Cancer : Options : The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book
by Richard Walters
From The WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the
Community for Women; review by PCP , February 1, 1997
A comprehensive survey of alternative cancer treatments, Options is especially useful
for including not only information about herbal, nutritional and other holistic approaches,
but also about maverick doctors and scientists, and experimental drug therapies. This is
information that is hard to find in any form, and almost impossible to find in language
that is accessible to the non-scientist. Although translated from medicalese, the book
retains a slightly sterile tone, emphasizing the scientific validity of the various therapies.
But if you've been diagnosed with cancer and want facts on alternative therapies,
Options offers synopses of research, anecdotal accounts of treatment and analysis of
how some medical treatments become standard, while others become quackery.