For Immediate Release

February 24, 1998

Almost one year to the day of the initial announcement, the lawyers representing Canadians For Mercury Relief today CONFIRMED that they are ready and that the long awaited lawsuit pertaining to use of "Dental Mercury Amalgam" in Canada will be filed on March 31.

"This without a doubt will be a precedent setting case, that is sure to change the face of the dental industry in Canada forever. Without even taking into consideration the potential damages, the shear numbers of people alone who potentially can participate in this action, will in my estimation make this case the largest lawsuit ever filed for Class Certification in this country", stated David Himelfarb of Himelfarb Proszanski.

News Conferences are currently being arranged and will be held March 31 in Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, and Calgary. Various citizen, health and environmental groups representing hundreds of thousands of Canadians from across Canada are expected to rally in support of this action.

Media representatives wishing to attend any of the News Conferences, or wanting to ensure that they are on our mailing lists, or wishing to arrange for interviews with legal, medical and other experts after any of the News Conferences, should call to ensure that their current information is on file.

Contact: Wayne Obie
Media & Public Relations
(416) 410-6314
Fax: (416) 360-3838

Since sending out a News Release yesterday announcing the filing of the Class Action Law Suit, we have been inundated with calls from persons asking if it is too late to become involved.

The answer is NO. As long as you fit ANY ONE of the five criteria listed below, you can apply for registration for Class Participation. While we would like those interested in becoming involved to do so on a timely basis, as it adds strength to our efforts, a cut-off date for participation will be established (I believe by the court at a future date).

The criteria for participation is as follows:

  1. If you had "Silver Fillings placed into your mouth without knowing that they contained Mercury you are eligible to participate;

  2. If you did not know that mercury posed a potential health risk, to you or your children, you are eligible to participate;

  3. If you were told by your dentist that mercury was safe or that the talk about it being potentially harmful was all just hoopla, you are eligible to participate;

  4. If you were unaware that the installation or removal of mercury amalgam from your mouth was adversely affecting the environment, you are eligible to participate;

  5. If you or your children have suffered adverse health effects as a result of your having had "Silver Fillings" put into your mouth, you are eligible to participate.
It is important to note that you DO NOT have to be suffering adverse health effects from "Silver Fillings" to participate.

It is also important to note that having had your mercury amalgams already removed, DOES NOT PRECLUDE YOU from registering to participate in this legal action.



Brochures are available in most health food stores and a number of Health Practitioners offices throughout Canada. If your local CFMR Certified Dentist, local doctor, alternative health practitioner or health food store does not have them in stock, have them give us a call and we will arrange for them to get a supply for distribution to their customers.

Alternatively, you can drop us a note, stating your desire to participate in accordance with the applicable criteria itemized above to effect your participation at this time. However, the above mentioned brochures contain valuable information regarding mercury amalgam as well as a very important "Checklist For Visiting Your Dentist" which you should be aware of prior to your next dental visit.

If there is more than one person in your family wishing to participate, each participant should fill out a registration form. Where children under the legal age are involved, parents or guardians should complete a registration request for each child, on their behalf.

Please ensure that all requests for registration are legible and contain your full name, complete mailing address, phone numbers and fax numbers and e-mail addresses where applicable. It makes our job of communicating with you that much less costly and more efficient.


Prior to the Federal Election of 1997, over fifteen various health and special interest organizations joined together to form The Coalition of Canadians For Accountable Government. Along with Canadians For Mercury Relief who were representing obviously the amalgam issue, there were representatives with concerns about tainted blood, prescription drugs, herbals and botanicals, and biotechnology. Although their interests were diverse and in some cases even in opposition of one another, the common thread was that none of the organizations would even be necessary if the government was doing it's job. They demanded from the Health Minister an investigation of the Health Protection Branch of Health Canada as a condition of his re-election. The strength of the Coalition and their ability to come together for the common good attracted substantial media attention. The Not-So Honorable Mr. Dingwall was not re-elected and having successfully accomplished what it set out to do, the Coalition disbanded and the participants went back to work on their individual mandates.

The Dental Amalgam Lawsuit being filed on March 31 would not have been necessary at all if Health Canada had been doing it's job.

March 31 represents a very significant opportunity for Canadians.

The Class Action Law Suit being filed on March 31 will without a doubt represent the Largest Class Action Law Suit in Canadian History and presents a golden opportunity for all Canadians to once again rally together and demand from our almost new Health Minister, the Honorable Mr. Allan Rock-, an immediate investigation of the Health Protection Branch of Health Canada.

In order to accommodate Canadians ability to be heard across the country, we have recruited local representatives in major centres across Canada who have volunteered their time and effort to assist you with ensuring that your voices are heard on March 31. CFMR is holding News Conferences to announce the details of the Class Action in the cities listed below and you and your organizations are encouraged to contact the local reps listed and to work with them to ensure the future health and well being of all Canadians.


Financial Contributions:

The registration forms provide for a minimum contribution for registrants. However, if your financial situation absolutely prohibits a financial contribution at this time, do not let this dissuade you, send in your form. We have seen first hand and understand some of the devastation that mercury amalgams have caused. Those who are able to contribute more, please be generous, as many others much less fortunate through no cause of their own, are counting on you.