I Was Poisoned By My Body, The Odyssey of a Doctor Who
Reversed Fibromyalgia, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity - Naturally!
by Gloria Gilbere PhD
From the Publisher
Dr. Gilbere is one of America's leading natural medicine researchers and an
authoritative influence in the discovery of the causes, effects and natural solutions of
leaky gut syndrome and the related disorders. She is a leading advocate in identifying
and reversing multiple chemical sensitivity syndromes. This book reads like a detective
story, guiding the reader to clues and solutions with every turn of the page. It is truly a
personal odyssey that will open eyes, minds and hearts to invisible gut causes and
life-changing consequences for victims of complex autoimmune, inflammatory and
digestive disorders.
From the Author
My book will assist you in natural non-drug solutions to heal conditions and repair
damage from prescription drugs and years of health depleting dietary choices. It's
surprising how many symptoms stem from leaky gut and toxic liver syndromes. No,
leaky gut is not a dinner table topic, but will soon become a household word. This
increasingly common disorder is not well known in traditional medicine, rarely tested
for, and much less understood. Leaky gut syndrome is the disease of the 21st Century.
The gut houses over half the body's immune and detoxification system, therefore, an
unhealthy gut is what holds back many people from ever getting well. It doesn't matter
what your diagnostic label is, if your gut isn't healthy, your body cannot repair. This
syndrome will soon be as widely discussed and written about as colon cancer,
menopause, prostate disorders and arthritis. Take charge of your health; get to the gut
causes, read this book!
From the Back Cover
I Was Poisoned By My Body . . . is written by a doctor who's been there. Dr. Gilbere
chronicles her challenges stemming from a life-threatening fall and the resulting drug
side effects that led to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, food allergies,
anaphylactic shock, environmental illness, and her journey from near starvation to
recovery. She combines personal experience and scientific research, emphasizing
health-care, not symptom-care.
This extraordinary guide offers natural solutions to gut causes of complex disorders. It
provides invaluable information for the patient, health-care provider, families and
friends of those afflicted with a baffling array of symptoms. The book engages you in
your own recovery. It charts the path enabling you to add life to your years, not just
years to your life, naturally.
About the Author
Dr. Gloria Gilbere is a doctor of naturopathy and natural health and a Diplomate of the
Academy of Homeopathy. She's an internationally respected practitioner and lecturer,
consultant in EcoErgonomics, natural medicine researcher, health educator, and one of
America's leading advocates of integrative and preventive medicine. She studied
homeopathy, environmental psychology, nutrition, herbology, and Chinese medicine
with masters in the United States, China, Argentina, England, Spain and Switzerland.
Dr. Gilbere has helped thousands worldwide recover from "dead-end" symptom-care.