Arthur E. Munyer, CMT

Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 08:43:07 -0400
From: "Dave Rietz ("
Subject: ADD Visiting Expert, Arthur E. Munyer, CMT


The ADD-Holistic mailing list is very fortunate to have our next honored Visiting Expert, Arthur E. Munyer, CMT. Mr. Munyer is truly a world-renowned bodywork instructor, teaching various modalities in Europe, South America, and the United States. He returned from South America only a few days ago and I am very appreciative that he has agreed to share his expertise with the group.

Mr. Munyer was a Manager and Teacher at the School for Infants and Toddlers of the Esalen Institute. In addition, he was an Instructor and Administrator in Early Childhood Development at the school. (The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California is one of the most well-known and respected centers for "holistic" education in the world.)

Mr. Munyer has education and training in Cranial-Sacral work, Trigger Point Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Radix, Aikido, Fedenkrais, Polarity Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Rolfing, Emotional Release Work (based on the work of Dr. Stan Grof), Deep Tissue Therapy, Meditation, and other modalities.

From my own experience, I know that body-oriented and breath-oriented modalities have had a powerful effect on my emotions and behavior. I used Bioenergetics, the work of Dr. Stan Grof, and Heller Work "massage" to help cure a low-level depressive state. While it wasn't ADD/ADHD, I believe that bodywork and related modalities may be equally useful in many cases. Therefore, I am very excited to welcome Mr. Munyer to the ADD-Holistic discussion group! (Even though I'm on vacation, I will read the archives when I return. :-)

Please join me in welcoming Mr. Munyer to the discussion group. [clap, clap, clap!]

Take care!

Best Wishes,
- Mark

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 18:19:28 +0000
From: Arthur Munyer
Subject: ADD Arthur E. Munyer, CMT opening post

Hello Everyone,

I'm very knew at this form of communication and I am willing to make a go of it, Okay??

My approach to working with ADD is doing bodywork and helping children and adults in finding safe ways to release their unwanted emotional energies, that society find hard to adjust to.

I believe and have experienced that people really change this so called ADD into productive excepted living, once they understand more about how energy moves in the "HUMAN BODY"



arthur munyer


Thank you Mark for being in this world, with all that positive supportive energy, that you so openly show.

Arthur Munyer,CMT - Certified Bodywork Therapist & Spiritual, Emotional Healer
P.O. Box 222356 Carmel, California 93923
Bus (831) 625-0337 E-Mail

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 21:02:17 +0700
From: Berkompas
Subject: ADD Releasing energies

>My approach to working with ADD is doing bodywork and helping children
>and adults in finding safe ways to release their unwanted emotional
>energies, that society find hard to adjust to.

Dr. Munyer, welcome!

I have become quite interested in some of your methods over the last couple of years. I have noticed benefits from cranial-sacral and trigger point (combined in reflexology and Thai massage) treatments.

What method would you advise an ADD person begin with? How do you decide which to use?

My 20-year-old ADD son is in college, and I think bodywork of some sort might be an alternative for him.

Is there some special way of knowing whether someone who advertises themself as doing bodywork is properly trained? Any special initials?

Do you have a network or associates? Any near Cedar Rapids, Iowa?

Do you advise any sort of supplements in conjunction with your treatments?

Thanks for joining the list, and I hope to glean some helpful info from you and the discussion that might ensue.

Joette in Bangkok or

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 08:08:49 +0000
From: Arthur Munyer
Subject: Re: ADD Releasing energies
Hello Joette

> What method would you advise an ADD person begin with? How do you decide
> which to use?

First I would establish which feeling they are currently dealing with: there are basically 5 feeling; which are Love, Joy, Anger, Sadness & Fear.

Then I would start with Massage and see what energies emerged, ( the 5 feeling ). Giving lots of support for what ever is happening, and staying away from judging anything.

Then I would move to deep work and later some from of Sacral work.

> My 20-year-old ADD son is in college, and I think bodywork of some sort
> might be an alternative for him.
> Is there some special way of knowing whether someone who advertises
> themself as doing bodywork is properly trained? Any special initials?

Its important to work with some who excepts working with feelings and not analyzing them.
> Do you have a network or associates? Any near Cedar Rapids, Iowa?


> Do you advise any sort of supplements in conjunction with your treatments?

Sometimes seeing a Homopathic Doctor can be extremely helpful.

> Thank you for your questions, I hope it will be helpful



Arthur Munyer,CMT - Certified Bodywork Therapist & Spiritual, Emotional Healer
P.O. Box 222356 Carmel, California 93923
Bus (408) 625-0337 Fax (408)-625-9307 E-Mail

Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:14:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: Re: ADD Arthur E. Munyer, CMT opening post

> My approach to working with ADD is doing bodywork and helping children
> and adults in finding safe ways to release their unwanted emotional
> energies, that society find hard to adjust to.


Thank you for being the list expert! I just got back online. If you have a chance, I have a few questions which are of interest to me and may be of significant interest to some of the list members.

  1. With the various bodywork and emotional release modalities, I imagine it can be difficult to choose one. Are there a few modalities that, by their design, help create a safe space to release of unwanted emotional energies? Or is it preferable to talk to a bunch of practitioners looking for those who allow the child/adult to safely express the emotional energies? There is such an variety of practitioners that choosing the type of practitioner might be very difficult.

  2. Beyond a potential reduction of ADD symptoms with the work you describe, are there other short- or long-term benefits that you have seen on a regular basis?

  3. For persons in or travelling to California (your location), are there resources that you can suggest?
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page

Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:28:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Gold
Subject: Re: ADD Arthur E. Munyer, CMT opening post


Hi List! I would like to share my own non-ADD related experiences as far as bodywork and emotional energies. I suffered from depression, serious immune system disorders, and various emotional-related disorders. While some of these situations were helped significantly with nutrition, yoga, etc., I eventually came to realize that by getting in touch with the emotional energy in the body and allowing it to release in a safe manner that my depression disappeared and my physical health was improved significantly. For me, anger, shame, and sadness were almost "locked" in my body so that there was a very deep, seemingly permanent tension in certain areas of my body (esp. upper back). This may have been because there wasn't any chance for me as a child for a safe release of emotions that I experienced.

Anyway, certain types of bodywork and emotional techniques proved (and are proving) very helpful to me in curing the conditions I had and improving my life. I can see that such techniques might be enormously helpful to those with ADD.

Arthur, thank you again for being on the list!

Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 21:06:07 +0700
From: Berkompas
Subject: Re: ADD Releasing energies

Dr. Munyer, I forgot to say thanks for your response.

Joette in Bangkok or