often, the only way I could
reach her was to go into her own world and meet her on her own terms. For
example, in order to keep her attention focused during our yoga sessions, I
found it necessary to increase the speed at which she performed asanas. Not
until I discovered her own natural rhythm was I be able to begin slowing her
down. The same approach applied to music and sound therapy.
Our yoga sessions always began with about five minutes of chanting and hand
clapping, followed by rapid breathing exercises (the bellows breath). Both of
these exercises helped to capture her attention, focus her mind and enliven her
spirit. The asana portion of our class was interspersed with short intervals of
deep relaxation to keep her from getting too excited and speedy. In the
beginning, almost all the asanas were difficult for her to perform, but even
so, she persevered--a tribute to her mother's encouragement and our strong bond
with one another.
Once Luisa was familiar with all the asanas in her yoga routine, she showed her
great enthusiasm for yoga by beginning each asana even before she had finished
performing the previous one. In other words, she was always one step ahead of
herself and unable to hold any pose for more than a second or two. I struggled
to curb this tendency by bringing her attention to the muscles that were being
stretched or strengthened during each particular pose. While she was holding
the pose, I always reminded her to bring her attention back to her body and to
breathe deeply.
Another aspect of Luisa's condition was her need to talk incessantly. My
instructions and comments during our sessions were often met with replies on
totally unrelated topics. I finally made an agreement with her: We could speak
about anything she wanted for a period of up to ten minutes, either before or
after our yoga session. But during our class, she promised to follow my
instructions and to allow me to guide her without interruptions.
Another challenge I faced with Luisa was her inability to remain upright in a
seated position. She would always sit slouched over with her pelvis tilted
downward. I focused on poses to open her rib cage and chest area, and to relax
the muscles of her back. In order to bring her hips into alignment, I gave her
a variety of poses which began from a seated position. While she was holding
these poses, I always talked to her and encouraged her to bring her mind back
to the asana.
After approximately one year of yoga therapy, Luisa's body awareness and
control had taken a quantum leap. She was now able to sustain a prolonged
period of deep relaxation and learned to love this quiet time. She was finally
able to walk up and down stairs unaided -- and even run! She was working on
perfecting her standing poses and had added the Skull-Shining Breath and
Alternate Nostril breathing to her repertoire of breathing exercises.
In 1993, after about a year and a half of yoga therapy, during Luisa's school
vacation, Nair asked me if she could bring Luisa to her adult group class,
because she did not have someone to take care of her. These classes last
approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. My private yoga therapy sessions
with Luisa lasted only forty minutes. I was not sure if she would be able to
sustain her concentration for the extra 35 minutes. I seated her at the front
of the class and she surprised us all by completing the entire routine. In
fact, she did so well that I allowed her to continue attending our adult class
twice a week for the remainder of her school vacation. Luisa loved this class
and the other students were greatly impressed with her new-found ability to
perform these advanced asanas, as well as her overall attitude and maturity.
She became the darling of our class.
After two years of yoga therapy, Luisa was able to raise her straightened legs
off the floor in both a supine and prone position. Her attention span and body
awareness were vastly improved. She could even remember the names of most
asanas, about twenty-six in all, in both Portuguese and Sanskrit. After three
years of yoga therapy, Luisa was finally able to join a children's group yoga
class, which included children at all levels of development. In this class she
learned to perform many of the more advanced asanas without assistance, such as
the Shoulder Stand and the Sun Salutation. All her other poses have improved,
along with her flexibility and motor control.
Although Luisa is still subject to occasional seizures, they are not nearly as
severe or often as they once were. Her doctors were finally forced to
reevaluate their diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome because she is still thin
and agile, and never developed a compulsive eating disorder. During yoga Luisa
is usually attentive and cooperative. She goes out of her way to help new yoga
students and is her very popular in her group yoga class. During an entire
forty-five minute yoga session, she remains fully concentrated and absorbed in
her yoga routine. The benefits of her yoga practice also carry over into her
daily life. At her school this ability to concentrate has allowed her to learn
to read, write and complete math exercises.
Luisa still practices yoga twice a week at our yoga center in Brazil; she is
steadfast in her attendance. When I am away in the United States, she writes to
me and often tells my daughter Renata that she can't wait until I return to
Brazil. When I had my book signing of the English edition of Yoga for the
Special Child at our yoga school in Brazil, Luisa was the first person to
receive a book from me. She showed the book to all of her school friends,
reminding one and all that the child in the painting on the cover of the book
was none other than herself! I know how proud Luisa is to be on the cover of
our book and I am equally proud of her.
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Questions for Visiting Expert Sonia Sumar
Thank you very much for your detailed and inspiring post and case
histories. It gave me much to think about because I had not known until
quite recently that yoga therapy is being used to help special needs
I hope you have received the posts including Barbara's question. If I
may, I have a few short question for you.
- For the adults with ADD and similar disorders, would there be
any differences in the workshop program or suggested treatment?
Do you offer workshops or classes for adults?
- Do older children (e.g., 8-15) enjoy the workshops and classes?
- Some of us are probably aware of a few of the postures used in
yoga classes. You mentioned a couple of breathing practices
in you post. I would greatly appreciate it if you would
talk briefly about a couple of the exercises and their short-range
and long-range benefits.
I am very glad that I found out about your work. It is encouraging that
you will be offering workshops at a number of major conferences related to
ADD, Cerebral Palsy, and Down's Syndrome. Along with the sharing of
information through the web and other means on the Internet, this will
help tremendously in having your techniques more widely available.
> Before getting into our case history, I would like to say a few words
> about our book and our programs. "Yoga for the Special Child" can be
> purchased at local bookstores, as well as through our website at
> http://www.specialyoga.com.
The web page is wonderful. I found the "Comments From Graduates of Our
Programs" section of the newsletter particularly inspiring and I hope that
you eventually put more of those on your web page or in the next addition
of your book.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
From: "Barbara Cesmat"
Subject: Re: Yoga for children with ADD
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:06:45 -0800
Dear Sonia,
Thank you so much for sharing your work with ADD children and adults with
us. As we know ADD does not discriminate age, race, or social status.
I believe that as long as there are caring people like you out in the world
there is hope for the victims of ADD and those that love and care for them.
Does yoga also help the parents and care givers of Add patients?
Where are you located, I am interested in your bi-lingual abilities.
From: RevNadine@aol.com
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 12:45:17 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Questions for Sonia Sumar
First let me tell you that I think that the work that you do is wonderful and
truly a God filled inspirational service to humankind. Thank you for doing
this work with so many children and spreading your love and light out into the
world! You are bringing hope and encouragement to so many!
How did you establish that bond of trust in the first meeting with Luisa and
her mother?
How do you know the amount of time and intensity level of yoga to use with the
children? Is it trial and error or have you been able to develop some
What type of yoga are you a practitioner of?
Have you gotten much harassment from the medical institutions in working with
these special children, especially around their drug/medication usage? Or are
they supportive?
Thanks again for the wonderful work that you are doing & for sharing your time
with us in this way.
Rev. Nadine Cotton
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 21:57:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert Sonia Sumar
I just wanted to let you know that Sonia Sumar will be on the list for a
while longer to answer some of the questions that were asked. Thanks to
everyone who provided feedback and asked questions!
Within a few weeks, her 1999 workshop schedule should be on the web page,
http://www.specialyoga.com/ -- I will let you know when it's available. In
addition to the workshops and certification programs in various locations
around the country, Ms. Sumar will be attending the CHADD conference in
Washington, D.C. in 1999. Hopefully, we'll see her conducting workshops at
other ADD conferences in the near future.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 23:36:40 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Sonia Sumar
Subject: Re: Fwd: ADD Questions for Visiting Expert Sonia Sumar
>>1. For the adults with ADD and similar disorders, would there be
>> any differences in the workshop program or suggested treatment?
>> Do you offer workshops or classes for adults?
>>2. Do older children (e.g., 8-15) enjoy the workshops and classes?
>>3. Some of us are probably aware of a few of the postures used in
>> yoga classes. You mentioned a couple of breathing practices
>> in you post. I would greatly appreciate it if you would
>> talk briefly about a couple of the exercises and their short-range
>> and long-range benefits.
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 23:23:26 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Sonia Sumar
Subject: Yoga for children with ADD
Dear Barbara
Thank you very much for writing; also, for the sensivity you expressed
about my work.
Fortunately, there are many other professionals, in different areas, who
also are doing a good job in helping people with ADD and other disabilities.
Yes, Yoga can definitely help parents, care givers and everybody else who
is seeking for a better quality of life. The wonderful thing about Yoga is
not only its power for healing the body, but also the incredible way it
works with the mind, helping us to develop our potential and understanding.
Then we can understand life better and also be better equipped to serve
society and our own selves. I could write many pages about the various
benefits of Yoga. As an yoga practitioner, I experientialy how it can make
you feel more vibrant, calmer and happier. That's why I love to share it
with everybody.
Wishing you peace and joy,
Sonia Sumar
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 23:28:03 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Sonia Sumar
Subject: Re: Fwd: ADD Questions for Sonia Suma
Dear Rev. Nadine,
Thank you so much for your beautiful letter.
Once the mother is open to trying Yoga herself , she also opens the channel
for me to connect with her child. That's why it is so important to make it
clear to the mother that 50% of my work will depend on me and the other 50%
will depend on her. If we can work in this way, everything will proceed
well and we will get great results.
Once I have established a strong bond, I try to connect with the child's
innate potential for growth and development. Based on this connection, I
posit my total trust in that child. It is not my body working with another
body, but my soul working with another soul; in this way, we both learn and
grow together. Because I work through my intuition, the child is able to
guide my hands, so I always know just how far to go into a pose or
exercise. All you have to do is observe the child attentively and never
going beyond the resistance point of the child's range of movement.
The type of Yoga I teach and practice is Hatha Yoga. Of course, I have to
adapt it to the needs of each practitioner.
Unfortunately, I have not gotten much support from the medical profession.
Some doctors are very supportive and some are not. Several have taken my
workshops and programs in the United States.
Wishing you peace and light,
Sonia Sumar
Mark Ungar
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 22:31:23 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
Our next honored Visiting Experts is Mark Ungar, Executive Director of the
ADD Action Group.
The ADD Action Group is a national resource center and clearing house for
information on alternative solutions for those with ADD and learning
diabilities. The ADD Action Group organizes the yearly World Conference on
Non-Pharmacological Therapies for ADD & ADHD. They provide many resources
for parents and health care professionals related to the treatment of ADD.
It is through groups like that ADD Action Group and the Feingold
Association that parents and practitioners can create a nationwide (and
even worldwide) network of support and powerful holistic treatment ideas
for ADD/ADHD. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Ungar visit our Internet
Discussion Group to tell us more about the ADD Action Group, the resouces
offered, their planned activities, and to share with us ideas for
community outreach and creating support groups.
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Ungar to the discussion group! [clap,
clap, clap :-)] Please feel free to share your thoughts or questions
(don't be shy!) after the initial post on Monday.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 12:27:10 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: ADD Action Group
Dear freinds,
After a long battle with our donated computer, we are finally on line again.
My name is Mark Ungar and I am pleased to be able to share with all of you
information about the ADD Action Group thanks to efforts of Mark Gold.
The ADD Action Group was started as a result of our family members being told
that our kids exhibited symptoms of ADD & ADHD.
Being that we all were raised with a nutritional backround and we were trained
that nutrition, diet and lifestyle we the key to top mental and physical
So when we were told by clinicians & people that medication was the only
solution for these "DISORDERS", we were concerned because we never took
medications for anything and never will.
We researched non-drug solutions and found out that there were many out there.
In fact we learned that there were many other people who were experiencing the
same problems as we were.
We started a support group to share stategies of how to over come these issues
The group grew so quickly that all of a sudden people became dependent on us
to provide up to date information on the Alternative Solutions. That was in
March 1996.
Today we are the ADD Action Group, is a Non-profit national organization that
helps people find non-drug solutions for ADD, ADHD, Learning Differences,
Dyslexia and Autism.
Our Mission Statement is :
"Because there is not one reason why these situations or circumstances exsist,
there is not one solution. Each person is unique in their particular needs."
We beleive that medication should only be used as a last resort,
never the first approach.
A therapy that may work for one person may not work for another.
- The ADD Action Group has monthly meetings where speakers from that
particular area who have knowlege in non-drug solutions discuss therapies and
strategies for parents, grandparents, adults, teachers, administrators, and
of coarse doctors who want to start treating their patient without drugs.
- Membership is $25 per year and that comes with a subsciption to the ADD
Action Group' quarterly newsletter which has a summary of all the meetings
throughout the country including who spoke, what they spoke about and when.
Our meeting summary is great for those who can't make it to the meeting.
Then we have video tape list of our program which you can read about below.
The suggested reading book lists are an important link to getting educated.
Next are the meeting updates where you will find where the meetings are and
A guide to "AGAP" ( Action Group Awareness Progam) is explained in the
newsletter which is designed to go into the schools and help teachers,
clinicians and administrators with staff development.
Of coarse we have articles that will enlighten those who have the need for
The resource list is a very important tool in tapping into specialists who can
solve aparticular condition but we urge that you first get educated as to what
therapist would best work for your situation.
Therapies may include but not limited to Eidetic Imagery, Neurobiofeedback,
Allergy and Nutrition, Auditory Integrative Training, Homeopathy,
Chiropractic, Color therapy, Neural-Organization Technique, Psychology,
Organization / Time Management, Brain GYM, Energy Work, Holistic Psychology,
Publications, Herbology, Education Support / Evaluations, Flower Essence, and
much more.
As a member a person may possibly quallify to become a CHAPTER PRESIDENT
where they will get to organize monthly meetings and talk directly to
therapists and authors in arranging the monthly lecture. We also guide you
through this process.
- As a Chapter President you also recieve broadcasting rights to our weekly
TV program " ROUNDTABLE " which is produced in NYC. This show explores the
issues of ADD, ADHD, Learning and Developmental Delays. This not only
discusses non-drug solutions but also legal advocacy as well.
Guests on our show include Dr. Doris Rapp, Dr. Peter Breggin, Dr. William
Crook, Dr. Ronald Hoffman, Gary Null, Patricia Lemer (DDR), Patricia Palmer
(Feingold), and many more.
If you are interested in watching this program in your area then contact the
ADD Action Group @ (212)-769-2457.
- The ADD Action Group's web site is the link between knowing and
It includes all the summarys of all the past meetings, articles, definitions
of conditions and therapies and in the future, video streaming.
We get lots of people who call who are concerned about the school system, the
way in which it is interacting in a negative way with the children, its lack
of knowlege in teaching the way a child needs to be taught and how schools
pressure parents to medicate the child to satisfy the schools need for a
zombie child.
We know your concern and we can help.
Also let us all remember some important facts that you may or may not be aware
(a) These children that are being "labeled as ADD, ADHD, or Learning Disabled
are probably non of the above. Why/? Because these children who are being
labeled are in fact above average intelegence, above average in creativity and
most important above average in sensitivity so they are very easily
humiliated, very easily trahmatized and they experience pain much more. Does
this sound like your child???
This goes for adults as well as children. This my friends we consider as
gifts, not disorders, disabilities or deseases.
Our society has to learn how to honor these gifted people not punish them by
giving them a label and destroying their self asteem. The truth is that our
society cannot deal with outspoken imaginative freeflowing beings and as a
result we have national brain washing with emphasis on conditioning our
families to take offensive action against our kids. This is not the not the
true and healthy direction of mankind.
For families who experience children who are totally unmanagable, oppositional
and angry, let me set the record straight. Your child does not having a
disorder or disability
attact. This is absolutly normal " Human" behavior for the given the
circumstance that the child, a human being, has or is experiencing. Look
deeper into the "Source of the Problem" as aposed to taking societies word for
it that your child has a disorder.
The ADD Action Group not only disagrees with the diagnosis, but questions and
challenges anybody who can prove that ADD even exsists!!!!
Its not the diagnosis that we should give attention to but the situation and
circumstance which can be changed!!!
The ADD Action Group
P.O. Box 1440
New York, NY 10023
(212) 769-2457
(212)-724-9139 fax
I would like to discuss ways of how we can get more of a community out reach
progam going. Now lets open up for questions or solutions.
Mark Ungar, Executive Director
From: moshenko@acsu.buffalo.edu
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 15:39:08 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net, ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Action Group
Hi - I would be happy to give information to the President of SEPTSA
(Special Education - PTA) in our school district (Williamsville, NY). The
SEPTSA group runs monthly meetings at school, though as a parent of a
"special needs" (ADHD) child have found that educating others about the
behaviors, causes, and treatments (other than RITALIN!!) has raised some
eyebrows!! I am glad to learn there is a support group out there!!!
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 06:14:18 -0500
From: Reg Reynolds
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD Action Group
Diagnosis is concerned with classification. Of course, ADD doesn't "exist"
except as a concept used to describe a group of unique individuals who,
nevertheless, have certain characteristics in common.
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 14:39:54 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Mark Gold
Subject: Questions for Mark Ungar, ADD Action Group
Thank you very much for your opening post to the group.
I hope you received the post from moshenko@acsu.buffalo.edu
regarding giving information to the school district.
I was hoping that you could answer a few short questions.
- Do you compile ADD Action Group member accounts of "cures" or
significant changes in the members (or member's child) condition?
- Getting to view the TV program, "Roundtable" would be wonderful!
However, I am not sure what you mean by "broadcasting rights."
Does that mean the Chapter President can receive a copy of a
videocassette to show at a weekly meeting. Or does it mean that
one can broadcast the show on a local station -- perhaps a local
cable access station? I could imagine that some people would
just want to see a video and others might want to try to get it
broadcast on a local station.
- By "video streaming" do you mean the ability to use Real
Audio/Video to watch the TV program, "Roundtable" via the web?
That would be great! Any target date on that yet?
- Are there materials that you provide for professionals
(physicians, teachers, etc.) who can then give information
to patients and parents? For example, I was wondering if
a physician might subscribe to the newsletter and offer that to
patients (or perhaps some other material such as a brochure).
I like your web page. The yearly membership fee is quite reasonable.
I hope that your site increases memberships so that a large
percentage of the population knows that there are effective, natural
treatments for ADD/ADHD.
Take care!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 21:30:58 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert Mark Ungar
I hope that Mark Ungar of the ADD Action Group can stay with us for a
little while longer to answer the followup questions that have been asked.
Please visit the ADD Action Group web page at:
They have many resources for natural treatment of ADD/ADHD. They also have
resources related to community outreach so that others -- patients,
parents, and practitioners -- can become aware that there are effective
treatment techniques for ADD/ADHD symptoms.
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:05:34 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD adverse side effects of Ritalin and other stimulants
>Please check the Feingold Associaiton's web site, for a lot of
>information on practical help for you and your child. It's
Hi jane its Mark Ungar , ADD Action Groiup.
When can you come to NYC to come on our TV show?
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:06:26 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: Questions for Mark Ungar, ADD Action Group
Dear Mark,
The ADD Action Group only compiles accounts of successful treatments for
specific study groups which is currently under way with Gary Null.
Cofidential records are in demand by many commercial companies which we deny
to them info because people dont want to advertize.
Usually Broadcasting rights means that they can submit a request for a TV
series to local access stations on behalf of the ADD Action Group.
We cannot send tapes to individuals or Chapt Pres. because it would cost us a
bundle. They can record the show on TV when it comes on in their town and then
submit it to support groups.
Yes video streaming is coming to our web site but the date has not been
finalized yet. It is being donated so we have to wait.
Yes we do provide mateials to doctors, clinicians & teachers and also at our
support meetings too.
Thanks Mark
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 23:11:28 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD 20/20-inspired rant
Dear Linda,
We beleive the problem of diagnosing a person with ADD not only takes the
attention away from the underlying problem but also will affect people
socially as with the case with the military and the FAA.
If a child is diagnosed with ADD, and he wanted to someday become an
astronaut, he cannot. Why? Because the military which currently is where the
astronaut has to be trained to fly aircraft and then spacecraft does not
accept people who have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. He will not have the
choice of serving in the military of any branch even if the parents dont want
him to go into the military.
Oh by the way tell the parents who had their children diagnosed that their
child will also never have the choice of flying a civilian airplane as long as
the FAA has a policy of grounding ADD people.
Do you know what it is like when a parent finds out this information after
they had their child diagnosed? They are horrified that nobody ever told them
the truth.
But it doesnt stop there. Adults who over came their ADD still are being
descriminated against because of a diagnosis that they had no controll over as
Its wrong to diagnos a person with ADD when all they really need to do is
change their situation or circumstance.
The way that "ADD" people are reacting is perfectly normal for any human being
to react to according to what they are going through.
More discrimination is coming to the people who are diagnosed with ADD.
Lets solve each persons individual needs not treat the diagnosis.
Mark Ungar, Executive Dir.
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 23:21:08 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Special Ed classes
> I'm trying to find out if putting a child that has ADD in a
> "special-ed" class in school is a good idea.
Sorry Mel,
According to the many parents that contact us, Special ED is not the place for
gifted children. Ask your husband if he beleives that he is and was gifted.
My guess is he is.
Society is trained to put gifted outspoken kids in a rigid prison like
situation because the kids cause ripples and dont follow the norm. The hell
with the norm!!!!!
Sorry I get carried away some times.
Mark Ungar
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 10:08:28 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: janefaus@juno.com (Jane H Hersey)
Subject: Re: ADD adverse side effects of Ritalin and other stimulants
Well, howdy!!
Good to hear from you. My brother wants me to come see his new home in
CT and I want to get back to Manhasset to do an interview...but not till
after the spring thaw! Can I take a rain check on your kind offer till
mid '99? I like to try to combine as many ADD/social things as possible.
Best to you,
On Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:05:34 -0700 (MST) ADDInquir@aol.com writes:
>Hi jane its Mark Ungar , ADD Action Groiup.
>When can you come to NYC to come on our TV show?
Ruth Hunter
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:24:23 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
I am honored to introduce our next Visiting Expert, Ruth Hunter, co-author
of "Parents' Guide to Martial Arts."
Several months ago I read an article in a physician's office about
significant positive changes in ADD children who take martial arts
classes. There has been mention of positive results on this group as well.
Because of her expertise on martial arts, selecting martial arts schools,
and martial arts and ADD, I was very excited when Ruth Hunter agreed to be
the Visiting Expert on ADD-Holistic.
Ruth Hunter is the co-author of two books: "Parents' Guide to Martial
Arts" and "A Part of the Ribbon: A Time-Travel Action Adventure Through
the History of Korea" (for ages 9 and above). She is a regular columnist
for Taekwondo Reporter newspaper and has had article published in national
trade magazines and national newsletters.
Ms. Hunter is the Interim Director of Communication and Media Relations at
St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wis. St. Norbert College, a Catholic,
liberal arts and sciences college, offers the only mainland Master of
Science in Adaptive Education degree. (She quote people from that program
in the book, as well as interviewed instructors across the United States
who work with children with ADD/ADHD.
She has studied the martial arts (tae kwon do) for 9 years and is a
second-degree black belt.
Please join me in welcoming Ruth Hunter to the ADD-Holistic Internet
Discussion Group as the honored Visiting Expert! [clap, clap, clap!]
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 08:16:45 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Ruth S. Hunter"
Subject: martial arts and ADD/ADHD
Martial Arts and Children with ADD/ADHD
Children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD can successfully participate
and benefit from martial arts classes.
One young man with ADD, now in his teens, began when he was
five years old. When he was six, he wanted to compete in
tournaments so he could win trophies.
And the trophies and titles added up. He has won over 215
trophies at national, regional and state tournaments. He ranked
first in the nation in forms and weapons in 1992, and first in
forms in 1993 and 1995.
Immediately before each competitive event, the young man
prepares himself, using his own method. Right before I compete,
I like to be by myself, concentrate and clear my mind, and
listen to upbeat music to get my adrenaline going.
During the tournament season, he trains one-on-one with the
instructor in addition to taking regular classes. He is not
being singled out because he was diagnosed with ADD. Most of the
serious competitors train with coaches.
Along the way, he found that karate, the martial art he
studies, gives him more than trophies and titles. The biggest
things karate has done has helped me with my concentration and
discipline, he said.
As one martial arts instructor explained, AAttention deficit is
like having 47 things coming into your mind at all times. They
cannot complete the entire thought process before another comes
Since all sounds and movements have the same impact and nothing
is filtered out, these children have a hard time staying
For many affected youngsters, the martial arts has proven to be
extremely successful in providing a structured, fast-paced
framework which helps them learn to function and feel good about
themselves. By its very format, martial arts classes help
children stay on task.
In this article, I'm using the educational definition of
modality which is audio/visual/kinesthetic. Martial arts are
multi-sensory, combining all three modalities in classes. When
introducing a new technique, the instructor will tell the class
what to do, demonstrate it and often (especially in the
beginning classes) perform the technique with the students. As
they advance, students can be given a verbal command, such as
performing their own combinations of kicks and punches across
the floor. The students have to decide what to do. It's
difficult for everyone, not just children with ADD/ADHD.
The structured class format helps students succeed.
Instructors must keep classes focused and disciplined in order
for children with ADD/ADHD to succeed.
Students stand in straight lines according to rank
There is a specific, detailed manner with which they address
upper belts and instructors.
The instructor usually gives concise commands and directions.
Children learn what to expect and find comfort and room to grow
within the structure.
The instructor provides a focus point at the front and center of
the room. Children with ADD/ADHD should be positioned directly
in front of the instructor and away from mirrors.
Students are constantly moving and are constantly mentally
challenged in classes and in the special tests that they take to
promote to another belt level. A mother of a boy with ADD and
very unexcitable found the classes stimulated him and helped him
to respond to others.
Critiques. Instructors provide positive enforcement of what each
child does well and gives each student something to work on. One
mother of a child with ADHD, said, AThe martial arts stretched
his level of concentration, and he responded very well to
encouragement from the instructor. The instructor should always
give constructive, positive feedback.
Students with ADD/ADHD should always be treated the same as
other students. E.g., they will be assigned push-ups just like
anyone else for not following certain expectations. They
shouldn't be singled out or given special attention.
Classes provide physical and mental learning.
Students are constantly given a variety of training drills.
Instructors must set individual goals for students. The goals
will be kept simple, such as kicking higher or kicking faster,
breaking a board, learning a new technique.
The martial arts motivates students to achieve their goals (such
as attaining higher belt ranks and competing in tournaments).
Instructors will talk with parents on children's progress toward
their goals.
The martial arts constantly builds confidence in students.
The children find they can succeed at something difficult.
Often, because of ADD or ADHD, the children are criticized or
made fun of. In the martial arts, with the right school and
instructor, children's self-confidence grows and transfers to
arenas outside of martial arts class.
One mother watched her son's self-confidence improve when he
took the forms learned in tae kwon do, put them to music and
performed them in his elementary school's talent shows.
Before starting their children in the martial arts, parents
should interview the owner/instructors at several martial arts
schools to discover which school is more prepared to work with
their children and is willing to do so. Some schools have
studied ADHD, prepared appropriate teaching methods and taught
all of the instructors in the school to work with these
Martial arts is another venue through which children can build
their self-confidence and concentration skills. It supplements
what parents are already doing through diet and medication.
I'd like to particularly thank Penny Duggan, master instructor
at Kim's Tae Kwon Do, and Barbara Natelle, Ph.D., associate
director of the Adaptive Education program at St. Norbert
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: martial arts and ADD/ADHD
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:13:28 EST
> From: "Ruth S. Hunter"
> Subject: martial arts and ADD/ADHD
> Martial Arts and Children with ADD/ADHD
> Children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD can successfully participate
> and benefit from martial arts classes.
> ....
Martial Arts is great for ADD issues mainly because it balances
the left and right hemispheres through the corpus colosum by
providing a clear supply route of neurotransmitters to each side
of the brain. The BRAIN GYM technique explores this well
Mark Ungar
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 09:43:00 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Martial Arts Visiting Expert
I want to thank Ruth Hunter for being the Visiting Expert on the
ADD-Holistic mailing list. I hope that she gets a chance to answer
the followup questions which were sent.
I do recommend her book, "Parents' Guide to Martial Arts" which can
be purchased from http://www.amazon.com/ or from Turtle Press at:
Here is a quote from a Feb. 1998 article about martial arts and
"Karate school is so structured that it's a stabilizing influence
on ADD kids -- sometimes dramatically so," says Elisa Hendrey,
a third-degree black belt in shotokan karate who teaches on
Long Island, New York. "Kids come in looking out the window,
wiggling, staring into space, and in a couple months you forget
they ever had a problem."
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Ruth S. Hunter"
Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 10:52:49 -0600
Dear Mark
I apologize for being unable to get back to you - quickly!
In my opinion, the martial arts can help almost everybody. One
challenge for adults with ADD is that over time they've
developed ways to compensate. These ways may or may not get in
the way of learning the martial arts. At the same time, it's
theorized many adults with ADD aren't diagnosed. And it's a good
chance many of these adults are already in the martial arts.
But as the martial arts help children focus and concentrate, the
martial arts can help adults do the same.
You seem to have found Turtle Press' web site. Let me know if
you still need it. I don't have my own site. I know the book can
be ordered through Turtle Press and any book store. In addition,
it's been picked up by Barnes & Noble as well as Borders.
There's a group here who would like to develop a brochure
on this issue. It will take a long time - based on our
schedules. Have you thought about who is going to design
and pay for it - layout, printing, etc., and who would
distribute it?
One more thing I found.
There's been a web site set up for the book. Do you have this
Take care. Thanks again for the opportunity to "speak" with your
Ruth Hunter
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 14:04:09 -0700 (MST)
From: "bgmoore3"
Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)
WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE BOOK? And what about us ADD'ers who have no
coordination and hate exercise? (I'm not sure the latter isn't the result
of always being the least athletic person in my class--I'm not one to stick
to things that I can't do well--poor character, I guess.) My daughter,
whose son we suspect has ADD, has been considering martial arts classes
simply to improve his self-confidence (He's only six), but this would be an
added benefit. I'd appreciate information concerning any resources in this
area. SANDRA
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 14:27:13 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)
>Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 14:04:09 -0700 (MST)
>From: "bgmoore3"
>Subject: Re: Martial Arts & ADD (Questions for Ruth Hunter)
"Parents' Guide to Martial Arts" by Ruth Hunter & Debra Fritsch.
Please click on the book cover at the following web page address:
> And what about us ADD'ers who have no coordination and hate
> exercise?
Unfortunately, Ruth Hunter has left the list. She was only scheduled
to be on the list for one week as a Visiting Expert. So, you may
want to email her with your followup question.
From my limited experience with martial arts (taekwon do, kung fu,
qigong, aikido), I know that classes can vary enormously. My taekwon
do class was some exercise intensive and competitive. The aikido
class was intense and highly competitive -- which is unusual for
aikido classes as far as I understand (and which is probably why I
didn't stay long). The Kung Fu class was focused on forms and had
only a moderate amount of exercise and was not competitive. The
qigong classes I have had involved little or no exercise. Tai chi,
is one aspect of qigong which can be practiced by those who don't
like heavy aerobic exercise and aren't particularly coodinated.
Ms. Hunter's book goes into more detail about the different types
of modalities and classes.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Dr. Fred Pescatore
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 23:14:02 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
I would like to introduce our next honored Visiting Expert, Dr. Fred
Pescatore, Medical Director of the Atkins Center. This is a wonderful
opportunity to learn more about the Atkins Center and protocols used to
treat ADD/ADHD patients. I have included his bio below. Please join me
in welcoming Dr. Pescatore to the ADD-Holistic discussion group! [Clap,
clap clap, clap!]
Dr. Pescatore will be posting his opening email to the group sometime on
Monday. Please feel free to ask followup questions after assimilating the
opening post. Take care! - Mark :-)
Fred Pescatore, M.D., M.P.H, is a traditionally trained physician who has
chosen to practice Integrative Medicine. By practicing Integrative
Medicine, Dr. Pescatore is able to combine traditional and alternative
medical techniques while treating his patients in a progressive and
effective way.
While studying for a Masters Degree in Public Health at Columbia
University and traveling extensively throughout Asia and India, Dr.
Pescatore trained with practitioners who specialize in alternative healing
techniques. This invaluable exposure provided him with the knowledge that
opened his eyes to the world of alternative medicine and the realization
that by combining traditional and alternative medicines you can treat a
patient in a way that allows the truly holistic process of healing to take
Current Role
In order to further expand his knowledge of alternative medicine, Dr.
Pescatore joined the staff of the Atkins Center, the world's preeminent
center for Complementary Medicine. Working alongside Dr. Robert C. Atkins,
Dr. Pescatore has quickly risen to his current position as the Associate
Medical Director of the center. In his daily practice, Dr. Pescatore
treats patients with illnesses ranging from AIDS and life-threatening
cancers to more daily concerns such as diet and nutrition by employing a
combination of alternative and traditional medicines -- orchestrating all
the healing arts for the benefit of the patient.
Speaking the Message
Dr. Pescatore has taken to the airwaves as the host of "Your Health
Choices -- The Friday Edition," his own weekly radio program on New York's
WEVD. His hope is that this program will teach people about integrative
medicine and its ability to link the "fix-it" mentality of traditional
medicine with the body-mind-spirit philosophies that play a critical role
in the healing process.
In addition, Dr. Pescatore appears regularly on national news magazine
programs and national morning programs; he has written several
well-circulated articles and speaks to audiences around the world to share
his insights on these important topics. In September 1998, his first book,
"Feed Your Kids Well," wil be published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Dr. Pescatore's Medical History
Dr. Pescatore's traditional medical knowledge comes from his training at
three of New York's preeminent teaching hospitals -- St. Vincent's, M.
Sinai Medical Center and St. Luke's/Roosevelt Hospital Center -- and his
treatment of thousands of patients using traditional methods. To keep
abreast of both alternative and traditional teachings, Dr. Pescatore is a
member of the American Medical Association, the American Public Health
Association, the Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine and
the American College for the Advancement of Medicine.
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 18:31:22 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: ADD Opening Statements
Hello everyone and thanks for the introduction.
As Mark explained to you I am the associate medical director of the Atkins
Center for Complementary Medicine, located in New York City. Many of you
may know of Dr. Atkins or the Atkins diet. We do much more than that. We
apply diet to all aspects of health. If the fuel isn't right, the car
won't function.
I am going to describe a case of a child with ADD. Now, the principles
applied in this case can also be applied to adults. I would say that I
primarily treat adult patients, but have a keen interest in bringing
integrative medicine to our next generation.
The approach we generally take in treating ADD, or any illness for that
matter is threefold. We look at nutrition - what is the patient eating,
are they sensitive to any foods, does anything need ot be eliminated? We
then look at nutritonal supplementation. NO matter what anyone says, you
can not get proper nutrition from what you are eating. Our food supply is
too damaged. The third aspect is intravenous supplementation. We
currently do not offer this for patients with ADD. I just mentioned it
for completeness.
Here goes the story:
Evan was eight years old when his parents were given the diagnosis of
ADHD. His parents were devastated. Evan was a child who was constanly
being asked to leave the classroom because he could not control himself.
He would blurt out answers, talk to the other children when his teachers
were talking, and cause a general disruption in the classroom.
Evan's parents were given a prescription for Ritalin and told he would
have to take this indefinitely.
HIs parents brought him to my office and I conducted a series of tests on
him that included a cytotoxic food sensitivity test, a candida antibody
test, and a glucose tolerance test.
HIs results were fairly typical of a patient with ADD. He was sensitive to
corn, wheat, rye, candida and oats. His candida antibody tests were also
quite elevated, indicating an exposure to this fungus. Also, his glucose
tolerance test was grossly abnormal. This meant that his blood sugar, in
the third hour dropped to 38. /The normal low is 60 - 70.
I immediately eliminated all his food sensitivites. This meant teaching
Evan and his parents an entirely new way of eating. I also put him on a
diet I developed called the Next Generation Diet. It is an adaptation of
the Atkins diet for children. It eliminates any of the simple sugars and
simple carbohydrates from a child's diet.
I placed him on the following supplements: DHA, DMAE, Gingko biloba, Zinc,
B- complex, Acidophilus, grapefruit seed extract, and encouraged the
parents to get a CD of Mozart's music and have Evan listen to it through
headphones while doing his homework.
As you may have guessed, this wasn't easy, but perserverance payed off.
Almost within the first week,Evan's teachers noticed an improvement. By
the end of three months, Evan was not being asked to leave the classroom
anymore. It was a slow improvement, and there is still backsliding and we
are often making adjustments in his treatment plan.
I just wanted people to be aware that there are alternatives to the use of
Ritalin out there. Just know that if your child has ever used Ritalin
after the age of 12, he or she will never be allowed in the armed forces.
It is an amphetamine, and it has street value. 26% of all children on
Ritalin have been approached to sell it. Please think hard before exposing
your child to these risks.
I will be happy to answer any questions about what I do. The story I
related and many more like that can be found in my book, Feed Your Kids
Well. It was published at the end of last year by John Wiley & Sons, and
it should be available at most book stores. Of course it is available
through amazon and barnes and noble on line services. If you would like
mroe information about the Atkins center, please visit our website at
I will look forward to your questions this week, and
thanks for letting me join the list.
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Dr. Pescatore,
Thank you very much for your detailed opening presentation.
I have a couple of questions for you if that's okay.
- What types of practitioners do recommend parents look for in
order to discover sensitivities and candida antibodies?
- If a abnormal glucose tolerance test common for persons
with the ADHD? I would be interested to hear what you
think causes this and how it might be prevented.
Your suggestion about the CD's while listening to homework was
interesting. I have always wondered if some lifestyle habits of
children are contributing factors in their ADD/ADHD condition (at
least in some cases) and that interventions like what you suggested
may contribute to an improvement.
I look foward to your comments!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 10:45:34 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: hamfam@webtv.net (Mike Hamilton)
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Dear Monica,
The visiting expert from the Atkins Center, Dr. Pescatore mentioned some
tests and things he had recommended for an ADD boy whom he saw- those
are all things I also frequently recommend- DHA,DMAE,
ginko,b6,magnesium- and I get reports that they do help.
Candida is rampant today because of diet and antibiotics, but it is
difficult to treat grownups much less kids - they don't like to take
pills and especially are balky about changes in the foods they eat! Use
a good probiotic with different strains of bacteria as well as FOS to
help it grow. That and Caprylic acid and pau d'arco and garlic are
especially good. (I know of a pill that combines the above) also
psyllium, oil of oregano or grapefruit seed extract work.
Dr. Crook's many books on the subject of Candia are great - most of them
I have seen have numerous line drawings to illustrate the points and I
think it would be helpful to have children being treated to look
through the book as they might be more cooperative in the treatment if
they identify with the message conveyed in those illustrations. But be
patient and consistent, as it takes time to treat candida. Good luck,
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:24:12 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Amy
Subject: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Dr. Pescatore,
I would like to thank you along with Mark for your detailed opening
***clap*** ***clap*** ***clap***
I"m interested in your answer to Marks' question as well about if a
abnormal glucose tolerance test common for persons with the ADHD?
I have self DX ADD - my DH has SEVERE ADHD - I have an Autistic Foster Son
with ADHD. I was just DX with Type 2 Diabetes and started the Atkins diet
with INCREDIBLE results ALL the way around! (just got my 2nd blood tests!
My Autistic son has responded GREATLY to dietary changes. Has not had a
seizure in 3.5 years now!
Thank you for all you do. I'm looking forward to lively learning from you!
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:25:44 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Jane H Hersey
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
While I don't mean to defend junk food, you may want to consider a fairly
painless intermediary step -- using that junk food which is free of the
worst of the additives (such as synthetic dyes, artificial flavorings,
etc) The Feingold Association researches foods to locate those which do
not have the additives found to trigger learning and behavior problems.
I'm in the process of updating our "Fast Food Guide" -- what's ok at
McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, etc.
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:26:12 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Mark, Patients or their families should look for physicians that practice
integrative medicine. If they can't find a physician in their area, then they
should look for a clinical nutritionist, not a dietician. Certain N.D.'s will
also practice in this way.
The glucose tolerance test is always abnormal in these kids. I think it is
because their diet is so bad to begin with, or perhaps there is some genetic
Fred Pescatore
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:26:22 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Candida is often overlooked by conventional physicians as a cause of ADD. In
the diet I have outlined, theyeast is eliminated. This includes all foods
that contain sugar, including fruit, all fermented foods, including mayonnaise
and salad dressings, and cheeses, and breads.
You might want to try such products as SF-722, a mycocidin, and PCN-200, a
grapefruit seed extract. These are effective in my patients.
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:24:28 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Mary
Subject: ADD yeast test
To test for yeast overgrowth, contact Dr William Shaw at Williamsha@aol.com,
who has a very simple urine test that will give you a precise reading on
many metabolites of yeast in the body.
Educate before you vaccinate
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:39:24 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Dear Amy,
Thanks for the words of encouragement. It always helps to know
that there are people that benefit from the work you do.
Keep up the good work,
Fred Pescatore, MD
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:40:03 -0700 (MST)
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: "Rossello, Mary M."
Subject: RE: ADD meat and diet
Dr. Pescatore -- I STILL do not know how to get a child of 8 to take these
things unless they are fruit flavored and dinosaur shaped
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:39:48 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Your son is going to do so much better now that he is on a yeast free
diet. I find it appalling that kids with ADD require Special Ed classes.
This not only stigmatizes the child, but they grow up thinking they are
different, and that their naturla creativity should be discouraged rather
than encouraged.
The school, on the other hand, benefits quite nicely from having children
with these diagnoses. They receive much more financial aid for any child
so diagnoses. You are absolutely correct for fighting this. Don't let
your child be put in this situation. Figth back,
Good Luck,
Fred Pescatore, MD
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:39:39 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
I also think Dr. Crook does wonderful work and in fact quoted him in my
book, Feed Your Kids Well. Candida overgrowth is a prblem that needs to
be addresses. Children who have been treated with antibiotics for ear
ahces have a much higher incidence of ADD than the regular population.
Fred Pescatore, MD
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:06:29 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "John V DOMmisse, MD"
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Dr P,
I believe there are a lot of "old wives' tales" going around about foods
to avoid in candida, started probably by Wm Crook himself. I understand
the restriction of sugar and white starches, and the acidophilus, SF-722,
colloidal silver treatments, but can you explain why alcohol and fermented
substances (tho' I know they are FROM sugars), whole-grains, dairy
products, or other yeasts should perpetuate candida. Before you answer,
let me tell you that my diet restricts only sugars and white starches -
and gets virtually all pts' IgM, IgG titers down into the normal range,
without using any prescription drugs like Diflucan, Nizoral, etc..
You know I think the restriction on dairy is purely because dairy LOOKS
like candida?! And I think other yeasts help to keep candida DOWN, like
other bacteria keep pathogenic bacteria in check.
What do you say, Colleague?
John DOMmisse, MD
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:02:38 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
As someone who uses nutrients in the treatment of most illnesses,
I have never known pycogenol to help with ADD/ADHD. Theones I
recommend are DMAE, DHA, (not DHEA), acidophilus, zinc, and the B
Fred Pescatore
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:07:59 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD yeast test
Urine tests for candida have never been known to be a relaible
indicator of yeast, unless there is a urinary infection. Blood
test are much more reliable
Fred Pescatore, MD
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:06:36 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Jane, I don't think there should be any metnion of what's good at
the fast food establishments. I can't thinkof one thing they serve
that has any nutritional value. Parents and children need to
understand that there is nothing to eaqt at these places and need
to learn alternatives to these places
Fred Pescatore, MD
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 23:33:52 EST
In a message dated 2/9/99 10:31:10 PM Central Standard Time, FPesc106@aol.com
> This includes all foods
> that contain sugar, including fruit, all fermented foods, including
> mayonnaise and salad dressings, and cheeses, and breads.
Is this permanent? Or once the yeast over growth is "fixed" can the child go
back to these foods?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:10:50 EST
Hello Dr. Pescatore!!,
It's great to have you onboard this site. Your info is a great resource
for all people, not just children. Just to get you up to date with the
ADD Action Group. We were featured in the Community Resource Directory in
Washington, D.C. regarding our TV show "ROUNDTABLE:", which as you know
discusses only alternative solutions for ADD, ADHD, Learning Differences,
Dyslexia and Autism. (You were a guest on our show).
Well, as a result of that article that featured us, all the community and
educational channels across the country are to this day are still calling
us to get our show on their station.
We can't beleive the response!!!!!
Our show has moved to a new level which will help more people get educated
about all the many solutions that are out there. The biggest challenge
for us now is comming up with the money to buy hundreds of blank tapes to
make the dubs and postage to get the shows to the stations around the
country. But I'm sure we will find a way. So technically, "ROUNDTABLE"
is a nationally syndicated show as we speak!!! I will keep you updated
and also keep you informed of THE SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON
Keep up the good work!!
All the best, Mark Ungar ADD Action Group
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 19:27:04 EST
In a message dated 2/10/99 2:18:26 PM Central Standard Time, FPesc106@aol.com
> The ones I recommend are
> DMAE, DHA, (not DHEA), acidophilus, zinc, and the B vitamins
> Fred Pescatore
I use acidophilus, milk thistle & flax seed oil and I have found that to be a
good "mix" for my son. I also give him a good multivitamin. These things
have helped with his concentration which was a surprise b/c I began those
things for his psoriasis. Lisa
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Imveruka@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 19:52:52 EST
Mr. Pescatore,
Thank you for offering your time and your knowledge to our list! I am so
grateful to finally come across someone who has alternatives to drugs for ADD.
I plan on looking up your book this weekend! Once again THANKS for providing
information on diet instead of drugs.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:45:02 EST
Once the overgrowth is fixed, the offending foods can be slowly re-introduced
back into your child's diet. Teh slower the better to ensure that an
overgrowth does not occur again. If your child were to go back on
antibiotics, for whatever reason, then the restrictions should be enforced
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:51:02 EST
Mark: Congratulations. All the hard work is finally paying off. That's
great. Let me know if there is anything I can do
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:49:33 EST
Vaccines are something that may be completely disruptive to a child's immune
system. In fact, there are many web sites and unfortunately I don't have the
site names available right this moment. Use one of the search engines to find
out this really unbeleivable information. No one will ever want to have a
vaccine again, after reading this information. Read it and see what you
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:57:44 EST
Dr. D: In my practice, I generally tend to be more restrictive witht he
patients who suffer with yeast symptoms. To that end, I will restrict
alcohol, and fermented foods, simply because they contain sugar and in the
fermentation, there may be molds that form. Whole grains, if they are yeast
free, I do not restrict. A whole grain bread with yeast may be just as bad as
a refined grain wtih yeast, for some patients.
I don't always restrict fresh cheeses, such as farmers's and pot cheese. It
depends on the severity of theri yeast issue. Most other cheeses I restrict
because of the fermentsation and the mold in the cheese itself, like blue,
roquefort, etc.
If your patients respond with less restrictions, all the better
Keep Well,
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:00:22 EST
A child of 8 will take supplements if they are offered time and time
agian, even upward of 20 to 30 times. You also have to be taking
supplements in order to set a good example. Alternatively, you can crush
them. Many of my patients put them into our high protein chocoalte shake
that we make, after they are crushed. Capsulkes can be opened and pured
into hot cereals or other foods. I see hundreds of pediatric patients a
year. It is possible. Please just keep trying.
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:04:59 EST
The problem will not necessarily come back if the foods are re-introduced
slowly over time. I do not advocate that the biggest offenders, such as
the 35 tablespoons of sugar that the average kid eats a day should be re-
introduced to their diet, but there is no reason that cheeses, whole grain
breads, and some fruits can't be re-introduced to the diet.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:02:57 EST
Dear Steve: If there are no symtpoms that your child is experiencing,
then I see no reason why he would need to be retested. It sounds as if
you did the right thing, by doing it the first time, and then never going
back to too many things, just the occasional treat and some fruits and
other things like that. A yeast restriction is not somethign that needs
to be done forever, if it is done right the first time. It sounds as if
your son is doing well. Keep up the good work,
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:17:48 EST
Dr. Pescatore:
Thank you for the information regarding the yeast overgrowth.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:37:58 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 FPesc106@aol.com wrote:
> YOur son is going to do so much better now that he is on a yeast free
> diet. I find it appalling that kids with ADD require Special Ed classes.
> This not only stigmatizes the child, but they grow up thinking they are
> different, and that their naturla creativity should be discouraged rather
> than encouraged.
This is not necessarily true. Many teachers don't have the training to
teach stuedents that learn different. It does a lot of harm placing these
students with the rest. They stay behind and eventually will drop out.
Now some states are requiring to include in regular education classes some
special ed classes. When this becomes a reality, then parents don't have
to worry about labels. But this process of training is long. If your
child gets a competent special ed teacher, you'll see how he is going to
flourish to his full potential. Maybe it will help to tell you that I am
a VE graduate student.
> The school, on the other hand, benefits quite nicely from having children
> with these diagnoses. They receive much more financial aid for any child
> so diagnoses.
It's true. It requires a trained personnel. From time to time I work
with this special population. I am very impressed with the quality work.
> You are absolutely correct for fighting this. Don't let
> your child be put in this situation. Figth back,
I suggest that you fight back if you think and have concrete evidence that
your child is not receiving the services he needs. Use your energy for
better the system. I know one teacher who works with EH students and she
screams all day at them and does little teaching. I wish a parent would
fight to get her out, but not to take the child out. They need the
service. I spoke with various parents and they are very displeased with
the situation, but no one dares to speak!!! I wonder why. Maybe they
don't know they're rights. I don't wat to get involve because I am a
substitute teacher myself in the same school.
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: Dean Mouscher
Subject: RE: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:38:33 -0600
Dr. Pescatore:
You mentioned that you would restrict fermented foods. That doesn't
include yogurt, does it?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Michele Hardy
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:04:13 -0600
At 06:31 PM 2/8/99 -0700, Fred Pescatore wrote:
>I conducted a series of tests on
>him that included a cytotoxic food sensitivity test,
Please explain more on what this test is. Also where might I find a
practitioner who is knowledgable in this area? (If it is a paticular type
of specialist, do they have an association that I could contact for a
referral in my area).
And with food sensitivity, do you eliminate those foods from their diet
Unfortunately, as with many others, we are in diagnosis limbo and
everything we've done has been completely on our own. The research, the
trials, everything. I have yet to find a medical professional who will
listen to my claim that food and chemical sensitivities are a major
component of many of our family's health and behavior problems. My son is
definitely ADHD (very high on the H part) but as he is highly gifted he
does ok in school. I suffer from severe allergies, chronic sinusitus,
migraines, etc.
We are currently following a strict Feingold diet and have some success
for both myself and my 6-year-old son. But I think there are a lot more
things that need to be investigated in the way of food sensitivities.
Unfortunately, my kids are some of the world's pickiest eaters. Also, my
son is remarkably cooperative with the current diet but I don't want to
impose more elimination tests for fear that the result will be total
Michele Hardy
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:27:27 EST
Dear Dean: That does include yogurt, because of the fermentation and the
natural sugars that occur, because it is made from milk. Once the initial
difficult phase of the restriction is complete, generally after three to
six months, I will allow sugar free, plain yogurt to begin.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:38:38 EST
Dear Michele: This cytotoxic test needs to be done by a trained
specialist, usually in a doctor's office. If you can't find someone in
your area, try to contact the American Academy for the Advancement of
Medicine or ACAM. They can give you names of doctors in your area that
may practice this way. Short of that, I would try to get your doctor to
order an ALCAT test. That is from a lab inFLorida, and any docote can
order a kit to take this test. It is simply two tubes of blood.
These food sensitivities do not need to be eliminated for ever. The
process oif the gut healing which is why you would eliminate foods in the
first place, unless there was a tru allergy, takes three to six months.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:34:24 EST
To the special ed graduate:
I am happy to hear that you have done well. Congratulations. Too often I
hear the sad stories of what happens to these children who are in these
special classes for no apparent reason. The school system should better
train teachers to handle chidren of all kinds. I get quite concerned when
the school forces these difficult to handle children into special classes,
so they have an easy solution. There is no easy solution to raising a
genereation of children, but rest assured that placing the most difficult
ones into special classes is not one of them. Teachers should have more
resources available to them, so there will not be a need in the future to
stigmatize children that may be different. We suffer too much already
from a segregated society, both culturally and economically. It's time we
learn to educate our cchildren properly, not placing them away from the
others. Let's use somke of the budget surplus to refund the schools and
give higher pay to teachers and attract some of the brightest to that
noble profession.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD intro
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:25:17 EST
Dear Gail: I am sorry to hear about your plight. I worked in the NHS for
a year and understand some of the problems you may be experiencing. My
book was published in England as well, so you may want to read it. IT may
give you some neew insight and some ammunition for the health authorities.
Good Luck,'
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD/ADHD and Special Education
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 12:07:14 -0500 (EST)
Greetings Dr. Fred
Thanks for your commendation.
Always, Diana
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 FPesc106@aol.com wrote:
> To the special ed graduate:
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: Dean Mouscher
Subject: RE: ADD meat and diet
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 08:38:50 -0600
Dr. Fred:
What about breast milk? My toddler is still nursing. He just went
through a course of antibiotics, after which he had a yeast infection
around his anus. Makes me worry what it did to his gut (actually he only
took 3 doses of antibiotics then stopped because he developed a rash all
over his body).
How can I know if the antibiotics caused yeast overgrowth in his gut as
well as around his anus?
On Friday, February 12, 1999 3:43 PM, FPesc106@aol.com
[SMTP:FPesc106@aol.com] wrote:
> Dear Dean: That does include yogurt, because of the fermentation and the
> natural sugars that occur, because it is made from milk. Once the
> initial
> difficult phase of the restriction is complete, generally after three to
> six months, I will allow sugar free, plain yogurt to begin.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD/ADHD and Special Education
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 13:33:24 -0500 (EST)
Greetings Dr. Fred
I agree with you. Studying and ocassionally working with VE students I
get to learn and see different cases. In my judgment, many can be helped
right from home, if more loving attention, music, excercises,concious diet
and exposure to
knowledge is provided -just to mentiion a few. It is very sad to know
when I have a conference with parents, that parents see their special ed
child as a source of income. The last time I spoke with a parent, she
told me that she had to give the pill to her son because otherwise he
would not longer qualify for the government financial help. This is very
common, Dr. Fred. I have seen many times parents pushing special ed
placement for financial qualification.
As I told you, I am just a grad st and I'm starting to find out. Teachers
are being trained to deal with this population, which is very difficult,
especially because of the parents' attitude. I also find incompetent and
teachers, but these cases are fewer because of legal issues. Parents
opinion are very strong and they can make a teacher to lose their
I'm trying to make a difference, but even then I become frustrated. There
is a lot of jealousy among teachers who supposed to be professionals.
It is not good to generalize as one can become bias easily. If we try to
take one case at the time, probably one can be fair. Just like my
professor motto says: "Changing the world, one student at the time".
Always, Diana
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 18:24:10 EST
Dear Dean: You can assume that the antibiotics caused yeast overgrowth.
It happens to everyone who takes antibiotics, and especially in an infant
whose immune system isn't strong yet. You can certainly try to put some
acidophilus in the formula, or expressed breast milk.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Thank you!
Dr. Pescatore,
I would like to thank you for being the honored visiting expert
on the ADD-Holistic mailing list! I think you did a fantastic job
answering a number of questions and providing an outline as to how you
work with individuals diagnosed ADD/ADHD.
The text of the visit will appear on the archives page at:
It is half-finished at the moment and will hopefully be finished by the
end of the week. So, if anyone missed Dr. Pescatore's presentation,
please go to the above-mentioned web page at the end of this week. I will
also add the book to bookstore page of book by ADD-Holistic Visiting
Take care!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:12:26 EST
Dear Dr. Pescatore,
Your the best!!!!
I'll let you know
Mark Ungar, ADD Action Group
Jacob Mirman, MD
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 07:35:54 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Introducting Dr. Jacob Mirman
Dr. Mirman is a board certified internist. He graduated from the
University of Minnesota Medical School in 1987 and completed his residency
in Internal Medicine at Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago,
Illinois. His initial homeopathic training was with the Faculty of
Homeopathy in London, England. He followed this program with a series of
preceptorials with several internationally renowned homeopaths. He
continued his studies by attending the ESSH School of Homeopathy in
Flagstaff, Arizona. He has been in private practice in Classical
Homeopathy since 1992. He has treated numerous cases of ADD/ADHD with
very gratifying results.
The following is the explanation of my alphabet soup:
MFHom: Member of Faculty of Homeopathy, Great Britain.
CTHom: Certified Trained Homeopath (ESSH School of Homeopathy).
CCH: Certified Classical Homeopath (Council for Homeopathic Certification)
DHt: Diplomate of Homeopathic Therapeutics (given by American Institute of
Homeopathy, the oldest organization of physicians in USA,
predating the AMA)
DNBHE: Diplomate of National Board of Homeopathic Examiners
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Mirman to our discussion group! [Clap,
clap, clap!!!] :-)
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 21:11:42 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: ADD initial posting
Hi, everybody
Thank you Mark for the nice introduction.
I am very happy to discuss ADHD. What follows is an article I lifted from
my web site @ http://www.demystify.com. I feel it will serve as a nice
introduction to my views on the topic. Let me know how you feel, ask
questions... Lets talk...
Lately there has been a dramatic increase in the number of patients coming
in who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or
Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Before we discuss
some possible ways of dealing with this problem I'd like to discuss what
we mean by these diagnoses. The first and foremost thing we need to
remember is that these diagnoses don't correspond to any recognized
pathology. For example, if we say somebody has appendicitis, we can look
at the removed appendix under the microscope and see some specific changes
like a lot of a certain type of cells that create an inflammatory
response. Somebody with asthma will have certain easily identifiable
changes in their lungs, etc. A person with ADD/ADHD does not have any such
changes as far as we know. All they have is a certain group of symptoms,
like difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, behavior issues, etc. We
don't really know the cause of the symptoms, so the diagnosis becomes
what we call a diagnosis of exclusion. That is, we make sure the person
does not have some other identifiable condition, such as depression or
some learning disabilities or a physical problem causing the symptoms, and
if they don't, and have a certain number of symptoms from a predefined
list, we label them with ADD/ADHD and give a drug that tends to make them
a bit more manageable. That is indeed all that Ritalin does, it cures
I am not saying one must never use Ritalin. When one has a headache
Tylenol is often quite helpful, but most people realize that it is not a
cure and if their headache becomes chronic they look for more definitive
ways of diagnosing and treating it. In rare cases, when we cant find the
cause of the headaches and a better treatment, we resort to taking Tylenol
all the time. However, I'm sure nobody would be so stupid as to think
that that is the optimal situation. Why then do we use this approach with
ADD/ADHD-labeled children? In my opinion, Ritalin and related drugs must
be the choice of last resort.
What I want to share, is some thoughts of how the "disorder" might
possibly be avoided. One of the first things to look at when dealing with
a child who demonstrates a short attention span and/or hyperactivity, is
the television. It is my opinion that this is one of the most dangerous
pieces of furniture in the house. While there are some very valuable shows
being offered on public TV, it seems that most of my patients are spending
their viewing time watching commercial programs. I think such programming
conditions children to have short attention span. It seems that almost all
of it is just a series of never-ending bright colors, loud noises and
camera gyrations. If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a few
minutes out of your schedule and watch TV. Be sure you stay in the room
for the commercials, so you can see how incredibly "stimulating" they have
become. It's little wonder that children with ADD will frequently be
capable of watching hours of TV, even though they can't sit still for a
whole meal.
The next area of problems is with video games. Look at the abilities these
games tend to stimulate in the child. To play them you often need quick
reaction and ability to respond to constantly and rapidly changing
stimuli. Deep logical thinking is not necessary for most of them, and in
fact can be detrimental to the success in playing the game. A child
playing a lot of these games will be conditioned to the need of quickly
changing stimuli, and no school will be able to satisfy this need. Hence,
they will exhibit the typical ADD/ADHD symptoms of inability to sit in one
place, inability to focus on the teacher, etc... It is just too slow for
them now! I believe the only reasonable way to deal with the child so
affected is to unplug them from the source of the problem, the video
games. It will not be easy at first, but with appropriate support they
will slow down and get plugged into the real world again.
Another source of "problems" is IQ that is too high for the kind of
classroom setting the child finds themselves in. When there is not enough
stimulation for a very intelligent child they may get bored and tune out.
I've known a person who was labeled with ADD and even a question of
"slowness" was raised. The parents knew better and found an advanced
science program for their son. He did much better in that setting, and
late "dropped out" of high school and "dropped in" to college at age 15,
got his bachelor science degree by 19, masters by 20 and Ph.D. in chemical
engineering from CalTec at 25. He still does not have a high school
diploma. Of course, this took some incredibly dedicated parents to guide
him through all these "difficulties". I tell you, it's not easy to be
smart in this world where many want you to be average. Ritalin would've
definitely been a "great help" to everybody involved in his care and
Of course, there's always the issue of diet too. Some kids are
particularly sensitive to refined sugar, additives, preservatives, etc.
In these children such products can cause a great variety of symptoms,
including those normally attributable to ADD, as well as other problems,
like headaches, allergies, skin eruptions, etc. I don't know what
percentage of ADD labeled kids could be "cured" by removing these dietary
causes, but it is significant.
There are specialists who work with detoxifying programs and they claim a
lot of success. And then there is homeopathy. As a homeopath, I treat ADD
as a part of the overall chronic condition. I take a complete case, paying
equal attention to all issues in the child's case, including any
physical and psychological symptoms present. I don't care if the
diagnosis is ADD or ABC or LMNOP. All I care about is understanding the
symptoms present in the particular case and finding the best remedy that
would cover all those symptoms according to the method outlined in my
booklet, that you are welcome to read on this page. The remedy must cover
all symptoms in the case, and therefore I expect it to cure all of them as
well, to a reasonable extent. In my practice this approach has proven to
be very effective in numerous cases. It's not an instant fix, but the
results tend to be worth the wait. The improvement tends to be on
psychological as well as physical level, so, if a child has some other
condition besides ADD/ADHD, such as asthma, headaches, belly aches or
anything else, it tends to improve at the same time, or I change the
remedy. Of course, some of the obstacles to cure, like too much TV, video
games, refined sugar in some cases, lack of intellectual stimulation, etc,
may need to be removed for good results.
Homeopaths, like fishermen, like to brag. And where else can one brag if
not on their very own web page? So, I'll brag a little. I have this
family I am treating with three kids. Two of them were diagnosed with ADHD
and placed in a special education class. I gave them both homeopathic
remedies and they improved. A few months later we had a visitor. Their
special ed. teacher came to check out what kind of magic I am up to.
Apparently, neither of the kids needed to be in the special program
anymore, so she was intrigued. This is why I practice this weird medicine:
doing magic is great fun!
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 21:11:59 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: [Fwd: ADD/ADHD]
Hi again
It appears that by mistake I posted to the wrong list.
This is one of the replies from that list. I think it would be valuable
for the ADD list as well.
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 20:03:15 -0500
To: homeopathy mailing list
From: Will Taylor
Subject: ADD/ADHD
Jacob -
What a nice posting!!!!!
I can only add this -
This is a systems issue, and we do a tremendous disservice not only to the
child, but to the entire system when we decide that the problem resides
purely "in the child" and attempt to remedy it merely by "fixing" the
child. How would things be different if, when a child is not learning or
behaving to expectation, we were to ask ourselves what is wrong with the
school? If when the child's behavior is unmanageable at home, we were to
ask, how could we better cultivate this child's personality?
Now this suggestion is clearly one-sided and unfair to the school or family
- but certainly no more unfair than the prevailing attitude is to the
child. Reality lies in the truth common to the both perspectives. This
child is a unique person, with their own limitations and gifts. Too often
we focus on how the limitations impair the child's ability to fit into our
conventions (i.e., schooling philosophies & parenting styles), and
determine that somehow we need to "fix" the child - too often by drugging
them, with an ever-increasing armamentarium of drugs.
Clearly there are kids "with ADD/ADHD/ODD etc." who find themselves
seriously unable to attend or learn in a wide variety of circumstances,
whose limitations are great, who can do with a great deal of healing within
themselves. But when we find school systems in which 30%! of the kids are
on Ritalin, we have to seriously question whose problem this is.
The typical public school allows children with particular styles of
learning to excel; and for children with other styles of learning not
compatible with the (often unexamined/unvoiced) philosophy of the school,
we conclude that the problem resides one-sidedly in the child; the child
has a "learning disability". I'm seriously concerned that our schools have
a widespread "teaching disability", in their inflexibilty to accomodate the
widely varied learning styles of human beings.
My goal in homoeopathic threatment of most of the children "with
ADD/ADHD/ODD" (or whatever label might be generated in the future) that I
see is to help the child to expand their tolerance & ability to participate
in learning styles that are not their own native style - so they can more
easily "fit in" to school - but it is vitally important in these kids (&
adults) to identify the styles of intelligence & learning that are their
own, that work the best for them. We need to address the child's
limitations, clearly - but to do this without acknowledging and addressing
the limitations of the school or family to cultivate this child is
one-sided, and will ultimately fail.
Will Taylor, MD
Homoeopathy Website at:
To: ADD discussion group
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: [Fwd: Re; initial posting and ADD]
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 18:47:36 +0000
Schools like it because it makes kids more manageable. In some third
world countries moms regularly give their infants suckers with opium.
It also makes the kids more manageable, in fact they sleep a lot, and
its very convenient. The two approaches are very similar.
Of course you have my permission
> Schipper's Creek wrote:
> my name is Reka Schippers and I am one of the many silent members of
> the Homeopathy mailing list .
> I really liked your posting on ADD and ADHD .\
> Since I am also Chair of the PAC at Lake Kathlyn Elementary School in
> Smithers B.C. I am always interested in educating my school parents on
> issues of interest.
> My personal opinion of Ritalin in prolonged use is not very good in
> fact I would never use it on my children .Schools opinion in most
> cases is very much pro Ritalin and in our Town our Pediatrician
> recommends it fairly regular .I even had parents really praising the
> results of Ritalin .
> I would like your permission to print your Introduction on ADD in our
> Parent Newsletter .
> ( ca. 112 Families) To give some parents a different alternative if
> they choose so .
> Thank you
> Reka Schippers ;-)
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: Dean Mouscher
Subject: RE: ADD Introducting Dr. Jacob Mirman
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:41:20 -0600
Dear Dr. Mirman:
It is my understanding that in classical homeopathy, the patient is given
one single dose of a highly potent (meaning extremely low-dose)
homeopathic remedy, and that's it. Is that correct? And is that how you
It is also my understanding that camphor or coffee can destroy the
effectiveness of homeopathic preparations. Need one avoid coffee forever
after having taken the homeopathic preparation, or just during the
treatment period?
Finally, and perhaps slightly off subject, there is one homeopathic remedy
which I have personally found to be startlingly effective, namely
Oscillococcinum for flu. I understand it is made from goose hearts. Is
that true? And if so, what is the connection between goose hearts and
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Debbie McDonald
Subject: ** ADD Introducting Dr. Jacob Mirman
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 10:37:34 -0600
Dearest Dr Jacob,
Thank you for this forum. Can you give some recommended sources for
someone wishing to study homeopathy, both crash course and long term?
Something relating to this list, how does homeopathy treat candida
albicans? It seems to be a lifelong battle with no end.
Also, I had recently been bitten by a spider(dark brown, and
blackish) and had a bad reaction. I could barely carry on a
conversation. This has left me very arachnophobic and I wish to be
prepared in the future. Would apis work on this and how to dose.
Please excuse my lack of true understanding of homeopathy:).
One more, I had heard that an holistic veterinarian was having
wonderful results treating lyme disease in animals with ledum. I have
no idea of the dosing, would you have any guidelines and would you
think this would work for humans? I have an horse with a protozoal
disease, hard to treat and symptoms/treatment run close to that of
conventional medicines treatment for lyme with the resultant poor
prognosis and had wondered if this might be worth a try on him. He is
serum positive(disease is called Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis)
but has not had a spinal tap, which is the allopath's definitive test
for this disease. He is also very symptomatic for systemic yeast and
my vet says the prognosis is very poor for this. Lastly, he is a
survivor of a brain injury so it is hard to tell where any one symptom
is coming from. Please do not take up the lists time with my questions
if you feel they will not benefit but I am amazed at the places from
which I gleen such useful tidbits of info. I am most grateful to this
list for all the info I receive. Thanking you in advance. Debbie
Debbie McDonald
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: Re: ADD Introducting Dr. Jacob Mirman
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 14:34:00 +0000
Dean Mouscher wrote:
> It is my understanding that in classical homeopathy, the patient is given
> one single dose of a highly potent (meaning extremely low-dose)
> homeopathic remedy, and that's it. Is that correct? And is that how you
> practice?
> It is also my understanding that camphor or coffee can destroy the
> effectiveness of homeopathic preparations.
> Need one avoid coffee forever
> after having taken the homeopathic preparation, or just during the
> treatment period?
Treatment period can be pretty long. I usually tell my patients: count
on 3 years or so, then we'll talk about it
> Finally, and perhaps slightly off subject, there is one homeopathic remedy
> which I have personally found to be startlingly effective, namely
> Oscillococcinum for flu. I understand it is made from goose hearts. Is
> that true?
It is made from gizzards of migrating ducks. The ducks are said to be
natural reservuars of flu viruses, and so the remedy works somewhat like
an imunization
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD initial posting
Dr. Mirman,
Thank you very much for your comprehensive opening post to ADD-Holistic!
I liked the way you detailed some of the "environmental" contributing
factors that are sometimes overlooked -- TV, Video Games, and other
over-stimulating environments. Now that I think of it, I have known many
people who have practiced meditation and become more "centered," calm,
focused, developed a greater attention span, etc. If such training of the
mind is possible, it only makes sense to me that years of exposure to
an over-stimuating environment might have the opposite effect. Hmmm.
A couple of weeks ago, we had Dr. Fred Pescatore as a Visiting Expert. He
shared a case in which part of the successful treatment plan was a change
in the child's environment (by playing CD's of Motzart). It is
encouraging experienced practitioners like yourself and Dr. Pescatore are
looking at such factors as part of the treatment plan!
I have a few questions that I hope you could answer.
- I was treated by a very experienced classical homeopath. The first
remedy had no effect. The second one had a transitory positive
effect. The third one had a much more powerful and long-lasting
In your experience treating ADD/ADHD cases, how often do the patients
need to go through one or two or three remedies to find the one
with positive, long-lasting effects? Also, once the best remedy is
found, how long does it take to see significant improvement (or does
that vary quite a bit)?
- I can see benefits with cutting out TV, Video Games, additives,
preservatives, etc. What do you do when dealing with children over 10
years old (for example) who may have developed a very strong habit
(or even addiction) to many junk foods, TV, Video Games, etc.?
What can such things be replaced with? I liked the presentation
by Visiting Expert Ruth Hunter related to martial arts and ADD/ADHD.
It seems like an excellent after school replacement to TV. I would
be interested in hearing other ideas???
Thank you again for the information you shared!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: Re: ADD Question
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 00:23:32 +0000
Have you seen the article I just posted?
If not, go to my web site below. It will answer your question at least
in part
For a concise guide to Homeopathy on line go to
Jennifer Rayburn wrote:
> Hello, my name is Jennifer Rayburn, and Iam a student at Southern
> Adventist University. Currently Iam taking a class called Education in
> Exceptional Children and Youth. Recently we have been talking about ADD
> and ADHD. I was curious to know, What are some alternative solutions for
> ADHD other then Ritalin?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: Re: ** ADD Introducting Dr. Jacob Mirman
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 17:07:58 +0000
I'll try to answer your questions. See below
Debbie McDonald wrote:
> Dearest Dr Jacob,
> Thank you for this forum. Can you give some recommended sources for
> someone wishing to study homeopathy, both crash course and long term?
How deep do you want to study it? Do you want to know it well enough to
practice? If so, there are several schools. Let me know where you live.
I may be able to suggest one.
If you want to know enough to treat acute conditions in the family, like
flus, etc., you may be able to find an acute homeopathy course that would
run for a few days.
For a course near you you might want to contact National Center for
Homeopathy. They are on the web. Let me know if you can't find them. If
you want to learn a little bit, read the Further reading suggestions at
the end of my book which can be found on my site @
> Something relating to this list, how does homeopathy treat candida
> albicans? It seems to be a lifelong battle with no end.
Candida is not a disease. Its a symptom of weakened immune system. The
homeopathic treatment would be similar to any other condition, read my
site for better understanding.
> Also, I had recently been bitten by a spider(dark brown, and
> blackish) and had a bad reaction. I could barely carry on a
> conversation. This has left me very arachnophobic and I wish to be
> prepared in the future. Would apis work on this and how to dose.
> Please excuse my lack of true understanding of homeopathy:).
I would not take Apis for this
> One more, I had heard that an holistic veterinarian was having
> wonderful results treating lyme disease in animals with ledum.
Bad idea. Remedy must be individualized. Otherwise results will be very
poor Some cases may need Ledum, others will require something else
> I have
> no idea of the dosing, would you have any guidelines and would you
> think this would work for humans? I have an horse with a protozoal
> disease, hard to treat and symptoms/treatment run close to that of
> conventional medicines treatment for lyme with the resultant poor
> prognosis and had wondered if this might be worth a try on him. He is
> serum positive(disease is called Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis)
> but has not had a spinal tap, which is the allopath's definitive test
> for this disease. He is also very symptomatic for systemic yeast and
> my vet says the prognosis is very poor for this. Lastly, he is a
> survivor of a brain injury so it is hard to tell where any one symptom
> is coming from. Please do not take up the lists time with my questions
> if you feel they will not benefit but I am amazed at the places from
> which I gleen such useful tidbits of info. I am most grateful to this
> list for all the info I receive. Thanking you in advance. Debbie
Homeopathic treatment for this horse would have to start with a very
comprehensive case taking, a single remedy will be prescribed that will
cover all symptoms of the animal. Then you may see some good results
All the best
For a concise guide to homeopathy on line go to
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: abeck@arctic.ca
Subject: ADD Re: add-holistic-digest V1 #228
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 00:37:23 -0600
Greetings to Dr J. Mirman from the Far North:
My name is Alan Beck and I am suffer from Bipolar Disorder
comorbid with ADD/HD.
I have a few questions for you.
One thing I really enjoy is a good British/ Australian Homebrew
beer. I make them myself and find they do not affect me as far as
some foods. Such as MSG or Sucrose Gluclose Gluckclose
Goopclose stuff you find in "punch" drinks.
Generally I have one every few days and I can find no direct relation
between the use of the beer and my disorder. I have the same
symptoms randomly with or without that one beer.
Do you have any experience with Adult ADD/HD at all? Are foods
as much of a concern? I definately find overstimulation and stress
to be a big factor and end up hurting because of it.
Currently, I am on strike from the CBC in Canada which is causing
me a lot of stress.
And I do not know who my friends are because my union local,
2000 KM away is so distant, they never communicate. To go
anywhere major up here it is 2 hours in a 737.
Cheers from the Great White North.
Alan Beck
Rankin Inlet
Northwest Territories,
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: Re: ADD initial posting
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 00:38:37 +0000
Hi Mark
Thank you for the questions
Please see below
mgold@tiac.net wrote:
> 1. I was treated by a very experienced classical homeopath. The first
> remedy had no effect. The second one had a transitory positive
> effect. The third one had a much more powerful and long-lasting
> effect.
The Homeopath got to know you better and better over time, and was able
to prescribe better and better remedies
> In your experience treating ADD/ADHD cases, how often do the patients
> need to go through one or two or three remedies to find the one
> with positive, long-lasting effects?
This depends on luck and the skill of the homeopath. I think, in ADD
cases I get the correct prescription the first time around in about 70%
of cases. I better, because if I don't, I don't charge for the
follow-up, and I don't like to work for free.
> Also, once the best remedy is
> found, how long does it take to see significant improvement (or does
> that vary quite a bit)?
Sometimes you see a good reaction quickly but it may be transitory.
Good significant improvement usually takes months and years
> 2. I can see benefits with cutting out TV, Video Games, additives,
> preservatives, etc. What do you do when dealing with children over 10
> years old (for example) who may have developed a very strong habit
> (or even addiction) to many junk foods, TV, Video Games, etc.?
> What can such things be replaced with? I liked the presentation
> by Visiting Expert Ruth Hunter related to martial arts and ADD/ADHD.
> It seems like an excellent after school replacement to TV. I would
> be interested in hearing other ideas???
My kids don't have time for such junk as video games, TV, etc. They
have Chess lessons, piano lessons, karate, gymnastics, homework and a
few other things, like books to read, other hobbies at home, etc.. You
just got to figure out what your kid likes to do. Granted, when both
parents work full time it becomes a bit more difficult. But, people
find ways...
For a concise guide to Homeopathy on line go to
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: ADD [Fwd: Add/ADHD/ODD]
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 15:30:57 +0000
"Celia M. Malm" wrote:
> At 05:05 PM 3/9/99 PST, Todd Warren wrote:
> >I am still not sure which side of the ADD controversy I find myself
> >on... is it a real... or a "made up" disorder. However, due to my own
> >early experiences I am DEAD SET against the use of drugs such as Ritalin
> >unless someone can convince me that the problem is extremely severe and
> >there are no other possible solutions. That, I assure you, would be a
> >VERY tough sell!
> My major reason for pursuing homeopathy so seriously was to avoid ending up
> with my son on Ritalin. (I had bad experiences with psychotropic allo-meds
> for depression in my early 20s, and I *knew* I didn't want to mess with my
> son's mind like that.) He was 3 years old when we started
> treatment...several years from us being "pushed" by school officials to put
> him on Ritalin, but he had already been diagnosed ADHD, and I knew it was
> only a matter of time.
> I think ADD is probably overdiagnosed, but it's clear just from looking at
> the way children behave now as compared to how children of my own
> generation (not THAT long ago) behaved, I DO see a problem. Maybe it's the
> effects of TV and video games, which certainly cater more to the short
> attention span than our TV programs did. Maybe it's the effects of our
> society's overall shift in parenting styles. Maybe it's the hereditary
> effects of vaccines or parental recreational drug use or floridated water
> or any of a thousand environmental toxins that didn't exist a century ago.
> It's one of those things we may never know all the reasons for.
> But I do agree that schools and doctors need to examine ALL possible
> reasons for a child's behavior before pinning on the ADD label. I think too
> many poorly-trained people (many of whom have perhaps never SEEN the
> behavior of a child with "real" ADD/ADHD) are diagnosing the condition, and
> doctors are often all too willing to give the parents of kids whose
> behavior isn't in line with expectations a "quick fix" in the form of
> Ritalin. (Incidentally, NONE of the families that *I* know that have kids
> with what I would call "real" ADD/ADHD have found allo-meds to be the
> "perfect" or "simple" answer.)
> >I am one of those that believes there are less invasive ways to handle
> >the problem, such as Behavior Management, though perhaps a more
> >difficult solution for the parent to institute than DRUGGING their
> >child.
> I object to the assumption being made (by other people posting on this
> topic as well) that somehow if only the parents could/would do something
> differently, that the problem would be miraculously solved. In fact, I
> would suggest looking at the parents, as part of determining whether the
> kids "really" have this disorder. Are the parents just perturbed and
> annoyed by the behavior? Or are they in actual despair? I have never seen
> an ADHD mother that didn't have a certain haunted look in her eyes when
> talking about her child--a look I know I wear in my own eyes. When you've
> tried EVERYTHING to control your child's behavior (from your parents'
> techniques to the "latest" thoeries of child raising); when you've been
> stared at so many times by total strangers with that "what kind of parent
> are you?" expression; when relatives are all too ready to criticize and
> claim they could get your child in line (but never actually offer to parent
> them 24/7); the LAST thing you need is to be told again that this may be
> your fault, that YOU aren't doing SOMETHING right.
> In the case of my ADHD son, it is all too clear now that from infancy he
> was not "normal". Because he was my oldest, I had no clue of this. I was
> left to assume that THIS was what parenting was REALLY like, and that I was
> just bad at it. Some instinct in me said, "no, this is not right", but
> there was certainly no one else telling me that. Even my husband, even in
> the face of atrocious behaviors, was in denial for a LONG time that
> anything was "wrong" with his beloved eldest son. It wasn't until my
> younger (non ADHD) son was born that all those feelings of "something's
> wrong, this isn't how it's supposed to be" were FINALLY validated. And
> fortunately, although it's been a painfully slow process, homeopathy has
> managed to do what all our efforts to "modify" his behavior could not. And
> with homeopathy, unlike allo-meds, I know that we aren't just covering up
> our "parenting problems" with drugs.
> Sorry if I've been rather vociferous here, but this subject touches a very
> sensitive nerve for me.
> Cee
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: Re: ADD Re: add-holistic-digest V1 #228
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 00:33:19 +0000
abeck@arctic.ca wrote:
> My name is Alan Beck and I am suffer from Bipolar Disorder
> comorbid with ADD/HD.
> ....
> Do you have any experience with Adult ADD/HD at all? Are foods
> as much of a concern? I definately find overstimulation and stress
> to be a big factor and end up hurting because of it.
I am not a spetialist on food sensitivities, but many people say food
sensitivities play a big role. If a patient with sensitivities comes to
me, my job is to cure the whole case, sensitivities and all, and for
this I don't need to know the specific sensitivities. Homeopathic
treatment affects the patient on a much deeper level.
Overstimulation is definitely a factor, but not everybody who is
overstimulated has ADD, so those that do have a predisposition to ADD.
This is what homeopathy can often cure. So, when you are well and
happen to be under stress, you won't get the symptoms anymore
> Currently, I am on strike from the CBC in Canada which is causing
> me a lot of stress.
You could sue the trade union for emotional injury...
Hope the strike is over soon
For a concise guide to Homeopathy on line go to
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: Re: ADD Sugar
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 00:40:34 +0000
I feel she is correct for the majority of cases, but for some sugar will
cause trouble. The same goes for milk, corn, wheet, oranges, food
additives, herbs, etc, etc...
For every item of food there will be someone reacting to it adversely.
The treatment is either find what it is and eliminate it from the diet
or cure the sensitivity with homeopathy. The latter method is much more
comprehensive and rewarding, if the correct remedy is found.
For a concise guide to Homeopathy on line go to
Jennifer Rayburn wrote:
> The other day in one of my classes we were talking about ADHD. My teacher
> said that studies have proven that sugar and diet do not have a bad affect
> on someone with ADHD. I totally disagree with him. I was wondering what
> your thoughts were on this.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: George von Hilsheimer
Subject: ADD Mirman's "Is It Real?"
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 16:12:55 -0500
Somewhere I still have a copy of Diane Divoky's book, THE MYTH OF
HYPERACTIVITY. Divoky's idiot idea was abso corrupt in the 60s and the
notion that ADD or hyperactivity don't exist as clear entities is
balderdash in 1999.
Let us just say that we can legitimately organize ourselves to help as ADD
any child who scores at the 15th percentile or lower on a HAWTHORNE
questionnare done by any three adults who know the child; who has a 15%ile
or lower score on a TOVA (Test of Variables of Attention); has a lower
than 16th percentile score on Symbol Digit, Trails B, WISC Arithmetic, or
Information subtests and on any standard cancellation test.
I'd go to 25th %ile on kids whose IQ is greater than 120.
Attentional problems are absolutely misery producing and need to be
Actually, I am always concerned about any child who isn't interested in or
can't play a game like XQuest or other well organized computer games.
I note that most fidgety Phils have EEG's with unusually high amplitude
and that if you let them play computer games, their EEG amplitude comes
down radically while they are playing. You don't need any subtle
statistical tests to see the effect.
It is long years past the time we should be asking "Does ADD really
As in any other disorder, if untrained nonprofessionals are permitted to
make the diagnosis by impulse and rumor or whim, then the slop is
When I hear "his teacher wants him on Ritalin", I want his teacher in jail
until his teacher learns the limits of her license.
There is a substantial body of well attested data which permits us to make
a robust assessment, "This child has a problem of attention, which is
pervasive, persistent and creates dysfuntion in the child." Lets fix it.
George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D., F.R.S.H.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Thank you Dr. Mirman
Hi! I want to thank Dr. Mirman for taking the time to provide practical
ideas and resources for add/adhd treatment. I hope everyone takes the
time to go to his web page at:
There is a section on ADD/ADHD. In addition, there is an online book,
"DEMYSTIFYING HOMEOPATHY: A Concise Guide to Homeopathic Medicine."
For those who don't want to read a 200+ page book on the subject, this
short, online booklet will answer most of your questions about homeopathic
I will have the archives of Dr. Mirman's presentation and followup
questions available within a week.
Take care!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Jacob I. Mirman"
Subject: Re: ADD Thank you Dr. Mirman
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 00:01:41 +0000
Thank you, Mark
This was fun
Udo Erasmus, Ph.D.
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Mark Gold
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 00:57:18 -0500 (EST)
I said that we would be having a Visiting Expert on essential fatty acids
(EFAs) since it is both a popular and important topic when it comes to
add/adhd and to health in general. I feel very fortunate that we will be
visited by one of the world's foremost authorities on EFAs, Udo Erasmus.
Mr. Erasmus is the author of the book, "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill."
The bio below is the 1-1/2 page "About the Author" section of the
above-mentioned book. (The "About the Author" section was probably
written by the publisher.)
Udo Erasmus was born in Poland during the second world war to parents from
Latvia and Estonia escaping from communists. His family fled to West
Germany at the end of the war, and emigrated to Canada when he was 10
years old.
His parents, having endured the first world war and the bolshevik
revolution during their childhood, and having lived through the depression
during adulthood only to be caught in the middle of the second world war,
moved to northern Canada where Udo and his four siblings grew up on 112
acres of bush land. Without television, telephone, or radio, nature was
both his teacher and entertainer.
At 16, Udo began university studies in the sciences -- math, physics,
chemistry, and biology. Eventually, he settled on zoology and psychology
as his field of study, and specialized in genetics (under Canadian
geneticist, educator, and environmentalist Dr. David Suzuki) and
biochemistry. His papers in genetics were published in the peer review
journal "Mutation Research."
At 25, Udo found the direction science was taking unacceptable -- it was
increasingly used to control people rather than to help or free them, and
geneticists talked about cloning super-races. Udo left the University of
British Columbia and went in search of his mission. "I traveled, looked
around for several years, and did all sorts of different jobs to get to
know more about my society and the world. Eventually, I was poisoned by
pesticides and, in search of self-help, re-discovered a childhood passion
for health and healing."
He resumed studies, now focused on nutrition, health, and human nature.
The first edition of this book ("Fats and Oils") was his PhD thesis in
nutrition. His M.A. thesis in counseling psychology, entitled "The Nature
of Human Nature," will also be published in book form, "when I'm satisfied
with my understanding of the details. I want to let my experience of this
topic mature a little longer."
Udo pioneered our understanding of the effects of fats, oils, and
cholesterol on human health at a time when other writers were quoting
wrong information from outdated sources. The result of his painstaking
assembly of relevant research resulted in this landmark book, seminal in
the field.
His technological innovations include: development of custom-made parts
for existing oil presses to protect the oils being pressed from damage
caused by light, oxygen, and heat; use of opaque containers for fresh oils
to protect them from light; refrigeration or freezing of oils during
transport to slow deterioration and shelf-dating of oils to warn consumers
about old oils. The use of the name "flax" oil (to distinguish the fresh,
unrefined oil made with human health in mind from "linseed" oil, which
comes from the same seed but is a paint-grade, refined, rancid, industrial
product previously offered for human consumption) was Udo's suggestion. He
also helped to pioneer the fresh, unrefined hemp oil that has recently
appeared on the market.
Udo has worked with professionals (doctors, pharmacists, dieticians,
osteopaths, naturopaths, nutritionists, chiropractors, massage therapists,
other healing professionals, educators, veterinarians, and researchers);
consumer health organizations; individuals who want to become more
educated in nutrition and health; manufacturers who want help formulating
high quality products; and developers of machinery and processes for
making products with health in mind.
As an authority on fats, oils, cholesterol, essential fatty acids,
technology for pressing healthy oils, complete nutrient programs for human
health, and other health topics, Udo has been invited to tour throughout
North America and Europe. Since 1987, he has reached an estimated five
million viewers, listeners, and readers. He is particularly appreciated
for his detailed, precise, clear, and non-technical style.
Please join my in welcoming Mr. Erasmus to the ADD-Holistic discussion
group! [clap, clap, clap!!!]
[NOTE: Mr. Erasmus won't actually join us until Friday.]
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Udo Erasmus Web Page: http://www.udoerasmus.com/
Subject: ADD Opening Post (Udo Erasmus)
Table of Contents
- Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
- Processing
- Sources of EFAs
- W3:W6 Ratio
- Supplements
- Amounts
- How to Use EFA-rich Oils
- EFA Health Functions
- Resources
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
EFAs are the fats that heal. These are substances that every cell must
have, cannot make, and must therefore get from foods. No-fat diets
eventually kill. Low-fat diets can make us sick. We cannot live without
Our fear of the fats that kill has made us fat-phobic, and is depriving
millions of EFAs.
Two EFAs exist. One, the omega 3 (w3) EFA, is alpha-linolenic acid (LNA).
The other, the omega 6 (w6) EFA, is linoleic acid (LA). If we get enough
of both, and the ratio between them is right, the body makes several
derivatives with important functions from each. From some of these
derivatives, the body makes hormone-like substances that regulate
biochemical activities in all cells and tissues on a moment-to-moment
basis. (see page 20 of FATS THAT HEAL FATS THAT KILL for a comprehensive
diagram of EFAs, their derivatives, and hormones made from them).
Processing determines whether fats (and especially EFAs) are beneficial or
detrimental to health. EFAs are chemically active, and are sensitive to
destruction by light, oxygen, and high (frying) heat. These can turn the
healing EFAs into killing toxic fats. To retain their healing properties,
EFAs must be treated with care. The w3 EFA is 5 times more rapidly
destroyed than the w6 EFA.
A quick stability comparison. Sugar, starch, amino acids, proteins,
minerals, vitamins, and fiber can be dried, powdered, and stored for years
with little deterioration. Oils rich in EFAs, on the other hand, begin to
spoil by light-enhanced oxidation (rancidity) within hours of exposure,
and their rancidity can be smelled and tasted within a week or two of
exposure at room temperature.
EFAs are a manufacturer's nightmare. The easiest way to create products
with long shelf life is to remove EFAs. It is a main force that drives the
low-fat food craze. The other main force that drives fat phobia and
low-fat diets is 'experts' who know about the fats that kill, but are not
clear about the fats that heal. They have not understood that most health
problems that we blame on fats are actually due to destructive processing
methods. Remember: Damage due to processing.
Our w3 intake has decreased to 1/6th its level in 1850. Our intake of the
less sensitive w6 EFA has doubled in the last 100 years, mainly due to
increased use of corn and safflower, oils very rich in w6, but containing
no w3.
Sources of EFAs
Flax is the richest food source of the w3 EFA. High fat, cold water fish
(albacore tuna, mackerel, trout, salmon, sardines) are good sources of w3
derivatives. We prefer fish (raw as sushi; or poached rather than fried)
over encapsulated fish oils because of processing damage, rancidity (fish
oils are 5 times more sensitive to destruction than LNA), and oil-soluble
toxins in fish (liver) oils.
Sunflower and sesame seeds are good sources of w6 EFA. Almonds, peanuts,
and olives also contain w6 EFAs but no W3s. Soybeans and walnuts contain
lots of w6, and a small amount of w3. Most other seeds and nuts, such as
pecans, macadamia nuts, and cashews, are poor sources of EFAs. One also
gets w3 and w6 EFAs in fresh oils pressed from organically grown seeds,
using special machinery for making oils with health in mind that was
developed in 1987. Such oils are found in amber glass bottles, in the
fridge, in natural food stores.
A blend developed by the writer for use in his work, contains 9
ingredients: flax, sunflower, sesame, rice germ, oat germ, unrefined
evening primrose, medium chain triglycerides, lecithin, and vitamin E. It
is protected from light by a box surrounding the amber glass bottle. Fresh
EFA-rich oils have a 6-month shelf life under refrigeration, should be
used within 4 to 8 weeks of opening, and must be frozen solid to attain a
3 to 5 year shelf life (oils shrink when they freeze, so the glass bottles
will not break). Warning: Frying can make EFA-rich oils quite toxic.
W3:W6 Ratio
W3 and w6 EFAs compete for space on the enzymes that convert them into
derivatives. If we get too much w6, we become deficient in w3; and vice
A wide range of ratios keeps healthy people healthy. Inuit (Eskimos) had
2.5 times more w3 than w6 in their traditional diet. Italians had 4 times
more w6 than w3. Neither suffered from fat-related conditions. Present-day
diets a ratio about 20 times richer in w6.
In our work, we use a ratio twice as rich in w3 as w6. We arrived at this
ratio by experimentation. We found that a ratio of 3.5 times more w3 (flax
oil), makes people w6-deficient. The Inuit ratio, 2.5 times more w3, does
not. Our 2:1 ratio gives superior therapeutic results, because many people
are EFA-deficient because of low-fat diets, and almost everyone is
w3-deficient because of absence of w3s from most commonly eaten foods.
EFAs and their derivatives can be obtained in 3 main ways:
- Mix and match oil seeds.
- Mix and match oils made with health in mind.
- Eat high fat, cold water fish.
Because we could not live if glands and organs were deprived of EFAs, but
dry skin is survivable, Nature's wisdom dictates that skin gets EFAs last.
We use this fact as an indicator of optimum EFA intake.
Dry skin, or the need for moisturizers, creams, and lotions are indicators
of less than optimum EFA intake. Optimum amount and ratio of EFAs leads to
soft, velvety skin. Then we know that the rest of the body has the EFAs it
needs. Optimizing EFA intake makes cosmetics unnecessary. I don't use any.
At 56, people tell me that my skin is remarkably youthful looking.
Most adults need 2 to 5 tablespoons each day to reach optimum. Body
builders use up to 7 or 8 tbsp/day. People with degenerative conditions go
up to 10 tbsp/day. They lose weight, reduce joint pain, and experience
improved energy levels using this much. I use 3 tbsp in summer, about 4 in
winter. When the weather gets colder in fall, many people notice their
skin gets dry. That's nature telling you: You need more oil.
Children should get EFA-rich oils proportional to weight. For example, if
the parent needs 3 tbsp/day for soft, velvety skin and the child weighs
one tenth of the parent's weight, the child should get one tenth of 3
How to Use EFA-rich Oils
EFA-rich oils made with health in mind are compatible with all foods:
vegetables, proteins, starches, and fruit.
Use them in salad dressings; on steamed vegetables; in soups; in mashed
potatoes or on corn instead of butter; mix in yogurt or protein shakes
(athletes get their EFAs this way); mix 50:50 with butter or extra virgin
olive oil to enhance the EFA profile of these two good but EFA-poor oils;
on pasta; in cereals, in veggie juices; and layered on fruit juices (we
call this an oil shooter: EFAs enhance the juice flavor, the juice gets
more body, and the oil flavor disappears).
EFA Health Functions
- EFAs increase energy level, stamina, and performance; speed recovery
from fatigue; and speed healing of injuries. We have seen this benefit
in strength and endurance athletes, in performance dogs and horses, in
older people, in those with degenerative conditions associated with low
energy levels, and those complaining of fatigue.
- EFAs are the best kept secret for beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Soft,
velvety skin; tan better and burn less; helpful in eczema, psoriasis,
and acne; are useful for sweating out oil-soluble toxins through the
skin; protect from the toxic effects of pesticides in tissues; and
improve skin, hair coat, feathers, claws, hooves in dogs, cats, horses,
birds, and other animals.
- EFAs improve digestion by slowing stomach emptying time; suppress
appetite; reduce cravings for sugars, starches, and non-essential fats;
make withdrawal from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco easier; support healthy
bowel flora; prevent leaky gut and food allergies; enhance food flavors;
and improve the absorption of oil-soluble phytonutrients from vegetables
and other foods.
- EFAs are required by all glands and organs; required for insulin
function, testosterone production, serotonin production; required for
liver and kidney function; improve thyroid function; are required for
lung function; EFAs provide glands and organs with the energy these
highly active tissues require for their functions.
- EFAs decrease several cardiovascular risk factors; lower high
triglycerides; lower high blood pressure; decrease platelet stickiness,
making stroke, heart attack, and embolism less likely; EFAs sometimes
help, but are not reliable, to lower cholesterol levels.
- EFAs are required for wound healing.
- EFAs decrease inflammation.
- EFAs reduce water retention (edema).
- EFAs dampen the over-response of the immune system in auto-immune
- EFAs protect our genetic material (DNA) from damage.
- EFAs have anti-tumor properties.
- EFAs are required for mineral transport and mineral metabolism; prevent
loss of bone minerals, and thereby keep bones strong and help prevent
osteoporosis; work against protein-induced mineral loss.
- EFAs are required for protein metabolism; protein without EFAs becomes
- EFAs are required for hemoglobin production, cell growth, and cell
- EFAs reduce body fat; fat reduced under skin in body builders, to
they get the 'shredded' look; 30-50 pounds of fat reduction/year in
obese people on 3-5 tbsp of EFA-rich oil; sometimes up to 10 tbsp/day.
NOTE: w3 EFAs do a better job than w6 EFAs on most of the above points.
However, w6 deficiency from over-emphasis on w3s must be avoided, because
w6 deficiency leads to deterioration of every cell, tissue, gland, organ,
and system in the body. That is why getting the w3 to w6 ratio right is so
important for health.
Three related areas of EFA functions are particularly important with
respect to ADD/ADHD. These are: brain, women's health, and pregnancy. Most
children with ADD/ADHD do not require Ritalin. In a fat-phobic world
filled with junk foods, most kids do not get the EFAs they need for
optimum brain function. Clearly, children should be given the essential
nutrients required for brain function before drugs are even contemplated.
Of these nutrients, w3 EFAs are the most likely to be lacking. Deficiency
of either w3 or w6 EFAs is known to lead to changes in behavior. This has
been known for years.
In addition to EFAs, the brain also requires several vitamins and
minerals, as well as proteins. If the brain ain't made right, behavior
cannot be expected to be normal.
- EFAs are required for brain development and brain function. At 60% fat,
the brain is the fat-richest organ in the body. We are fat-heads. It's a
compliment. EFAs elevate mood and lift depression; bring calmness (in
dogs, cats, horses, children, and adults); improve the ability to deal
with stress and reduce the tendency to get stressed; improve focus;
improve motor co-ordination; improve strength; speed learning; increase
intelligence; improve visual acuity and color perception in older
people; calm down hyperactive (ADD and ADHD) kids; make juvenile
delinquents unresponsive to counseling counselable; make violent
criminals less violent; decrease hallucinations in schizophrenics;
improve Alzheimer's and senile dementias.
- EFAs are vital for women's health; women are depleted of EFAs because
child's brain draws them from her body; each child gets less EFAs than
the preceding child; researchers suggest that's the reason why on
average, oldest children have the highest IQ; why on average, younger
children in large families have more developmental and behavioral
problems; a main reason why women get post-partum depression; and the
main reason why women get more depression, inflammatory, and auto-immune
conditions than men do; most women in North America have no reliable
source of the missing EFAs in their food supply; it is vital that they
get them, both for their own health and the health of their children.
- In animals, EFAs have been shown to result in less difficult pregnancy,
easier delivery, larger litters, healthier mothers and offspring, better
milk production, quicker maternal healing, more activity and exploration
in offspring (sign of intelligence); shown in dogs and horses; also true
in mothers who enrich their food intake with EFAs.
EFA Supplements:
- Fresh high fat, cold water fish: salmon, sardines, mackerel, rainbow
trout, albacore (white) tuna;
- widely available;
- better steamed or poached than fried or canned;
- oil-richest part is meal along belly, around fins, and behind gills, as
- well as (gasp!) brain and eyeballs (retina);
- fish provide the EFA derivatives (w3:docosaheaxaenoic acid or DHA; w6:
arachidonic acid or AA) specific to brain function;
- the oils in fish are fast-acting;
- easily spoiled by heat, light, and oxygen;
- Encapsulated fish oils: use with caution;
- processing damage makes fish oils smell and taste 'fishy', which
is rancidity, and fresh fish does not smell or taste 'fishy';
- fish oils are usually heated to high temperature to clean them up,
resulting in changed molecules that can be toxic;
- the care needed to make fish oils with health in mind has not yet
been taken;
- fish oil EFA derivatives are 5 times more rapidly destroyed than LNA, the
already highly sensitive w3 EFA;
- fish oils can contain substantial levels of highly toxic polychlorinated
byphenyls (PCBs), cancer-causing industrial chemicals;
- fish liver oils are most likely to be ontaminated;
- from processed fish oils, you get benefits along with an uncertain
degree of toxicity;
- Seeds: mix and match organically grown flax, sunflower, and sesame seeds;
- seeds are about one third to one half oil, the rest is mostly protein and
fiber, with some minerals also present;
- flax is the only rich source of w3;
- many seeds contain w6;
- soybeans and walnuts contain both EFAs, but are much richer in w6;
- 'Udo's Choice' Perfected Oil Blend:
- provides both EFAs, but is richer in w3s;
- is packaged in brown glass protected from light by a box,
refrigerated in natural food stores;
- contains everything you need from oils (9 ingredients) and nothing you
should avoid;
- made by processes designed to protect EFAs from damage;
- the blend provides the starting material from which the body makes the EFA
derivatives, as well as 'minor ingredients' with major health benefits;
- minor ingrdients are removed when oils are refined and deodorized into
colorless, odorless, tasteless commercial oils;
EFA derivatives from fish oils do not retro-convert to the EFAs
themselves, which are important in cell membrane functions, but the body
will convert EFAs into the derivatives that fish oils contain;
oils from fresh fish can be used in additon to the blend;
Erasmus, Udo. Fats That Heal Fats That Kill.
Further Information:
[ Web Page: http://www.udoerasmus.com/ ]
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:35:08 -0700 (MST)
From: mgold@tiac.met
Subject: ADD Responses From Dr. Erasmus
I will be forwarding the responses from Dr. Erasmus to the list. He
is been very busy with various requests and wasn't able to get to the
responses until last night. He will be travelling to Europe, so we
cannot ask him any more followup questions for now.
Because Dr. Erasmus gets so many questions (often the same questions),
he asks that people interested in issues related to EFAs read his
book, "Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill" first, because many of the
common questions (e.g., cooking with oils, etc.) are answered in the
book in detail.
One other thing, there is a slight backlog of posts that need to be
sent to the list. I will forward most of those to the list tonight
and tomorrow morning. Sorry for the delay!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 09:01:04 -0700 (MST)
From: Dean Mouscher
Subject: RE: ADD Opening Post (Udo Erasmus)
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:56:14 -0600
Dear Dr. Erasmus:
I find that when I take 240-300 mg daily of GLA (from borage seed oil) my
concentration and memory improves. Yet I worry that such a high intake of
GLA is not natural and may throw something out of balance, which is why I
go off the GLA frequently for extended periods. Please comment.
Also, I've seen research indicating that nutritional status at conception
is more important than diet during pregnancy. We're planning a second
child. How long, in your opinion, should my wife take Udo's Choice oil in
order to rebuild fatty acid stores before conceiving for the second time
(she's still breastfeeding number 1)?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:36:13 -0700 (MST)
From: udoerasmus@aol.com
Subject: RE: ADD Opening Post (Udo Erasmus)
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:45:03 -0800
Dear Dean:
David Horrobin, the developer of Efamol evening primrose, who inspired
most of the work on evening primrose and GLA, recommended a maximum of
about 60 mg of GLA, from 12-500 mg capsules of that oil. I do not use
borage oil, but doubt that the amount you take would cause you great harm,
since it would only involve about 1500 mg of oil. I say that because GLA
(the w6 derivative) and LNA (the w3 essential fatty acid) are quite
similar in their chemical activity, and I use about 25,000 mg of LNA per
Some researchers doubt our need for GLA, based on studies that indicate
that the body does the conversion of LA to w6 derivatives from infancy to
old age.
The key is that the ratio of w3:w6 should be between 2:1 and 1:5 for
healthy people. More towards 2:1 if w3s have been neglected in the diet.
Other than that, it is good to keep anti-oxidant levels high, by eating
lots of green foods; taking the usual pill ones: A, C, E, selenium, and
zinc; and taking herbs like ginkgo, milk thistle, lipoic acid, etc. You
don't need them all, but should have both water-soluble and oil-soluble
anti-oxidants in your diet.
If your intake of essential fats keeps up with its loss to the unborn
child and to the infant through breast milk, then the timing of
pregnancies is not dependent on essential fat intake. We have seen this
consistently in animal work.
The key is to get optimums, which we measure by skin feel. Dry skin means
you're not getting enough. The need for moisturizers, creams, and lotions
is another indicator.
For adults, 2 to 5 tablespoons/day is usually right to get this done. For
the brain, the w3 essential fatty acid must be converted into DHA. This
should not be a problem at the 2 to 5 tablespoon level if the oil is 2:1
in favor of w3. Alternatively, fish provides DHA without the need for
Alcohol depletes DHA dramatically, one reason why drinkers should eat
fish, and pregnant women should avoid alcohol.
Two years or more between children is an accepted standard. This time
gives the mother time to get rested after the hectic time of having a
new-born, and gives the new-born enough of her attention for long enough
to feel comfortable in the world.
Hope this helps.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 09:04:23 -0700 (MST)
From: randy1@ibm.net
Subject: ADD For Dr. Erasmus
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 23:28:30 -0600
Sir: I'm a Biochemistry student at Kansas State University, and I
started studying biochemistry formally at age 33; my love for "alterna-
tive" medicine came from my Grandfather, who used to traipse the hills
of Virginia in search of herbs and roots for sale to the local physi-
cians and healers. I add these facts because if I don't, you might
miss something of my character. Please be warned that I am quite the
My concern is that very little is taught about the importance of EFA's,
even in a biochemistry curriculum. Of course they are mentioned; their
conversion to other molecules is stressed; however, most of the discus-
sion centers around arachidonic acid (also known as eicosapentenoic
acid or EPA)and its derivatives. Linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic
acid (LNA) are considered in more detail; gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is
mentioned mainly in terms of a "structure to memorize," and as an in-
I know (through a little detective work outside of class) that LA (w-6)
can be converted into GLA (still w-6 but with 3 unsaturations versus 2
for LA) but that neither of them can be converted into alpha-linolenic
acid (LNA; w-3). I also know that GLA (and thus LA) is a precursor of
EPA (w-3 with 5 unsat.) and thus of series-3 prostaglandins (PG3), as
well as of PG1 and PG2, HPETE, series-4 and series-5 leukotrienes
(LKT-4 & LKT-5), thromboxanes (THX) and prostacyclins (PCyc).
Since LNA cannot be converted back to GLA, it can feed only (directly)
into PG3 and EPA, which we could make starting with simply LA.
Why do we even need large amounts of LNA, since we truly need only the
small amount required directly for membranes? (I can't seem to find
much information on LKT-1, 2 or 3; do we also need LNA for their syn-
theses?) One would guess, as well, that LA can be converted to doco-
sahexenoic acid (DHA; w-3 with 6 unsaturations).
It would seem to me that larger amounts of linoleic acid, with small
amounts of LNA, would be sufficient for older children and adults.
I myself use flax/borage oil as a source of LA, LNA, and GLA as well
as some oleic acid (w-9). I also use olive oil as a flavoring (after
the cooking is done or over a cold salad), and fish oil as a direct
source for EPA (which biases leukotrienes toward LKT-5 and prostaglan-
dins toward PG3's which are less inflammatory than LKT-4's and PG1 and
PG2; and which can inhibit THX-2 formation leading to some reductions
in hypertension, serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides - i.e., LDL -
and neutrophil - white blood cell type - aggregation) and DHA (whose
precursors in the human body, functions and physiological effects I am
only beginning to unearth).
Do you have any insight on DHA and the human [especially AD(H)D] con-
dition? Several in our group have mentioned the high levels of DHA
found in human breast milk and the "recently" available microalgae pre-
parations. Do you have an opinion on using microalgae for DHA and some
preparation besides fish oil or sushi for EPA?
CAN I RAMBLE or WHAT! Thanks for your time, and thanks for joining our
group! (and if you need a research assistant in the next five years or
so, I'd REALLY like to know!)
Randy Fields
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:36:42 -0700 (MST)
From: udoerasmus@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD For Dr. Erasmus
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:45:03 -0800
Dear rambing Randy:
If you look on page 20 of my book, you will find an overview of the w3 and
w6 essntial fatty acid families. You will see that your understanding of
the story is slightly mixed up. You convert w6s into w3 derivatives, and
that is not done in nature.
There's good research showing that DHA is helpful in ADD/ADHD. We also get
good feedback on the benefits of LNA in ADD/ADHD, although there's little
published research on LNA. Red-brown algae do provide DHA. My concern is
always the processing damage done to oils when they are steam distilled to
clean them up.
Regarding other sources of EPA, you can find EPA in Chinese water snake
(20% of the oil is EPA), and rattlesnake (which is about 8% EPA). I'm not
sure it is the alternative you're looking for. If you obtain enough LNA,
the body will make EPA from it.
Good luck hunting rattlesnakes.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:38:12 -0700 (MST)
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Questions for Dr. Erasmus
Dr. Erasmus,
Thank you very much for your detailed opening post. You have
provided an enormous amount of useful information! I have a few
questions I was hoping that you could answer.
- You mentioned the essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement, Udo's
Choice Perfected Oil Blend which has been manufactured,
packaged, and stored to protect the EFAs and has a balance of w3
and w6 EFAs to avoid deficiences. If a reader cannot
find this product at their local health food store, what is the
best way to order the product?
- From what I understand, there are certain key nutrients which
play a significant part in converting w3 and w6 EFAs into
derivatives used by the body to promote health. Which of
those nutrients do you think might be important for
supplementation by persons with ADD/ADHD? Does Udo's
Choice Perfected Oil Blend provide some of these nutrients?
- A growing number of people are avoiding certain carbohydrates
(because of insulin response) and using a higher [saturated]
fat, low-carb diet to lose weight, control ADD/ADHD, control
diabetes, etc. While I have seen some people have successes
in certain areas using this tact, but I still have some
major concerns.
In your experience, can a nutrition plan which stays away from
foods high in saturated fats, but adds EFAs in food and EFA
supplements produce some (or all) of the same positive effects
as far as weight loss, diabetes control, ADD/ADHD improvement,
etc. as seen in some of the low carb diets? Or perhaps some
reduction of certain carbs and addition of EFAs might be
warrented for some people.
- I am seeing a large increase in popularity of smoked
fish products at large health food stores such as Whole Foods
Market. Would a 4 oz package of smoked salmon have the same
benefit from the DHA fatty acid as a similar amount of cooked
salmon? Does cooking or smoking destroy some or most of the DHA?
Thank you very much for taking the time to share your knowledge with
our ADD/ADHD Internet Discussion Group!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:37:33 -0700 (MST)
From: udoerasmus@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Questions for Dr. Erasmus
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:45:03 -0800
Dear Mark:
- Order Perfected Oil Blend directly by calling Flora, Inc., the company
that makes it. Their number is 1-800-446-2110. They can also provide the
book if you cannot find it.
- The minerals and vitamins needed to convert essential fats into their
derivatives include vitamins B3, B6, and C, and the minerals calcium,
magnesium, and zinc. All these, and the others that we should get for
other reasons can be obtained by using a good multi-mineral,
multi-vitamin. I use high dose ones. There are several good brands,
including Nature's Plus, Twin Labs, and several others.
- You get even better results in ADD/ADHD and weight management using
oils rich in essential fats than you do with saturated fats. This is
because essential fats are required for brain development and brain
function, and they increase metabolic rate and energy level (make you feel
more like being physically active); lift depression (so you're less likely
to overeat); decrease inflammation (so your tissues release water which is
then dumped by your kidneys); suppress hunger, appetite, and cravings (by
giving you essential nutrients that most people with weight problems
avoid); and more.
Most overweight people are fat-phobic carbohydrate junkies. They need to
understand that fats do not make you fat, but sugars, carbohydrates, and
sweet fruit do.
They need to increase their intake of green foods, make sure they get good
proteins and good fats, both of which provide essential nutrients that the
body cannot make, and need to lower their carb intake.
Doing this, we get 30 to 50 pounds weight reduction consistently in a year
on 3 to 5 tablespoons per day, and have had as much as 80 pounds in 6
months on 3 tablespoons.
Also, carbs interfere with insulin function, and essential fats are
required for insulin function.
- Raw (sushi) is better than poached, is better than fried or smoked. One
reason for smoking fish is that smoke flavor hides rancidity that occurs
as fish is kept for longer periods of time.
Fresh fish is always best. That's why the saying: Eat things that spoil.
Just eat them before they do.
Thanks for the introduction to the net way of doing things.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:44:31 -0700 (MST)
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post (Udo Erasmus)
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 12:46:47 EST
Dear Dr. Erasmus:
I currently give my 2 y/o and 7 y/o 1 tbsp. of Flax Seed Oil per day. I
also have a 4 month old and was wondering if it was too early to start her
on Flax oil? If not, at what dosage? My son has psoriasis and since I
started giving him the Flax oil, it is almost completely gone.
Thank you for any information you can provide.
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:38:35 -0700 (MST)
From: udoerasmus@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post (Udo Erasmus)
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:45:03 -0800
Dear Lisa:
If you breast feed and are taking essential fats, your child will get them
through your breast milk.
If you feed solid foods, you can add a capsule or a few grams of oil to
it. Formulas are always short on essential fats, enzymes, and good bowel
bacteria. All three should be added to the formula.
You did not say that you are taking flax oil. It was the first oil I
developed, in 1987, after I learned the story of fats. I found that flax
oil made me w6-deficient after several months of exclusive use. I get
quite a few reports: Flax oil made my skin really nice at first, but now
it doesn't work anymore.
If that happens, it is because the skin has become w6-deficient. That is
why I developed the blend in which the w3:w6 ratio is 2:1 instead of
flax's ratio of 3.5:1.
So, if flax oil loses its effectiveness, get the balance between w3 and w6
back by using more w6 oil, which sunflower and seasme oils supply.
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 20:13:51 -0700 (MST)
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post (Udo Erasmus)
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:05:55 -0500 (EST)
Great information. Thanks!
Always, Diana
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 10:23:20 -0700 (MST)
From: Sharon Morrissey
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert query
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 21:55:52 -0200
I have a question for our visiting oils expert----one that's driving me
for many years I've had the symptoms of efa deficiency, as described in
the introdustory post, as well as ADD. every time I try to increase my
efa intake, whether it be pure flaxoil or Udo's blend, which I have
stocked in my freezer----my metabolic rate slows to a crawl. I am usually
a slow oxidizer and any fats slow me down even further.
If you've got any ideas toward resolving this dilemma they will be greatly
thanks in advance,
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:38:01 -0700 (MST)
From: udoerasmus@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert query
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:45:03 -0800
Dear Sharon:
I cannot answer your question without more information about your case.
W3 fatty acids usually increase metabolic rate rather than decreasing it.
They do so by improving circulation (make red blood cells more flexible so
they sneak through our cappillaries more easily, improving delivery of
nutrients and oxygen to our tissues). They also increase oxygen
metabolism, metabolic rate, energy levels, and stamina. They speed
recovery after fatigue.
If you want, we could pursue your question more deeply by phone when I
return from Europe end of May.
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 19:30:00 -0700 (MST)
From: "John V DOMmisse, MD"
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert query
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 11:18:34 -0700
It seems that Udo Erasmus is no
longer on this List, so I thought I would jump in with my 2c-worth: Since
essential oils are not known to slow metabolism, I wonder whether you have
a significant metabolism problem, unrelated to oils but possibly just made
slightly worse by them. The commonest low-metabolism problem in the US is
undiagnosed and under-treated hypothyroidism, in my opinion (I have treaed
probably 1000 hypothyroid patuients by now, over the past 11 years).
The testing that MUST be done, and virtually never is
done, is a sensitive TSH, a FREE-T4, and a FREE-T3 serum level. There are
other T4 and T3 levels but these are the only accurate ones. Then there
is also the matter of interpretation. If you would like to pursue this
avenue and let me know what the meaning of these levels would be in your
case, I will respond (with my opinion) again.
John DOMmisse, MD, FRCPC
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 19:28:07 -0700 (MST)
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD Questions for Dr. Erasmus
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 01:07:38 -0500 (EST)
I owned a store, Tierra'Dentro, years ago and used to carry all of the
Udo's product. Ask the owner of any store if they don't have his
products. I knew about it because a customer requested it.
Always, Diana
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 19:29:38 -0700 (MST)
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 23:28:46 EST
I cook in Olive oil. Does heating olive oil turn it into a toxic
substance? What oils are safe to heat? Lisa
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 15:28:03 -0700 (MST)
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Re: ADD
> I cook in Olive oil. Does heating olive oil turn it into a toxic
> substance? What oils are safe to heat? Lisa
I forward this to Dr. Erasmus to answer. Hopefully he'll get to it soon.
Dr. Erasmus' book ("Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill") has an excellent
section on cooking with oils, including which oils are safest to use and
cooking techniques that prevent toxic changes to oils.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 15:30:07 -0700 (MST)
From: srjarv@webcntrl.com
Subject: Re: ADD
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 09:51:47 +0000
>I cook in Olive oil. Does heating olive oil turn it into a toxic
>substance? What oils are safe to heat? Lisa
I just came from a adhd conference, a large part of which was devoted
to nutrition. The vote there is olive oil is good, but sesame oil is
best because it can reach higher temps then other oils before it
changes its structure, making it toxic. Rachel
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 15:30:47 -0700 (MST)
From: George von Hilsheimer
Subject: Re: ADD
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 12:48:26 -0500
No oils are safe to overheat! As a matter of fact, raw or sparely and
gently cooked is always better than overcooked. Olive oil is ok for
cooking, just don't deep fry in anything, and use less rather than more.
GvH, Fellow Int College Applied Nutrition (1973)
At 07:29 PM 3/20/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I cook in Olive oil. Does heating olive oil turn it into a toxic
>substance? What oils are safe to heat? Lisa
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:39:02 -0700 (MST)
From: udoerasmus@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:45:03 -0800
Dear Lisa:
There's research that indicates that when olive oil is fried, it loses all
of its breast cancer protective properties. Frying correlates with more
cancer and more cardiovascular disease, and I believe it also increases
inflammation and makes irritable bowel problems worse.
That's why I recommend frying in water. In other words, steam, poach,
boil, pressure cook. Then add good oils made with health in mind after the
food is on the plate. That we you're not playing Russian roulette with
health. Russian roulette is not safe just because 5 chambers are empty.
At 09:32 PM 3/20/99 -0500, you wrote:
>From: PARRJL@aol.com
>Subject: Re: ADD
>Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 23:28:46 EST
>I cook in Olive oil. Does heating olive oil turn it into a toxic
>substance? What oils are safe to heat? Lisa
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 12:48:35 -0700 (MST)
From: 1lls0081 <1lls0081@unixstew.tstc.edu>
Subject: Re: ADD Canola
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 23:47:23 -0600
oils "Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed
Foods and Trans. Fats: Enig, Ph.D."
oils coconut oil and aids
Mary Enig is someone that I wish we could get as a visiting expert. I would
love to
host some of her articles on my web site as well!
aka The Pied Piper
Lee Hunter wrote:
> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 12:22:48 -0500
> >Considering the fact that there does not seem to be any kind of non animal
> >based oil that is as good as the animal based oils, I am not interested in
> any
> >other type of oil except possibly olive.
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 12:47:01 -0700 (MST)
From: mgold@tiac.met
Subject: ADD Canola (Rape Seed) Oil
Dr. Erasmus,
It is my understanding that canola oil is being used more and more
frequently due to its low cost. I see it frequently in packaged and
prepared foods at my local Whole Foods Market.
There has been quite a bit of concern about the health effects of
canola oil, particularly the genetically-engineered (GE) varieties. The
GE varieties grown in North America are grown with highly toxic,
teratogenic herbicides glufosinate and Bromoxynl (just approved in
Canada). The European Union has been trying to avoid the unlabelled
GE canola oil from the U.S. and Canada and has been purchasing their
canola oil largely from Australia. Australia can certify that their
oil is not genetically-engineered. I have enclosed one statement
from an expert after my signature line.
Question: Do you know whether the major North American health food
store chains that use canola oil (e.g., Whole Foods Market, Wild
Oats Markets) source their canola oil from non-genetically-engineered
varieties. Are their sources for organic canola oil in the U.S. or
at least sources for non-organic canola oil growth without the use of
the above-mentioned herbicides. Any thoughts that you have on the
canola oil issue would be greatly appreciated!
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:34:10 -0500
From: joe cummins
Subject: B-GE: birth defects in GM canola in Canada
March 17, 1999
Prof. Joe Cummins
738 Wilkins Street
London, Ontario, N6C4Z9 Canada
e-mail: jcummins@julian.uwo.ca
Canada Approved Genetically Modified Canola Tolerant to an Herbicide
Causing Birth Defects
Canada has approved genetically engineered canola patented by the
multinational chemical company Rhone Poulenc for their herbicides
Bromoxynl and Ioxynil. The herbicide Bromoxynil has a history of
controversy in its use after it was found that it caused birth defects
in rats and mice. Its use on cotton in the United States was a source of
controversy while in Canada (where government departments of Agriculture
and Health take multimillion dollar payments from chemical companies)
the herbicide was quietly approved and used extensively to control weeds
in grain crops that are innately tolerant to the herbicide. Bromoxynl
tolerant canola can be rotated with grain on land treated with the
herbicide which is very persistent in treated soil.
Residues of the teratogenic herbicide are likely to accumulate in the
harvested canola oil and in the cattle and pig food from the residues
recovered from pressing canola seed to recover oil. Such pressing
residues have also been used as fertilizer on organic farms a procedure
that should be reviewed on the basis of transferring genetic
modifications and teratogenic herbicides. Biotechnology noted that
there was a very high likelihood that the herbicide tolerant gene would
be transferred to unpatented canola and to at least seven wild plant
species but the transfer to wild plant was a minimal threat as the
resistant species could be controlled by other herbicides as they became
weeds. The impact of use of the genetically modified crop on
biodiversity was given brief discussion with no data and no fundamental
knowledge of biodiversity.
Another genetically modified canola, Liberty Ready, also employs a
highly teratogenic herbicide glufosinate. Importers of canola oil or
animal feed from pressed seed should be made aware of these developments
and that the products are not labeled. Clearly the Canadian approval
process bears the stamp of the millions of dollars from chemical
The information on approval of Bromoxynil resistant canola was from
Plant Biotechnology Canada August 19,1998
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 08:40:53 -0700 (MST)
From: udoerasmus@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Canola (Rape Seed) Oil
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:45:03 -0800
Dear Mark:
If the genetically engineered canola has just been approved, then it is
not likely to be in canola oil used in health food stores. Yet.
Canola has an interesting situation. If it is made with health in mind, it
tastes puky. Oil plus mustard taste from glucosinolates that are part of
the seed. If it is refined and deodorized, it has sustained some damage.
Most of the canola used in prepared foods in all markets is refined and
deodorized. It has been treated with sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid,
bleach, and high temperature. That's enough for me to avoid it. So I don't
even get to the other, more modern way to screw up the food supply. I
avoid canola altogether.
I use the organically grown oils only. I use some extra virgin olive oil.
I eat sushi. I like my food fresh, as little processed as possible. That
way I avoid a lot of stuff.
The development of genetically engineered plants is a zoo of unknowns. I
do my best to avoid it. In Eurpoe, the health food trade will not use
North American lecithin, because Lucas Meyer will not guarantee it to be
made from GMO-free soybeans. The lecithin we use in the blend comes from
Europe, the only source of GMO-free soybeans we could find.
I don't know much more than that about this. It's looking to become a
bigger and bigger issue on environment and health. "You can shit in your
nest for only so long before you're nesting in your shit." That for me,
sums up the environment issue. If we poison our environment, we
automatically poison ourselves, because we keep eating the environment.
It's our food. If nothing else, Mark, if we make the best possible food
choices, we'll outlive them.
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 15:28:37 -0700 (MST)
From: mgold@tiac.met
Subject: ADD Dr. Erasmus
I want to thank Dr. Erasmus for taking the time to answer the
questions put forth by members of the ADD-Holistic discussion group!
I had been completely unaware of the problems with even
non-genetically-engineered canola oil. I will stick with unrefined
oils for EFAs.
I usually do not repeat a plug for books by Visiting Experts, but I
do want to say that Dr. Erasmus' ("Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill")
book has allowed me to not only help myself, but to help others who
were clearly suffering from EFA deficiencies. It is a great resource
to have on hand as it answers most of the common questions. Also, I
have noticed positive effects from "Udo's Choice Perfected Oil Blend"
(www.florahealth.com / 1-800-446-2110).
I will have the archives of the visit up in a couple of days at:
Take care!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
John E. Upledger, D.O. O.M.M.
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert Introduction
I would like to welcome to our group one of the most innovative and
respected practitioners of Holistic Medicine, Dr. John E. Upledger,
D.O., O.M.M. Dr. Upledger has had extensive experience successfully
treating a wide variety of diseases and disorders (including
ADD/ADHD) using techniques which he developed over the last several
decades. Dr. Upledger has trained thousands of practitioners who have
gone on to become effective practitioners and, in some cases, develop
their own modalities based largely on Dr. Upledger's work.
Please join me in giving Dr. Upledger a warm welcome! [Clap, clap,
Dr. Upledger will email his opening post on Monday. Please see his bio
below. - Mark mgold@tiac.net
Official Bio
Certified Fellow of the American Academy of Osteopathy
Academic Fellow of the British Society of Osteopathy
Doctor of Science, Medicina Alternativa
Osteopathic Manipulation
CranioSacral Therapy
SomatoEmotional Release
Preventative Medicine
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy II - Beyond the Dura
SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond
Your Inner Physician and You
A Brain is Born: Exploring the Birth and Development of the Central
Nervous System
Dr. John E. Upledger is the President and Medical Director of The
Upledger Institute, Inc. Dedicated to the natural enhancement of health,
the Institute is recognized worldwide for its groundbreaking
continuing-education programs, clinical research and therapeutic services.
Throughout his career as an osteopathic physician, Dr. Upledger
has been recognized as an innovator and leading proponent in the
investigation of new therapies. His development of CranioSacral Therapy
in particular has earned him an international reputation.
Dr. Upledger has served on the Alternative Medicine Program
Advisory Council for the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National
Institutes of Health. Part of the council's responsibilities are to
advise the Office of Alternative Medicine about promising treatment
methods, and to identify issues that concern this emerging field of
Although much of his experience has been garnered through private
clinical practice, Dr. Upledger served from 1975-1983 as a clinical
researcher and Professor of Biomechanics at Michigan State University.
During those years he supervised a team of anatomists, physiologists,
biophysicists and bioengineers in experiments testing the existence and
influence of the craniosacral system.
The results of those scientific studies explained the function of
the craniosacral system and its use in evaluating and treating poorly
understood malfunctions of the brain and spinal cord. Dr. Upledger went
on to develop and refine CranioSacral Therapy and other complementary
modalities, which are now taught worldwide to a diversified group of
healthcare professionals through The Upledger Institute's educational
Dr. Upledger later established The Upledger Foundation to reach
out to those less fortunate physically, mentally and financially to help
improve their life experiences. This nonprofit organization is dedicated
to the ongoing research and development of new therapeutic applications,
and the establishment of community-outreach programs that enhance total
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: uihealthplex
[Note: Please do not send questions to clinic@upledger.com. Instead,
see the phone and web page resources at the end of this email.]
Subject: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 11:01:25 -0400
Dear Discussion Group Members:
I specialize in CranioSacral Therapy. This is a very soft touch, hands-on
treatment method that requires 30-60 minutes per session. It is
non-invasive, non-traumatic, non-threatening and virtually risk-free.
I began working with brain dysfunctioning children of all types in 1975 at
Michigan State University. I was a clinician-researcher in the College of
Osteopathic Medicine, Department of Biomechanics. CranioSacral Therapy
was the focus of our "hard science" research. We developed a children's
clinic to put CranioSacral Therapy to work for afflicted children and to
investigate the efficacy of the method.
We applied CranioSacral Therapy with good success in children with
hyperkinesis and attention deficit problems, speech and motor problems,
dyslexia, autism, seizure disorders and Down's syndrome. We have
continued to use CranioSacral Therapy is such children until today, nearly
25 years later, because in many cases it is very successful. Any of the
above mentioned problems, with the exception of Down's syndrome, may have
different or multiple causal factors. We have observed that dysfunction
of the craniosacral system is frequently involved. We evaluate the
craniosacral system and if we find a problem we attempt to correct it.
The attempt at correction is usually successful.
In our experience, about 60% of ADD children have craniosacral system
dysfunction as a predominantly contributing factor. When therapy is
successful, the results are most often dramatically positive. For
instance, it is very common for the hyperactive child to relax and fall
asleep on the treatment table after the correction is made.
An even higher percentage of dyslexic problems are secondary to
craniosacral system dysfunction than in ADD - I would estimate about
80%. Craniosacral system corrections, however, are more difficult in
these cases. When successful, though, the results are very dramatic.
I treated one 15-year-old boy who was reading on a 4th grade level who
advanced to a 10th grade level in three weeks after the correction to his
craniosacral system was made. The other brain dysfunctions mentioned are
more variable in their etiologies. However, when craniosacral system
problems are correctly discovered and treated, improvement almost always
Down's syndrome is genetic, but our experience shows that CranioSacral
Therapy can bring about functional improvement. I treated a Down's child
who received his first CranioSacral Therapy session 10-days post partum.
I have treated him using three or four consecutive treatment sessions
approximately every six months since then. Presently he is five years of
age and has tested out slightly above average in intelligence. His social
skills and attitude are excellent and he is presently participating in a
traditional school program where his peers are unaware of his diagnosis.
Since CranioSacral Therapy is non-invasive and of such potential benefit,
it seems worth the effort to have an evaluation and some corrective
treatments for any type of brain dysfunction in children or adults. The
worst thing that can happen is nothing. The best that can happen is for
the child to reach full potential.
I am happy to answer any follow-up questions you may have this week.
Please email your questions directly to your group email address.
John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
President and Medical Director
The Upledger Institute, Inc.
Resources pertaining to CranioSacral Therapy, and SomatoEmotional
Release are available from The Upledger Institute.
For an in-depth, yet highly readable discussion of CST from theoretical,
clinical and anecdotal points of view, see Dr. John Upledger's book Your
Inner Physician and You (North Atlantic Books, 1997, $14.95) available in
selected book stores or directly from The Upledger Institute.
Another of Dr. Upledger's publications, a breakthrough book that empowers
parents with knowledge to help them make practical decisions concerning
the health of their children, is A Brain is Born (North Atlantic Books,
1996, $45.00). It crosses the boundaries of many disciplines, including
embryology, obstetrics, pediatrics, neurology, and CranioSacral Therapy.
Also, available in selected book stores or directly from The Upledger
To find a practitioner:
The International Association of Healthcare Practitioners (IAHP)
publishes a directory of more than 38,000 healthcare practitioners and
their professional designation, telephone number and listing of the IAHP-
recognized courses they have completed. The cost of the directory is $7,
plus $3 for shipping and handling within the United States. Additional
charges apply to international orders. To order or for more information,
call Educational Services at 1-800-311-9204, extension 9944.
For information on healthcare continuing education workshops for
professionals and educational materials (Modalities include Upledger
CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, Mechanical Link, Visceral
Manipulation and related techniques in addition to Neuromuscular
The Upledger Institute, Inc.
11211 Prosperity Farms Rd. D325
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3487
Phone: 1-800-233-5880, extension 9945
Fax: (561) 622-4771
Home page: http://upledger.com
E-mail: upledger@upledger.com
For patient information on Upledger CranioSacral Therapy or clinical
The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
11211 Prosperity Farms Rd. D-223
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3487
(561) 622-4706 Phone
(561) 627-9231 Fax
Home page: http://upledger.com
E-mail: uihealthplex@upledger.com
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: "Rossello, Mary M."
Subject: RE: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 15:35:14 -0400
Hi Dr. Upleger. I had a childhood accident in which I was hit by a flying
baseball bat (watching a game - not even playing) at the base of my skull
and ear. I was six years old when this happened and almost died as a result
of the injury. I believe I was ADD as a child but was never diagnosed and
barely managed to function at school. I often wondered if my ear accident
was the cause of my inability to concentrate on any one thing, especially
school. I started chiropractic care in 1986 for headaches and pain I was
having at the base of my skull over the years. It has helped me to a degree,
but I continue to go once a week feeling pain again only three days after
every adjustment. Do you think I would benefit from CranioSacral Therapy?
Approved: addadd
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: uihealthplex upledger.com>
Subject: RE: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 14:30:56 -0400
Dear Ms. Rossello:
Yes, most likely you would benefit from CranioSacral Therapy. The base of the
skull is where we find craniosacral problems that relate to problems of
hyperactivity and attention deficit. The muscles of the base of the skull and
their connections to the meningeal membranes have to be lengthened and
released from being overly contracted.
John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
From: "laura wrensen"
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 16:18:11 -0400
What exactly is Cranio Sacral Therapy?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 14:36:22 -0400
From: uihealthplex
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
Dear Laura:
CranioSacral Therapy, and its benefits, are explained at length within
our website.
Please refer to our website,
http://www.upledger.com/ - select "CST Benefits"
and then select "Discover CST".
John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 12:35:53 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Question for Dr. Upledger
Dr. Upledger,
Thank you for being the honored Visiting Expert on the ADD-Holistic
discussion group. I have two related questions that would help me and
perhaps others on the group.
- As you know, there are numerous courses taught to practitioners by
teachers of the Upledger Institute (in various parts of the US &
CranioSacral I & II
CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics
Advanced CranioSacral
SomatoEmotional Release I & II
Visceral Manipulation I & II & Advanced
Zero Balancing, Feldenkrais, Acupressure
When the looking for a practitioner to treat children diagnosed
with ADD/ADHD (or Autism), which Upledger training classes should the
practitioners have? Or, is it the case that any practitioner who has
taken CranioSacral I & II can successfully treat children with
- When treating adults diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, I wonder if the
techniques such as Visceral Manipulation and SomatoEmotional
Release may play a more important role than for children, and if
that is the case, it may be useful to seek out a practitioner with
these skills.
Thank you for your assistance.
P.S. -- As soon as I finish my first year in training of another modality
(by the Spring), I will be taking Upledger courses. I can't wait to
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: uihealthplex
Subject: Re: Question for Dr. Upledger
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 17:11:35 -0400
Dear Mark:
- I would recommend Advanced CranioSacral Therapy to be sure. A
good student who has completed CranioSacral Therapy Level II has the
structural techniques to do it but may lack the expertise to go further
if the situation demands.
- There is a good possibility that the ADD/ADHD child will have
complicating factors that may require SomatoEmotional Release and/or
Visceral Manipulation.
You're welcome and I hope you enjoy the courses.
John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: nourish@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 13:50:55 -0500 (CDT)
Dear Dr. Upledger, thanks for making yourself available for questions.
I have a few regarding the cranio-sacral therapy you do.
- What is the average amount of treatments that an adult with ADD should
except before any significant changes are felt?
- What course of action do you recommend in difficult cases when no change
is brought about?
- Generally, when would you stop treatment if a client is non-responsive -
after how many sessions?
- To what extent does ADD in your opinion correlate with closed head
injury and post- concussive syndrome?
- What role does birth trauma in your opinion play in the development of
- You say that dyslexia is more difficult to treat than ADD. Why, and how
in terms of the cranio-sacral system is dyslexia different from ADD?
- What is your opinion of Dean Howell's NCR? How does NCR - neurocranial
restructuring - in your opinion compare in efficacy to cranial sacral
therapy for ADD type conditions? Are there to your knowledge any
dangers in this technique?
- Cranial work done by osteopaths - how good is that for ADD and how does
it compare to cranio-sacral work?
- Have brain-imaging technologies such as spect scans and qeegs ever been
used to determine what positive changes in brain function cranio-sacral
therapy is able to bring about?
Yours sincerely, Peter Brandt
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: uihealthplex
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 17:22:11 -0400
Dear Mr. Brandt:
I will answer your questions in the order they were posed:
> - What is the average amount of treatments that an adult with ADD should
> except before any significant changes are felt?
1) 5 to 10 treatments.
> - What course of action do you recommend in difficult cases when no change
> is brought about?
2) If cranial corrections are made and no change in behavior occurs
CranioSacral Therapy probably will not help.
> - Generally, when would you stop treatment if a client is non-responsive -
> after how many sessions?
3) 10 sessions.
> - To what extent does ADD in your opinion correlate with closed head
> injury and post- concussive syndrome?
4) Depends on the locale of the injury -- the occipital base seems to
correlate with ADD/ADHD.
> - What role does birth trauma in your opinion play in the development of
> ADD?
5) A very large role. Occipital hypertension is a common birth trauma
and a strong contributing ADD/ADHD factor.
> - You say that dyslexia is more difficult to treat than ADD. Why, and how
> in terms of the cranio-sacral system is dyslexia different from ADD?
6) Dyslexia is usually related to right temporal bone which is harder to
> - What is your opinion of Dean Howell's NCR? How does NCR - neurocranial
> restructuring - in your opinion compare in efficacy to cranial sacral
> therapy for ADD type conditions? Are there to your knowledge any
> dangers in this technique?
7) I do not have enough knowledge on NCR to evaluate or critique it fairly.
> - Cranial work done by osteopaths - how good is that for ADD and how does
> it compare to cranio-sacral work?
8) It depends on the osteopath - CranioSacral Therapy is more of an art,
cranial osteopathy is more structurally focused.
> - Have brain-imaging technologies such as spect scans and qeegs ever been
> used to determine what positive changes in brain function cranio-sacral
> therapy is able to bring about?
9) Not yet, but it is in the consideration/funding stages.
Hope these answers are helpful,
John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 14:07:06 -0500
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: msachsman@acadia.net (Marly Sachsman)
I work in the early
intervention field in Maine with children with a variety of neurological
challenges. As a speech/language pathologist I typically work as part of a
transdisplinary team with children with severe delays and developmental
challenges. I feel greatful to have a number of colleagues who are very
open minded and we leave no ideas unexplored when it comes to facilitating
the well being of the children we work with. Unfortunately the physicians
we work with are openly condeming techniques such as Craniosacral therapy,
Wilbarger brushing protocol, energy work etc. Could you possibly recomend
some literature with the types of facts and figures that might help us
elicit the support of more physicians. The information of course would
need to be rather consise if I were to get them to read it. I respect your
work. I find families to be very open to these nontraditional therapies.
However, it is very challenging to them when they go to their physician or
neurologist to have these treatments condemed. HELP. These parents are
dealing with enough stress without there being disagreement among
providers. Often times the physicians are controlling the referrals as
well. Open to suggestions.Thank you.
Marly Sachsman,M.A.,CCC
Speech/Language Pathologist
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: uihealthplex
Subject: ADD Re: CranioSacral Therapy Literature
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:48:47 -0400
Dear Marly:
I have two areas of resources to suggest for you. The first is a research
monograph that I compiled which is available from us in hard copy (to
order please call toll-free 800-233-5880). We have also made this
monograph accessible through our website at no charge. To view/print it
access our website (www.upledger.com), select "Articles & press releases,"
then select "Educational, research and human interest articles" and select
"Research and Observations Support the Existence of a Craniosacral
System." This is the research monograph.
The other suggestions I have are contained within the first textbook,
"CranioSacral Therapy." You will find the following listed in the back of
the textbook: Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix I and Appendix
I hope these are helpful for you.
John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 07:11:05 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: janefaus@juno.com
Subject: Re: ADD CranioSacral Therapy Literature
When I read your message, I could not resist responding. My colleagues
and I come up against this problem all the time. We work with the
nonprofit Feingold Association of the US, helping families determine if
certain foods / food additives are having a negative effect on their
child. Fortunately, we are able to provide copies of the double blind,
placebo-controlled studies that support our work.
I write the newsletter for the Association and am beginning work on an
article about one of our member families. (The husband is an MD) They
have had dramatic results with their son, who had major speech deficits.
They tell me his therapist, who is a leader in your field, was very
impressed with the fast and significant improvements. If you like, I
would be glad to provide a copy of the (October) newsletter when it is
completed. (I would need a snail mail address.)
Jane Hersey
PS Cranial manipulation helped my daughter a great deal.
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD CranioSacral Therapy Literature
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:05:15 EDT
I am convinced that for some children, craniosacral is a piece or
all of the pie for ADD children. Please send me copies of any
literature you have on that which is scientific.
Many thanks for your help.
8179 E Del Cuarzo
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 23:58:17 EDT
Subject: Re: ADD Visiting Expert Introduction
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
Dear Dr. Upledger,
Please familiarize yourself with our website www.addgroup.org
We are a non-profit organization that helps people find non-drug
solutions for ADD, ADHD, Learning and Developmental Delays.
If you have an interest in our Resource list we can fax you an
application. Call (212) 769-2457 or e-mail your fax to
ADD Action Group
From: DrRappMD@aol.com
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 11:07:10 EDT
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Email from Dr. Upledger
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D.
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 22:35:26 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert Introduction
Our expert for the next week is "Dr. Von", George von Hilsheimer, whose
Ph.D. was earned at the Saybrook Institute. He is the author of Allergy,
Toxins and the LD Child (which will be available at his new website next
week!) previously published by Academic Therapy; he is also the author of
How To Live With Your Special Child, Acropolis Books, 1968, alas, out of
print; and Is There A Science of Behavior, Humanitas Press, 1966 (which he
says you may obtain by sending a mere $2.50 postage to 125 S. Swoope Ave,
#109; his book, Brief Therapy is published at
www.eegspectrum.com/books/vonh available as shareware for $5.00 and will
soon be available on his own not yet open website.
"Dr. Von" is listed in Who's Who (and in the specialty issues, WW in
Medicine, and WW in Science and Engineering). Dr. Von is most famous for
having run the world reknown Summerlane School in North Branch, New York;
and the Green Valley School in Orange City, Florida, and for People, Inc.,
an international social service organization sponsored by The Realist
magazine in the '60s.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Von to the group to share his decades of
knowledge and expertise! [Clap, clap, clap!] Dr. Von's opening post will
be sent on Monday. Stay tuned!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 22:10:15 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: drvonh@mindspring.com
Subject: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
Barbara Pyne asked me to tell you what it is I do which seems to work so
well with children. She especially wanted me to tell you what was it that
worked so well with her ADHD stepson, Brandon, several years ago.
First you ought to know that many observers of children for many years
have reported that ADHD children have more barely noticeable physical
oddities than children who don't have ADHD. If you want to know about
these minor physical anomalies (MPA) then look for ALLERGY, TOXINS AND THE
LEARNING DISABLED CHILD, which is on the same website where you found this
Some of the ways in which ADHD kids differ are that they are more often
fairest of the fair, and blonde blonde. This is not to say that all blonde
fair folk are ADHD. In fact, I first heard this observation from Ed
Binkley, M.D. talking about allergic kids. All of the the physical
anomalies which are more often seen in ADHD kids, are also more often seen
in allergic kids. In fact, most ADHD kids are allergic, but most allergic
kids are not ADHD.
Do these physical markers mean that ADHD is inherited? No! Not at all.
These markers are a function of stress before, during, and after
pregnancy. The stress is usually nutritional, but good old shake-rattle-
and-roll social stress will do the job as well. Mommies of ADHD children
were stressed out, poorly nourished and often were not happy.
It does mean that the meat your child is made of isn't as efficient as the
meat out of which a less stressed child is made.
So your first and best tool for working with your ADHD child is a large
spiral notebook, and a good pencil. Yep! Notebook and pencil.
You can't do the best job with an allergic child, or with an ADHD child
unless you keep a daily journal, continually charting the child's
behavior. Since 4 of 5 ADHD children are boys I'm going to start saying
"he", "him" and "his" but none of these bits of advise are any different
for little girls.
A child may pass formal allegy tests over and over again, and still prove,
by commonsense exposures and challenges to be allergic to foods and
substances which sneak past the formal medical test. Never forget, you
want to help your child, not a test.
If you chart his behavior you can begin to pick up patterns of misbehavior
which follow eating certain foods, occuring in patterns (like just before
meals), or in certain places (school isn't always horrible just because of
bad teachers, sometimes its a toxic waste dump).
The daily chart of behavior which records every place your child goes and
every food that he eats, and every unusual thing which occurs, as well as
his behavior is the basic tool for helping your child. Be faithful.
A few days ago I received a nice email from my nephew's wife. I had been
presumptious and send a letter "I know you didn't consult me but I could
not but notice Jerry's (not his real name) behavior when we were all
together for Father's Day."
What I had noticed was that they were having a very hard time while he was
being a spectacular brat. Of course, he is a fair, sandy haired boy with
big circles under his eyes. Dr. Tintera, 40 or 50 years ago remarked that
people who suffer from low blood sugar are often fairest of the fair and
have big dark circles under their eyes. Ed Binkley remarked these same
facts in allergic children. You'll find a whole bibliography of folk who
have found these and other anomalies in ADHD children.
When we started dinner Jerry was a monster, but by the time we finished he
was a fairly nice kid, and he remained so until they left. I suggested
that they feed Jerry food every two hours, no matter what. And, when he
starts getting cranky, stick some food into his mouth. Mamma wrote me
back that I was Doctor Wonderful, regular snacks worked better than the
Ritalin and he had stopped having his seizures.
Most ADHD kids are out of fuel within 4 hours of eating, and need to be
fed more often. Many small meals.
Of course, ADHD kids should have diets which are primarily free of any
food forbidden to a diabetic.
Ok! Ok! I just wanted to be certain that you knew that almost all ADHD
kids have biological problems and that you must take care of these
problems and that will make the magic even better.
Barbara brought her step-son to me a few years ago - she was being
step-mom to three and mom to a new baby girl, and Mr. Brandon was swinging
from the trees. Whew!
For forty separate sessions Barbara came in with Brandon and we took a
thick mousse, dabbed it into a tiny gold plated cup, and fixed it to
Brandon's scalp. I draw a line from one ear hole to the other, and 1/3 of
the way up goes one cup (the spot is known as C-3 on the left, and its
twin is C-4 on the right). A clip goes on his ear and holds some mousse in
two cups against his skin, this is the ground wire.
One computer screen shows Brandon some games - Pac Man, a skipping stone
with boxes, a boat fleeing a volcano, and a road across a desert where you
can get a space ship to fly over you. When Brandon's brain makes stronger
"sit still and pay attention" signals, than "fogg out and be a jitterbug"
signals then Pac Man goes forward.
In the meantime, I'm sitting back at a second computer, which is also
working on Brandon's brain signals. I can see in great detail what is
going on in his brain. I adjust the task so it is always just within his
capacity. He hits the target 75-85% of the time, and the "fogg" steals
points only about 15% of the time. I stay alert and work fairly hard to be
certain that his success level is high enough to encourage fast learning.
Notice that I said 'learning'. Unlike medicine we don't burn, slash or
poison. We simply let the brain know "THAT'S IT! THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE GOT TO
DO! And train it to work happily. This is not treatment.
Barry Sterman, a California psychologist, is still a young man (by my
standards!) and he was the first to show us how to do this. Dr. Sterman
had been asked to study the problem of perfectly healthy pilots flying
perfectly good planes into the ground. Well, he figured it was better to
risk cat's than more pilots and so he did the work with cats.
By accident Dr. Sterman discovered that the cats he trained the way we now
train kids didn't have seizures and die when they were given hydrazine in
doses that kill almost all cats. The first work with humans was done with
epileptics who had no benefit from medicine. Then D.A. Quirk did 25 years
work with violent felons, keeping 85% of them from repeating their crimes
(compared to only 2% in most prisons). Joel Lubar, a professor at the
University of Tennessee, began working with with ADHD children in 1990.
Today, in 1999, thousands of practitioners are helping tens of thousands
of children.
Some children absolutely lose all their symptoms in 40 or so sessions of
EEG training. A few need continuing training because they have Tourette's
Syndrome or some other hard to fix problems. Everybody, of course, will
benefit from good diet, avoidance of poisons, and elimination of
allergens. Even when the allergy isn't fixed, the allergic patient who
completes EEG training has a happier, healthier life.
I, myself, have been working with ADHD kids since I graduated from college
in 1956. I began working with EEG biofeedback in the 60's - in fact I had
a company which made and sold EEG instruments. I began copying the work
Sterman pioneered in 1970.
In all those years I have never heard of anyone who was harmed by EEG
biofeedback - one occasionally hears about a bad session but I've never
seen one. There has not been one single malpractice suit against an EEG
In my own practice I have experienced three failures. These three boys
were seriously ill with more problems than ADHD. The three families did
not continue for the number of sessions I had told them in the beginning
the boy would need.
I have had one boy be completely restored in only 10 sessions, but I had
had a good result with his brother in 20 sessions before him. The parents
were poster parents for good care. I have had perhaps 10 boys done in 20
sessions and half of these have been this year for reasons which I can't
figure out. About half are done in 40 sessions and I have one little guy
who took 120 and another took 150. In both cases, I had worked with older
children and the parents, and had good results in shorter time. In both
cases the boys were .... horrible! I had thought that the only ethical
course might be just to strangle them! One of them turned into a little
charmer, and I still want the other boy back for 20 more sessions but he
is doing well. His Mom has bipolar affective disorder. I fixed his Dad's
life long spastic bowel pain in only 10 sessions (no pain after #4).
This "magic" method works on many other problems, but it was designed for
ADHD. It trains the brain to stop the static and focus on life.
Dr. Von says that if you are interested in hyperactivity and attention
deficit you must have a look at www.eegspectrum.com; www.ssnr.org;
www.bfe.org; www.aapb.org as well as NEXT WEEK at his own website
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 22:44:02 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: Re: ADD add
Dear Cortoon,
No, the suggestions are not for weight.
You need to be certain the child is digesting well, so AbsorbAid or some
other digestive enzyme
You need to be certain the child's intestinal ecology is good so L.
acidophilus, remember you aren't a doctor so don't give 1 or 2 capsules,
you are gardening (trying to get plants to grow in a hostile environment)
so give 5-20 capsules and some acid food. If you don't have a book which
tells you which foods are acid, write to me and I'll send you a list. But
you ought to have LOTS of books on nutrition and if they don't include
this info --- what good are they?
Children generally burn up more vitamins than adults so the child's need
really ought to be higher than the adult requirement.
So you need a good multivitamin (I recommend Bronson's INSURANCE FORMULA).
Children do tend to need more zinc - and zinc often is more efficient than
Ritalin for calming hyperactivity (REMEMBER! it needs to be given every 3
Children also need higher doses of ascorbic acid; but to work well the
Vitamin C needs to be in the form of a mineral ascorbate. You can let the
body do the work, or you can get them already in the form the child's body
uses them (I recommend ALACER mineral ascorbate products).
All neurological problems, from more or less normal fatigue to epilepsy
cause the body to require higher amounts of pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6).
Never give B-6 without giving magnesium or you will have grumpy person.
Magnesium is self limiting because it is a laxative. So give just enough
to soften the stool without causing a liquid bowel movement. It can't
cause diarrhea but will cause one completely loose bowel movement. My
dictionary says that diarrhea is excessive frequency AND looseness of
Note that I don't always give exact doses. This is because a dose is a
medical term, and for treating. This is nutritional advice and you need
to become sensitive to your own family and to experiment and try various
levels and to be informed. However, you should know that NO ONE has ever
documented a problem from continual high doses of vitamins, despite many
ghost stories. This includes the abominable ghost story recounted by a
famous neurologists in one of his famous books - I am just recovering from
pneumonia and can't remember but it made a good movie.
Two famous M.D.s have given very large doses of B-6 for many years, one
for prevention of heart disease, and another for arthritis, with no
I am drafting a website and you can have a look at it at
http://home.mpinet.net/dkthomas/DrVon, you need the capitals I hope,
tomorrow, to have it at its own site,
www.hyperactivekids.com I will be
posting nutritional advise and informational links there.
Good luck
-----Original Message-----
From: CORTOON@aol.com
Subject: ADD add
>You mention vitamins - dha, dmae etc - arent these sold in adult form -
>how much should a 6 year old get? My son has add and I am looking for
>anything besides ritalin to help him - your information is very
>interesting - but when I looked up your book - feed your kids well - is
>this for overweight children? My son definately doesnt need to lose
>weight - what do you suggest we do.
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 22:45:00 -0600 (MDT)
From: Barbara Mazor
Subject: ADD Dr. Von - what you said
Dear Dr. Von -
Thanks for all the contributions to this list. I am glad to hear that
you are feeling better (and sorry to hear you were sick at all). Your
presence was missed.
Anyway, last year you wrote the following regarding EEGfeedback
and I was hoping you could explain what you meant.
> The point is that body work, working your own body, as well as accepting
> stimulation of your own body, helps reintegrate the body. ADD is caused
> by brakes on in the brain, the brakes get taken off by any thing which
> creates the antagonist to the high amplitude slow frequency activity
> which is how the brakes function. Relaxation causes much fast frequency
> activity, flooding the brain; massage, tai chi, etc etc all cause the
> brain to be flooded with "excitation" which washes out the "inhibition".
> I put "inhibition" and "excitation" in quotes because they are four
> dollar professional works, braking and unbraking is clearer, more to the
> point and cost you less.
> Frequently a summer working on a ranch, a mountain climbing expedition,
> a season with a guru of any kind, a sailing adventure, any experience
> which is productive, wholesome, focused and requires high effort, can
> release the brakes in the brain and result in a resolution of the ADD.
So what does this mean? Is ADD a brain working "too much" or "too
What are alpha, beta and theta waves? Do body work and other relaxations
have similar effect to EEG feedback? Does the child concentrate on the
video game? What if he just concentrates on something else? You have
also mentioned in this list EEGfeedback as responsible for helping brain
injured patients. Was this in conjunction with other PT/OT?
I hope you web-site doesn't have too many graphics. My Jurasic computer
crashes on complex sites.
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 21:28:48 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: DGLurvey@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Von - what you said
I not Dr. Von but I have successfully been thru EEG Biofeedback and my ADD
has subsided. I now have full control of my Theta, where the ADD brain
lives, (daydreams etc.), in other words my theta which was once out of
control I can now control. My beta or focus, which is not active enough
in ADD, is alive and healthy and under my control. Video games could help
if the child or adult could learn to take that same focus away from the
game. Bio feedback games, packman etc, are hooked up to the brain and
when focus leaves the game stops. Unlike regular games.
I have gone from learning disabled to scoring over genius on IQ tests.
It's been the ride of a lifetime.
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 21:28:19 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: Re: ADD Chromium question
I always recommend chromium picolinate, you won't gain weight if you don't
stop taking it!!!
George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D., Fellow, International College of Applied
Nutrition (1972)
-----Original Message-----
From: Betts.Demott@clorox.com
Subject: ADD Chromium question
>I've seen so many different chromium compounds on the market. I have
>tried Chromium Picolinate but as soon as I stopped taking it, I gained
>weight. then I tried Chromium polynictonate and didn't notice much
>difference in ADD symptoms or weight. Can anyone speak to this?
>"Joyce, I read that chromium was great for controlling sugar cravings."
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 21:28:13 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Von - what you said
Well, I'm not on the www yet but look at
http://home.mpinet.net/dkthomas/DrVon needs the caps
and tell me what you think. That's the draft website.
Well, a brain working "too much/too little" is probably a misleading
Brakes, as Pavlov called them, are essential. You have to brake the
signals from the background to see what it is you are focusing on (same
thing for touch and sound etc).
Where we have problems is when we are braking too much. Typically the
hyper kid has big signals from 1-7 more or less. 4-7 is called Theta and
is the range for daydreaming and creativity but also for zoning out and
hyperactivity. So "what is it" is too simple.
I think "brakes" is a good concept. Little taps on the brakes keep the
car from skidding, and little taps in the brain cause it to focus. When
the brakes are on strongly, you are putting out very high amplitude slow
waves and we call the condition "sleep", but then every 90 minutes you do
very fast waves and lots of business goes on. You remain asleep, in fact
harder to wake up than otherwise. Brakes are not pathological, just don't
have them on when you are trying to accelerate from the red light.
All relaxation is exciting to the brain (understand that brain excitation
isn't the same as being all up and bouncing because your favorite is
coming to see you). Many folk make an error thinking of relaxation as
leading to sleep, but the flow of calm excitation supples the brain and
makes it fluent again and then sleep can do its restorative job.
What happens in ADHD is that the brain is half braked, not asleep but
persistently half asleep. That's why Ritalin works, and that is why EEG
biofeedback works.
When the brain is injured its response is huge amplitude of slow waves,
like sleep, but not entirely restorative (that's what the brain is trying
to do). So EEG training works - in my cases the OT and PT have been done
long ago, and are not needed - when I'm director of rehab I'll do EEG
biofeedback before any of other modes, and then they will be very useful.
If this isn't clear ask again. Dr. Von
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 21:26:45 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: Re: ADD Re: New to List; Joyce's comment;Comment
Chromium deficiency has long been attested as a deranger of
sugar metabolism. Any chromium ascorbate works like a charm -
try Alacer Brand. Dr. Von
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 21:24:14 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Re: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
>Do these physical markers mean that ADHD is inherited? No! Not at all.
>These markers are a function of stress before, during, and after
>pregnancy. The stress is usually nutritional, but good old shake-rattle-
>and-roll social stress will do the job as well. Mommies of ADHD children
>were stressed out, poorly nourished and often were not happy.
Dr. Von,
Thank you very much for being the honored Visiting Expert! I have a
comment and questions.
I know that a colleague of yours, Phil Bate, Ph.D. also mentions
stress being associated with allergies or food reactions. I have
noticed that for myself as well. When I first reduced and nearly
eliminated my allergies, I was practicing yoga regularly. On the
physical level for me, the stress wasn't so much a lack of nutrients
(it seemed), but simply a significant amount of unbalanced meals of
junk food, some overeating and inconsistent eating schedule.
>Some children absolutely lose all their symptoms in 40 or so sessions of
>EEG training. A few need continuing training because they have Tourette's
>Syndrome or some other hard to fix problems. Everybody, of course, will
>benefit from good diet, avoidance of poisons, and elimination of
>allergens. Even when the allergy isn't fixed, the allergic patient who
>completes EEG training has a happier, healthier life.
Here are a few questions I had:
- Has it been your experience that the number of EEG training
sessions required are significantly greater if a few weeks
or so are not spent eliminating foods and chemicals that
contribute to these behavioral changes? If that is the case,
do you generally recommend working on eliminating such food/
chemical reactions first and setting up an EEG training session
several weeks later?
- I have seen discussions on various groups about EEG machines.
I was wondering if you could take a moment to summarize your
thoughts about:
- purchasing a machine vs. using a practitioner's machine
- how much training is needed to use the EEG machine correctly
- price considerations -- it's not free, but so many of your
patients have had positive outcomes -- how to get the most
"bang for your buck" so to speak.
>Dr. Von says that if you are interested in hyperactivity and attention
>deficit you must have a look at www.eegspectrum.com; www.ssnr.org;
>www.bfe.org; www.aapb.org as well as NEXT WEEK at his own website
It looks like your site is fully functional! Great!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 21:24:31 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: DGLurvey@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Von - what you said
EEG Biofeedback took away my attention problems years ago. After a
horrible breakup my doctor put me on Wellbutrin for depression. However
the stimulant effect of the drug has helped also. It has made focus
easier while it used to be some work some of the time. Now that I am
winding down off Wellbutrin I find that that same focus is with me even on
non-med days.
I have been training my self to focus on organizational issues.
Keeping my desk clean and keeping myself cleaner. Because those things
are part of my PTSD. I am making great progress. It's difficult to want
to shower twice a day when you have claustrophobia.
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 12:25:46 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "John V DOMmisse, MD"
Subject: Re: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
Mark (host), and Dr Geo. vonHilzheimer (visiting expert),
The subject of allergies causing ADHD and other neuropsychiatric
conditions reminds me that, on Physicians' Online, a Dr Marshall Mandell
has been telling the rest of us about his experience of curing numerous
conditions, including ADHD with food-elimination diets. I believe he
would have a great time interacting with this Mailing List, so I am
copying this e-mail to him in the hope that he'll get it and respond to
the Mailing-List. Unfortunately, this would just be the rare occasion
when Physicians' Online is not responding and may be down temporarily, so
I can't check his e-mail address, which I have on POL but not in my
EarthLink address-book yet. So, if this address doesn't work for him,
I'll correct it as soon as see POL is functional again.
John DOMmisse MD
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 12:26:16 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Joyce
Subject: Re: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 13:52:01 -0400
Hi everyone,
>>Mommies of ADHD children
>>were stressed out, poorly nourished and often were not happy.
I've heard that thought before. The MD that finally found and resolved
our older sons problems, initially listened to my spouse and me describe
the problems with our sons and then said something to the effect that "You
are under a lot of stress, you need to take very, very good care of you
and here's how to start." Although we had already eliminated almost all
junk food out of the house, he eliminated the rest and added supplements.
Of course, he didn't know, nor did I, that I was also ADD . His
suggestions helped even if they did not resolve everything.
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:14:56 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: Re: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
By the way, my website,
www.hyperactivekids.com is now up and
running although the library shelves aren't full, yet. Lots of good
stuff, though.
>1. Has it been your experience that the number of EEG training
> sessions required are significantly greater if a few weeks
> or so are not spent eliminating foods and chemicals that
> contribute to these behavioral changes? If that is the case,
> do you generally recommend working on eliminating such food/
> chemical reactions first and setting up an EEG training session
> several weeks later?
Most practitioners are not willing to engage in the heavy
wrestling that it requires to get parents to change diets radically. In
my own case I advise parents to shape up, and tell them I'm not going to
talk about it any more. But I make it clear that I think it is child
abuse to be feeding a child junk.
I can't give you an answer to your question. Neither I nor anyone known
to me has done a careful study. www.quackwatch.com would tell you that
diet is unimportant and that Feingold and the rest of us are quacks.
Well, I list quackwatch on my own website, because I want parents to make
up their own minds. The editor of quackwatch is a retired psychiatrist,
and his defenses of psychotherapy make me laugh - there is no evidence for
going to a psychotherapist over a good friend, policeman, Sunday School
Teacher, or your grandmother (Dawes, R.M. HOUSE OF CARDS, Free Press,
>2. I have seen discussions on various groups about EEG machines.
> I was wondering if you could take a moment to summarize your
> thoughts about:
> - purchasing a machine vs. using a practitioner's machine
> - how much training is needed to use the EEG machine correctly
> - price considerations -- it's not free, but so many of your
> patients have had positive outcomes -- how to get the most
> "bang for your buck" so to speak.
If you come to me with a child with a serious brain injury I always
set you up in a program to get your own machine and spend a
month training with me. You are going to have to do 1000 sessions
and it doesn't make sense to buy from a practitioner. It isn't brain
surgery, and if you will be careful, systematic and thorough, you will
get good results. No one has harmed anyone by doing EEG biofeedback,
although some report bad sessions. I've never seen a bad session in 40
years, but ......
I do not have universal experience, but I own and use the Neurocybernetics
machine from EEG Spectrum, which has been reliable for 8 years; I have
five 120a Autogen machines (the oldest is 30 years experienced!), and one
A620 Autogen; I also have a Biocomp which does EEG and HEG but have only
had it for a year. The all time winner for cost effectiveness is the
F1000b from frank@focused-technology.com . I have used all my machines
roughly every day, and all these companies and products are reliable. I
typically use all of them on every client - each has an advantage. Some
sessions are around the room to four stations.
In Orlando we are blessed to have the Stepping Stone foundation which
makes machines available to seriously ill kids who live near Mickey Mouse.
I have had no problems with even severely damaged children, and always
good results.
In fact, one of my businessmen friends told me the best way to promote
business was by calling your old customers. So, I foned the whole list.
They all love me, and their kids are all doing well - didn't bring in any
business, no one needed more work! EEG biofeedback is robust, safe and
Dr. Von
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 14:13:46 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: ADD PTSD, things that work.
Dennis, have you had any sessions of TIR, Trauma Incidence Reduction,
which is described in Gerbode's book, Metapsychology? I have had great
success using Gerbode (although I hated his title, he seems to have given
that up and focuses now on the TIR identity).
The method makes great sense and works readily.
I think there is a website etc.
You might also find someone who does Ericksonian interactive therapy.
While practitioners are more prone to airy fairy posturing than the
Gerbode trained workers Interactive can be a powerful tool.
Since Sterman started with C-3/C-4 SMR training, and was followed by Quirk
doing the same with 2776 felons from 1970-1995 at Ontario Inst of
Correction I have followed Sterman and added Quirk's use of temperature
training (at the left index finger) and GSR training, in the model of Mary
Cover Jones for reducing the effect of trauma (usurped by Wolpe as
"Reciprocal Inhibition Therapy"). You can find Quirk's SCARS described at
www.eegspectrum.com but look carefully, that site is jammed with good
stuff! but needs a good librarian!!!
Good luck, Dr. Von
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 16:25:06 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Showell16@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
Dr. Von,
Since reading your post I am seriously considering this with my son who is
ADHD - almost 8. Of course, he is "less" adhd now that I am homeschooling
him and have changed his diet and started supplements. Actually just the
act of homeschooling him has increased his attention span and increased
his reading skills dramatically.
My question is actually about my other son who is almost 12 who is
Asperger's Syndrome and maybe be ADHD too - hard to tease some of it out.
Do you know if biofeedback has helped children with Asperger's.
Thank you
Sharon Howell
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 20:01:46 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: ADD Asberger's Syndrome
Yes, EEG Biofeedback has a strong effect in autism and in Asperger's
If I were the parent of any child with a severe chronic brain illness I
would obtain training, and then buy my own machine and train my child
You can look at dozens of case histories at www.eegspectrum.com - it takes
a bit of work to get through the enormous information there, but try hard.
Well worth the effort and David Kaiser, Ph.D., the webmaster is a very
kind and knowledgeable fellow.
You can look at my own
www.hyperactivekids.com but I haven't got my
Library shelves filled yet, still there is plenty of good info.
Good luck, Dr. Von
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 20:05:45 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: ADD Showering
My wife is the shower user in our house. I always take a tub bath,
1,2,3,4 who cares, much lest claustrophobic than the shower. You should
add epsom salts to the tub water and alternate or mix with sodium bicarb.
With kids adding sodium bicarb actually increases the vascularity of the
brain. Ray Peat, Ph.D. has written a great deal on the value of sodium
bicarb. The epsom salts is magnesium sulphate and reduces hyperactivity
directly. Very relaxing and it is a good time for Dad to get the time he
needs to be physically touching the kids every day.
Tub baths, ideal for ADHD. If any of you ever taught nursery school you
know that water play calms the kids. Well an nice tub bath, esp with a
couple of cups of epsom salts, and a cup of bicarb, really relaxes the
kids and they sleep deeply with good restoration.
So don't shower, plunge!
Dr. Von
-----Original Message-----
From: ejg
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Von - what you said
>Yes--why do you want to shower twice a day??!!
>Unless you do physical work, maybe that's it. I take a shower
>every other day. Frankly, it's boring and just one more
>darned thing I feel like I "have" to do but don't
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 20:06:01 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: ADD Dr. Mandell, Allergies and ADHD
You can download my book, ALLERGY, TOXINS AND THE LD CHILD, from
www.hyperactivekids.com and since you come from add-holistic I do forgive
the shareware fee. I wrote this book about the time I met Marshall
Mandell who is one of the greats of allergy, and who made many folk aware
of the fair, tow headed, dark circles around the eyes, nose wiping
hyperactive allergic child.
Dr. Von
-----Original Message-----
From: John V DOMmisse, MD
Subject: Re: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
>The subject of allergies causing ADHD and other neuropsychiatric
>conditions reminds me that, on Physicians' Online, a Dr Marshall Mandell
>has been telling the rest of us about his experience of curing numerous
>conditions, including ADHD with food-elimination diets. I believe he
>would have a great time interacting with this Mailing List, so I am
>copying this e-mail to him in the hope that he'll get it and respond to
>the Mailing-List. Unfortunately, this would just be the rare occasion
>when Physicians' Online is not responding and may be down temporarily, so
>I can't check his e-mail address, which I have on POL but not in my
>EarthLink address-book yet. So, if this address doesn't work for him,
>I'll correct it as soon as see POL is functional again.
> John DOMmisse MD
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 20:06:29 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: ADD Exhausted parents
Exhausted parents are the rule. I just had a phone call from Patrick,
whose picture as a 4 year old is in my book, ALLERGY, TOXINS AND THE LD
CHILD, (free from the
www.hyperactivekids.com ), he's 40 now and wanted to
know what nutriments his newly pregnant wife should take. Note to
grateful readers, Patrick flew my wife and me to Bermuda, and paid all our
expenses, so that I could officiate at his wedding. Nice when gratitude
is REALLY emphasized.
Anyone else wants a wedding done, I do wonderful weddings!
Anyway, his mother always grabs my hand and kisses it and says "You saved
my life", which is probably true. Patrick was the original hellion but
mellowed beautifully on amphetamine (in that early time I had to threaten
his pediatrician with death to Rx amphetamine for a 4 year old, then he
started giving it to all of his ADHD patients), and then was managed on
diet - we never got around to doing EEG biofeedback on him, and didn't
really start applying it to kids until about 1990.
You will find questionnaires for adults at my website.
Dr. Von
-----Original Message-----
From: Joyce
Subject: Re: ADD Opening post from Visiting Expert Dr. Von
>I've heard that thought before. The MD that finally found and resolved
>our older sons problems, initially listened to my spouse and me describe
>the problems with our sons and then said something to the effect that "You
>are under a lot of stress, you need to take very, very good care of you
>and here's how to start." Although we had already eliminated almost all
>junk food out of the house, he eliminated the rest and added supplements.
>Of course, he didn't know, nor did I, that I was also ADD . His
>suggestions helped even if they did not resolve everything.
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 21:41:43 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Showell16@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Asperger's Syndrome
DR. Von,
Thank you very much for your advice concerning my son.
I'll take a look at the web sites.
Sharon in TX:-)
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 22:07:40 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Rich
Subject: ADD insurance issues
Not sure if this is DIRECTLY within the scope of this forum, if not, then
please ignore. Otherwise, here goes. Does anyone have any problems with
regard to getting your insurance companies to pay for neurofeedback
treatment? I got mine to pay for part of it. They paid 75% of the bill
for 30 visits. However, from what I hear, it takes about 50 - 55 visits
to see definite results. I've filed a grievance with the state of Oregon
to get my insurance company to pay for an additional 20 visits. The state
says this process takes around 60 days to complete. Gee, maybe my
neurofeedback training will wear off by then and I can start over!
(sorry, a tiny bit bitter here). I'm sure there are a lot of insurance
companies that would not even contemplate paying for this. Nevertheless,
I know they are not hurting for money and I think I should press this
issue. My question is this: has anyone had a similar experience where
you actually won against the insurance company?
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 22:02:11 -0600 (MDT)
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: Re: ADD insurance issues
Rich, as a practitioner I always tell folk, "no one can tell you if your
insurance covers this care. Get a referall from your primary, then I'll
get an Rx from your highest ranking specialist." I find that if Mom
(usually) or Dad will develop OCD and pursue and pursue and pursue, the
company finally pays. However, yesterday we received a letter in the
SIXTH year of care of a retarded schizophrenic man, "the benefits are
denied for services in 1998 because the services were given before the
date the policy beganthe policy has been in effect for 20 years, but the
company has rejected and rejected on false bases every time. ". This
company has used every rejection paragraph in their handbook. Insurance
companies are in business to make money and some are utterly fraudulent.
others are decent and straightforward. You never know.
You just have to dig in and fight. Dr. Von
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 15:02:21 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert Introduction
Hi! Below is an introduction of this week's honored Visiting Expert.
But first, I want to thank Dr. Von for providing us with detailed
information related to successful ADD/ADHD treatment methods. Please
feel free to check his web page at:
Billie M. Thompson, Ph.D.
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 15:02:21 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert Introduction
I am excited that one of the top experts on the Tomatis Method has
agreed to be the honored Visiting Expert on the ADD-Holistic
discussion group. The Tomatis Method has been used to successfully
treat ADD/ADHD, autism, dyslexia, learning disabillities, and sensory
integration and motor skills difficulties. It is one of the
techniques recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil to treat ADD.
Billie M. Thompson, Ph.D., is Founder and Director of Sound Listening &
Learning Centers in Phoenix, Arizona and Pasadena, California. Dr. Thompson
received her doctorate in 1979 from Arizona State University and was trained
and certified by the developers of the methods offered in the Centers,
including Dr. Tomatis. She is a specialist in human development training who
has spent 25 years in the educational and training fields. A pioneer in
bringing the Tomatis Method to the U.S, she has hosted U.S. Tomatis training
with Dr. A. A. Tomatis and edited the English translations of two Tomatis
books, The Conscious Ear and The Ear and Language. With Don Campbell, Dr.
Thompson hosted 2 week Power of Sound workshops from 1992-97. She is
organizing US training for the Tomatis Method.
Recent national presentations include:
- Pavlovian Society (1999)
- Magic Ears Conference (New Mexico) 1999
- CDIC (Children's Disabilities Information Coalition) 1999
- New Jersey Association for Speech and Hearing 1999
- International Alliance for Accelerated Learning 1998
- International Listening Association 1998
- National Music Therapy 1997
- National Orff Schulwerk Conference 1997
- Human Adaptation in Music 1997
- Numerous presentations at national, state, and local Educational Training and
Development Associations and Autistic Associations.
Dr. Thompson's opening post will follow later tonight (Monday).
From: Drbthmpsn@aol.com
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 03:25:22 EDT
Subject: RE ADD internet discussion group
ADD/ADHD Discussion Group
I often see children and adults who want to improve their focusing,
attention, concentration, and learning abilities. Some of them are diagnosed
ADD or ADHD. The solution offered in the Sound Listening & Learning Center
since 1987 is called the Tomatis Method. It has a fifty year history in
Europe. The results vary from person to person. It is a program of sound
stimulation and consultation provided during daily sessions of 2 hours for
three to four intensives of 15 days. Whereas the person's hearing is
generally good, they have a problem with organizing what they hear. The
results vary from person to person, and we work with all ages, toddler
through elderly. We have worked successfully with hundreds of people with
attention problems. Here are a few testimonials from adults, teenages, or
parents of children who have done the program.
MS is an engineer who completed 60 hours of Tomatis training at age 37. He
describes his experience during his participation.
At age 36 years, for as long as I could remember life had been a very scary
place. This changed when my ears were opened after 30 years of being shut
down to pitch levels that as a child were either emotionally threatening
and/or scary. My life has changed in many ways thanks to the staff of the
Sound Listening and Learning Center.
My new partner is a school teacher who noticed that I was pronouncing words
incorrectly, I reversed numbers and letters. She thought I may have a
learning disability. In the process of researching learning disabilities I
found a book called Sensory Integration and the Child by Dr. Jean Aryes and a
Reader's Digest article about a girl who had auditory problems which caused
her to shut out the world. I determined from my research that I had a form of
Sensory Integration (SI) problem, so I decided it was time to find a
After many calls and repeating my symptoms many times, I located a Therapist
who told me that my problem sounded like an auditory one and suggested I call
the Sound Listening and Learning Center. After talking to the Sound Listening
and Learning Center I decided to schedule a date to be tested to determine if
their program could help me. My insight paid off. Testing showed that I had
shut down to listening at the age of six and they could help with my
As I participated in a program that was tailor-made for my needs, my progress
was monitored and adjustments made to my program as changes occurred. During
my participation, I became aware of how different sounds made me feel inside
and how these sounds stimulated many emotions which were unknown to me.
After completing 45 hours of training, I noticed some major improvements in
my life. I began to look forward to the start of a new day. I found I could
organize my time better which helps in problem solving. I could tolerate the
sounds and movements of large crowds, which caused me great difficulties
throughout my life. I found myself talking more and starting conversations
with people any time I had the opportunity to do so. The world around me
seemed to be much brighter and a more friendly place than I could ever have
imagined. My balance improved and my handwriting improved, all because my
ears were opened up to listening to myself for the first time. After I
started listening to myself I found myself to be a very interesting person.
I completed 60 hours of listening training a couple of days after my 37th
birthday. In the past on my birthdays I never really gave myself a gift
before. This one was different because I gave myself the gift of being able
to listen to the world with open ears is. In my opinion, this is the GREATEST
GIFT anyone can give to himself.
The future seemed to take me to a feeling similar to being a child leaving
home for the first time to seek adventures with other people. To seek
adventures with other people, this is a new concept for me. Was I afraid? You
better believe I was, although with my ears open I had the confidence to
overcome any obstacle that life had to offer and come out a winner.
A year later MS wrote the following: It's been a year since I've had my ears
opened up. A lot of major changes have occurred over the year. I'm able to
tolerate crowds, which I had a major difficulty with before I came to Sound
Listening & Learning Center. I'm actually doing public presentations, which
I've dreaded all my life. I've noticed that my people skills have improved
all the way down to a posture change. I really feel quite positive that a
year later I'm still experiencing changes within my posture, my voice, and
just my attitude for living. I think that it's really improved, being able
to listen to the world at a normal level, other than with filtered or reduced
hearing. My life has taken a massive change, changed enough that I'm going
to get married for the first time in October.
9 year old Ryan was diagnosed with ADD was able to change from being a
disruptive student to a contributing student. His parents described the
changes he made.
Ryan had failed so miserably in school and had had so much negative pressure
from peers that he decided that he was "stupid and worthless" and had all but
given up. After taking the program at Sound Listening & Learning Center, he
is a renewed child. He no longer walks with his head down, but looks up and
stands tall. He is making mostly As and Bs. He is approaching people...and
tries to make friends. Ryan read the most books in his classroom and won the
gold medal. He is a much happier child because he can achieve personal
goals. He was invited to try out for the school play this year.
A mother told about her daughter's experience with the Tomatis Method five
years after she began it. Cindy continued to come to the center several times
a year for follow-up work.
My daughter Cindy is now fourteen, a freshman in high school, and on the
honor roll for the first time in her life! I think it's great, and she does,
too. In fact, the Vice Principal at the high school (who knew her last year
because she was also at her junior high school) called Cindy at home to
congratulate her. Cindy was just floored that the Vice Principal noticed her
achievement. When teachers and administrators notice these changes, the
students really appreciate it.
Fortunately, all is going well now. But we were aware since kindergarten that
Cindy had ADHD. We did not try medication because she would do okay without
it. She could not easily do things children normally did at that age, such as
put together puzzles and play Nintendo. She used short phrases and sentences
and did not speak much. She held her emotions and feelings inside, not
expressing them.
Following her participation in the Tomatis Method, I am amazed at all she can
do now - reading so well, directions, puzzles, everything - that she just
does it. She had not had to learn anything. That it was all there - this
large vocabulary, sense of humor, reasoning - she hasn't had to learn it. It
all was covered up and just had to be uncovered. How this must feel to her
must be incredible and a little scary. That's how we felt about it. It is a
little unsettling to have a new person in your home, and that's what she is.
It is so wonderful. This is what I've been dreaming could happen to her. I
knew there was more in there, but so many people have told me "She's fine;
she does well in school." But at such a cost of so much effort and her
feelings about herself because she knew there was so much more, too.
Over the last 50 years we have dramatically expanded our understanding of the
effect of sound vibration and stimulation on human life. Researchers,
educators, clinicians and healers have made the connection between sound and
such human facilities as auditory processing, speech, social interaction, and
the developmental process, among others. New theories about the role of the
ear in learning, communication, socialization, and rhythmic movement have
emerged as more sophisticated evaluation and diagnostic tools have been
We have, in fact, seen an explosion of techniques and methods that can now be
classified under the comprehensive umbrella of Sound Training. This emerging
field, which includes many applications of sound stimulation, can positively
impact the human nervous system and one's abilities to understand incoming
sensory data and to speak and act appropriately. (1) Much of this
sound-based knowledge builds upon the pioneering research and technology of
French physician Alfred A. Tomatis, whose system is well documented by
patents in the U.S. and worldwide.
There are now a variety of educational, training, and healing methods based
on sound training that can accelerate language development and learning
ability as well as impact one's confidence and social interaction as skills
develop more quickly. Expanded educational applications will evolve in the
future, along with other alternate sound-based technologies and methodologies
aimed at improving human interaction and performance goals.
Sound Training is an idea whose time has come. This appears obvious from the
work now being done that is drawn, by bits and pieces, from the original
sound training methodology and equipment. There now is a sizable group of
professionals working with a variety of methods, materials, and machines of
sound stimulation. Their goals include, but are not limited to, bettering or
enhancing the following:
- Neuro-developmental maturation (of speech, language, motor skills, etc.)
- Communication skills (language-based, social, and business applications)
- School learning skills and abilities
- Attention and the organization of behavior
- Social relationships and self-esteem
- Foreign language learning
- Musical applications for singers and musicians
- Relaxation
- Neurological rehabilitation for head injuries, strokes, etc.
The growing acknowledgement of sound training by both educational and
clinical third party payees around the world also indicates an idea whose
time has come. For example, in Germany and Switzerland, clinical
applications of the Tomatis Method are covered under National Insurance. In
the U.S., the state of Texas pays for the program for auditory processing
improvement via a Medicaid waiver program called CLASS. The New Mexico
Department of Education has funded programs for a group of 3- to 5-year-olds
(described below). A federal court in Arizona awarded a mother a judgment
against the Phoenix Elementary School District #1 that requires the district
to pay for her son's program. Several school districts in California and a
few other states have begun to pay for individual programs, including L.A.
Unified, the largest school district in the U.S. Some insurance companies
have paid for the program on the basis of individual needs for both children
and adults. The Veterans Administration has paid for a few cases, as has the
Arizona Department of Developmental Disabilities.
Likewise, sound training in our center has received national attention from
media as diverse at the IEEE journal Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Magazine, TV programs including Sightings and Medical Breakthroughs,
Tomorrow's Cures, Dr. Andrew Weil's Self-Healing Newsletter, Superlearning
2000 (2), The Definitive Guide to Alternative Medicine (3), The Out-of-Sync
Child(4) , and Don Campbell's best-selling book, The Mozart Effect™(5).
Sound training and its technology are based on the observations that 1)
people of all ages can be trained to process incoming sound more effectively
and that 2) many people have weaknesses or problems in their ability to
process sound that affect them in a multitude of ways (1). Sound training
also recognizes that listening ability is a foundation skill for people of
all ages. There is a significant difference between hearing and listening.
Listening is defined as the active ability, intention, and desire to focus on
sounds we want to analyze and to reject the ones we do not want. Listening
requires a neurophysiological capability as well as desire. Hearing is
simply the passive reception of sound. When the listening process is
disrupted, whether by accident, illness (such as chronic ear infections), or
other trauma, many kinds of communication and learning difficulties can
Sound training was originally used, nearly 50 years ago, with opera singers
who could no longer produce certain sounds with their voices. The sounds
missing from the singers' voices were also missing from their hearing.
Drugs, the remedy of the day, often failed to provide an effective solution.
Ammunitions factory workers who had suffered hearing loss from too long
exposure to loud noises were being treated at the same time, and the
similarities between their hearing tests and those of the opera singers were
noted. This led to the "Tomatis Effect" hypothesis, independently confirmed
at the Sorbonne in 1957, that the voice could only produce what the ear could
hear. Two corollaries followed: 1) if the sounds are restored to the ear,
they will be immediately restored to the voice, and 2) with sufficient
conditioning of one's ear to one's own voice heard with a good quality, the
changes can be maintained and strengthened. Many of the opera singers'
children took the sound training, followed by other parents and children who
noticed the improvements gained through sound training and who wanted to know
if it might help them, too. Over the last half century, the methodology and
accompanying technology expanded to many applications in several fields, in
particular, the following broad areas: education, clinical, personal growth,
music, native language, and foreign language.
A sound training program stimulates the ear and develops inner motivation to
listen, right audio-vocal control, a supportive listening environment, and
the ear-voice relationship essential to receive and self-monitor speech and
the singing voice. The sound training includes multiple proprietary
components of equipment and materials, special earphones for bone and air
conduction, Listening Test Machine for giving a Listening Test), enhanced
recordings (music tapes/CDs, including Mozart, Gregorian Chant, and a variety
of active voice tapes), and program protocols for machine settings and tapes
to use with different types of applications and individual users.
The most essential part of the sound training is the patented device (several
versions exist), which is connected to a good quality tape player or other
media that allows a full range of frequencies normal to human hearing to be
heard. The device can filter recordings of music and voice; the sound
travels through two channels, with different settings. A gating mechanism
alternates the sound between the channels when it reaches a specific
intensity. The sound is delivered through special earphones with bone and air
conduction. A new sound training device will soon be announced. It is
portable, uses the music of Mozart, Gregorian Chant, and folk songs, and also
includes the functionality to allow the listener to do active repetitions,
such as words, phrases, humming, and songs. Each of its fields of
application has three levels: Developmental, Competency, and
Proficiency/Professional. The three levels are each a combination of the
degree of proficiency in respect to the application [reading, writing, etc.]
and the length of the sound training work already done.
Listening protocols are designed to educate the ear to its full functions as
a receiver, discriminator, and energy generator. The right ear is trained to
be the leading or dominant ear to make for the most efficient and direct
processing of speech by the speech centers in the left hemisphere of the
brain. Through a microphone connected to the equipment, one's ears can
receive good quality audio-vocal feedback of one's voice. Sound training
continues to evolve as technology changes.
The sound training begins with an Initial Assessment (IA) to identify
listening strengths and weaknesses. The assessment (including a battery of
tests, a detailed review of history, observation of the person, and a
consultation to review the results) typically requires one to two hours. A
trained professional works with the adult or family of a child to define
appropriate goals and determine the most appropriate length and type of
listening training for an individual's specific needs. If an individual is
unable or unwilling to complete the test battery, the trained professional
may still recommend a sound training program based on a comprehensive
understanding of the person's needs, which is gained during the IA.
Individuals typically listen from one to two and one-half hours daily to
unfiltered and/or filtered music and voice processed through the equipment in
order to achieve specific goals. While listening, individuals participate in
creative activities such as drawing or painting, putting puzzles together,
playing games, conversing, or simply relaxing. Many of the activities help
to integrate reflex and tactile sensory systems.
The listening program has both passive and active phases provided over
several intensives. One goal of the passive phase of listening is to
encourage creativity and experimentation with new activities. During the
passive phase, the individual listens to sounds, primarily the music of
Mozart, which stimulates the development of thinking and rhythm abilities,
and Gregorian Chant, which possesses stimulating overtones. Children hear
songs and stories that stimulate their curiosity and reintroduce the rhythm
and intonation patterns of their native language or one they are trying to
During the active phase, the individual speaks into a microphone as his or
her voice is played back to his/her own ears through the special headphones
so that it can be heard with a good quality and it can condition the ear to
retain the effects. The individual may be asked to sing, hum, repeat words,
phrases and chants, and read aloud with music. The conditioning of one's ear
to one's voice heard with a good quality is an essential part of the program.
The active work can progress from basic sounds and speech for some children
with developmental and learning disabilities to the highly effective,
self-monitored oral activities of professional speakers, singers, actors,
musicians, salespeople, and others who depend on their voice to earn a
living. The internationally known French actor Gerard Depardieu described
his experience with sound training as helping him organize his thinking,
improve his speech, and eventually achieve his world-renowned acting
abilities (6).
A minimal program typically includes two to four intensives covering a total
of 60 to 90 hours of Sound Training. The first intensive is usually 30
hours. Three to six week breaks for integration of changes separate the
first two to three intensives. With persons who have significant difficulty
with language, for a variety of reasons, the program can typically extend to
200 hours or more (using additional intensives of 16 to 30 hours several
times a year) to assist the individual to further improve abilities and
maintain effective skills. The continued intensives are necessary for some
presenting problems in order to provide sufficient conditioning to achieve
the desired breakthrough behaviors. The initial intensives provide the
foundation upon which is built the basis for rapid change.
Caity's experience (7) provides a good example of someone whose major changes
did not show up until after 75 hours of Sound Training. Caity has some
changes that were very positive throughout her training, and when she sang
during the first part of the program, all of her voice range in the middle
language range was mostly missing. That changed and was analyzed by several
music therapists from pre and post videotaped singing sessions observing
Caity sing.
The sound training basically trains or conditions the ear until the
individual is capable of retaining the benefits without the training. The
equipment does not become a replacement for one's own good listening;
instead, it becomes the conduit for the education, or re-education, of one's
ears to their greatest potential.
The Consultant provides meetings throughout the program, teaching effective
communication, social interaction, and accelerated learning strategies to use
with one's newly enhanced listening. Meetings with families provide
effective strategies for individual support within the group and consistent
structure for children so they can develop their abilities to a high level.
Those who wish to learn more about this program or others who use it can
visit our website and
and an American website at
www.tomatis.com. Our center provides outreach programs in other locations where
there is sufficient interest.
I am very happy to answer questions if you e-mail me at drbthmpsn@aol.com or
info@soundlistening.com. They can be about the Tomatis Method or about
availability in your area. One book by Tomatis is available in English, and
is the first book he wrote. The Ear and Language was updated in 1996 before
From: Showell16@aol.com
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 09:09:14 EDT
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Dr. Billie Thompson (Tomatis Method)
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
Dr. Thompson,
Is this method the same as what is called Auditory Training like in the book
by Annebell Stahli that is autistic?? If not, what are the differences. I
have a Asperger Syndrome(high functioning autistic) son and a ADHD son.
Sharon in TX
From: Drbthmpsn@aol.com
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 00:23:29 EDT
Subject: Re: ADD-Holistic Question #1
Hi Sharon,
Tomatis and AIT are not the same. I describe differences in an article
published 3-4/99 in the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology called "The
Emerging Field of Sound Training." There are a number of differences. Tomatis
holds all the patents in the field. The program provides a developmental
process. It takes at least 60 to 90 hours to establish a good, foundation in
language and some motor planning. Increased socialization occurs in most
cases. Language emerges and the child listens to his/her own voice through
the Tomatis machine, so that it is heard as a good quality sound. The
training for Tomatis is at least 6 weeks. It is 4 days for AIT. We are
working with listening, or how what is heard is organized. AIT focuses on
hearing perception. In my experience, Tomatis does all and more than AIT.
Berard who developed AIT was a client of Tomatis first, then a colleague, and
then decided to develop his own machine, using some components no longer
under patent protection. The patented features still active in the Tomatis
Method are delivery of sound through headphones with bone and air conduction
with a delay between these and the active voice work. Tomatis uses Mozart,
Gregorian Chant, and often the filtered mother's voice to provide the sounds
of language as the child first heard them and used them to organize the
brain. There are many differences. If you want more information, you can
contact me directly, go to my website, soundlistening.com, or call
We work with many high functioning autistic and ADHD kids. Some go into
gifted classes to develop those gifted areas. Our first step is to test the
children, and if we cannot do this with the standard battery (many autistic
and young children fit this category), then we start them with a program to
create a foundation of sound upon which language and organized use of
information can be built. It's very amazing to watch. For example, a Phoenix
mom won a federal law suit last year and her son gained 2 yrs 9 months in
language ability in a duration of 9 months. He had lost ground before that
and was at less than 1% in language competency before we started to work with
With ADD and ADHD, the children get more focused and organized by getting
more balanced in their whole system.
Thanks for asking the question.
Billie Thompson
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 07:59:00 -0600 (MDT)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Questions for Dr. Thompson
Dr. Thompson,
Thank you very much for your presentation!
One thing that struck me about the some of the case histories
presented is that there was a significant transformation of the child
or adult, not only just an improvement in ADD/ADHD symptoms.
Below are a few questions that I am forwarding to you. Sorry about the
delay in forwarding these questions to the list.
- For a person who might be unsure if they want to try the Tomatis
Method, are lists of 1- or 2-day presentations / workshops in various
parts of North America where one can learn more details about the
method and meet others who have had success in using it? Or is it
simply better to try and locate the closet Tomatis Center and speak
to them about workshops.
- It sounds like most of the work/play with the Tomatis machine is done
at home. Is it the case that the machine is usually rented? Or
is it purchased? Or maybe I am misunderstanding and the practice with
the machine is done in the practitioner's office. If the practice
done primarily at home, how often does the child or adult go in for
followup evaluation?
- I noticed a web page with addresses of Tomatis Method centers at
Are there practitioners of the Tomatis Method that are not listed
in that section? Is the best way to find the closest practitioner
by contacting one of the Centers on the above-mentioned web page?
As an aside to ADD/ADHD....
- I would be intersted in trying the Tomatis Method for improvement
in my vocal and singing abilities. Is there a Center in the New
England area (Southern New Hampshire) that has experience in this
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
to add-holistic-request@mLists.net
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 18:40:47 -0600 (MDT)
To: mgold@tiac.net
From: Drbthmpsn@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD-Holistic Questionsv
Hi Mark,
Here are the answers to your questions.
The Tomatis program is done in a certified center. The equipment from
Tomatis International is not portable at the present time. Nor is it
rentable.There are plans for portable, but not available now. There are
some people who have taken portions of the method and reference it as
theirs is Tomatis, but it is not.
Regarding other Tomatis centers, most of those listed in tomatis.com were
people trained by Tomatis, though not all are currently certified by the
International organization. You could find someone closest to you. The
Amherst center in MA is closest to you. Also, I am doing outreach programs
in the Boston area. In fact, I am at this moment in Boston (through this
Thursday) finishing up a group of listeners and doing Initial Assessments
this week for others who want to start in the new year. I have worked with
some professional singers, mostly in CA. There has been interest in Boston
from some music teachers at the university, though they typically lack
funds to do it. If you're interested, let me know, and I'll let you know
when I'll be in Boston next year.
I have a program for curious professionals who want to know more about the
program without commiting to 60 hours of training. It includes 2 days of
listening following an Initial Assessment. It's called Ear Voice
Connection. The cost is $350 in Phoenix and Pasadena. I don't know if the
other centers offer this or not. The cost of the Initial Assessment in
Boston through our outreach program was itself $350. If you wanted to do
something this week and you could work with my schedule, you could do the
Initial Assessment and two hours of listening on the same day (only one
trip to Boston) for $150. The discount is a professional courtesy for the
opportunity you gave me. My cell phone is 602-549-4077, if you want to do
this. I'm in Waltham off the 128 at exit 27A.
Thanks, and Let me know if there are other questions to respond to. It did
not take too much time.
Billie Thompson
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Pamela J. W. Cain"
Subject: Tomatis -- CAPD eval??
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 07:33:17 -0400
I have a 8 yr old daughter who has attention issues (I am still
waiting for an ADD diagnosis). We assessed her for central
auditory processing disorders and we found that she did not exhibit
difficulty in this area. (Normal hearing thresholds, also.) However,
she frequently "zones off" and does not absorb essential
information. Following directions is problematic. Currently,
academics are fine, but behavior (out-of-seat, excess movement,
etc.) is not acceptable for a classroom. She needs constant
redirection/ focusing on the activity. Homework takes an inordinate
length of time.
It sounds like this Tomatis program is geared for remediation of
CAPD (central auditory processin disorder) rather than attention
issues. What is the effectiveness of this program when you take
out the subjects with CAPD? Would a child presenting with normal
processing abilities benefit from a "listening program."
I am a speech-language pathologist. Hence, I am also interested
in how comparable this program is to Fast ForWord (a phonemic
awareness computer program). If you are not familiar with this, it
also addresses pitch discrimination, phoneme discrim, and skills
for following directions.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Pamela J.W. Cain
-Peace Be With You
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Drbthmpsn@aol.com
Subject: Re: Tomatis -- CAPD eval??
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 03:06:09 EDT
Hi Pamela,
I'm emailing you directly and also to the group to answer your question.
The Tomatis program is much broader and comprehensive in scope than the
FastForword program. I did that training so am familiar with it. In
general, when a child has completed Tomatis and then done FF, they do much
better much quicker.
We deal with problems of listening, not just CAPD problems. The best way
to determine if the Tomatis program would be helpful is to look at the
symptoms of listening problems (you can see our site at
soundlistening.com) or call for a checklist ana other info at
602-381-0086. The problems with maintaining attention include a focus more
on one's own thoughts than on what is coming in from the environment
outside. The training is often helpful for this. Most of our clients have
normal hearing. Many of them work very hard to do homework because they
have difficulty integrating information. This involves the vestibular
processing, which is improved by the Tomatis Method. The vestibular system
is the major integrator of our sensory system. The other two major
integrators are vision and the cochlea. If we change the ability to
organize information, we effect many aspects of processing. I will be
available to answer your questions if you want to call the office. We do
some outreach programs in different areas of the US and can let you know
if we will be in your area if you forward your address and phone.
Thanks for the questions. I hope this has helped answer them.
Billie Thompson
Thom Hartmann
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Visiting Expert Introduction
It is an honor to introduce our next ADD-Holistic Visiting Expert, Thom
Hartmann. The experienced Holistic Medicine practitioner looks at a
disease or dysfunction in several ways (physical influences, psychological
influences, family and social systems, etc.). Mr. Hartmann will be
exploring some very important, but often ignored ways to look at people
diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. I encourage reading
completely through his opening post that will follow later today.
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Hartman to the ADD-Holistic discussion
group! [clap, clap, clap!]
Biography of Thom Hartmann
Thom Hartmann s books have been written about in Time magazine and he has
been on numerous national and international radio and TV shows, including
NPR s All Things Considered, CNN, and BBC radio. He has been on the front
page of The Wall Street Journal twice, has spoken to over 100,000 people
on four continents over the past two decades, and one of his books was
selected for inclusion in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian. A
best-selling and award-winning author, he is also rostered with the State
of Vermont as a psychotherapist, and a licensed and certified NLP
Practitioner and NLP Trainer.
Over the past twenty years, he has worked with hundreds of ADD and
hyperactive children and adults. In 1978, he and his wife Louise opened
the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV), a residential treatment
facility for children on one hundred and thirty-two wooded acres on
Stinson Lake in New Hampshire. The Children's Village is based on the
family model of the international Salem program located in Germany.
As executive director of NESCV for five years, Hartmann worked with
numerous psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers and courts, and
hundreds of children and parents. He taught parenting classes, helped
train child-care workers, was co-founder of the New Hampshire Group Home
Association, and worked closely with that state's governor to develop
programs for children in crisis.
NESCV specializes in providing previously institutionalized children with
a family model, non-institutional setting, and works, usually, without
drugs with children who have nearly all been in some form of drug therapy.
It was the subject of three major reports on National Public Radio's All
Things Considered afternoon news program, as well as feature articles in
Parenting, Prevention, East-West, Country Journal, and over a dozen other
national publications and newspapers. In 1998, NESCV will be opening The
Hunter School, a residential school for ADD/ADHD children (for more
information, call 603 786-9427).
Hartmann also worked with the international Salem program based in Europe
to set up famine relief and other, similar programs in Africa, Europe,
South America, and Asia, and lived with his family for a year in Germany
at the international Salem headquarters. In Uganda, in 1980 (just months
after Idi Amin was run out of the country), he entered a war zone and
negotiated with the provisional government for land to build a hospital
and refugee center, which is still operating and seeing an average of over
five hundred patients a day. He has helped set up similar programs in
several other countries, most recently traveling to Bogota, Colombia.
From 1972 to 1978, and 1987 to 1991, he taught concentration and
meditation techniques through a series of weekly classes, and spoke on
these subjects at numerous conferences in the United States and Europe.
As a journalist, Hartmann spent seven years as a radio and television news
reporter during and immediately after his college years, and has been
published over two hundred times in more than fifty different national and
international publications, ranging from the German version of
International Business Week and The Christian Science Monitor, to Popular
Computing, for which he wrote a monthly column for two years. At one time
he was Contributing Editor to, and a columnist for, seven different
national magazines, and is the winner of the prestigious Jessie H. Neal
award for excellence in reporting. His monograph about dietary
intervention in the hyperactive syndrome was published in 1981 in The
Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, and one of his short stories won a
national award. One of his books (Think Fast!) was selected for inclusion
in the permanent exhibit on information technology in medicine at the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
Additionally, Hartmann has successfully started seven businesses, one of
which made the front page of The Wall Street Journal. Enterprises he has
started (and, with two exceptions, later sold) include an advertising
agency, a newsletter/magazine publishing company, an herbal tea
manufacturing company, an international travel wholesaler and travel
agency, a training company presenting seminars nationwide, an electronics
design and repair company, and a company which sells computer peripherals.
He has published nine nonfiction books and written nine novels, is both a
licensed pilot and a licensed private detective (neither of which he
practices), and a former skydiver.
The founder of the Michigan Healing Arts Center, and a student of
"alternative" medicine, he received a C.H. (Chartered Herbalist) degree
from Dominion Herbal College, an M.H. (Master of Herbology) degree from
Emerson College, and a Ph.D. in Homeopathic Medicine from Brantridge in
England (his Ph.D. thesis was published in a national-circulation magazine
in the United States, and these degrees qualify him to practice
homeopathic and herbal medicine in England, Canada, India, and several
dozen other countries). He completed a residential post-graduate course in
acupuncture at the Beijing International Acupuncture Institute, the
world's largest accredited acupuncture teaching hospital, in Beijing,
China, in 1986. He is also a certified and licensed NLP (NeuroLinguistic
Programming) Practicioner and Trainer, and rostered as a Psychotherapist
by the State of Vermont.
A student of technology, he held a radio and TV station broadcast
engineering license from the federal government, is a former amateur radio
operator, a Certified Electronics Technician, and a former
engineer/technician for RCA. He currently holds contracts with CompuServe
to supervise and operate the Desktop Publishing and DTP Vendor Forums,
Office Automation Forum, ADD Forum, International Trade Forum, and half a
dozen others. In this capacity, he daily helps serve the needs of
CompuServe's millions of members, and can easily be reached online at
"Thom@compuserve.com". His books about ADD, business, and spirituality are
available in bookstores nationwide.
In the marketing and advertising field (his specialty), he is currently
president of Mythical Books, sold in 1997 an advertising agency and
newsletter publishing company, has worked as a consultant to dozens of US
Government agencies and hundreds of companies, and has taught seminars on
advertising and marketing to over ten thousand companies and individuals
in the past fifteen years. His clients include over four hundred seventy
of the Fortune 500 firms, and he has been a keynote speaker to groups
ranging from a Hong Kong banker's meeting, to a symposium on international
travel sponsored by KLM Airlines and American Express in Amsterdam, to the
California Teachers Association's annual conference. He has spoken to over
100,000 people on four continents.
An inveterate traveler and sometimes a risk-taker, Hartmann has often
found himself in the world's hot spots on behalf of the Salem organization
or as a writer, a situation which causes his friends to sometimes wonder
aloud if he works for the CIA (he does not). He was, for example, in The
Philippines when Ferdinand Marcos fled the country; in Egypt the week
Anwar Sadat was shot; in Uganda during the war of liberation by Tanzania;
in Hungary when the first East German refugees arrived; in Germany when
the wall came down; in Peru when the Shining Path first bombed the
presidential palace; in Beijing during the first student demonstrations;
in Thailand when they were briefly invaded by Laos, then again when the
military coup of 1991 occurred, then again when the military were thrown
out in 1992; in Barbados during the recent anti-government strikes and
shutdowns; in Bogota and Medellin, Colombia, during the spate of killings
of presidential candidates; in Israel, in the West Bank town of Nablus,
the week the Intifada started there; on the Czech border the week
Chernobyl melted down; in Kenya during the first big wave of crackdowns on
dissidents; and in Venezuela during the 1991 coup attempt. He has been
successful in avoiding some disasters, however. For example, he was out of
the country when George Bush picked Dan Quayle as his running mate.
Born in 1951, he is the father of three children aged sixteen to
twenty-four, and has been married to his wife, Louise (a brilliant, very
patient, and non-ADD woman), for twenty-five years.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: ADD Opening Post from Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann
"Good Science" and the Wounding of America's Children
by Thom Hartmann
At a recent national convention on ADHD, one speaker suggested
"good science" argues that ADHD is entirely a pathological condition, a
genetic illness, and that there is no value whatsoever in a person "having
ADHD." Anybody who may seek to offer hope to ADHD children or parents was
accused of telling "stories," the citation again being "good science."
The speaker suggested that ADHD is purely a genetic defect; the
neo-Darwinist theory being that sometimes genetic problems are simply
"weaknesses in the evolution..." and that, "qualities of ADHD place
individuals at the lower tail of an adaptive bell curve...."
If this is true, then perhaps we should all just throw up our
hands and put ourselves in the care of the pharmaceutical industry, which
has been more than generous to many who put forth the above assertion. If
not, then the very word "science" itself is being twisted in a dangerous
way, reminiscent of how the Eugenicists and Germans used "science" earlier
in this century to justify "correcting genetic deficiencies" in the human
Which is the case?
True "good science" understands three primary ways a researcher
can devise a study to prove pretty much whatever he wants. These methods
involve what are called "sample bias"; "experimenter bias" (or
"experimenter effect," or "the Heisenberg Principle"); and "model bias" or
defects in the actual structure of the experiment itself or the
conclusions drawn from it. Let's take a very quick look at how badly most
of the supposed "good science" that calls itself "research" into ADHD has
been contaminated by these various problems.
Sample Bias
If we wanted to find out what type of people were generally
driving cars in, say, New York City, an easy way to do the study would be
to approach the New York Police Department. "Let us put a psychologist in
the back seat of every police car for two weeks," we could ask, "and
whenever the cop stops somebody or arrests somebody, our psychologist will
jump out with a clipboard and pen and interview the subject, taking
detailed notes."
What would we find? To the no-doubt horror of people living in
New York (and the delight of those in Los Angeles), we could
"scientifically prove" that virtually all New York drivers studied had
committed some sort of crime, these ranging from minor traffic infractions
to murder. More than eighty percent were at risk for jail time if they
didn't appear in court or pay a fine within a few weeks. Ninety percent
had bad or sullen attitudes. Fully fifteen times the population of
"normal drivers" (not stopped by the police) were engaged in some sort of
active criminal behavior, such as speeding away from a bank robbery or
carrying drugs or fleeing the scent of a crime. The picture would be
grim, indeed, because the entire study had been done from the back seat of
police cars.
Similarly, many of the studies of ADHD individuals have been done
from the back seat (metaphorically) of mental institutions; the back seats
of the offices of psychiatrists, psychologists, or psychotherapists; the
back seats of the youth criminal justice system; or the back seats of
counselor's or special education teacher's offices. Those identified to
participate in the study in the first place were those who were already
crashing and burning, already in crisis, already identified by themselves
or somebody else as a person with a problem.
This is sample bias at its worst, and if it weren't so tragic that
people take them seriously, many of these purported "studies" of ADHD
individuals would be laughable.
Experimenter Bias
David Reilly, M.D., reports on a study done at the University of
Glasgow, Scotland, from 1987 to 1990. During this study, a group of
asthma patients were given "a new asthma drug" over a period of several
months. The patients thought they were getting medications at all times
(although realized they were participating in some sort of medical study).
The first month the doctors gave the pills, they (the doctors) thought
there was a fifty percent chance the pills they were passing out contained
some sort of drug, and a fifty percent chance they were handing out
placebos (sugar pills), although the doctors themselves didn't know which
was which or who was getting which. The reactions from the patients
varied, but were not dramatic. The next few weeks, the doctors were told
that all of the pills they were passing out contained drugs. The
responses of the patients were so sudden and so dramatic that one claimed
to be cured of his asthma, whereas another had such a severe and
life-threatening asthma attack within minutes of administration of the
drug that he threatened to sue the hospital and university supervising the
study for giving him such a dangerous experimental drug.
Interestingly, there were never any drugs involved in the study
whatsoever: at all times, the pills passed out were placebos. But when
the doctors were certain that all of the pills they were passing out were
drugs, the patients began to react much more strongly to the sugar pills
than they had when the doctors were unsure about whether the pills
contained drugs or were merely placebos.
A similarly dramatic study was published in the British medical
Journal Lancet in 1985 by Gracley, Dubner, Deeter, and Wolksee. Titled,
"Clinicians' expectations influence placebo analgesia," this study found
that when doctors thought they were giving out powerful pain drugs (to
people really in severe pain) the patients' pain usually dropped,
sometimes even more dramatically than under morphine. On the other hand,
when doctors gave real painkillers but thought they were passing out sugar
pills, patients' pain often wasn't significantly diminished, even though
the painkillers were among the most powerful in existence.
Over the years, many similar studies have been done, always with
similar results, and have been printed in publications ranging from The
Journal of the American Medical Association to the British Medical Journal
to Psychoneuroimmunology to Clinical Psychology Reviews.
In the field of education, numerous similar studies show the power
of experimenters' or patients' expectations. Classics include studies
where teachers are told they have bright or slow students and the students
perform to the teacher's expectations, or the famous classroom experiment
where children were told that blue eyes indicated higher intelligence or
status and brown eyes lower, and within days the children had socially
reorganized themselves.
In physics, this is referred to as The Heisenberg Principle: the
observer will always have some effect on the experiment, and the mere act
of being observed alters the way things are, thus changing the outcome of
the study. At least in physics, scientists understand this: some
"scientists" appear to have missed that week of science class, or perhaps
never studied the scientific method at all.
Thus, we have studies where children are "identified" at an early
age as having a "disorder" and being "deficient." They, or their parents,
or their teachers, or all, are told of the child's "deficit." And then
these children are "observed" over time to determine their "outcome."
If such research weren't so destructive, it would be comedic. The
sad fact is that if a control group of "normal" children were to be
introduced to the study, and these fully "normal" children were told they
had a brain "deficit" that was a psychological "disorder," and their
parents and teachers were similarly informed, and they were then observed
for a number of years, the damage that would be done to the "normal"
children by this change in their self-story is so obvious and predictable
that the experimenters could find themselves in jail for child abuse.
Certainly such a study of "normal" children would never pass a research
review board...yet we routinely inflict this on "disordered" children.
Model Bias or Experiment Model Defects
This area is the most pernicious and destructive of all among the
so-called "scientific" studies of ADHD children, precisely because it's so
transparent that most people never even realize it's present.
The basis of virtually all of the arguments put forward that ADHD
is purely a defect rest on research done among public schoolchildren in
the United States, or of adults who were students of American public
While education for the first six thousand years of our
civilization was most often a mentorship and interactive process, in the
past 170 years it's become something that even University of Virginia
founder Thomas Jefferson would not recognize.
For example, in the early years of education teachers were
expected to develop personal relationships with their students. If you
were a student of Rembrandt, you got to know him and he got to know you.
Or Hippocrates, or Pasteur, or Leonardo da Vinci. Even today, this is the
primary model of graduate school, particularly when people are working on
their Ph.D. or the latter years of their M.D. degrees.
However, in the 1800's several changes were made in our schools.
First, in the 1830's, the German schools introduced the notion that
children must ask the question, "May I ask a question?" before they could
ask a question. This two-step process or raising one's hand and then
being called on was inserted into German education to produce children
more fearful and respectful of authority figures. (And, apparently, it
Second, in the 1880's, a Cambridge instructor named William Farish
earned the distinction of being the world's first and most famous lazy (or
profitable) teacher. The industrial revolution was well under way by this
time, and Cambridge was experimenting with the idea of paying teachers
piece-rate (per student) instead of salaries. It increased the
productivity of factory workers, went the idea, so may increase the
productivity of teachers as well. But Farish was also stuck in a
six-thousand-year-old system of education where teachers were expected to
get to know their students well enough to know if the students understood
the material being taught. That took time and work. There had to be a
way, Farish reasoned, to turn children from pupils and students into items
on an assembly line. If they could be somehow organized into "learned"
and "hasn't yet learned" categories by an objective measure, then Farish
wouldn't have to take the time to get to know them. And so he invented
The invention of grades and standardized testing by Farish in the
1880s so increased his income (he could "teach" nearly three times as many
students, so his piece-rate pay skyrocketed) that other teachers stampeded
to follow. Grades became a major fad in England, moving to the United
States by the turn of the century and becoming firmly entrenched by the
Thomas Jefferson, educated in the 1700's, never had to raise his
hand and never took a test to determine his grade.
Between these two major changes - the
sit-down-shut-up-raise-your-hand-to-speak German invention and the
tting-to-know-you - schools were transformed from the Jeffersonian ideal
of a theatre of ideas and interaction into the Henry Ford ideal of an
assembly line. And, as with Ford's factories, any product on the assembly
line that wasn't "Grade A Standard" had to be pushed off the conveyor belt
and dumped into the trash bin, or else rebuilt by a different group of
workers whose job was to repair "defective goods."
Many people alive today remember the fate of left-handed children
in many schools earlier in this century. In my father's time, many
left-handed children literally had their left arms tied to their bodies
during the first few years of school so they could learn to write
"properly" with their right hands. They were, of course, suffering from
what was believed to be a defect of brain wiring: left-handed disorder. I
remember a friend, now in his late 70's, telling me with tears in his eyes
what a humiliating and painful experience it was to be so segregated from
his peers, what a struggle it was to try to cut paper for art class or
learn good penmanship, and how he was labeled a "slow learner" because he
was focusing so much of his energy on trying to use his right hand.
While it's obvious to us all what a wounding experience not
fitting into those schools left-handers had, most miss entirely how
painful it is for ADHD children in today's public schools. The brains of
ADHD children are not wired to be good items for an assembly line, and
they don't fit into the factories that our schools have become.
So should it surprise anybody that a study of them would find that
in these factory schools they don't perform as well as their "normal"
Again, the experiments are so pathetically designed that it's
astounding anybody would dare call them "science." The "control groups"
are "normal" students - those whose brains are wired in a way that allows
them to sit on the assembly line for 12 or more years with no problem at
all. The researchers say they're measuring the abilities of one group of
students against another, that there is only one major factor being
How sadly naive. What's really being measured is the school, not
the students.
What's being demonstrated by this so-called "good science" is that
our public schools will work fine for one group of kids, but will wound
another group of kids (those we call ADHD) so badly that they'll end up at
risk for drug abuse, develop attitudinal and self-esteem problems, and
spin into a free-fall of dysregulation and despair.
If the "control groups" in these studies were ADHD students in
private school environments, or homeschooling ADHD kids - who were never
wounded by public school, even in their early years - then the results
would be much different. As psychologist and former psychology professor
Dr. Stephen Larsen points out from the experience of his own two children,
"Public schools wound kids who are not what we call 'average,' and that
wounding can be severe and lifelong. Get those kids out of public schools
and into a true learning environment and they will outperform any norm you
can measure them against."
Ask any parent whose gone through the process, who's watched the
wounding of their child because he wasn't a "standardized product" for the
factory of "standardized education" and then seem him blossom in a private
school, charter school, or homeschooling environment, and you'll hear the
same story: ADHD children can succeed. And when their childhood
self-esteem isn't destroyed by so-called "experts" telling them that
because they're not just like every other car on the assembly line they
have a "deficit" and a "disorder," it turns out it is possible that these
ADHD children can grow up to be highly functional and successful adults.
Far from showing America has an army of genetically defective
children, "good science" has proven that we have a severely dysfunctional
educational system. Between one and three million children in the United
States alone must daily take psychoactive drugs ranging from stimulants to
antidepressants just to rewire their brains enough that they can stay on
the conveyor belt. Another several million require "educational
intervention," and over one million have given up on the public schools,
turning to homeschooling. (This is the first time in history that more
children are being homeschooled for academic reasons than for religious
reasons.) The system is broken, and out of that brokenness has come an
army of so-called experts who perform what they call "research" on these
children to prove their "defects," and a billion-dollar "therapeutic"
industry supplying the children wounded by our dysfunctional schools with
diagnosis, therapy, special education, and drugs.
We must confront a difficult question.
When my son couldn't succeed in a public school without taking
drugs because he had a "disorder" called ADHD, yet this same child jumped
two full grade levels in a single year without medications in a private
school where children didn't have to raise their hands and emphasis was on
mentoring and teaching instead of testing, I realized I'd been asking the
wrong question. It wasn't, "What's wrong with my son?" Instead, if the
disorder existed when he was in the public school, but vanished in the
private school, then where was the disorder? Concluding the disorder was
in the school and not the child, we homeschooled his younger sister for
her high school years, and this "bad student" completed four years of
schooling in two years, never working more than two hours a day, and began
college at the age of sixteen. She, too, had been told she had a
disorder, and again I had to ask myself, "Where is the real disorder?"
I believe it's critically important that we all ask our
"scientists" and ourselves the same question. Then we can get on with
taking education back to the model that worked so well for six thousand
years, but has recently been twisted into a destructive and wounding
machine by the belief that cars on assembly lines and children in schools
are essentially the same thing.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann addendum
I was supposed to tack on Thom Hartmann's web page resources, but forgot.
The following web page points to Mr. Hartmann's ADD Books and training
Please feel free to post any questions you have related to his work or his
opening post.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: Showell16@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 10:29:06 EST
In a message dated 11/1/99 9:28:51 PM, THOM@compuserve.com writes:
Hi Thom,
Happy to have you this week. I could not agree more with the above
paragraph. This is why I am now homeschooling my boys Brian - 8 adhd and
Mike - 12 Asperger's syndrome. Brian has learned to read and read well
now that he is in a loving, supportive environment that meets his
needs!!!!! I have read several of your books and I have thoroughly
enjoyed them! I especially like the idea of thinking of our kiddos or
ourselves not in the deficit or disorder model - I hate those words!!!! I
refused to turn my children over to the drug companies and the public
schools to ruin their chances of a good future. The public school of
course wanted my Brian on drugs. I do have my Asperger's child on some
very low dose meds but only until I can finish adding the dietary and
supplement changes to his world! Thanks again Thom for your great work !
Sharon in TX:-)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 08:48:45 -0500
Message text written by Mark Gold
>I especially like the idea of thinking of our kiddos or
ourselves not in the deficit or disorder model...<
Thanks! I think it's important for us to acknowledge that those of us and
our kids who share this brain wiring or these personality characteristics
are different from those who easily succeed in schools or factories.
However, I, like you, disagree with using very powerful words like
"deficient" and "disordered" to tell children to apply to themselves. I
prefer to tell my son that he and I are "Hunters stuck in a world that's
been taken over by Farmers."
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: srjarv@webcntrl.com
Subject: To Thom Hartman
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 21:41:21 +0000
Hi Thom,
Great to see you on the list. I have been hear quite some time. I
have not posted though in months. I mostly just read when there's
time. I attended the whole day conference you had in Chicago this
past summer, and thought I would take this opportunity to say Thanks
for such an experience. I wrote to you long ago when the Adda
conference was originaly cancled hoping that if they rescheduled, you
would be there. And sure enough, I counted on meeting and getting the
oppourtunity to hear you for such a long time. It is unfortunte that
I suffered from such sever tooth pain that day, and spent the whole
with a heating pad attached to the side of my face. But I would tell
anyone to go to great lengths to have the opportunity, to hear your
powerfull message, since reading your books, and hearing you speak my
life, my son's, and my family's life is changed forever. The world
needs to take another look at "what is add" and "why" I think if they
ask you they will have the TRUTH and the only answer the world needs.
Let's treat these people like the rest of us what's to be treated,
Somehow I am sure Thom that I will see you again.
Rachel Jarvey,
Marinette WI
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: Re: To Thom Hartman
Thanks, Rachel - I'm glad the all-day NLP/ADHD training I did was of value
to you! Now, "tag - you're 'it'," it's your turn to share the message
with someone else!
Best regards,
To: ADD- Holistic List
From: "Dr. Gary Erkfritz"
Subject: ADD Hi, Thom
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 07:20:14 -0800
Thanks for joining the list. Interestingly, I just purchased a couple
of your books last week, but I haven't had time to get into them yet.
I was at your webpage and I know you speak of the concept of children
being "hunters" or "farmers." I remember a book from a while back that
introduced that concept -- I believe it was initially printed in 1952,
but the author escapes me at present (many senior moments these days).
Anyhow, would you be kind enough to elaborate on this concept?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: Re: Hi, Thom
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 10:05:19 -0500
Hmmm... dunno about any writers from the 50's (or any other time) who
wrote about ADHD and "hunters and farmers." (In fact, ADD as a category
didn't exist until the 1980's, as I recall.) But regarding my take on it,
here's a clip from "Focus Your Energy," a book I wrote a few years ago:
Throughout pre-history, virtually all humans on the planet were members
of hunting societies. Then, 10,000 years ago, anthropologists tell us
that humanity experienced the agricultural revolution: on several
continents people began herding animals or planting crops, settling down,
and creating farming societies. This led to a huge expansion in the
number of people on the planet, and, like with the industrial revolution,
was the force behind the creation of a whole new type of human culture.
But those early, pre-agricultural-revolution hunting societies probably
had an unique lifestyle, quite different from that of the farming
societies to come and from modern-day culture. There was certainly a
different set of cultural norms, and a vastly different type of
personality was necessary for survival.
When viewed in an anthropological or historical view, the criteria for
diagnosing ADD could also be seen as characteristics which would be
survival skills for a person in a hunting society.
For success in the field, forest, or jungle, a hunter must be easily
distractible, constantly scanning his environment. He must be able to
juggle many tasks or pursue many possible prey at the same time. He must
feel unafraid of taking risks, as risk is the daily life of a hunter. If,
after starting after one animal, he sees a better opportunity, he must
then quickly (impulsively) have the ability to make the decision to alter
course and pursue the new prey. A sense of impending doom would keep him
aware at all times of the possibility of predators, and on alert against
them. And he would thrive on the adrenaline high of the hunt, while
finding boring tasks like cleaning his living area to be so tedious that
he'd procrastinate when faced with them. His sense of time would be
either very fast or very slow, he'd be either excited or bored "just by
life at the moment." Characteristics of a Successful Hunter
As you can see from the above analysis, the most successful hunters of
the past (and the present, for that matter) would be classified as ADD by
modern psychologists. And there's growing evidence that, consistent with
Darwin's theories, these tendencies are passed from generation to
generation, ensuring the survival of future hunting societies. There's
even a specific gene which some researchers believe may "cause" or affect
some percentage of ADD cases. It was first identified several years ago
in association with alcohol and drug dependence, and is referred to as the
D2A1 variant. It can apparently be transmitted by either the father or
the mother, and travels from generation to generation.
Farmers, on the other hand, faced different challenges. To live
successfully in an agricultural society, a farmer must endure long
stretches of boredom, and stay put in one place. It takes months for
crops to grow, and farmers spend much of that time in tedious tasks of
picking bugs off plants or pulling weeds. They may develop good
auditory-processing skills through hours of sitting with other farmers and
talking to pass the time while the crops grow, or during the winters when
the crops are in storage. Their communities would be more social and
interdependent. They cannot afford to be easily distracted, restless, or
impulsive: if an impatient farmer were to pull the seedling out of the
ground every few days to see how it was growing, it would die. And the
Hunter's sense of doom would have to be replaced by a calmer sense of
quiet confidence that even though the soil hasn't moved in a week, those
seeds are germinating and will eventually break through. A Farmer's sense
of time must be linear and even, and he's only excited or bored when
confronted with a truly exciting or boring situation. Unlike a Hunter, he
doesn't constantly feel the restive push to hunt, the persistent alert for
danger, the internally created sensations of boredom or excitement.
Just as we now have people with all shades of skin, eye color, hair
color, etc., as the result of the past years of genetic intermixing, we've
also now produced an "averaging" of these two Hunter and Farmer traits,
and this has become our "normal" person. But there still remain among us
those who are, to greater or lesser degrees, the overfocused Farmers, and
the highly-distractible Hunters. Why are there so few Hunters?
In 1981, when I first put forth the concept that the "symptoms" of ADD
might be vestigial survival skills handed down to us from primitive
hunting societies, it was largely a leap of logic. There is solid
evidence that ADD is genetic, and certainly other genetic conditions that
are liabilities in modern society were adaptive and aided survival in more
primitive societies (such as Sickle Cell Anemia, which offers some
resistance against malaria). But, if the "hunting gene" was useful for
survival of people with it, why have hunting societies largely died out
around the world, and why is ADD seen only among 5 percent to 20 percent
of the population, instead of 50 percent or some other number?
Now I believe we've found the answer to even that last detail.
There's a remarkable research effort summarized in an article in the
February, 1994 issue of Discover magazine that discusses how hunting
societies are always wiped out by farming societies over time. It points
out that fewer than 10 percent of hunting society members will normally
survive when their culture collides with an agricultural society. And it
has nothing to do with the hunter's "attention deficits," or with any
inherent superiority of the farmers.
The authors traced the root languages of the peoples living across
central Africa. They found that at one time the area was dominated by
hunter-gathers: the Khoisans and the Pygmies. But over a period of
several thousand years, virtually all of the Khoisans and Pygmies, the
"Hottentots" and the "Bushmen" as they've been referred to in Western
literature, were wiped out...and replaced by Bantu-speaking farmers. Two
entire groups of people were destroyed by the millions, rendering them
nearly extinct, while the Bantu-speaking farmers flooded across the
continent, dominating central Africa.
The reasons for this startling transformation are several.
First, agriculture is more efficient than hunting in terms of
generating calories. Because the same amount of land can support up to
ten times more people when farming than if they're hunting, farming
societies generally have roughly ten times the population density of
hunting societies. In war, numbers are always an advantage: particularly
in these ratios. Few armies in history have survived an onslaught by
another army ten times larger.
Second, diseases such as chicken pox, influenza, and measles, which
have virtually wiped out vulnerable populations (such as Native North and
South Americans who died by the thousands of measles when they were
exposed to this disease by invading Europeans), began as diseases of
domesticated animals. The farmers who were regularly exposed to such
diseases developed relative immunities. While measles would make them
ill, it wouldn't kill them. Those with no prior exposure, however, would
often die. So when farmers encountered hunters, they killed them off just
by the exposure to their diseases.
And finally, agriculture provides physical stability to a culture. The
tribe stays in one spot, while their population grows. This provides them
with time to specialize individual jobs: some people become tool- and
weapon-makers, others build devices which can be used in war, and create
governments, armies, and kingdoms. This gives farmers a huge
technological advantage over hunting societies, which are generally more
focused on day-to-day survival issues.
While the article points out that "that's not to say that farmers are
happier, healthier, or in any way superior to hunter-gathers," it does go
on to show how their greater numbers, immunity to disease, and
specialization of jobs will always enable (and, ultimately, cause) them to
destroy the hunting societies with which they come in contact.
So now we have an answer to the question: "Where have all the Hunters
gone?" Most were killed off, from Europe to Asia to Africa to the
Americas. Those who survived were brought into farming cultures (either
through assimilation, kidnapping, or cultural change) and became the
ancestors of that 5 percent to 20 percent of the gene pool with ADD in
Western society.
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: JoAgue@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 14:51:31 EST
For a few years now we have been trying to get other school personnel to
look at all students in the Hunter/Gatherer model. Schools need to accept
that we live in a hunter's world these days and the agrarian society of
yesterday is rapidly coming to a close. So return kids to play, recess
and PE and let them finger paint in Kindergarten for Pete's sake. As
adults we can choose careers in which we succeed because we don't have to
be strapped to a chair. So much for teaching kids how to survive in the
"real world".
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Questions for Thom Hartmann
I was hoping that you would answer a few questions from myself and
that perhaps would interest the group as well.
- Your opening post discussed the crucial importance of changing
the education model. I believe you suggested home schooling
and private schools.
- Are their particular things to look for in private schools
that parents on our group could look for that would make
the more beneficial (less detrimental)?
- Do you know of a list of schools (public or private) that
fit the model you describe?
- If public school is the only choice at the moment, do you
know of any suggestions that might improve the situation.
If the answers are in one of your books, please let me know.
- There are various factors discussed when a person is diagnosed
with ADD/ADHD. Some of those factors include the effects of
labeling a person as deficient or dysfunctional, diet, education
system, toxic exposure (pre-natal, post-natal), genetic
tendencies (e.g., hunter/gatherer), family/social issues, etc.
Am I correct in assuming that your experience is that changing
the education system on an individual and societal basis and
avoiding negative labels have had significant positive effects.
Personally, I admire your efforts and think they have and will
benefit many, many people. But how does your view
of ADD/ADHD diagnosis relate to some of the other items
mentioned above?
- Given you long experience working on the issue of ADD/ADHD, I was
hoping you might be able to give some of the people on the group
a few practical steps that could be used to help our society
realize the changes you have deliniated.
Thank you again for being the Visiting Expert!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: Re: ADD Questions for Thom Hartmann
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 09:40:36 -0500
Thanks, Mark. Yes, the major things to look for are small classrooms and
a school which places more emphasis on self-esteem and critical thinking
than on rote memorization and "discipline" or "structure." At least in my
experience. I think in my previous answer I've addressed most of your
other questions. Sorry for the gap in my replies: I was speaking at a
conference in Montreal yesterday; leaving for another in Boston in a few
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Dr. Gary Erkfritz"
Subject: Re: ADD Re: To Thom Hartman
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 20:22:50 -0800
I am a certified NLP practitioner, certified by John Grinder. Admitedly,
it's been a number of years since I've really practiced NLP, but I'm
really interested in how you have applied NLP to the ADHD situation. I
assume that you do trainings based on the note below. How do I find out
when you are giving these??
Thom Hartmann wrote:
> Thanks, Rachel - I'm glad the all-day NLP/ADHD training I did was of value
> to you! Now, "tag - you're 'it'," it's your turn to share the message
> with someone else!
> Best regards,
> Thom
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: Re: ADD Re: To Thom Hartman
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 09:40:38 -0500
I don't think I have any scheduled right now, but it's possible I'll be
doing something like this for ADDA at their conference next May. You may
want to contact their director, Dr. Peter Jaksa, at DrJaksa@aol.com to
find out. Other trainings are on my web site at www.mythical.net/tour.html
although I've been radically cutting back so I can get more writing
To: add-holistic@mlists.net
From: Tommfriend@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 17:16:39 EST
The hunter waiting very alert quiet and physically relaxed is not what I
see when I see an ADD child. Tomm
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 09:40:32 -0500
(quoting here from chapter 4 of ADD:ADP):
Many thoughtful people on all sides of the ADD issue have asked me this
question. One of the most articulate put it quite succinctly when he said
that if he'd been alive 10,000 years ago he would have been doomed because
"I'd forget to take my spear with me when we left for the hunt!"
Others have taken pains to point out to me the necessity of organized
cooperative action for most primitive hunting parties. The ideal of a
hyperactive loner going through the woods looking for dinner doesn't at
all characterize how most anthropologists describe primitive (or today's)
hunter/gatherer methods.
At first glance, it would appear that these considerations blow a hole
in the hypothesis that modern people with ADD are carrying around a
remnant of hunter/gatherer genetic material. It lends credibility to the
notion that ADD is, in fact, a "disease" or at least "not normal," and may
not have ever been "normal" in human history.
But that overlooks a critical issue: cultural context, the effect of
what we learn to believe about ourselves as we're growing up.
Cultural anthropologists are quick to point out that it's extremely
difficult for any one culture to clearly view another. We instinctively
assume when observing their behaviors that they're motivated in the same
ways we are, that they behave the way they do for the same reasons we
would if we were in their situation, and that they share our assumptions
about how the world works and humanity's role in the world.
This is a dangerous error, which even tripped up Margaret Mead when she
was writing Coming of Age in Samoa. Since her well-intentioned but
well-publicized error, few anthropologists would make this mistake. But
it's easy for somebody untrained in the field.
The problem, essentially, is that most people, when thinking of
"primitive times," imagine themselves running around in the woods wearing
animal skins and carrying a spear. In their mind's eye, they transport a
twentieth century person back into a fantasy past. But these "Connecticut
Yankees in King Arthur's Court" don't represent what it was like to grow
up in those times; they arrive in a different era complete with all our
acculturation, carrying along all the damage done to them by our culture.
They haul along the preparations we've received for a
Farmers/Industrialists life, but utterly lacking preparation for a
Hunters/Gatherers life.
The fact of the matter is that people in hunter/gatherer tribes live
very different lives than we do, and therefore grow up to be very
different persons from us.
ADDers are damaged by growing up in our society, not in hunting
Cultural anthropologist Jay Fikes pointed this out to me when we first
discussed the idea of hunters and farmers as an explanation for many
modern psychological differences among people. His research showed that
individuals living among the historically agricultural Native Americans,
such as the Hopi and other Pueblo Indians, are relatively sedate and
risk-averse. On the other hand, Fikes said, members of the hunting tribes
such as the Navajo are "constantly scanning their environment and are more
immediately sensitive to nuances. They're also the ultimate risk takers.
They and the Apaches were great raiders and warriors."
Navajo children grow up in a society of Navajo hunter and warrior
adults (at least they did before we conquered them, destroyed their
culture, shattered their religions, stole their land, and murdered most of
their citizens). The Navajo raised their children as hunters and warriors.
Until we arrived with horses and guns, they were extraordinarily
successful, and had survived as an intact culture for thousands of years
longer than we have.
But we today are not a society of hunters, raiders, and warriors. We
are farmers, office- and factory-workers. Therefore, we punish and
discourage hunter and warrior behavior in our children and adults.
When people grow up being punished for being the way they are, they
become damaged. They think of themselves as misfits and incompetents. They
lose their own personal power, become shaken and fearful, and develop a
variety of compensating behaviors-many of which are less than useful.
What you-the parent, teacher, counselor, or physician-what you tell the
ADD child about himself can have a decisive effect. Children respond very
differently to being told "This is how you work" instead of "You just
don't work right."
To think that these modern ADD people-damaged, shaken, hurt, and
weakened by growing up in the wrong time and culture-could somehow solve
all their problems by simply transporting themselves back to some mythical
prehistoric hunting era is a fantasy. It wouldn't work. They weren't
raised and trained to survive in that environment; they weren't taught to
channel their energies into being hunters and warriors.
Instead, they were spanked and slapped, told to shut up and given
detention, and-the ultimate insult-told that they are damaged goods and
have a brain disease worthy of the labels "deficit" and "disorder."
Hunters are both born and made.
Every type of culture puts enormous amounts of effort into educating
and inculcating cultural values into their citizens. That's how it becomes
a culture.
In hundreds of ways, we are daily taught and reminded of what is
expected of us, what the limits and boundaries are, and what are
appropriate and inappropriate goals and behaviors. Most of this teaching
is so subtle we're totally unaware of it - a glance from a stranger when
we talk too loud in a restaurant, for example - but our days are filled
with it. It shapes us and molds our beliefs, our assumptions, and
ultimately our reality.
We come face-to-face with these differences when we encounter other
cultures. I remember my shock and dismay at discovering, the first time I
was in Japan negotiating on behalf of my company, that I had committed
dozens of major cultural blunders in my interactions. Even more shocking
confrontations occur when we meet people from far disparate tribes: I
remember how odd I felt when, deep in the jungle of central Uganda, I
stood in a village of people who were mostly naked. My jeans, shoes,
shirt, and carried jacket seemed an oddity to them, and began to seem that
way to me after a few hours.
And so we train our young. We reinforce and strengthen in them those
behaviors, assumptions, and beliefs that we find useful as a society, and
we discourage or crush in them those that are not useful or even
counterproductive to the orderly flow of our culture and its work.
Farming societies teach their young how to be good farmers. Hunting
societies train their children in the ways of the hunt. Industrial
societies raise their children to be good factory workers. Warrior
cultures teach warfare to their children.
By the time a young man in the Ugandan Ik hunter/gatherer tribe is
ready to go out on a hunt with the men, he has been trained his entire
life for that moment. He's played at it virtually from birth. He's had a
personal mentor for half his lifetime, an adult who has taught him the
lore of the jungle and the prey. He's practiced for thousands of hours. He
may be high-energy, impulsive, distractible, and a risk-taker, but he is
also a brilliant and proficient hunter, a master killing machine. He has
been trained from his first steps to focus and concentrate that wild
energy on this one task, and to exploit and use his scanning and
quick-thinking and love of adventure to cooperate with the other men in
the jungle to bring home dinner.
In this context, you can see how naïve it is to ask if a "person with
ADD" (which is, after all, a "disorder" defined only by, and unique to our
culture) could succeed in a hunting/gathering society.
There's little doubt that a child who's had his ego bashed from thirty
different directions since he was little, who's spent his life being told
"don't be that way" and "sit down and shut up," whose only well-honed
hunting skill is finding MTV with his remote control, would fail in the
jungle. Anyone who's always been told they're no good will lack confidence
and will fail to perform.
This was perfectly illustrated by a story in Newsweek in 1994. It was
an account of an ongoing study of a group of now-adults with ADD who were
diagnosed as having ADD in elementary school in the 1960s: some had
significantly lower outcomes in life than people not diagnosed with ADD.
But nowhere in the study, or the article, was it mentioned that only
the ADD subjects were told they were "disordered" and required to take
drugs for their "mind sickness" while still children.
For the study to have statistical validity, a matching population of
non-ADD children would have to have been treated the same way, and their
outcome would have to be compared against the ADD population.
Of course no ethical researcher would dare take a perfectly ordinary
child and tell him such things: too many past studies in the field of
psychology have shown how destructive the outcome could be. But that's
exactly what we've been doing with our ADD children.
If that same child with the bashed ego had been born into a hunting
tribe, so that his traits were developed instead of being beaten out of
him, he may well have turned out to be the mightiest of their warriors,
the most brilliant of their hunters, the wisest of their elders.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Thom Hartmann
Hi! I want to thank Thom Hartmann for taking time out of his schedule to
be the honored Visiting Expert on the ADD-Holistic discussion group.
Thank you!
Please visit his web page at:
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Home of ADD/ADHD Holistic Mailing List
Send the message: subscribe
Approved: addadd
From: "George von Hilsheimer"
Subject: Late response to Hartmann
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 10:46:54 -0500
I have to confess that I haven't read Hartmann's books,
but his essay here is accurate and insightful. The
cursorial lonely hunter may not be the major method
of hunting in hunter/gatherer societies; but this is
another generalization error, actually worse than Margaret
Meade's juvenile pufferies. The suggestion that
the ADD/hunter would forget his spear could only be made by
someone who hasn't observed ADD kids at the tasks at which
they are highly successful.
The main issue is that ADD kids are barraged in our society
with "you are flawed" messages. Stop doing it! Right on!
George von Hilsheimer, Ph.D.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Post from Visiting Expert Thom Hartmann
> Many thoughtful people on all sides of the ADD issue have asked me this
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Rich
Subject: ADD Neurofeedback [Repost]
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 20:43:54 -0600
My name is Rich, I lurk to this list sometimes.
I first heard about Neurofeedback while reading Attention Deficit
Disorder: A Different Perception.
A damn good book by the way.
I finished the bulk of it in the time it took my flight to go round trip
from St. Louis to Portland Oregon(I hate flying and welcome any
distraction, but I digress).
My question to you is this:
Has your opinions regarding Neurofeedback as a form of treatment for
ADHD changed at all from when you wrote ADD: A different perception?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Thom Hartmann
Subject: ADD-Holistic: Final Question
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:50:16 -0500
Yes. I've attended several EEG conferences, and am increasingly impressed
by the quality and results of the research. I also bought a machine and
tried it myself. I'm personally convinced that it's a powerful and useful
therapeutic modality for attentional training...
Roger Masters, Ph.D.
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:37:39 -0700 (MST)
I am very pleased to introduce our Visiting Expert, Roger D. Masters,
Ph.D. Dr. Masters is Nelson D. Rockefeller Professor Emeritus in the
Dartmouth College Department of Government. He heads the Dartmouth
Foundation for Neuroscience and Society. For several decades he has
researched the causes of violence and other dysfunctional human behavior
such as ADD, ADHD, drug abuse and the like. His viewpoint, which has been
published widely, is that toxins in the environment have subtle effects on
brain and neural functions which are ultimately manifested in behaviors
which many social scientists and politicians prefer to attribute to social
Dr. Masters presented a groundbreaking study related to lead and
silicofluorides at the recent 17th International Neurotoxicology
Conference ( "Children's Health and the Environment," Little Rock,
Arkansas, October 17-20, 1999). I feel fortunate that Dr. Masters has
agreed to take some time to help us better understand the behavioral
effects of lead and other toxins. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Masters
to our online discussion group! [Clap, clap, clap, clap!]
Dr. Masters' opening email will be sent out tomorrow (Monday).
Below are a few relevent excerpts from his Curriculum Vitae:
Harvard College, 1951-55 (., Summa cum Laude, 1955)
University of Chicago, 1957-58 (M.A., 1958)
Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris, 1958-59 (Auditor)
University of Chicago, 1959-61 (Ph. D., 1961)
Behavioral Research (1995-1998)
Cultural Attache, U.S. Embassy, Paris, France (1969-71)
Visiting Lecturer, Yale Law School (1988)
Adjunct Professor, Vermont Law School (Fall, 1993, 1994)
Fulbright Fellowship to France (1958-59)
Joint Yale-S.S.R.C. Fellowship (1964-65)
John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship (1967-68)
John Sloan Dickey Third Century Professor of Government,
Dartmouth College (1979-1985)
Director d'Etudes, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales, Paris, France (1986)
Work in progress: Analysis of neurotoxicity associated with
pollution, poor diet, and lifestyle as risk factors in vi`
crime, health, and social behavior.
Editor and co-translator, Rousseau's First and Second Discourses (New
York: St. Martin's, 1964)
The Nation is Burdened: American Foreign Policy in a Changing World
(New York: Knopf, 1967)
The Political Philosophy of Rousseau (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1968)
Editor, Rousseau's Social Contract, with Geneva Manuscript and
Political Economy (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978)
Co-Editor with Margaret Gruter, Ostracism: a Biological and Social
Phenomenon (New York: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1986)
The Nature of Politics (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989)
Co-Editor with Christopher Kelly, Rousseau, Judge of Jean-Jacques;
Collected Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 1 (Hanover, NH: University
Press of New England, 1990).
Co-Editor with Glendon Schubert, Primate Politics (Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press, 1991); paperback, with new
Preface (University Press of America, 1994).
Co-Editor with Margaret Gruter, The Sense of Justice: Biological
Foundations of Law (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1992)
Co-Editor with Christopher Kelly, Rousseau's First Discourse and
Polemics; Collected Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 2 (Hanover, NH:
University Press of New England, 1992).
Co-Editor with Christopher Kelly, Rousseau's Second Discourse.
Polemics, and Political Economy; Collected Writings of Rousseau,
Vol. 3 (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1993)
Beyond Relativism: Science and Human Values (Hanover, NH:
University Press of New England, 1993)
Co-Editor, with Michael T. McGuire, The Neurotransmitter
Revolution (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press,
General Editor, Gruter Institute Reader: Biology, Law, and Human
Behavior (Computerized Database for Customized Books of Readings;
New York: McGraw Hill [Primis])
Co-Editor with Christopher Kelly, Rousseau's Socal Contract, Essay
on the Virtue of Heroes, Geneva Manuscript; Collected Writings of
Rousseau, Vol. 4 (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England,
Co-Editor with Christopher Kelly, Rousseau's Confessions, Collected
Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 5 (Hanover, NH: University Press of New
England, 1996)
Machiavelli, Leonardo, and the Science of Power (University of
Notre Dame Press. 1996)
Fortune is a River: Leonardo da Vinci and Niccole Machiavelli's
Magnificent Dream to Change the Course of Florentine History (New
York: Free Press, 1998). Paperback edition, New York: Plume,
Over 150 scholarly articles and journalistic essays in English,
French, and German, including contributions to Quarterly Review of
Biology, Ethology and Sociobiology, American Political Science
Review, World Politics, Politics and Life Sciences, Environmental
Toxicology, International Journal of Environmental Studies, etc.
Neuroscience, Toxic Chemicals and ADD/ADHD
Roger D. Masters
Dartmouth College
Most current discussions of ADD/ADHD have paid insufficient attention to
recent work in cognitive neuroscience. The education establishment, the
medical community, and the public at large often seem to believe that each
of these conditions is a single category for which drug therapy (e.g.,
with ritalin) is the normal response. I believe this is superficial
and, indeed, dangerous for two reasons. First, among the many sources of
the behaviors associated with ADD and ADHD are the exposure to and uptake
of lead and other heavy metals that are toxic to brain cells. Realization
of this evidence has clear implications for treatment. Second, the
biological or psychological effects of a prolonged course of drug therapy
with ritalin or other comparable treatments are, to my knowledge, unknown.
Although numerous specialists have privately agreed with this concern, it
is rarely emphasized in the press that the nearly ubiquitous reliance on
drug treatment without long-term testing may be risky for some if not most
These points are related, since there is an alternative approach to the
portion of the ADD/ADHD population whose symptoms are the result of heavy
metal neurotoxicity.
First, the issue of etiology. There is little question that the frequency
of ADD/ADHD has greatly increased in recent years (though some still
pretend it is simply more visible than in the past). I saw one report
from Milwaukee that suggested as much as a doubling in ADD/ADHD cases over
the last decade. Such large increases usually do not come from increased
visibility of a genetic condition that influences a fixed percentage of
One factor that can explain this is heavy metal absorption in the brain
(Minder, et al., 1994; Needleman, 1999). Although not all studies confirm
the association (e.g., Kahn, Kelly, and Walker, 1995), Tuthill (1996) also
found that a large proportion of ADHD children in one Massachusetts
community had absorbed high levels of lead. Others have suggested similar
effects of manganese toxicity. In animal studies, moreover, impulsive
responses are significantly increased by lead exposure (Brockel and
Cory-Slechta, 1997).
Mechanisms that can explain this associated are also known. Lead is
known to downregulate several neurotransmitters, including dopamine and
glutamate; manganese downregulates serotonin (Bryce-Smith, 1983;
Needleman, 1991, 1996). In addition, these heavy metals have effects
related to the crucial role of calcium, which functions as a
neurotransmitter and co-factor in many brain systems.
Uptake of heavy metals from the environment is increased by dietary
deficits in calcium, which is a divalent cation -- that is, an element
with a positive ionic chage of 2. Heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and
manganese are also divalent cations, so they can occupy sites on or in
neurons normally occupied by calcium. Hence heavy metal neurotoxicity
both downregulates essential neurotransmitters, including those required
for impulse control, and reduces the normal effect of calcium (Aschner &
Kimelberg, 1996; Masters, Hone and Doshi, 1998).
It takes only a brief look at a textbook in cognitive neuroscience to see
how important these effects can be. For example, the inhibitory function
of the basal ganglia relies in part on dopamine, which is downregulated by
lead (e.g., Gazzaniga, et al., 1998: pp. 413-420). And calcium plays a
key role in the hippocampus, essential to the basic learning process known
as "Long Term Potentiation" or LTP (Gazzaniga, et al., 1998: pp. 283-288).
Not surprisingly, ADHD has been linked to deficits in dopamine function
(Cook, et al., 1995).
Hence there are plausible explanations for the observation that heavy
metals could account for a substantial portion of ADD/ADHD cases,
especially since early lead exposure is so widespread and damaging to
children (Aschengau, et al, 1993; Bellinger, et al., 1994; Mielke, 1998;
Levitt, 1999). In one early study by Chisholm, although said to be
flawed by many neuroscientists, chelation improved the symptoms of a small
number of ADHD children with high lead levels. More work is badly needed
in this area, since lead chelation might replace drug treatment for a
subset of ADD/ADHD cases.
Another major approach, focusing on prevention, is suggested by research
that I have been conducting with Myron Coplan. We have found that lead
levels in children are significantly increased by exposure to water
treated with either fluosilicic acid or sodium silicofluoride. These
"silicofluorides" (which are used for over 94% of the water fluoridation
in the U.S.) have never been fully tested, though early studies in the
1930's showed substantial differences in metabolism between sodium
silicofluoride and sodium fluoride (the chemical used in tests of
fluoridation safety by supporters and critics alike, even though it is
employed in only about 6% of American water fluoridation).
In general, silicofluorides enhance the uptake of lead from old houses or
public water supplies, particularly among the poor and minorities whose
diets are insufficient in calcium and other essential minerals.
Reanalyzing a Massachusetts survey of lead levels in 280,000 children
(Bailey et al., 1994), we found significantly higher lead levels in SiF
treated communities, controlling for other risk factors for lead toxicity
(Masters and Coplan, 1999). This finding has now been confirmed using the
national sample in NHANES III as well as in a sample of over 120,000
children from New York towns of 15,000 to 75,000 population (Masters,
Coplan, and Hone, 1999).
By reanalyzing a NIJ sample of urinalysis of over 30,000 criminals in 24
cities, we have also found higher rates of alcoholism, substance abuse and
crime to be associated with SiF usage (Masters and Coplan, in press).
Indeed, in the communities covered by our other studies, we also see more
crime and alcoholism associated with SiF usage. Since Manuzza (1989,
1998) and others have indicated that there is a correlation between
hyperactivity and criminal behavior, these associations are probably
linked elements of a pattern of weakened impulse control.
We are actively seeking information on ADD/ADHD rates, and would
appreciate any reliable geographic data that would allow us to compare
numbers of children receiving drug treatment and/or special education
services in communities using different approaches to water treatment.
(For a sample of 16 towns in New York, we found that the percent of
enrolled high school students reported by the school nurse to take
medication for ADD/ADHD is 38% higher where SiF is in use, as compared to
non-fluoridating communities of similar size).
We would welcome collaboration with any researchers who have relevant
data. It may well be, for example, that OTHER environmental factors are
associated with higher rates of ADD/ADHD. Given the importance of the
issue, it is rather astonishing that so little geographic data has been
collected. And since neurotoxicity is probably one of the etiological
pathways (along with early developmental insults of other sorts and
probably genetics), such ecological data would be especially valuable.
NOTE: For copies of our publications, please send an e-mail request with
your address to: Suzanne.Saxton@Dartmouth.edu
Aschengau, A., Ziegler, S., and Cohen. 1993. "A. Quality of Community
Drinking Water and the Occurrence of Late Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes,"
Archives of Environmental Health 48: 105-113.
Aschner, M. and Kimelberg, M. 1996. The Role of Glia in Neurotoxicity.
Boca Raton,FL, CRC Press.
Bailey, A.J., Sargent, J.D., Goodman, D.C., Freeman, J., and Brown, M.J.
1994. Poisoned Landscapes: The Epidemiology of Environmental Lead
Exposure in Massachusetts Children 1990-1991. Social Science Medicine 39:
Bellinger D et al, "Pre-and Postnatal Lead Exposure and Behavior Problems
in School-Aged Children", Environmental Research, v 66 (1), p 12-30, (July
Brockel, Becky A., Cory-Slechta, Deborah A. "Lead, Attention, and
Impulsive Behavior: Changes in a Fixed-Ratio Waiting-for-Reward
Paradigm", Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior , June 1998,Vol.60, No.
2: 545-552.
Bryce-Smith, D. 1986. " Environmental Chemical Influences on Behaviour
and Mentation," Chemical Sciety Review, 15, 93-123.
Cook, E. H Jr.,et al. 1995. "Association of Attention Deficit disorder
and the dopamine Transporter gene. "American Journal of Human Genetics,56,
Gazzaniga, Michael, Ivry, Richard B. and Mangun, George R. 1998.
Cognitive Neuroscience. New York: W. W. Norton.
Kahn, CA., Kelly, PC., Walker, WO. 1995. "Lead screening in children with
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and developmental delay",
Clinical Pediatrics,, Sept 1995, Vol 34, No. 9: 498-501.
Minder, Barbara, Das-Smaal, Edith A., Brand, Eddy F. J. M., Orlebeke,
Jacob F. 1994. "Exposure to Lead and Specific Attentional Problems in
Journal of Learning Disabilities , June/July 1994, Vol. 27, no. 6:
Levitt, Miriam. 1999. "Toxic Metals, Preconception, and Early Childhood
Development," Social Science Information, 38: 179-201.
Manuzza, S., et al. 1989. "Hyperactive Boys Almost Grown Up," Archives of
General Psychiatry, 46: 1073-1079.
Manuzza, S., et al., 1998. "Adult Psychiatric Status of Hyperactive Boys
Grown Up," American Journal Of Psychiatry 155: 493-498.
Masters, Roger D. and Coplan, Myron. J. 1999a. "Water Treatment with
Silicofluorides and Lead Toxicity," International Journal of Environmental
Studies, 56: 435-449.
Masters, Roger D. and Coplan, Myron J. 1999b. "A Dynamic, Multifactorial
Model of Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Crime: Linking Neuroscience and Behavior
to Toxicology," Social Science Information. In press.
Masters, Roger D., Coplan, Myron J. and Hone, Brian T. 1999a.
"Silicofluoride Usage, Tooth Decay, and Children s Blood Lead," Poster
Presentation, Environmantal Influences on Children: Brain, Development,
and Behavior, Conference at New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY,
May 24-25, 1999.
Masters, Roger D., Coplan, Myron J. and Hone, Brian T. 1999b. "Heavy
Metal Toxicity, Development, and Behavior," Poster Presentation, 17th
International Neurotoxicology Conference, Doubletree Hotel, Little Rock,
ARK., October 17-20, 1999.
Masters, Roger D., Hone, Brian T., and Doshi, Anil. 1998. "Environmental
Pollution, Neurotoxicity, and Criminal Violence," in J. Rose., ed.,
Environmental Toxicology (London: Gordon and Breach), pp. 13-48.
Mendelsohn, Alan L.; Dreyer, Benard P.; Fierman, Arthur H.; Rosen, Carolyn
M.; Legano, Lori A.; Kruger, Hillary A.; Limß, Sylvia W. and Courtlandt,
Cheryl D. 1998. "Low-Level Lead Exposure and Behavior in Early Childhood"
Pediatrics, Vol. 101 No. 3 March 1998, p. e10.
Mielke, H. 1998. "Lead in the Inner Cities," American Scientist,
Needleman, Herbert L., ed. 1991. Human Lead Exposure. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press.
Needleman, Herbert L., et al., 1996. "Bone Lead Levels and Delinquent
Behavior, JAMA 275: 363-69.
Needleman, Herbert L. 1999. "Environmental Neurotoxins and Attention
Deficit Disorder," Presentation at Conference on Environmental Neurotoxins
and Developmental Disability, N. Y. Academy of Medicine, New York (May
24-25, 1999).
Tuthill, R. W. 1996. "Head Lead Levels Related to Children s Classrooom
Attention-Deficit Behavior," Archives of Environmental Health, 51: 214-20.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "Dr. Gary Erkfritz"
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 14:16:52 -0800
Dr. Masters, the first thing I'd like to know if how and why you
made from government to toxicology? That must be an interesting
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Roger.D.Masters@Dartmouth.EDU
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 22:29:32 -0700 (MST)
>To: add-holistic@mLists.net
>From: "Dr. Gary Erkfritz"
>Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
>Dr. Masters, the first thing I'd like to know if how and why you made
>from government to toxicology? That must be an interesting story.
I was trained as a political philosopher (studying with Leo Strauss at
Chicago), and working primarily on Rousseau. In 1968 I decided to look at
modern biology and evolutionary theory (because Rousseau claimed that
humans descended from -- or were originally -- primates like gorillas or
chimpanzees). One thing led to another and I spent years on the biology
of behavior (focusing on experimental studies of the nonverbal displays of
presidential candidates and their effects on voters). IN 1989, published
THE NATURE OF POLITICS (with both this empirical work and theoretical
SCIENCE OF POWER). I then did a good deal of work with lawyers on biology
and law, which led to a request from the Commissioner of Corrections of
Vermont (where I live) that I study brain chemistry and crime. Since I'd
done a book with Michael McGuire on serotonin and social behavior
(including low 5HT and aggressive behavior), I agreed. That led to a
meeting where I met an independent researcher who was studying manganese
toxicity and crime. I originally thought the idea nonsense, set out to
disprove it with EPA Toxic Release data, and confirmed it! I also began
to study lead, and that resulting in the question from Myron Coplan if I
had ever studied fluoride as a toxin. One thing led to another, including
several grants, and now I'm over my head!
roger masters
From: "Dale Goudey"
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:23:00 -0800
Dr. Rodger Masters,
>One thing led to another, including several grants, and now I'm over my
If you ever start to see daylight, please consider looking into the toxic
plight of kids with autism. There are SPEC scans of children with autism
which imply that autism is the same thing as ADD/ADHD, only worse. See
this site. www.nids.net Many of the kids have a damaged sulfur
detoxification pathway. One toxin that can cause this is mercury, which
crosses the placenta. Some of the children are being chelated to remove
this toxin.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Roger.D.Masters@Dartmouth.EDU (Roger D. Masters)
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
Date: 16 Nov 1999 14:47:24 EST
I would be very happy to work WITH you (or anyone else) on the
environmental factors associated with Autism. I've been trying for some
time to locate geographic data on rates of incidence. If you know of any
sources, they would be invaluable.
I've been conscious of possible neurochemical links to autism ever since a
dermatologist explained that rubbing the skin releases nitric oxide (which
functions as a muscle relaxant). I had the hunch at the time (based on
hearing an interview with Temple Grandin) that this mechanism might
explain the use of pressure on the skin which she (and others) have found
to be effective.
If there are neurochemical dysfunctions involved, then of course
neurotoxicity is a possible candidate for etiology. In many cases, of
course, more than one neurotoxin (alone or in synergistic interaction) is
often responsible for the symptoms. This makes the analysis VERY
difficult, but if one starts out expecting complexity, it is easier to
If anyone knows a source of funding for this research, I am President of a
small foundation (as yet, we have no money, only dreams) that can serve as
the basis for grants. I'm also happy to recruit Dartmouth undergraduates
to help with the research (they can be extremely good). My principal
problem is the limitation of my own time. However, since I have a
colleague with an autistic child, I have a personal incentive to help.
roger masters
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "John V DOMmisse, MD"
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 23:10:46 -0700
Roger.D.Masters@Dartmouth.EDU wrote:
> .... > meeting where I met an independent researcher who was studying
> manganese toxicity and crime. I originally thought the idea nonsense,
> set out to disprove it with EPA Toxic Release data, and confirmed it! I
> also began to study lead, and that resulting in the question from Myron
> Coplan if I had ever studied fluoride as a toxin. One thing led to
> another, including several grants, and now I'm over my head!
Dr Masters,
Have you come across Steven
Schoenthaler's work on nutrient deficiencies and juvenile delinquency,
violent behavior, etc.? I believe he is still at the U of Ca at
Stanislaus, a PhD in psychology who has ventured into nutrient
biochemistry and behavior.
John Dommisse MD
Nutritional & Metabolic (Tele)Medicine
Tucson,AZ,USA 85718-5892 Fax 520-577-1743 Ph.-1940
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Roger.D.Masters@Dartmouth.EDU (Roger D. Masters)
Subject: Re: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert!
Date: 16 Nov 1999 14:49:27 EST
Yes. Schoenthaler's work was among the first that I noted (see the
chapter with Hone and Doshi in J. Rose, ed., ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY,
Gordon & Breach, 1998). More generally, this type of research - esp. with
the use of head hair analysis for a broad spectrum of toxins -- is
extremely useful as a means of monitoring toxic uptake.
roger masters
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "John V DOMmisse, MD"
Subject: Re: ADD: Neuroscience, Toxic Chemicals and ADD/ADHD
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 22:51:15 -0700
Prof. Masters,
I applaud your
reference-based exposition of this subject. I attempted the same approach
in a paper that is published only on my website (I haven't had the time to
submit it anywhere); if you have the time, I'd appreciate your taking a
quick look at it and letting me know what you think of it. I don't recall
but hope that at least one of my references is to your work!
John Dommisse
John V DOMmisse MBChB(CapeTown), FRCP(Canada)
Nutritional & Metabolic (Tele)Medicine
1840 E River Rd, Ste 210
Tucson,AZ,USA 85718-5892 Fax 520-577-1743 Ph.-1940
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Roger.D.Masters@Dartmouth.EDU (Roger D. Masters)
Subject: Re: ADD: Neuroscience, Toxic Chemicals and ADD/ADHD
Date: 16 Nov 1999 14:52:44 EST
I would be very happy to look at your paper.
roger masters
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Questions for Visiting Expert
Dr. Masters,
I have several questions. Your thoughts would be helpful to me and I
believe would interest list members as well.
- If I remember correctly, some of the the earlier
studies related to lead and behavioral effects were criticized
because socioeconomic factors were not factored into the
calculations. In other words, some people said that ADD/ADHD
was more common in families with lower socioeconomic status.
Higher lead exposure was also more common in families with
lower socioeconomic status. Therefore the lead-ADD connection
might just be a coincidence.
It is my understanding that Tuthill, R.W. put this criticism
to rest by controlling for socioeconomic factors, thereby showing
a connection between lead exposure and ADD.
Is this your understanding of the issue? Are there any other
recent studies that controlled for socioeconomic status?
- I have heard that some common sources for lead exposure include
lead in soil dust, lead paint dust (including exterior paint),
pollution from factories, lead dust on hands during food
preparation, ????.
Are there any steps that families can take to reduce their likely
exposure to lead? We have many parents on our discussion group
and any practical steps or ideas to consider would be extremely
- Are there any steps that families can take to reduce their changes
of overexposure to manganese?
- There are some people who might consider EDTA chelation for
lead. I am aware a study led by Dr. Boyd Haley of the Univ.
of Kentucky showing potential adverse effects on the brain
from EDTA chelation with concurrent exposure
to mercury (Hg) from food, mercury amalgam fillings, endogenous Hg,
etc. I have heard from a third party that Dr. Haley suggests avoiding
EDTA chelation until mercury urine measurements are below a certain
level. (I haven't spoken with Dr. Haley myself.)
On the other hand, I believe that EDTA chelation is often
given with various nutrients (e.g., magnesium) that may
help to protect the brain during chelation.
Large-scale use of EDTA chelation in children would concern
me not only for possible clinically-obvious effects, but
potential subtle effects. On the other hand, maybe
the positive of chelation would outweigh any risk.
Anyway, I have included the abstract at the end of this email and
would be interested in your thoughts on the subject.
- I have read that a significant portion of lead in blood is
from recirculated lead that was in the bones (from previous
exposure). Do you know if EDTA chelation helps remove lead
from the bones?
- Are you aware of any nutrients that would tend to reduce the
toxic effects of lead or manganese? Or, are their specific
nutrient *deficiencies* that would tend to increase the toxicity
of lead or manganese.
Abstract Mentioned Above
Duhr EF, Pendergrass JC, Slevin JT & Haley BE
HgEDTA complex inhibits GTP interactions with the E-site of
brain beta-tubulin.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 122(2):273-280
ABSTRACT: "We have found that EDTA and EGTA complexes of Hg2+, which
conventional wisdom has assumed are biologically inert, are
potentially injurious to the neuronal cytoskeleton. Tubulin, a major
protein component of the neuronal cytoskeleton, is the target of
multiple toxicants,including many heavy metal ions. Among the mercurials,
inorganic mercuric ion (Hg2+) is one of the most potent inhibitors
of microtubule polymerization both in vivo and in vitro.
In contrast to other heavy metals, the capacity of Hg2+ to
inhibit microtubule polymerization or disrupt formed microtubules
cannot be prevented by the addition of EDTA and
EGTA, both of which bind Hg2+ with very high affinity. To the contrary, the
addition of these two chelating agents potentiates Hg2+ inhibition
of tubulin polymerization. Results herein show that HgEDTA and HgEGTA
inhibit tubulin polymerization by disrupting the interaction of GTP with the
E-site of brain beta-tubulin, an obligatory step in the polymerization of
Both HgEDTA and HgEGTA, but not free Hg2+, prevented binding of
[32P]8N3GTP, a photoaffinity nucleotide analog of GTP, to the E-site and
displaced bound [32P]8N3GTP at low micromolar concentrations. This
complete inhibition of photoinsertion into the E-site occurred in a
concentration- and time-dependent fashion and was specific for Hg2+
complexes of EDTA and EGTA, among the chelating agents tested. Given the
ubiquity of Hg2+ in the environment and the widespread use of EDTA
in foodstuffs and medicine, these mercury complexes may pose a potentially
serious threat to human health and play a role in diseases of the
neuronal cytoskeleton."
Mark D. Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Roger.D.Masters@Dartmouth.EDU (Roger D. Masters)
Subject: ADD Re: Questions for Visiting Expert
Date: 16 Nov 1999 15:01:57 EST
> It is my understanding that Tuthill, R.W. put this criticism
> to rest by controlling for socioeconomic factors, thereby showing
> a connection between lead exposure and ADD.
> Is this your understanding of the issue? Are there any other
> recent studies that controlled for socioeconomic status?
> Are there any steps that families can take to reduce their likely
> exposure to lead? We have many parents on our discussion group
> and any practical steps or ideas to consider would be extremely
> useful.
>3. Are there any steps that families can take to reduce their changes
> of overexposure to manganese?
>4. There are some people who might consider EDTA chelation for
> lead. I am aware a study led by Dr. Boyd Haley of the Univ.
> of Kentucky showing potential adverse effects on the brain
> from EDTA chelation with concurrent exposure
> to mercury (Hg) from food, mercury amalgam fillings, endogenous Hg,
>5. I have read that a significant portion of lead in blood is
> from recirculated lead that was in the bones (from previous
> exposure). Do you know if EDTA chelation helps remove lead
> from the bones?
>6. Are you aware of any nutrients that would tend to reduce the
> toxic effects of lead or manganese? Or, are their specific
> nutrient *deficiencies* that would tend to increase the toxicity
> of lead or manganese.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Dr. Master's Current Focus
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 20:57:57 -0700 (MST)
Dr. Masters,
You alluded to current interestin your CV related to "neurotixicity
associated with pollution, poor diet, and lifestyle risk factors...."
Can you tell us a little bit about this effort? Will it involve new
surveys of diet, pollution, lifestyle, and behavior, or do you plan to do
a meta-anaylsis of existing scientific literature?
By the way, for everyone else on the group. The work Dr. Masters is doing
is very important (in my opinion) in furthering our understanding of the
contributing factors to behavioral changes. If any of the organizational
representatives or others on the group know of either 1) funding sources
for Dr. Masters' foundation or 2) reliable geographic incidence data for
ADD/ADHD or Autism, it would be helpful to forward that information to
Dr. Masters.
- Mark D. Gold
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Roger.D.Masters@Dartmouth.EDU
Subject: Re: ADD Dr. Master's Current Focus
Date: 22 Nov 1999 09:41:35 EST
Thanks for your kind words. Our next papes will focus on the risk factors
that are linked to lead uptake in the samples of NHANES III and New York:
in both cases, we find that silicofluoride water treatment significantly
enhances the effect of all risk factors.
A future goal, as soon as we get these papers completed, is to locate and
analyze geographic (or time-series) data on such factors as drug usage to
treat ADD/ADHD. It has seemed to me that if we can locate such data, it
might provide a clear way of analyzing whether environmental toxins play a
role in disease incidence.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance,
roger masters