The Diabetes Cure : A Medical Approach That Can Slow, Stop,
Even Cure Type 2 Diabetes
by Vern, Dr Cherewatenko, Paul Perry
"Worldwide diabetes epidemic predicted."-- Reuters, Semptember 8, 1998
Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and many of the 2,200
people in the United States diagnosed with diabetes each day are unaware they have it
until major complications arise. Prevention and treatment of diabetes have become an
urgent priority, as the global diabetes have a serious impact on the aging American
population. Particularly alarming is type 2, or "late-onset" diabetes, a chronic illness that
impairs the body's ability to use the insulin it produces to regulate blood sugar levels. In
The Diabetes Cure, Vern Cherewatenko, M.D., has developed an innovative program to
cure type 2 diabetes using HCA--hydroxycitric acid--to enhance the effectiveness of the
body's own insulin.
HCA is an herbal compound found naturally in the brindle berry and is sold over the
counter. Taken in conjunction with the mineral chromium, HCA can improve your
body's response to insulin without resorting to some of the "harder" and more expensive
glucose-control drugs on the market. Best of all, there are no side effects. Dr.
Cherewatenko counts HCA and chromium consumption as one of the nine steps to curing
diabetes--others presented and discussed comprehensively in the book include exercise,
stress reduction, healthy eating habits, and frequent doctor visits.
Dr. Cherewatenko also provides important warning signs that can help prevent diabetes
in those determined to be at highest risk. And if you already have the disease, he will
show you how to halt it's progression and possibly reverse its debilitating effects. With
the aid of the nine simple steps outlined in The Diabetes Cure, you can beat diabetes and
get your health in order.