Aspartame and Vision Problems In a study which appeared in the Journal of Applied Nutrition authoried by Dr. H.J. Roberts (Vol. 40, page 85-94, 1988), the following eye problems were found in persons who complained of adverse reactions to aspartame use: % of people with aspartame reactions - Decreased vision and/or other eye problems (25%) (blurring, "bright flashes," tunnel vision) - Pain (or or both eyes) (9%) - Decreased tears, trouble with contact lens, (8%) or both - Blindness (one or both eyes) (3%) Dr. Roberts details the effects of aspartame on the eye in his book, "Aspartame (NutraSweet): Is It Safe." In 1987, Dr. Morgan Raiford, M.D., an ophthalmologist and an expert on the effects of methanol toxicity on the eye testified before U.S. Congress about the large number of patients he treated with vision loss due to aspartame (65 cases as of July 10, 1986). At that time, aspartame had been on the market for a short period of time and in relatively small amounts. Here is a statement from Dr. Raiford: Facts About Aspartame May 20, 1987 The above product is also manufactured as NutraSweet. This pharmological spin-off is a highly profitable item, with a growing market. These products are used as a sweetener, some 200 times as sweet as regular can sugar. This product has some highly toxic reactions in the human visual pathway, and we are beginning to observe the tragic damage to the optic nerve, such as blindness, partial to total optic nerve atrophy. Once this destructive process has developed there is no return of visual restoration. We are beginning to see and observe another toxic reaction which affects the central nervous system which is related to phenylalanine levels in the central nervous system. These observations are more vague, however, it stimulates the damaging to the brain and the central nervous system, having the manifestations as PKU Neuro Damage. Over 3,000 cases have been reported, and the FDA to date has ignored this existence. Human Visual Pathway Damage The human visual pathway admists ninety percent of our intellectual input to the brain and central nervous system. All of the learning processes are centered during ones life time. The mechanism of this tragic damage to the human visual system from this product is and has been known for over a decade that visual loss takes place. When this drug enters the digestive tract, largely the upper portion, this aspartame molecule spins off a by product known as methanol or methyl-alcohol. This product enters the bloodstream and when these portions reach the highly metabolic region of the optic nerve and retina, partial atrophy can and does take place. The vision can not do without oxygen and nutrition for more than ninety seconds without revealing some damage. Total loss of vision is present and there is no return. In the very early stages in which is referred to as the "wet stage", treatment can be given and will reserve the destructive pathology to the optic nerve and retina. This must be in the mind of the physician and he must understand the chemical ongoing process. The writer has seen many cases where the patient was allowed to go to the degrees of blindness, as this diagnosis of optic neuritis was rendered, as the term idiopathic neuritis of optic nerve was given, usually steriods until systemic gross body and facial moon developed. This therapy has demonstrated the total lack of understanding of the basic lack of biochemical physiology at the molecular level. The variability or onset of the optic nerve atrophy is of a type that one must first think of this pathology, and it requires a certain amount of listening to the patient. The quantity of symptoms vary with each patient. Over the past year the writer has observed the fact that any portion of the central nervous system can and is affected. Since the chemical phenylalanine is mixed up with some metabolic mess, we have seen symptoms of varying hue in the extremities, sensations of dullness of the intellect, visual shadows, evidence of word structure reversing and some hearing impairment is noted by the individual. This can and will in time cause problems in learning. The medical community must alert itself that we have a problem that has surfaced due to the factor of the drug industry. Parents must be alerted to the side reactions of this toxic product and its reactions. Recently, an ophthamologist in India reported improvement in a number of his patients' conditions after the elimination of aspartame for a period of time. That ophthamologist and a surgeon (J. Barua and A. Bal) published a article in the Journal of the Diabetic Association of India (Vol. 35, No. 4, 1995, page 92-107) which discusses the dangers of aspartame use. Of course, it is important to find substitutes for aspartame. It is equally important, in my opinion, to avoid going from one toxic sweetener to another. I put together what I feel are healthier sweeteners for the general population on a sweetener resource list on my web page. Diabetics can safely use some of these sweeteners and others in moderation (depending upon their condition).