Spiritual Development & Healing Internet Resources
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Spiritual Development & Healing WWW Links
Extensive Information & Meta-Directories
- A Healing Place (Sections on Meditation, Spiritual Psychology, Self-Awakening)
- Access to Insight (Extensive File Archives on Buddhism and Meditation)
- Ask Alana: Helping You Trust Your Heart
- Foundation for Shamanic Studies (Extensive Information)
- Halcyon Cosmopolitan Spiritual Mega-Link Web Site
- Innerspace -- The Teachings of Julie While (Some Good Articles & Exercises)
- Inspirational Centers (Lots of Articles of Transformation & Spiritual Growth)
- Intuition Network (Networking for Cultivating & Applying Intuition, Mailing Lists)
- John Payne/Omni Articles at U.S. Spirit-WWW Mirror (Excellent Articles)
- Kundalini Resource Center (Articles, FAQ, Resources)
- Lightworks Metadirectory of Spiritual Links
- Motherheart Metadirectory of Spiritual LInks
- New Heaven / New Earth Extensive Listing of Spiritual WWW Links
- Past Life/Regression Therapy Articles & Resources (Spirit-WWW)
- Quest Web Page Spritual Links
- Shamanism Index of Sites and FAQ
- Spirit-WWW (Africa Mirror Site) (Articles, Resources, *Extensive*)
- Spirit-WWW (Australia Mirror Site) (Articles, Resources, *Extensive*)
- Spirit-WWW (Czech Mirror Site) (Articles, Resources, *Extensive*)
- Spirit-WWW (Italy Mirror Site) (Articles, Resources, *Extensive*)
- Spirit-WWW (Spain Mirror Site) (Articles, Resources, *Extensive*)
- Spirit-WWW (U.S. Mirror Site) (Articles, Resources, *Extensive*)
- Spirit to Spirit Metadirectory (Extensive Library of Articles, Web Links, etc.)
- Transformations Web Page (Magazines, Message Boards, Support & Recovery Chats, Resources, Excellent!)
- World Light Center (Articles on Metaphysics, Ascension, Healing)
National/International Organzations
Practitioner Databases
General Interest Pages
Education & Training
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Spiritual Development & Healing Mailings Lists
Caroline Myss Discussion List
The Caroline Myss Discussion List is a forum in which people can share thoughts
about Dr. Myss, her writings, tapes, workshops and seminars.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, go to the following subscription web page:
Additional Information
Link to Caroline Myss web page is here.
A mailing list for persons interested in Holotropic Breathwork. Holotropic Breathwork
is a method that activates non-ordinary states of consciousness and thereby
mobilizes the spontaneous healing potential of the psyche. This mailing list is only
open to facilitators certified by Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) or those in training.
See below to the general public list, holo-interest.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to Majordomo@Dartmouth.EDU with
the following in the body of the message:
subscribe holo-cert
Additional Information
Further detailed information can be found at the Grof Holotropic Breathwork Web page..
A mailing list for persons interested in Holotropic Breathwork. Holotropic Breathwork
is a method that activates non-ordinary states of consciousness and thereby
mobilizes the spontaneous healing potential of the psyche. The list is open to the
general public.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to Majordomo@Dartmouth.EDU with
the following in the body of the message:
subscribe holo-interest
Additional Information
Further detailed information can be found at the Grof Holotropic Breathwork Web page..
A mailing list on Spiritual approch to medicine, psychology, and psychiatry.
Lots of experienced teachers on this list.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM with
the following in the BODY of the message:
subscribe SHAMAN-L [firstname lastname]
where "[firstname lastname]" is your first and last name.
Additional Information
A mailing list on Spiritual approch to medicine, psychology, and psychiatry.
Lots of experienced teachers on this list.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU with
the following in the body of the message:
sub spiramed [firstname lastname]
where "[firstname lastname]" is your first and last name.
Additional Information
Link to SPIRAMED Mailing List is here.
The Spiritualist and Healing mailing list. A discussion and
information forum for Spiritualists and Spiritually-oriented beings,
Healers and Natural Therapists who are prepared to share their
wisdom, knowledge and understanding with other people throughout the
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to Majordomo@mystery.com with
the following in the body of the message:
subscribe spirit
Additional Information
List owner email address is ascelpus@netcomuk.co.uk.
A mailing list discussing spirituality in businness.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to majordomo@newleadersnet.org with
the following in the body of the message:
sub spirit_at_work [your_email_address]
where "[your_email_address]" is your Internet email address.
Additional Information
Visit the Spirit_At_Work Archive Page.
A mailing list for the open discussion of spiritualty and healthcare.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to spirit@som.unm.edu with
your name, occupation, and email address.
Additional Information
Visit the Spirituality in Healthcare Web Page.
A mailing list to offer a forum of dialogues and discussions on the
question of suicide, developing different points such as:
exploring the mechanisms of suffering, understanding the
question of death through the understanding of life;
approaching the role of external, social, cultural and
religious factors; defining the place of spiritual practices
such as relaxation, meditation, self-awareness and others in
the fulfillment of a feeling of despair and dissatisfaction.
Although the list is oriented towards wisdom and
spirituality, the forum is open to other topics related to
suicide. The mailing list was also created to prepare an
International Conference on "Spiritual approaches to suicide -
Death of the body or death of the ego?" which will be held
in Finland in the Summer 1999.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu with
the following in the body of the message:
subscribe suicide [firstname lastname]
where "[firstname lastname]" is your first and last name.
Additional Information
Further information is available at http://rdz.stjohns.edu/iasp/suicide.html
A mailing list discussing personal and organizational issues relating to implementing
spirituality at work.
Subscription Instructions
To subscribe, send email to majordomo@rbai.com with
the following in the body of the message:
sub wisdom_at_work
Additional Information
Visit the Wisdom_At_Work Archive Page.
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