This Adventure Called Life : Healing from Breast Cancer Naturally
by Peny Goodson-Kjome, Ann Franco-Ferriera (Illustrator)
Review From Amazon.Com Visitor
Health and healing, not cancer is the subject addressexd in Peny Goodson-Kjome's
book, THIS ADVENTURE CALLED LIFE. Our defense against disease is our immune
system health, and building immune system strength is a focus of this encouraging book.
(P)Goodson-Kjome believes, as do many, that everyone has cancer cells but healthy
immune system balance destroys them before they can mutate. She rejected the standard
procedure of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, believing that this approach destroys
the body's defenses and it does not reach or affect the cause of cancer.
(P)Goodson-Kjome stresses that her path is her own and devised in accordance with her
own needs and feelings. Her path is not necessarily right for someone else. She shares
withus her process of consulting with friends, reading, spending time sharing feelings
with her husband, and shows us the letter she wrote to family and friends regarding her
decision about treatment, asking for their support. She wrorte, "I pick up your energy so
let it be loving."(P)We all have our own individual spiritual path and Goodson-Kjome's
message is - cultivate one of your own and follow it. (P)Not only cancer is addressed in
this little book, but healing from any serious illness resulting from the body's imbalance.
The herbal and nutritional information is invaluable. The Appendix, Reading List and
Index provide further guidelines for looking for your own healing sources. (P)I recently
met the author at a writing conference and found her a healthy, glowing woman. She is
now into her seventh year of health since her diagnosis of breast cancer!