Dr. Fred Pescatore
Presentation + Questions & Answers
For ADD-Holistic Discussion Group
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 23:14:02 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Introduction of Visiting Expert
I would like to introduce our next honored Visiting Expert, Dr. Fred
Pescatore, Medical Director of the Atkins Center. This is a wonderful
opportunity to learn more about the Atkins Center and protocols used to
treat ADD/ADHD patients. I have included his bio below. Please join me
in welcoming Dr. Pescatore to the ADD-Holistic discussion group! [Clap,
clap clap, clap!]
Dr. Pescatore will be posting his opening email to the group sometime on
Monday. Please feel free to ask followup questions after assimilating the
opening post. Take care! - Mark :-)
Fred Pescatore, M.D., M.P.H, is a traditionally trained physician who has
chosen to practice Integrative Medicine. By practicing Integrative
Medicine, Dr. Pescatore is able to combine traditional and alternative
medical techniques while treating his patients in a progressive and
effective way.
While studying for a Masters Degree in Public Health at Columbia
University and traveling extensively throughout Asia and India, Dr.
Pescatore trained with practitioners who specialize in alternative healing
techniques. This invaluable exposure provided him with the knowledge that
opened his eyes to the world of alternative medicine and the realization
that by combining traditional and alternative medicines you can treat a
patient in a way that allows the truly holistic process of healing to take
Current Role
In order to further expand his knowledge of alternative medicine, Dr.
Pescatore joined the staff of the Atkins Center, the world's preeminent
center for Complementary Medicine. Working alongside Dr. Robert C. Atkins,
Dr. Pescatore has quickly risen to his current position as the Associate
Medical Director of the center. In his daily practice, Dr. Pescatore
treats patients with illnesses ranging from AIDS and life-threatening
cancers to more daily concerns such as diet and nutrition by employing a
combination of alternative and traditional medicines -- orchestrating all
the healing arts for the benefit of the patient.
Speaking the Message
Dr. Pescatore has taken to the airwaves as the host of "Your Health
Choices -- The Friday Edition," his own weekly radio program on New York's
WEVD. His hope is that this program will teach people about integrative
medicine and its ability to link the "fix-it" mentality of traditional
medicine with the body-mind-spirit philosophies that play a critical role
in the healing process.
In addition, Dr. Pescatore appears regularly on national news magazine
programs and national morning programs; he has written several
well-circulated articles and speaks to audiences around the world to share
his insights on these important topics. In September 1998, his first book,
"Feed Your Kids Well," wil be published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Dr. Pescatore's Medical History
Dr. Pescatore's traditional medical knowledge comes from his training at
three of New York's preeminent teaching hospitals -- St. Vincent's, M.
Sinai Medical Center and St. Luke's/Roosevelt Hospital Center -- and his
treatment of thousands of patients using traditional methods. To keep
abreast of both alternative and traditional teachings, Dr. Pescatore is a
member of the American Medical Association, the American Public Health
Association, the Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine and
the American College for the Advancement of Medicine.
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 18:31:22 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: ADD Opening Statements
Hello everyone and thanks for the introduction.
As Mark explained to you I am the associate medical director of the Atkins
Center for Complementary Medicine, located in New York City. Many of you
may know of Dr. Atkins or the Atkins diet. We do much more than that. We
apply diet to all aspects of health. If the fuel isn't right, the car
won't function.
I am going to describe a case of a child with ADD. Now, the principles
applied in this case can also be applied to adults. I would say that I
primarily treat adult patients, but have a keen interest in bringing
integrative medicine to our next generation.
The approach we generally take in treating ADD, or any illness for that
matter is threefold. We look at nutrition - what is the patient eating,
are they sensitive to any foods, does anything need ot be eliminated? We
then look at nutritonal supplementation. NO matter what anyone says, you
can not get proper nutrition from what you are eating. Our food supply is
too damaged. The third aspect is intravenous supplementation. We
currently do not offer this for patients with ADD. I just mentioned it
for completeness.
Here goes the story:
Evan was eight years old when his parents were given the diagnosis of
ADHD. His parents were devastated. Evan was a child who was constanly
being asked to leave the classroom because he could not control himself.
He would blurt out answers, talk to the other children when his teachers
were talking, and cause a general disruption in the classroom.
Evan's parents were given a prescription for Ritalin and told he would
have to take this indefinitely.
HIs parents brought him to my office and I conducted a series of tests on
him that included a cytotoxic food sensitivity test, a candida antibody
test, and a glucose tolerance test.
HIs results were fairly typical of a patient with ADD. He was sensitive to
corn, wheat, rye, candida and oats. His candida antibody tests were also
quite elevated, indicating an exposure to this fungus. Also, his glucose
tolerance test was grossly abnormal. This meant that his blood sugar, in
the third hour dropped to 38. /The normal low is 60 - 70.
I immediately eliminated all his food sensitivites. This meant teaching
Evan and his parents an entirely new way of eating. I also put him on a
diet I developed called the Next Generation Diet. It is an adaptation of
the Atkins diet for children. It eliminates any of the simple sugars and
simple carbohydrates from a child's diet.
I placed him on the following supplements: DHA, DMAE, Gingko biloba, Zinc,
B- complex, Acidophilus, grapefruit seed extract, and encouraged the
parents to get a CD of Mozart's music and have Evan listen to it through
headphones while doing his homework.
As you may have guessed, this wasn't easy, but perserverance payed off.
Almost within the first week,Evan's teachers noticed an improvement. By
the end of three months, Evan was not being asked to leave the classroom
anymore. It was a slow improvement, and there is still backsliding and we
are often making adjustments in his treatment plan.
I just wanted people to be aware that there are alternatives to the use of
Ritalin out there. Just know that if your child has ever used Ritalin
after the age of 12, he or she will never be allowed in the armed forces.
It is an amphetamine, and it has street value. 26% of all children on
Ritalin have been approached to sell it. Please think hard before exposing
your child to these risks.
I will be happy to answer any questions about what I do. The story I
related and many more like that can be found in my book, Feed Your Kids
Well. It was published at the end of last year by John Wiley & Sons, and
it should be available at most book stores. Of course it is available
through amazon and barnes and noble on line services. If you would like
mroe information about the Atkins center, please visit our website at
I will look forward to your questions this week, and
thanks for letting me join the list.
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Dr. Pescatore,
Thank you very much for your detailed opening presentation.
I have a couple of questions for you if that's okay.
- What types of practitioners do recommend parents look for in
order to discover sensitivities and candida antibodies?
- If a abnormal glucose tolerance test common for persons
with the ADHD? I would be interested to hear what you
think causes this and how it might be prevented.
Your suggestion about the CD's while listening to homework was
interesting. I have always wondered if some lifestyle habits of
children are contributing factors in their ADD/ADHD condition (at
least in some cases) and that interventions like what you suggested
may contribute to an improvement.
I look foward to your comments!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
Holistic Healing Web Page
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 10:45:34 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: hamfam@webtv.net (Mike Hamilton)
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Dear Monica,
The visiting expert from the Atkins Center, Dr. Pescatore mentioned some
tests and things he had recommended for an ADD boy whom he saw- those
are all things I also frequently recommend- DHA,DMAE,
ginko,b6,magnesium- and I get reports that they do help.
Candida is rampant today because of diet and antibiotics, but it is
difficult to treat grownups much less kids - they don't like to take
pills and especially are balky about changes in the foods they eat! Use
a good probiotic with different strains of bacteria as well as FOS to
help it grow. That and Caprylic acid and pau d'arco and garlic are
especially good. (I know of a pill that combines the above) also
psyllium, oil of oregano or grapefruit seed extract work.
Dr. Crook's many books on the subject of Candia are great - most of them
I have seen have numerous line drawings to illustrate the points and I
think it would be helpful to have children being treated to look
through the book as they might be more cooperative in the treatment if
they identify with the message conveyed in those illustrations. But be
patient and consistent, as it takes time to treat candida. Good luck,
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:24:12 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Amy
Subject: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Dr. Pescatore,
I would like to thank you along with Mark for your detailed opening
***clap*** ***clap*** ***clap***
I"m interested in your answer to Marks' question as well about if a
abnormal glucose tolerance test common for persons with the ADHD?
I have self DX ADD - my DH has SEVERE ADHD - I have an Autistic Foster Son
with ADHD. I was just DX with Type 2 Diabetes and started the Atkins diet
with INCREDIBLE results ALL the way around! (just got my 2nd blood tests!
My Autistic son has responded GREATLY to dietary changes. Has not had a
seizure in 3.5 years now!
Thank you for all you do. I'm looking forward to lively learning from you!
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:25:44 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Jane H Hersey
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
While I don't mean to defend junk food, you may want to consider a fairly
painless intermediary step -- using that junk food which is free of the
worst of the additives (such as synthetic dyes, artificial flavorings,
etc) The Feingold Association researches foods to locate those which do
not have the additives found to trigger learning and behavior problems.
I'm in the process of updating our "Fast Food Guide" -- what's ok at
McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, etc.
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:26:12 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Mark, Patients or their families should look for physicians that practice
integrative medicine. If they can't find a physician in their area, then they
should look for a clinical nutritionist, not a dietician. Certain N.D.'s will
also practice in this way.
The glucose tolerance test is always abnormal in these kids. I think it is
because their diet is so bad to begin with, or perhaps there is some genetic
Fred Pescatore
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:26:22 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Candida is often overlooked by conventional physicians as a cause of ADD. In
the diet I have outlined, theyeast is eliminated. This includes all foods
that contain sugar, including fruit, all fermented foods, including mayonnaise
and salad dressings, and cheeses, and breads.
You might want to try such products as SF-722, a mycocidin, and PCN-200, a
grapefruit seed extract. These are effective in my patients.
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:24:28 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Mary
Subject: ADD yeast test
To test for yeast overgrowth, contact Dr William Shaw at Williamsha@aol.com,
who has a very simple urine test that will give you a precise reading on
many metabolites of yeast in the body.
Educate before you vaccinate
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:39:24 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements (Dr. Pescatore)
Dear Amy,
Thanks for the words of encouragement. It always helps to know
that there are people that benefit from the work you do.
Keep up the good work,
Fred Pescatore, MD
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:40:03 -0700 (MST)
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: "Rossello, Mary M."
Subject: RE: ADD meat and diet
Dr. Pescatore -- I STILL do not know how to get a child of 8 to take these
things unless they are fruit flavored and dinosaur shaped
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:39:48 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Your son is going to do so much better now that he is on a yeast free
diet. I find it appalling that kids with ADD require Special Ed classes.
This not only stigmatizes the child, but they grow up thinking they are
different, and that their naturla creativity should be discouraged rather
than encouraged.
The school, on the other hand, benefits quite nicely from having children
with these diagnoses. They receive much more financial aid for any child
so diagnoses. You are absolutely correct for fighting this. Don't let
your child be put in this situation. Figth back,
Good Luck,
Fred Pescatore, MD
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:39:39 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
I also think Dr. Crook does wonderful work and in fact quoted him in my
book, Feed Your Kids Well. Candida overgrowth is a prblem that needs to
be addresses. Children who have been treated with antibiotics for ear
ahces have a much higher incidence of ADD than the regular population.
Fred Pescatore, MD
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:06:29 -0700 (MST)
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: "John V DOMmisse, MD"
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Dr P,
I believe there are a lot of "old wives' tales" going around about foods
to avoid in candida, started probably by Wm Crook himself. I understand
the restriction of sugar and white starches, and the acidophilus, SF-722,
colloidal silver treatments, but can you explain why alcohol and fermented
substances (tho' I know they are FROM sugars), whole-grains, dairy
products, or other yeasts should perpetuate candida. Before you answer,
let me tell you that my diet restricts only sugars and white starches -
and gets virtually all pts' IgM, IgG titers down into the normal range,
without using any prescription drugs like Diflucan, Nizoral, etc..
You know I think the restriction on dairy is purely because dairy LOOKS
like candida?! And I think other yeasts help to keep candida DOWN, like
other bacteria keep pathogenic bacteria in check.
What do you say, Colleague?
John DOMmisse, MD
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:02:38 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
As someone who uses nutrients in the treatment of most illnesses,
I have never known pycogenol to help with ADD/ADHD. Theones I
recommend are DMAE, DHA, (not DHEA), acidophilus, zinc, and the B
Fred Pescatore
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:07:59 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD yeast test
Urine tests for candida have never been known to be a relaible
indicator of yeast, unless there is a urinary infection. Blood
test are much more reliable
Fred Pescatore, MD
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:06:36 EST
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Jane, I don't think there should be any metnion of what's good at
the fast food establishments. I can't thinkof one thing they serve
that has any nutritional value. Parents and children need to
understand that there is nothing to eaqt at these places and need
to learn alternatives to these places
Fred Pescatore, MD
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 23:33:52 EST
In a message dated 2/9/99 10:31:10 PM Central Standard Time, FPesc106@aol.com
> This includes all foods
> that contain sugar, including fruit, all fermented foods, including
> mayonnaise and salad dressings, and cheeses, and breads.
Is this permanent? Or once the yeast over growth is "fixed" can the child go
back to these foods?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:10:50 EST
Hello Dr. Pescatore!!,
It's great to have you onboard this site. Your info is a great resource
for all people, not just children. Just to get you up to date with the
ADD Action Group. We were featured in the Community Resource Directory in
Washington, D.C. regarding our TV show "ROUNDTABLE:", which as you know
discusses only alternative solutions for ADD, ADHD, Learning Differences,
Dyslexia and Autism. (You were a guest on our show).
Well, as a result of that article that featured us, all the community and
educational channels across the country are to this day are still calling
us to get our show on their station.
We can't beleive the response!!!!!
Our show has moved to a new level which will help more people get educated
about all the many solutions that are out there. The biggest challenge
for us now is comming up with the money to buy hundreds of blank tapes to
make the dubs and postage to get the shows to the stations around the
country. But I'm sure we will find a way. So technically, "ROUNDTABLE"
is a nationally syndicated show as we speak!!! I will keep you updated
and also keep you informed of THE SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON
Keep up the good work!!
All the best, Mark Ungar ADD Action Group
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 19:27:04 EST
In a message dated 2/10/99 2:18:26 PM Central Standard Time, FPesc106@aol.com
> The ones I recommend are
> DMAE, DHA, (not DHEA), acidophilus, zinc, and the B vitamins
> Fred Pescatore
I use acidophilus, milk thistle & flax seed oil and I have found that to be a
good "mix" for my son. I also give him a good multivitamin. These things
have helped with his concentration which was a surprise b/c I began those
things for his psoriasis. Lisa
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Imveruka@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 19:52:52 EST
Mr. Pescatore,
Thank you for offering your time and your knowledge to our list! I am so
grateful to finally come across someone who has alternatives to drugs for ADD.
I plan on looking up your book this weekend! Once again THANKS for providing
information on diet instead of drugs.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:45:02 EST
Once the overgrowth is fixed, the offending foods can be slowly re-introduced
back into your child's diet. Teh slower the better to ensure that an
overgrowth does not occur again. If your child were to go back on
antibiotics, for whatever reason, then the restrictions should be enforced
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:51:02 EST
Mark: Congratulations. All the hard work is finally paying off. That's
great. Let me know if there is anything I can do
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:49:33 EST
Vaccines are something that may be completely disruptive to a child's immune
system. In fact, there are many web sites and unfortunately I don't have the
site names available right this moment. Use one of the search engines to find
out this really unbeleivable information. No one will ever want to have a
vaccine again, after reading this information. Read it and see what you
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:57:44 EST
Dr. D: In my practice, I generally tend to be more restrictive witht he
patients who suffer with yeast symptoms. To that end, I will restrict
alcohol, and fermented foods, simply because they contain sugar and in the
fermentation, there may be molds that form. Whole grains, if they are yeast
free, I do not restrict. A whole grain bread with yeast may be just as bad as
a refined grain wtih yeast, for some patients.
I don't always restrict fresh cheeses, such as farmers's and pot cheese. It
depends on the severity of theri yeast issue. Most other cheeses I restrict
because of the fermentsation and the mold in the cheese itself, like blue,
roquefort, etc.
If your patients respond with less restrictions, all the better
Keep Well,
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:00:22 EST
A child of 8 will take supplements if they are offered time and time
agian, even upward of 20 to 30 times. You also have to be taking
supplements in order to set a good example. Alternatively, you can crush
them. Many of my patients put them into our high protein chocoalte shake
that we make, after they are crushed. Capsulkes can be opened and pured
into hot cereals or other foods. I see hundreds of pediatric patients a
year. It is possible. Please just keep trying.
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:04:59 EST
The problem will not necessarily come back if the foods are re-introduced
slowly over time. I do not advocate that the biggest offenders, such as
the 35 tablespoons of sugar that the average kid eats a day should be re-
introduced to their diet, but there is no reason that cheeses, whole grain
breads, and some fruits can't be re-introduced to the diet.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:02:57 EST
Dear Steve: If there are no symtpoms that your child is experiencing,
then I see no reason why he would need to be retested. It sounds as if
you did the right thing, by doing it the first time, and then never going
back to too many things, just the occasional treat and some fruits and
other things like that. A yeast restriction is not somethign that needs
to be done forever, if it is done right the first time. It sounds as if
your son is doing well. Keep up the good work,
Fred Pescatore
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: PARRJL@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:17:48 EST
Dr. Pescatore:
Thank you for the information regarding the yeast overgrowth.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:37:58 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 FPesc106@aol.com wrote:
> YOur son is going to do so much better now that he is on a yeast free
> diet. I find it appalling that kids with ADD require Special Ed classes.
> This not only stigmatizes the child, but they grow up thinking they are
> different, and that their naturla creativity should be discouraged rather
> than encouraged.
This is not necessarily true. Many teachers don't have the training to
teach stuedents that learn different. It does a lot of harm placing these
students with the rest. They stay behind and eventually will drop out.
Now some states are requiring to include in regular education classes some
special ed classes. When this becomes a reality, then parents don't have
to worry about labels. But this process of training is long. If your
child gets a competent special ed teacher, you'll see how he is going to
flourish to his full potential. Maybe it will help to tell you that I am
a VE graduate student.
> The school, on the other hand, benefits quite nicely from having children
> with these diagnoses. They receive much more financial aid for any child
> so diagnoses.
It's true. It requires a trained personnel. From time to time I work
with this special population. I am very impressed with the quality work.
> You are absolutely correct for fighting this. Don't let
> your child be put in this situation. Figth back,
I suggest that you fight back if you think and have concrete evidence that
your child is not receiving the services he needs. Use your energy for
better the system. I know one teacher who works with EH students and she
screams all day at them and does little teaching. I wish a parent would
fight to get her out, but not to take the child out. They need the
service. I spoke with various parents and they are very displeased with
the situation, but no one dares to speak!!! I wonder why. Maybe they
don't know they're rights. I don't wat to get involve because I am a
substitute teacher myself in the same school.
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: Dean Mouscher
Subject: RE: ADD meat and diet
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:38:33 -0600
Dr. Pescatore:
You mentioned that you would restrict fermented foods. That doesn't
include yogurt, does it?
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Michele Hardy
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:04:13 -0600
At 06:31 PM 2/8/99 -0700, Fred Pescatore wrote:
>I conducted a series of tests on
>him that included a cytotoxic food sensitivity test,
Please explain more on what this test is. Also where might I find a
practitioner who is knowledgable in this area? (If it is a paticular type
of specialist, do they have an association that I could contact for a
referral in my area).
And with food sensitivity, do you eliminate those foods from their diet
Unfortunately, as with many others, we are in diagnosis limbo and
everything we've done has been completely on our own. The research, the
trials, everything. I have yet to find a medical professional who will
listen to my claim that food and chemical sensitivities are a major
component of many of our family's health and behavior problems. My son is
definitely ADHD (very high on the H part) but as he is highly gifted he
does ok in school. I suffer from severe allergies, chronic sinusitus,
migraines, etc.
We are currently following a strict Feingold diet and have some success
for both myself and my 6-year-old son. But I think there are a lot more
things that need to be investigated in the way of food sensitivities.
Unfortunately, my kids are some of the world's pickiest eaters. Also, my
son is remarkably cooperative with the current diet but I don't want to
impose more elimination tests for fear that the result will be total
Michele Hardy
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:27:27 EST
Dear Dean: That does include yogurt, because of the fermentation and the
natural sugars that occur, because it is made from milk. Once the initial
difficult phase of the restriction is complete, generally after three to
six months, I will allow sugar free, plain yogurt to begin.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:38:38 EST
Dear Michele: This cytotoxic test needs to be done by a trained
specialist, usually in a doctor's office. If you can't find someone in
your area, try to contact the American Academy for the Advancement of
Medicine or ACAM. They can give you names of doctors in your area that
may practice this way. Short of that, I would try to get your doctor to
order an ALCAT test. That is from a lab inFLorida, and any docote can
order a kit to take this test. It is simply two tubes of blood.
These food sensitivities do not need to be eliminated for ever. The
process oif the gut healing which is why you would eliminate foods in the
first place, unless there was a tru allergy, takes three to six months.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD an overlooked cause for ADHD - yeast overgrowth
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:34:24 EST
To the special ed graduate:
I am happy to hear that you have done well. Congratulations. Too often I
hear the sad stories of what happens to these children who are in these
special classes for no apparent reason. The school system should better
train teachers to handle chidren of all kinds. I get quite concerned when
the school forces these difficult to handle children into special classes,
so they have an easy solution. There is no easy solution to raising a
genereation of children, but rest assured that placing the most difficult
ones into special classes is not one of them. Teachers should have more
resources available to them, so there will not be a need in the future to
stigmatize children that may be different. We suffer too much already
from a segregated society, both culturally and economically. It's time we
learn to educate our cchildren properly, not placing them away from the
others. Let's use somke of the budget surplus to refund the schools and
give higher pay to teachers and attract some of the brightest to that
noble profession.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD intro
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:25:17 EST
Dear Gail: I am sorry to hear about your plight. I worked in the NHS for
a year and understand some of the problems you may be experiencing. My
book was published in England as well, so you may want to read it. IT may
give you some neew insight and some ammunition for the health authorities.
Good Luck,'
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD/ADHD and Special Education
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 12:07:14 -0500 (EST)
Greetings Dr. Fred
Thanks for your commendation.
Always, Diana
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 FPesc106@aol.com wrote:
> To the special ed graduate:
To: "'add-holistic@mLists.net'"
From: Dean Mouscher
Subject: RE: ADD meat and diet
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 08:38:50 -0600
Dr. Fred:
What about breast milk? My toddler is still nursing. He just went
through a course of antibiotics, after which he had a yeast infection
around his anus. Makes me worry what it did to his gut (actually he only
took 3 doses of antibiotics then stopped because he developed a rash all
over his body).
How can I know if the antibiotics caused yeast overgrowth in his gut as
well as around his anus?
On Friday, February 12, 1999 3:43 PM, FPesc106@aol.com
[SMTP:FPesc106@aol.com] wrote:
> Dear Dean: That does include yogurt, because of the fermentation and the
> natural sugars that occur, because it is made from milk. Once the
> initial
> difficult phase of the restriction is complete, generally after three to
> six months, I will allow sugar free, plain yogurt to begin.
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: Diana Algarin-diaz
Subject: Re: ADD/ADHD and Special Education
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 13:33:24 -0500 (EST)
Greetings Dr. Fred
I agree with you. Studying and ocassionally working with VE students I
get to learn and see different cases. In my judgment, many can be helped
right from home, if more loving attention, music, excercises,concious diet
and exposure to
knowledge is provided -just to mentiion a few. It is very sad to know
when I have a conference with parents, that parents see their special ed
child as a source of income. The last time I spoke with a parent, she
told me that she had to give the pill to her son because otherwise he
would not longer qualify for the government financial help. This is very
common, Dr. Fred. I have seen many times parents pushing special ed
placement for financial qualification.
As I told you, I am just a grad st and I'm starting to find out. Teachers
are being trained to deal with this population, which is very difficult,
especially because of the parents' attitude. I also find incompetent and
teachers, but these cases are fewer because of legal issues. Parents
opinion are very strong and they can make a teacher to lose their
I'm trying to make a difference, but even then I become frustrated. There
is a lot of jealousy among teachers who supposed to be professionals.
It is not good to generalize as one can become bias easily. If we try to
take one case at the time, probably one can be fair. Just like my
professor motto says: "Changing the world, one student at the time".
Always, Diana
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: FPesc106@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD meat and diet
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 18:24:10 EST
Dear Dean: You can assume that the antibiotics caused yeast overgrowth.
It happens to everyone who takes antibiotics, and especially in an infant
whose immune system isn't strong yet. You can certainly try to put some
acidophilus in the formula, or expressed breast milk.
Dr. Fred
To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: mgold@tiac.net
Subject: ADD Thank you!
Dr. Pescatore,
I would like to thank you for being the honored visiting expert
on the ADD-Holistic mailing list! I think you did a fantastic job
answering a number of questions and providing an outline as to how you
work with individuals diagnosed ADD/ADHD.
The text of the visit will appear on the archives page at:
It is half-finished at the moment and will hopefully be finished by the
end of the week. So, if anyone missed Dr. Pescatore's presentation,
please go to the above-mentioned web page at the end of this week. I will
also add the book to bookstore page of book by ADD-Holistic Visiting
Take care!
Best Wishes,
- Mark
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To: add-holistic@mLists.net
From: ADDInquir@aol.com
Subject: Re: ADD Opening Statements
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:12:26 EST
Dear Dr. Pescatore,
Your the best!!!!
I'll let you know
Mark Ungar, ADD Action Group