Potential Sucralose Toxicity - Chemists Speak Out
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Sucralose (Splenda) Toxicity Information Center
Below you will find comments from two chemists who participate in
discussions on informal Internet groups. Understanding the chemistry
and toxicity of chlorocarbons such as sucralose, DDT, PCBs, etc.
is important, but long-term independent, controlled testing on human subjects
is even more important for understanding the potential adverse effects.
Newsgroups: sci.physics
From: Uncle Al
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 14:48:50 GMT
Subject: Re: Uncle Al, what about clorinated sugar
The cleverness of eating a dialkylating agent deemed Officially inert
(sucralose, Splenda) escapes me. It's in the Merck Index and on the
Web. Uncle Al accurately predicted deaths caused by airbags and the
idiocy of MTBE in gasoline at least five years early in each case.
Uncle Al predicts sucralose epidemiological horror, especially in
children (who have no business eating "diet" anything).
Two primary chlorines separated by a nice distance and subject to
anchimeric assistance for nucleophilc displacement are utterly insane
in a food additive. People are going to cook with the stuff, fer
chrissakes, as in "heated." Most food is acidic, which is nice for
hydrolyzing disaccharides. Dialkylating agents are notorious for
mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. This stuff isn't a Freon wherein
electronic, steric, and positional considerations render the molecules
inert. Sucralose is second rate mustard gas after it hydrolyzes in
acid. Look at the structure.
Your government doesn't want you to live even one day past 65 years of
age (soon to become a charitable 66). Outright ablation is a bit
heavy-handed. Better is to have it be a surprise. As with
hydrochlorofluorocarbons whose murine exposure resulted in 100%
tumorigenesis but no excess deaths when the PAFT studies were
terminated (one day before the first rat prematurely died in every
case), there's a little gift being placed under your Christmas tree.
Uncle Al says "the authorities don't have you best interests at
Newsgroups: sci.chem, sci.med.nutrition, sci.med
From: Uncle Al
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 02:23:56 GMT
Local: Tues, Jan 21 2003 9:23 pm
Subject: Re: What's in "Splenda" sweetener?
Splenda (sucralose) is trichlorosucrose. It contains a primary
unhindered alkyl chloride that one would not be surprised to find
reactive as an alkylating agent with protein pendent lysine residues
and other nucleophiles (including anchimeric assistance with one
anomer and the open form). One is generally ill-advised to chronically
ingest halogenated organics as food. EPA jackbooted State compassion
bars halogenated methanes at parts-per-billion levels from drinking
Newsgroups: sci.chem, sci.environment, sci.med.nutrition
From: "hanson"
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 21:21:46 GMT
Subject: Re: What's in "Splenda" sweetener?
Now, comes my concern which coincides with Al's, at least from a purely
empirical comparison of classical organic chemistry.
Splenda = sucralose contains
1 secondary chlorine atom on -R2>CH-Cl in snippets of
-(HO)-CH-CH(Cl)-C(CH2OH)-O-, a 2 chloro butandiol ether segment, and
2 primary chlorines on -R-CH2-Cl in snippets of a
a) Cl-CH2-C<(O-)2-CH(OH)-, a 1'-Chloro methyl-ethanodiketal (1,1)-ol (2)
b) Cl-CH2-CH(O-)-CH(OH)-, a 1'-Chloro methyl-ethanoketal (1)-ol (2)
Now, go and look up the health effects of these chloromethylated
ethers-alcohols in their MSDS's and you too will be horrified.
These are f*#*ing alkylating agents of the worst kind, perfectly
capable of altering your DNA, etc. with ease.
Check out obvious analogs:
Chloromethylether, Cl-CH2-O-CH3, a carcinogen, or
Dichloromethylether, (Cl -CH2-)2>O, a carcinogen, or
Chlorohydrine, Cl-CH2-CH(OH)-CH2OH, a chemosterilant, or
Epichlorohydrine, Cl-CH2-C*H-CH2-O*, a carcinogen.
Nobody on the web has addressed the potential of dangers pointed
out by the structural similarity of theses highly carcinogenic,
teratogenic alkylating agent analogs and Splenda itself.
Why has none of the researchers addressed this question and
laid such fears to rest in the first place?