Lupus Novice : Toward Self-Healing
by Laura Chester
From the Author
A personal story about auto-immune disease remission success.
If you have lupus or suffer from another serious chronic illness you will probably relate
to my story about discovering, diagnosing, recovering and happily remaining in
remission. This is a passionately written account by a literary writer, which includes
non-fiction prose and prose-poems. Of all my books, this one has been the most loved,
even by readers who do not suffer from illness. A new edition of Lupus Novice is
scheduled to be released sometime in the future, with a brief summary of these past
fifteen years of remission, including an introduction from Dr.Jesse Stoff, an
anthroposophical doctor who has had particular success with Epstein Barr Disease, and
has written several of his own books. I am not sure when this new edition will come out,
but the text of the first edition is the same. So don't wait. I have heard over and over
again how much people enjoyed this book, especially those who are looking for a helpful
human voice in the midst of an anxious search f! or a cure. Though every case of lupus is
individual, the emotional battle is usually similar. Surprisingly, the book that I would
have imagined having the most limited audience has actually had the largest. Thank you
for reading.